I think it would be a varry big advacement if you where able to brack down all weapons into parts to build your own to fit the players better and make it where even if you git unsadifactory wepions you may be able to make somthing you like.
basic gide lins I that of
Keep gun type parts separate
But make it where scopes and add ons can go to all typs
Make it where you can turn a lower class to a higer one if you combine the right peaces
Make it where if you have two of the smae thing you can combine thim to make one with 110-150 % of the ariginal affect being used to make addons or scopes better
Am I crazy or on to somthing
basic gide lins I that of
Keep gun type parts separate
But make it where scopes and add ons can go to all typs
Make it where you can turn a lower class to a higer one if you combine the right peaces
Make it where if you have two of the smae thing you can combine thim to make one with 110-150 % of the ariginal affect being used to make addons or scopes better
Am I crazy or on to somthing