Scrooze, The Rodent Scourge
Intro Hi everyone. As we know all, Krieg comes from a typical well-known enemy: the psycho. I love playing that juggernaut (that Buzz Axe is so wonderful). But, as for me, there is also another class...
View ArticleHandsome Jacks minion dlc and a new character for this dlc
Instead of fighting the Hyperion corporation you fight the resistance, you start in the Hyperion moon base and take down the resistance as a customized Hyperion loader named unit #1 the very first...
View ArticleSpunky117's Krieg Voice
Just a highlight of me joking around with 50 shades of gray and my krieg voice. We did a little Voice Acting session with me saying stuff as krieg in Bahroo's stream. Enjoy!
View ArticleBorderlands 2 XCLG Doomsday montage. Opinions? ---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------
View ArticleThe Vanguard (Vault Hunter Idea)
Feel free to give input! Wall-o-text, beware. (I tried to make it pretty) THE MALIWAN VANGUARD Her playstyle is short-range and focuses on closing distances fast, providing incentives to equip...
View ArticleJust a sketch
Nothing amazing but I drew this sketch of Shade and I thought I would post it here in the fan creations. Love this NPC. I might color this digitally. Yes I know it's thwonky but I ain't the greatesr...
View Articlefan locker art made these out of fun, took a while to get them accurate but it looks nice to me.
View ArticleBADASS Firemelon Raid Boss idea!
So who doesn't think of ideas for the game while playing? A buddy and I passed by a lowly firemelon and thought you know what would be funny? A Badass Firemelon! I do like having things be a mystery...
View Articlenew weapon edge
I think it would be a varry big advacement if you where able to brack down all weapons into parts to build your own to fit the players better and make it where even if you git unsadifactory wepions you...
View ArticleCommunity Challenge:Scrollophant!
I submit to you all, a contest. Whoever can try and create a Scrollophant, and make it the best looking, will win my undying respect, and have the creation forever immortalized in my signature, as well...
View ArticleI fixed the Borderlands 2 ending [WALL OF TEXT]
Hey gearbox. I was directed here from /v/ and dA. I fixed Borderlands 2's ending. Let's be honest - it wasn't what we deserved. Borderlands 2 is fantastic. Handsome Jack? Flippin' fantastic. The...
View ArticleNew Weapon Manufacturer - Glacial Cryotechnics
Ever since Borderlands 1 was around, this idea's been percolating for quite some time. And I'm actually a little surprized it wasn't the surprise Fifth Element we'd been waiting for. In a game that...
View ArticleNew manufacturer idea
Alright so instead of going with a traditional gun approach why not bring back guns similar to eridium guns from bl1 These weapons would consume no ammo, only have their manufacturer barrel, but could...
View ArticleBorderlands Class Idea
Hey, a newbie here. I've been playing Borderlands ever since the first one and I've always had an idea to write some fanfic for it. I had faint ideas in my head but after a while the characters have...
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Soundtrack Cover Art
I don't mind the original cover art that comes with Borderlands 2's soundtrack, but since i got extra tracks such as tracks from the dlc i felt i needed a cover art that represented the dlc's and the...
View ArticleSteve Manufacture
I've had this idea for a while and maybe it can be used for Borderlands 3 or any upcoming dlc. So, basically my idea is to have steve(bandit) have his own gun manufacture and it can be called apple....
View ArticleVemlok the Sorcerer
Action Skill: Magical Spell - When activated, Vemlok's right hand will hold a staff that shoots out beams of elemental destruction. The left hand will throw random elemental orbs at enemies. Melee...
View ArticleBorderlands Cocktails
Hey guys, I've started up a video series where I make game- and movie-themed cocktails called The Mana Bar, and I'm doing a miniseries for the Borderlands gun manufacturers! Check them out here and let...
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