I submit to you all, a contest. Whoever can try and create a Scrollophant, and make it the best looking, will win my undying respect, and have the creation forever immortalized in my signature, as well as it's creator's name.. Since we really don't know what it is, you'll have to use the base words "Scroll" and "Elephant". Maybe put it on skates? Rollerblades? Whatever your mind can imagine.
If you are up to the challenge or just really bored, feel free to post your crazy ass creation in this thread. I look forward to(hopefully) seeing some. If someone makes a nice one, maybe it'll get into a future DLC? I mean a troll managed to get that stupid Spiderpants(yet awesome looking) thing in the game, right?
Have fun ^_^
If you are up to the challenge or just really bored, feel free to post your crazy ass creation in this thread. I look forward to(hopefully) seeing some. If someone makes a nice one, maybe it'll get into a future DLC? I mean a troll managed to get that stupid Spiderpants(yet awesome looking) thing in the game, right?
Have fun ^_^