Hey, a newbie here.
I've been playing Borderlands ever since the first one and I've always had an idea to write some fanfic for it. I had faint ideas in my head but after a while the characters have brewed in my head and I decided to go ahead and put some ideas down.
I'm not sure whether some things will be under/overpowered but I tried to make every skill give the player an incentive to choose it when creating a build. Any feedback is gladly welcome. Some stuff may be subject to change. Maybe
Hannah Christine Selene
Treasure Hunter
Age - 26
Home World - Earth
Height - 60
Born into a rich family but always seeking adventure, Hannah was spoilt rotten by her parents. Her first thrill was sneaking out of home after many tries of evading security trying to catch her. Soon she gained excitement from danger; her dangerous activities worried her parents who then prohibited her from leaving the house. Bored, desperate and having danger withdrawal, Hannah made a run for it at the age of 20, leaving her home for good and soon took up arms as a mercenary/assassin-for-hire. She had worked for many armies and companies; performing assassinations, sabotage, espionage and general combat. Many of the companies include the now defunct Atlas Corporation as well as Dahl, Jakobs, Maliwan and occasionally Hyperion. The latter gave her a close call with the Vault Hunters on a spying mission.
Hannah wasnt one for failure and always goes the extra mile to accomplish something. Her calm demeanour hides a skilled and deadly individual underneath, much to the surprise of everyone she meets. Many who she has worked alongside often find her lack of panic and fear unnerving, as she would gladly accept taking on opposition where the odds arent in her favour. A perfectionist and daredevil at heart, Hannah is often arrogant and joking with a cynical sarcastic side to her but shes more loving and caring than she lets on.
If theres one thing that she treasures apart from friendship and loyalty, its guns. With a home back on Earth, far away from her old home so her parents dont find her, she has her own personal vault full of interesting weapons as well as valuable objects she came across in her travels. She is an avid collector of Maliwan, Hyperion and Jakobs weapons and very fond of the new Bandit manufacturer that has come onto the stage.
Having visited many planets and seeking adventure, danger and loot, Hannah came to Pandora to search for the Vaults that rumours speak about and once done, perhaps seek a greater challenge. Hannah has a mindset that, if she doesnt get any good loot, at least the experience has taught her many lessons.
She has become close friends with Satellizer, Lucy Messiah and the Bandit Queen known as Lilly, the four forming an inseparable bond.
Action Skill: Finesse
Hannah uses her skills gained through years of being an assassin and a mercenary. Everything goes slow motion whilst she gains an increase in movement speed. Damage and critical hit damage is also increased. Damage received is decreased.
Finesse has no cooldown or set duration but instead scoring critical hits, critical hit kills and kills in general generate time for Finesse, up to a maximum of eight (8) minutes. Finesse can be deactivated any time whilst in use; whatever duration is left is saved for the next activation.
+5 seconds for critical hit kill.
+4 seconds for critical hit.
+2 seconds for hit.
+1 seconds per kill.
+50% Movement Speed.
+250% Damage.
+150% Critical Hit Damage.
+25% Damage Reduction.
Skill Trees
The professional skill tree reflects Hannahs time during an assassin for hire. Mostly increases sniper rifle damage, but also effects other aspects and Finesse.
Tier 1
+2.5% Sniper rifle damage per level.
+1% Sniper rifle critical hit damage per level.
+2.5% Sniper rifle accuracy per level.
Max Points - 5
Every Shot Counts
Tier 1
+10% Accuracy per level.
+5% Recoil reduction per level.
Max Points - 5
Its not how big it is...
Tier 2
+5% Reload speed for sniper rifles per level.
+1% Damage for sniper rifles per level.
+10% Magazine size for sniper rifles per level.
Max Points 5
Perishing? My enemies often do that.
Tier 2
Sniper rifles can penetrate shields. Maliwan snipers gain an increase to elemental damage and duration, whilst Jakobs sniper rifles gain increased damage and Hyperion sniper rifles have less sway.
+2.5% Chance to bypass shields per level.
+16% Maliwan sniper rifle elemental damage per level.
+8% Maliwan sniper rifle elemental duration per level.
+10% Jakobs sniper rifle damage per level.
-5% Hyperion sniper rifle sway per level.
Max Points 5
...Its how you use it.
Tier 2
+10% Damage for pistols per level.
+5% Reload speed for pistols per level.
+1% Magazine size for pistols per level.
Max Points 5
Tier 3
+5% Shield capacity per level.
+5 Shield recharge rate per level.
-1% Shield recharge delay per level.
Max Points 5
A Days Work
Just another day in the office!
Tier 3
+4 seconds added to Finesse duration from critical hits per level.
Ten seconds now pass before using up a second of duration whilst using Finesse.
Max Points 5
Many WILL Fall
You cannot fight the inevitable.
Tier 3
During Finesse, shooting an enemy increases Finesse duration depending on which area is hit. Also, bullets have a chance to split upon hitting an enemy and can spit in any direction towards another enemy, dealing half damage.
+10 seconds for critical hits.
+15 seconds for critical hit kills.
+5 seconds per kill.
+2.5 seconds per hit.
+16% chance to hit another enemy.
Max Points - 1
Death Favours Me
And you shall die.
Tier 4
+100% Sniper rifle damage per level.
+50% Sniper rifle critical hit damage per level.
+50% Pistol damage per level.
+25% Pistol critical hit damage per level.
Max Points 5
A ghost amidst the combat.
Tier 5
Any damage has a chance of missing you. During Finesse, any damage has a chance of reflecting back to the attacker. An aura also has a chance to slag enemies during Finesse.
+2.5% Chance of damage missing you per level.
+8% Chance of damage being reflected to enemies during Finesse per level.
+8% Chance to slag enemies during Finesse per level.
+2.5 metre slag aura radius per level.
Max Points 5
Painful Slash
Tier 5
Melee Override
Cooldown 16 Seconds
Melee attacks deal a large, area of effect slash dealing massive melee damage during finesse, with a 16% chance to slag per level.
Max Points 5
2 Good 4 U
Cant touch me.
Tier 6
Finesse now allows a maximum of 16 minutes. All damage is increased for the player whilst damage received is reduced significantly, increases accuracy, fire rate, magazine size and recoil reduction for all weapons. Any kill during Finesse now freezes the duration by 5 seconds before adding more time.
+150% Damage.
+25% Damage reduction.
+15% Accuracy.
+25% Fire rate.
+50% Magazine size.
+15% Recoil reduction.
Max Points - 1
This tree deals with overall stats, allowing increased health, more damage for different guns, magazine sizes, better gear buffs etc.
Tier 1
+10% Health per level.
+10% Shield capacity per level.
Max Points 5
Tier 1
Kill Skill
+8% Damage per level.
+5% Accuracy per level.
+2% Reload speed per level.
Max Points 5
This is my rifle...
Tier 2
+3% Assault rifle damage per level.
+5% Assault rifle accuracy per level.
+2% Assault rifle reload speed per level.
Max Points 5
This is my gun...
Tier 2
Kill Skill
+5% SMG damage per level.
+2% SMG accuracy per level.
+3% SMG recoil reduction per level.
Max Points 5
Heavy Duty
Tier 3
+10% Launcher damage per level.
+5% Launcher magazine size per level.
+2% Launcher reload speed per level.
Max Points 5
Nice Try
I dont think so.
Tier 3
Shots fired from an enemy have a chance to be absorbed and added in your ammo stockpiles just like an absorb shield and a smaller chance for more than one bullet to be added, depending on how low your ammo stocks are.
+35% chance to absorb enemy bullets.
+8% chance to add up to 16 bullets to stockpile from an absorbed shot.
Max Points 1
Tier 3
+16% Health per level.
+16% Shield capacity per level.
+5% Damage reduction per level.
+5% Damage per level.
Max Points 5
Storm of Bullets
Tier 4
Kill Skill
+15% Reload speed per level.
+15% Fire rate per level.
+15% Recoil reduction per level.
Max Points 5
Bandit Chick
Tier 4
+10% Fire rate for Bandit weapons per level.
+16% Magazine size for Bandit weapons per level.
+8% Reload speed for Bandit weapons per level.
+5% Damage for Bandit weapons per level.
Max Points 5
In Memoriam
Tier 5
+150% Ammo stockpiles per level.
+100% Magazine size per level.
+50% Reload speed per level.
+25% Fire rate per level.
Max Points 5
Reflective Personality
Just how I am.
Tier 5
Damage has a chance of reflecting back to the attacker.
+8% Chance of reflecting damage per level.
Max Points 5
Jill of No Trades, Master of All
A master of one is not enough!
Tier 6
All skills that have at least one point invested in receive an additional +6 points and additional bonuses to damage, accuracy and reload speed. This skill does not affect 2 Good 4 U, These Guns Are My Favourite and all one point only skills.
+6 points for any skill invested in.
+50% Gun damage.
+25% Accuracy.
+15% Reload speed.
Max Points - 1
This skill tree helps with loot, cash, and all the goodies that aid your character.
Always Room for More
Tier 1
+5 inventory space per level.
Max Points 5
Tier 1
+3 bank space per level.
Max Points 5
Not a Commoner
Tier 2
All white rarity loot is replaced with more powerful green or higher rarity loot. All green or higher rarity loot gain increased damage, reload speed and magazine size.
+3% Green rarity+ loot damage per level.
+3% Green rarity loot+ reload speed per level.
+3% Green rarity loot+ magazine size per level.
Max Points 5
Gamble Candy
Tier 2
Chance to find eridium is increased by 3% per level, as well as increased chance to gain blue or higher rarity items at the slots. Also increases eridium stockpile by 25 per level.
+3% Eridium drop chance per level.
+2% Chance to gain blue or higher rarity loot at the slots per level.
+25 eridium stockpile per level.
Max Points 5
Cash Prizes
Tier 3
Enemies drop more cash with a chance to be triple the amount picked up.
+1.5% More cash dropped by enemies per level.
+2.5% Chance to triple the amount of cash per level.
Max Points 5
Ill Take That
I think Ill help myself.
Tier 3
Blue or higher rarity weapons have an increased drop rate by 8%.
Unique weapons now have a chance to drop; drop rates depend on current purple rarity drop rates.
Max Points 1
No Refunds!
Two words...
Tier 3
The cost of buying equipment is lowered by 25%. The cost of buyback is lowered by 50%. The amount of money received when selling items is doubled, with a 10% chance of receiving triple the price, 5% of retrieving quadruple the price, 2.5% chance of receiving quintuple the price.
Max Points 1
Affinity for the Rare
Finer things in life.
Tier 4
All blue or higher rarity items gain increased damage, magazine size, reload speed, recoil reduction, fire rate and accuracy. Shields, class mods, grenade mods and relics gain increased buffs as well.
+15% Blue rarity+ loot damage per level.
+5% Blue rarity+ loot magazine size per level.
+10% Blue rarity+ loot reload speed per level.
+15% Blue rarity+ loot recoil reduction per level.
+8% Blue rarity+ loot fire rate per level.
+16% Blue rarity+ loot accuracy per level.
+10% Blue rarity+ grenade mod damage per level.
+10% Blue rarity+ shield capacity per level.
+5% Blue rarity+ class mod bonus per level, +1 point in class mod skills per level.
+8% Relic bonus per level.
Max Points 5
Tier 5
+500% Ammo stockpiles per level.
+150% Magazine capacity per level.
+10 backpack space per level.
+5 bank space per level.
+10% Chance for purple loot to drop per level.
+5% Chance for e-tech/seraph weapons to drop per level.
+2.5% Chance for legendary weapons to drop per level.
+1.5% Chance for pearlescent weapons to drop per level.
Max Points 5
These Guns Are My Favourite
Theyre my best friends.
Tier 6
Legendary and pearlescent weapons gain increased stats as well as a +5% and +2% drop rate respectively. Legendary and pearlescent items (shields, class mods, grenade mods, and relics) gain increased stats.
+50% Legendary/pearlescent weapon damage.
+50% Legendary/pearlescent weapon accuracy.
+50% Legendary/pearlescent weapon reload speed.
+50% Legendary/pearlescent weapon recoil reduction.
+50% Legendary/pearlescent weapon fire rate.
+50% Legendary/pearlescent weapon magazine size.
+50 Legendary/pearlescent shield capacity/-25% recharge delay/+25% recharge rate.
+50 Legendary/pearlescent class mod buff.
+50 Legendary/pearlescent grenade mod damage.
+50 Legendary/pearlescent relic bonus.
Max Points 1
ECHO Recordings
Starting Inventory ECHO Log
So Ive made it to Pandora. There are rumours of vaults that can give riches beyond ones wildest dreams, and good loot to be had if you know where to look.
I originally came here for thrills but the idea of hunting down a vault with vast wealth is appealing and I might try my hand at it.
They say that Hyperion has come to take over the planet and take the vault for themselves. As long as I avoid them things should go smoothly.
I should find a ride and head to Sanctuary, maybe the locals there can tell me more.
Angel: Jack, Ive found another candidate.
Jack: Go on.
Angel: Her names Hannah. She worked as a mercenary and an assassin and has-
Jack: No, no. Next.
Angel: Sir, listen to this.
Jack: This had better be good.
Angel: Reports show that among the long list of those who have hired her, the Atlas Corporation are one of them.
Jack: Now youre talking.
Angel: Reports also show that she had a hand in helping Atlas uncover Eridian ruins on Prometheus, acting as a guard and surviving many incidents.
Jack: Anything else?
Angel: Some footage.
Worker I: This is strange.
Guard Personnel: Ive not seen anything like it.
Worker II: Get the equipment, the higher ups will want to see this.
Guard Personnel: What do you think Hannah? Youre being awfully quiet.
Hannah: Its nothing, I guess its the light from the ruins. Its mesmerising.
Worker I: Whats that?!
Hannah: Guardian! Get back!
Victim: *panting*
Hannah: Hand it over.
Victim: No, its mine. I saw it first.
*sound of a gun cocking*
Hannah: I said hand it over.
Victim: Why?
Hannah: Because you are not fit to have something which you do not understand. Its also a pretty stone I like pretty stones.
Victim: Make me.
Hannah: Gladly.
*sound of a gunshot followed by footsteps and Hannah chuckling to herself*
Hannah: I trust you brought me here for a reason.
CEO: Yes, I believe you have something of mine.
Hannah: You mean this ol thing?
*a violet stone with a red glow hums and illuminates the room as she shows them*
CEO: Now just place that there stone on my desk and be on your way.
Hannah: Im afraid not.
CEO: Oh?
Hannah: Its mine.
CEO: Hannah, I demand that you hand that stone over; you do not know what it is.
Hannah: *laughs* What, and you do? I think not. You may be the CEO of the Atlas Corporation, but you dont know what youre getting yourself into.
CEO: Enough! Guards, seize her!
*sudden sounds of gunfire and explosions, after it all dies down, Hannah sighs*
Hannah: Im just too good for you.
Jack: Angel.
Angel: Sir?
Jack: Find her now.
Joining a Game
Ive always wanted a challenge, but this is Pandora. Oh well...
If anyone sees some good loot lemme know.
That vault is as good as mine.
Ill make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.
You know, now I finally can sympathise with those video game characters that are left alone by the players.
Im bored, I long for treasure and adventure.
*sigh* If only I can move the universe around me instead of moving around it.
See those thumbsticks or keyboard keys and mouse? Yeah, they let you move and aim. Lets GO, damnit!
Huh, wha- What are you doing now?!
The silent moments; where I can take in deep philosophical thoughts and admire my loot.
I wouldnt mind this if I were somewhere nice and sunny, with a martini.
Travel Declined
Still doing something? Take your time.
Im not in a rush.
Lemme know when youre done.
Throwing Grenade
Merry Christmas
A present! Warmly wrapped with death!
Youre welcome.
Harmed by Elemental Attacks
Ow! Damnit!
I knew I was hot but... (Incendiary)
Great, now I smell bacon. (Incendiary)
Ah! Shocking! Sorry... (Shock)
When this stops... Im going to kill you! (Shock)
This stuff burns! (Corrosion)
Damnit, wheres the alkaline!? (Corrosion)
Thisll take forever to wash out! (Slag)
I just cleaned this! (Slag)
Spotting an Item
Look at this.
Check this out.
Spotting Health
Anyone wounded?
Ramming an Ally in a Vehicle
My bad.
Learn to drive, dude (When ally rams player).
Ramming an Enemy
Outta my way!
Coming through.
Issuing a Duel
I wanna train.
Lets spar.
Wanna go for a round?
Whoever loses buys the drinks.
Winning a Duel
Rounds on you, pal.
Youre not too bad.
We can confirm Im pretty awesome.
Tying in a Duel
Eh, boring.
We both did well I guess.
Does this mean we both buy the drinks?
Losing a Duel
Fine... You win.
I wasnt trying, ok?
Lucky bastard...
Next time.
Just you wait.
Rounds on me.
Making a Jump in a Vehicle
Rev that engine!
Switching Seats
Yo, lets switch!
Switch, cmon.
Well die if you drive any longer.
You suck at driving, let me drive.
Opening a Chest
Lady luck, please bless me.
Anything good?
This is mine, okay?
Finders keepers.
Action Skill
Nice try!
Cant touch me!
Its time for you to fall.
I dont think so!
Im too good for you!
I shall call no one happy until they die.
Fight for Your Life
I shant die today!
No way!
Really? REALLY?!
Excuse me. *laughs* Excuse me!
Seriously now.
Second Wind
What a sucker!
You think Id go down that easily?
Hey, Im not THAT easy.
Sorry pal.
Im going to live forever!
Being Revived
Whoo, thanks.
Thank you!
Thy kind act shant go unrewarded.
I owe ya one.
Thanks a lot!
Thank you, friend!
The next round is on me.
Reviving Someone
Come on now, lets get you up.
Careful, careful. Up you go.
You cant lie around all day, we got bad guys to kill.
Death cannot claim you today, the call of loot doth call.
Just lying around enjoying the view huh? Come on, up ya go.
Im not letting you die, lets get you on your feet.
If you werent so bad, this wouldnt have happened. Only kidding, up n at em.
Viewing the Map
Where to...?
Out of Ammo
Well ****.
If only I had more ammo. If only...
I need a gun that regenerates bullets!
Unlimited ammo cheat code now! Damnit!
I still have many other guns to kill you.
Blue Loot
Not bad.
Ill take it.
Quite a nice gun.
Could sell it for quite a bit.
Purple Loot
Thats mine!
Pretty awesome!
Purple is powerful!
E-Tech/Seraph Loot
Oohh, never seen anything like that.
The call of valuable trinkets, it screams at me.
My instincts drive me towards this fine ass piece of loot.
Orange Loot
Hello sexy.
I think Ill help myself.
Pearlescent Loot
Hello there sexy, doing anything later?
A gun worthy of my collection.
Badass Enemy
A challenge, perhaps?
Only one badass will prevail, and it wont be you.
What a tryhard.
Stop putting on a show.
Stop trying.
You are not worthy.
Killing a Badass
Like I said, not worthy.
THAT was a badass?
Youre joking... right?
Wasnt worth it.
I hope they dropped something good for bothering me.
My girlfriends are tougher than you!
Comparing Items
See the numbers, taste the... uh... I forgot what he said.
That awkward moment when youre not sure which one to keep.
Only one is superior.
Dont you hate discarding a rare weapon for a white rarity piece of loot? I do.
Which to keep?
It all pays off.
All the more badass.
Skill Trees
So much awesome, so little choice.
Which one will benefit me the most?
Maybe this one?
Badass Challenge
Tick that one off.
Ever more badass.
The completionist inside me smiles.
What should I do with this token?
Road Kill
What an idiot.
Critical Kill
One shot, one kill. (If one shot kill.)
You needed a face lift. (If one shot kill.)
Oh wow.
Well THAT was easy. (If one shot kill.)
Killing Many Enemies
THIS is the epitome of PERFECTION!
You can never kill me!
Feel my power and fear it, bitches!
Why are you still trying?
All in days work.
Killing many opponents would be a special day for people, for me, its Tuesday.
Enemies Killed by Action Skill
Sorry, dude.
Fear me!
Nice try.
Rest now.
So fine, so precise, so perfect.
No chance!
Handsome Jack Voice Modulator
Great, now I sound like a douche.
Lets just get this over with.
If we were to measure someone in douchelocities...
What happened to my beautiful voice!?
Tiny Tina DLC
Smells like my old unis grounds. (Flamerock Refuge)
Hey chicka, whats up? (Speaking to Elli/Eleanor)
A puzzle? Really? (Cubic puzzle room)
Guns, guns and maybe something awesome. (When entering Hatreds Shadow)
Dropping the Crit
My bad.
Thats mine, I dropped it!
An accident, I swear!
Class Mods
Variables (Up to)
Increased Ammo Drops 35%
Ammo Capacity 25%
Eridium/Cash Drop Rate 20%
Prefix Bonuses
Always Room for More
In Memoriam
Always Room for More
Gamble Candy
Gamble Candy
Cash Prizes
No Refunds!
Variables (Up to)
Blue Rarity+ Weapon Damage 33%
Backpack Space 22%
Cash Drop Rate 22%
Prefix Bonuses
Not a Commoner
Bandit Chick
Every Shot Counts
Reflective Person
Not a Commoner
Variables (Up to)
Blue/Purple/Orange/Pearlescent Drop Rates 8%
Backpack Space 22%
Cash/Eridium Drop Rate 22%
Prefix Bonuses
Always Room for More
Not a Commoner
Bandit Chick
Always Room for More
Painful Slash
Variables (Up to)
Damage 25%
Health 30%
Prefix Bonuses
This is my rifle...
In Memoriam
Bandit Chick
Reflective Personality
Variables (Up to)
SMG Damage 22%
Accuracy 20%
Shield 30%
Prefix Bonuses
This is my gun...
Storm of Bullets
Bandit Chick
Storm of Bullets
This is my gun...
Variables (Up to)
Damage 33%
Damage Reduction 20%
Prefix Bonuses
Affinity for the Rare
Bandit Chick
This is my rifle...
This is my gun....
In Memoriam
Variables (Up to)
Sniper Rifle Damage 30%
Sniper Rifle Accuracy 40%
Critical Hit Damage 15%
Prefix Bonuses
Every Shot Counts
Its not how big it is...
...Its how you use it.
Death Favours Me
Painful Slash
Variables (Up to)
Pistol Damage 30%
Accuracy 40%
Reload Speed 35%
Prefix Bonuses
...Its how you use it.
A Days Work
Death Favours Me
Painful Slash
Every Shot Counts
...Its how you use it.
A Days Work
Every Shot Counts
Variables (Up to)
Damage 30%
Health 30%
Critical Hit Damage 20%
Prefix Bonuses
Its not how big it is...
...Its how you use it.
Every Shot Counts
Death Favours Me
In Memoriam
Affinity for the Rare
Death Favours Me
Legendary Treasure Hunter
And so I said, kneel and bath in awe, as perfection stands before you.
If I can dodge this, I can dodge rain.
Variables (Up to)
Damage Reduction 50%
Damage 45%
Orange/Pearlescent Drop Rate 16%
Skill Bonuses
+5 Ghost
+5 Death Favours Me
+5 Expert
+5 Reflective Personality
+5 Affinity for the Rare
+5 OCH
I've been playing Borderlands ever since the first one and I've always had an idea to write some fanfic for it. I had faint ideas in my head but after a while the characters have brewed in my head and I decided to go ahead and put some ideas down.
I'm not sure whether some things will be under/overpowered but I tried to make every skill give the player an incentive to choose it when creating a build. Any feedback is gladly welcome. Some stuff may be subject to change. Maybe
Hannah Christine Selene
Treasure Hunter
Age - 26
Home World - Earth
Height - 60
Born into a rich family but always seeking adventure, Hannah was spoilt rotten by her parents. Her first thrill was sneaking out of home after many tries of evading security trying to catch her. Soon she gained excitement from danger; her dangerous activities worried her parents who then prohibited her from leaving the house. Bored, desperate and having danger withdrawal, Hannah made a run for it at the age of 20, leaving her home for good and soon took up arms as a mercenary/assassin-for-hire. She had worked for many armies and companies; performing assassinations, sabotage, espionage and general combat. Many of the companies include the now defunct Atlas Corporation as well as Dahl, Jakobs, Maliwan and occasionally Hyperion. The latter gave her a close call with the Vault Hunters on a spying mission.
Hannah wasnt one for failure and always goes the extra mile to accomplish something. Her calm demeanour hides a skilled and deadly individual underneath, much to the surprise of everyone she meets. Many who she has worked alongside often find her lack of panic and fear unnerving, as she would gladly accept taking on opposition where the odds arent in her favour. A perfectionist and daredevil at heart, Hannah is often arrogant and joking with a cynical sarcastic side to her but shes more loving and caring than she lets on.
If theres one thing that she treasures apart from friendship and loyalty, its guns. With a home back on Earth, far away from her old home so her parents dont find her, she has her own personal vault full of interesting weapons as well as valuable objects she came across in her travels. She is an avid collector of Maliwan, Hyperion and Jakobs weapons and very fond of the new Bandit manufacturer that has come onto the stage.
Having visited many planets and seeking adventure, danger and loot, Hannah came to Pandora to search for the Vaults that rumours speak about and once done, perhaps seek a greater challenge. Hannah has a mindset that, if she doesnt get any good loot, at least the experience has taught her many lessons.
She has become close friends with Satellizer, Lucy Messiah and the Bandit Queen known as Lilly, the four forming an inseparable bond.
Action Skill: Finesse
Hannah uses her skills gained through years of being an assassin and a mercenary. Everything goes slow motion whilst she gains an increase in movement speed. Damage and critical hit damage is also increased. Damage received is decreased.
Finesse has no cooldown or set duration but instead scoring critical hits, critical hit kills and kills in general generate time for Finesse, up to a maximum of eight (8) minutes. Finesse can be deactivated any time whilst in use; whatever duration is left is saved for the next activation.
+5 seconds for critical hit kill.
+4 seconds for critical hit.
+2 seconds for hit.
+1 seconds per kill.
+50% Movement Speed.
+250% Damage.
+150% Critical Hit Damage.
+25% Damage Reduction.
Skill Trees
The professional skill tree reflects Hannahs time during an assassin for hire. Mostly increases sniper rifle damage, but also effects other aspects and Finesse.
Tier 1
+2.5% Sniper rifle damage per level.
+1% Sniper rifle critical hit damage per level.
+2.5% Sniper rifle accuracy per level.
Max Points - 5
Every Shot Counts
Tier 1
+10% Accuracy per level.
+5% Recoil reduction per level.
Max Points - 5
Its not how big it is...
Tier 2
+5% Reload speed for sniper rifles per level.
+1% Damage for sniper rifles per level.
+10% Magazine size for sniper rifles per level.
Max Points 5
Perishing? My enemies often do that.
Tier 2
Sniper rifles can penetrate shields. Maliwan snipers gain an increase to elemental damage and duration, whilst Jakobs sniper rifles gain increased damage and Hyperion sniper rifles have less sway.
+2.5% Chance to bypass shields per level.
+16% Maliwan sniper rifle elemental damage per level.
+8% Maliwan sniper rifle elemental duration per level.
+10% Jakobs sniper rifle damage per level.
-5% Hyperion sniper rifle sway per level.
Max Points 5
...Its how you use it.
Tier 2
+10% Damage for pistols per level.
+5% Reload speed for pistols per level.
+1% Magazine size for pistols per level.
Max Points 5
Tier 3
+5% Shield capacity per level.
+5 Shield recharge rate per level.
-1% Shield recharge delay per level.
Max Points 5
A Days Work
Just another day in the office!
Tier 3
+4 seconds added to Finesse duration from critical hits per level.
Ten seconds now pass before using up a second of duration whilst using Finesse.
Max Points 5
Many WILL Fall
You cannot fight the inevitable.
Tier 3
During Finesse, shooting an enemy increases Finesse duration depending on which area is hit. Also, bullets have a chance to split upon hitting an enemy and can spit in any direction towards another enemy, dealing half damage.
+10 seconds for critical hits.
+15 seconds for critical hit kills.
+5 seconds per kill.
+2.5 seconds per hit.
+16% chance to hit another enemy.
Max Points - 1
Death Favours Me
And you shall die.
Tier 4
+100% Sniper rifle damage per level.
+50% Sniper rifle critical hit damage per level.
+50% Pistol damage per level.
+25% Pistol critical hit damage per level.
Max Points 5
A ghost amidst the combat.
Tier 5
Any damage has a chance of missing you. During Finesse, any damage has a chance of reflecting back to the attacker. An aura also has a chance to slag enemies during Finesse.
+2.5% Chance of damage missing you per level.
+8% Chance of damage being reflected to enemies during Finesse per level.
+8% Chance to slag enemies during Finesse per level.
+2.5 metre slag aura radius per level.
Max Points 5
Painful Slash
Tier 5
Melee Override
Cooldown 16 Seconds
Melee attacks deal a large, area of effect slash dealing massive melee damage during finesse, with a 16% chance to slag per level.
Max Points 5
2 Good 4 U
Cant touch me.
Tier 6
Finesse now allows a maximum of 16 minutes. All damage is increased for the player whilst damage received is reduced significantly, increases accuracy, fire rate, magazine size and recoil reduction for all weapons. Any kill during Finesse now freezes the duration by 5 seconds before adding more time.
+150% Damage.
+25% Damage reduction.
+15% Accuracy.
+25% Fire rate.
+50% Magazine size.
+15% Recoil reduction.
Max Points - 1
This tree deals with overall stats, allowing increased health, more damage for different guns, magazine sizes, better gear buffs etc.
Tier 1
+10% Health per level.
+10% Shield capacity per level.
Max Points 5
Tier 1
Kill Skill
+8% Damage per level.
+5% Accuracy per level.
+2% Reload speed per level.
Max Points 5
This is my rifle...
Tier 2
+3% Assault rifle damage per level.
+5% Assault rifle accuracy per level.
+2% Assault rifle reload speed per level.
Max Points 5
This is my gun...
Tier 2
Kill Skill
+5% SMG damage per level.
+2% SMG accuracy per level.
+3% SMG recoil reduction per level.
Max Points 5
Heavy Duty
Tier 3
+10% Launcher damage per level.
+5% Launcher magazine size per level.
+2% Launcher reload speed per level.
Max Points 5
Nice Try
I dont think so.
Tier 3
Shots fired from an enemy have a chance to be absorbed and added in your ammo stockpiles just like an absorb shield and a smaller chance for more than one bullet to be added, depending on how low your ammo stocks are.
+35% chance to absorb enemy bullets.
+8% chance to add up to 16 bullets to stockpile from an absorbed shot.
Max Points 1
Tier 3
+16% Health per level.
+16% Shield capacity per level.
+5% Damage reduction per level.
+5% Damage per level.
Max Points 5
Storm of Bullets
Tier 4
Kill Skill
+15% Reload speed per level.
+15% Fire rate per level.
+15% Recoil reduction per level.
Max Points 5
Bandit Chick
Tier 4
+10% Fire rate for Bandit weapons per level.
+16% Magazine size for Bandit weapons per level.
+8% Reload speed for Bandit weapons per level.
+5% Damage for Bandit weapons per level.
Max Points 5
In Memoriam
Tier 5
+150% Ammo stockpiles per level.
+100% Magazine size per level.
+50% Reload speed per level.
+25% Fire rate per level.
Max Points 5
Reflective Personality
Just how I am.
Tier 5
Damage has a chance of reflecting back to the attacker.
+8% Chance of reflecting damage per level.
Max Points 5
Jill of No Trades, Master of All
A master of one is not enough!
Tier 6
All skills that have at least one point invested in receive an additional +6 points and additional bonuses to damage, accuracy and reload speed. This skill does not affect 2 Good 4 U, These Guns Are My Favourite and all one point only skills.
+6 points for any skill invested in.
+50% Gun damage.
+25% Accuracy.
+15% Reload speed.
Max Points - 1
This skill tree helps with loot, cash, and all the goodies that aid your character.
Always Room for More
Tier 1
+5 inventory space per level.
Max Points 5
Tier 1
+3 bank space per level.
Max Points 5
Not a Commoner
Tier 2
All white rarity loot is replaced with more powerful green or higher rarity loot. All green or higher rarity loot gain increased damage, reload speed and magazine size.
+3% Green rarity+ loot damage per level.
+3% Green rarity loot+ reload speed per level.
+3% Green rarity loot+ magazine size per level.
Max Points 5
Gamble Candy
Tier 2
Chance to find eridium is increased by 3% per level, as well as increased chance to gain blue or higher rarity items at the slots. Also increases eridium stockpile by 25 per level.
+3% Eridium drop chance per level.
+2% Chance to gain blue or higher rarity loot at the slots per level.
+25 eridium stockpile per level.
Max Points 5
Cash Prizes
Tier 3
Enemies drop more cash with a chance to be triple the amount picked up.
+1.5% More cash dropped by enemies per level.
+2.5% Chance to triple the amount of cash per level.
Max Points 5
Ill Take That
I think Ill help myself.
Tier 3
Blue or higher rarity weapons have an increased drop rate by 8%.
Unique weapons now have a chance to drop; drop rates depend on current purple rarity drop rates.
Max Points 1
No Refunds!
Two words...
Tier 3
The cost of buying equipment is lowered by 25%. The cost of buyback is lowered by 50%. The amount of money received when selling items is doubled, with a 10% chance of receiving triple the price, 5% of retrieving quadruple the price, 2.5% chance of receiving quintuple the price.
Max Points 1
Affinity for the Rare
Finer things in life.
Tier 4
All blue or higher rarity items gain increased damage, magazine size, reload speed, recoil reduction, fire rate and accuracy. Shields, class mods, grenade mods and relics gain increased buffs as well.
+15% Blue rarity+ loot damage per level.
+5% Blue rarity+ loot magazine size per level.
+10% Blue rarity+ loot reload speed per level.
+15% Blue rarity+ loot recoil reduction per level.
+8% Blue rarity+ loot fire rate per level.
+16% Blue rarity+ loot accuracy per level.
+10% Blue rarity+ grenade mod damage per level.
+10% Blue rarity+ shield capacity per level.
+5% Blue rarity+ class mod bonus per level, +1 point in class mod skills per level.
+8% Relic bonus per level.
Max Points 5
Tier 5
+500% Ammo stockpiles per level.
+150% Magazine capacity per level.
+10 backpack space per level.
+5 bank space per level.
+10% Chance for purple loot to drop per level.
+5% Chance for e-tech/seraph weapons to drop per level.
+2.5% Chance for legendary weapons to drop per level.
+1.5% Chance for pearlescent weapons to drop per level.
Max Points 5
These Guns Are My Favourite
Theyre my best friends.
Tier 6
Legendary and pearlescent weapons gain increased stats as well as a +5% and +2% drop rate respectively. Legendary and pearlescent items (shields, class mods, grenade mods, and relics) gain increased stats.
+50% Legendary/pearlescent weapon damage.
+50% Legendary/pearlescent weapon accuracy.
+50% Legendary/pearlescent weapon reload speed.
+50% Legendary/pearlescent weapon recoil reduction.
+50% Legendary/pearlescent weapon fire rate.
+50% Legendary/pearlescent weapon magazine size.
+50 Legendary/pearlescent shield capacity/-25% recharge delay/+25% recharge rate.
+50 Legendary/pearlescent class mod buff.
+50 Legendary/pearlescent grenade mod damage.
+50 Legendary/pearlescent relic bonus.
Max Points 1
ECHO Recordings
Starting Inventory ECHO Log
So Ive made it to Pandora. There are rumours of vaults that can give riches beyond ones wildest dreams, and good loot to be had if you know where to look.
I originally came here for thrills but the idea of hunting down a vault with vast wealth is appealing and I might try my hand at it.
They say that Hyperion has come to take over the planet and take the vault for themselves. As long as I avoid them things should go smoothly.
I should find a ride and head to Sanctuary, maybe the locals there can tell me more.
Angel: Jack, Ive found another candidate.
Jack: Go on.
Angel: Her names Hannah. She worked as a mercenary and an assassin and has-
Jack: No, no. Next.
Angel: Sir, listen to this.
Jack: This had better be good.
Angel: Reports show that among the long list of those who have hired her, the Atlas Corporation are one of them.
Jack: Now youre talking.
Angel: Reports also show that she had a hand in helping Atlas uncover Eridian ruins on Prometheus, acting as a guard and surviving many incidents.
Jack: Anything else?
Angel: Some footage.
Worker I: This is strange.
Guard Personnel: Ive not seen anything like it.
Worker II: Get the equipment, the higher ups will want to see this.
Guard Personnel: What do you think Hannah? Youre being awfully quiet.
Hannah: Its nothing, I guess its the light from the ruins. Its mesmerising.
Worker I: Whats that?!
Hannah: Guardian! Get back!
Victim: *panting*
Hannah: Hand it over.
Victim: No, its mine. I saw it first.
*sound of a gun cocking*
Hannah: I said hand it over.
Victim: Why?
Hannah: Because you are not fit to have something which you do not understand. Its also a pretty stone I like pretty stones.
Victim: Make me.
Hannah: Gladly.
*sound of a gunshot followed by footsteps and Hannah chuckling to herself*
Hannah: I trust you brought me here for a reason.
CEO: Yes, I believe you have something of mine.
Hannah: You mean this ol thing?
*a violet stone with a red glow hums and illuminates the room as she shows them*
CEO: Now just place that there stone on my desk and be on your way.
Hannah: Im afraid not.
CEO: Oh?
Hannah: Its mine.
CEO: Hannah, I demand that you hand that stone over; you do not know what it is.
Hannah: *laughs* What, and you do? I think not. You may be the CEO of the Atlas Corporation, but you dont know what youre getting yourself into.
CEO: Enough! Guards, seize her!
*sudden sounds of gunfire and explosions, after it all dies down, Hannah sighs*
Hannah: Im just too good for you.
Jack: Angel.
Angel: Sir?
Jack: Find her now.
Joining a Game
Ive always wanted a challenge, but this is Pandora. Oh well...
If anyone sees some good loot lemme know.
That vault is as good as mine.
Ill make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.
You know, now I finally can sympathise with those video game characters that are left alone by the players.
Im bored, I long for treasure and adventure.
*sigh* If only I can move the universe around me instead of moving around it.
See those thumbsticks or keyboard keys and mouse? Yeah, they let you move and aim. Lets GO, damnit!
Huh, wha- What are you doing now?!
The silent moments; where I can take in deep philosophical thoughts and admire my loot.
I wouldnt mind this if I were somewhere nice and sunny, with a martini.
Travel Declined
Still doing something? Take your time.
Im not in a rush.
Lemme know when youre done.
Throwing Grenade
Merry Christmas
A present! Warmly wrapped with death!
Youre welcome.
Harmed by Elemental Attacks
Ow! Damnit!
I knew I was hot but... (Incendiary)
Great, now I smell bacon. (Incendiary)
Ah! Shocking! Sorry... (Shock)
When this stops... Im going to kill you! (Shock)
This stuff burns! (Corrosion)
Damnit, wheres the alkaline!? (Corrosion)
Thisll take forever to wash out! (Slag)
I just cleaned this! (Slag)
Spotting an Item
Look at this.
Check this out.
Spotting Health
Anyone wounded?
Ramming an Ally in a Vehicle
My bad.
Learn to drive, dude (When ally rams player).
Ramming an Enemy
Outta my way!
Coming through.
Issuing a Duel
I wanna train.
Lets spar.
Wanna go for a round?
Whoever loses buys the drinks.
Winning a Duel
Rounds on you, pal.
Youre not too bad.
We can confirm Im pretty awesome.
Tying in a Duel
Eh, boring.
We both did well I guess.
Does this mean we both buy the drinks?
Losing a Duel
Fine... You win.
I wasnt trying, ok?
Lucky bastard...
Next time.
Just you wait.
Rounds on me.
Making a Jump in a Vehicle
Rev that engine!
Switching Seats
Yo, lets switch!
Switch, cmon.
Well die if you drive any longer.
You suck at driving, let me drive.
Opening a Chest
Lady luck, please bless me.
Anything good?
This is mine, okay?
Finders keepers.
Action Skill
Nice try!
Cant touch me!
Its time for you to fall.
I dont think so!
Im too good for you!
I shall call no one happy until they die.
Fight for Your Life
I shant die today!
No way!
Really? REALLY?!
Excuse me. *laughs* Excuse me!
Seriously now.
Second Wind
What a sucker!
You think Id go down that easily?
Hey, Im not THAT easy.
Sorry pal.
Im going to live forever!
Being Revived
Whoo, thanks.
Thank you!
Thy kind act shant go unrewarded.
I owe ya one.
Thanks a lot!
Thank you, friend!
The next round is on me.
Reviving Someone
Come on now, lets get you up.
Careful, careful. Up you go.
You cant lie around all day, we got bad guys to kill.
Death cannot claim you today, the call of loot doth call.
Just lying around enjoying the view huh? Come on, up ya go.
Im not letting you die, lets get you on your feet.
If you werent so bad, this wouldnt have happened. Only kidding, up n at em.
Viewing the Map
Where to...?
Out of Ammo
Well ****.
If only I had more ammo. If only...
I need a gun that regenerates bullets!
Unlimited ammo cheat code now! Damnit!
I still have many other guns to kill you.
Blue Loot
Not bad.
Ill take it.
Quite a nice gun.
Could sell it for quite a bit.
Purple Loot
Thats mine!
Pretty awesome!
Purple is powerful!
E-Tech/Seraph Loot
Oohh, never seen anything like that.
The call of valuable trinkets, it screams at me.
My instincts drive me towards this fine ass piece of loot.
Orange Loot
Hello sexy.
I think Ill help myself.
Pearlescent Loot
Hello there sexy, doing anything later?
A gun worthy of my collection.
Badass Enemy
A challenge, perhaps?
Only one badass will prevail, and it wont be you.
What a tryhard.
Stop putting on a show.
Stop trying.
You are not worthy.
Killing a Badass
Like I said, not worthy.
THAT was a badass?
Youre joking... right?
Wasnt worth it.
I hope they dropped something good for bothering me.
My girlfriends are tougher than you!
Comparing Items
See the numbers, taste the... uh... I forgot what he said.
That awkward moment when youre not sure which one to keep.
Only one is superior.
Dont you hate discarding a rare weapon for a white rarity piece of loot? I do.
Which to keep?
It all pays off.
All the more badass.
Skill Trees
So much awesome, so little choice.
Which one will benefit me the most?
Maybe this one?
Badass Challenge
Tick that one off.
Ever more badass.
The completionist inside me smiles.
What should I do with this token?
Road Kill
What an idiot.
Critical Kill
One shot, one kill. (If one shot kill.)
You needed a face lift. (If one shot kill.)
Oh wow.
Well THAT was easy. (If one shot kill.)
Killing Many Enemies
THIS is the epitome of PERFECTION!
You can never kill me!
Feel my power and fear it, bitches!
Why are you still trying?
All in days work.
Killing many opponents would be a special day for people, for me, its Tuesday.
Enemies Killed by Action Skill
Sorry, dude.
Fear me!
Nice try.
Rest now.
So fine, so precise, so perfect.
No chance!
Handsome Jack Voice Modulator
Great, now I sound like a douche.
Lets just get this over with.
If we were to measure someone in douchelocities...
What happened to my beautiful voice!?
Tiny Tina DLC
Smells like my old unis grounds. (Flamerock Refuge)
Hey chicka, whats up? (Speaking to Elli/Eleanor)
A puzzle? Really? (Cubic puzzle room)
Guns, guns and maybe something awesome. (When entering Hatreds Shadow)
Dropping the Crit
My bad.
Thats mine, I dropped it!
An accident, I swear!
Class Mods
Variables (Up to)
Increased Ammo Drops 35%
Ammo Capacity 25%
Eridium/Cash Drop Rate 20%
Prefix Bonuses
Always Room for More
In Memoriam
Always Room for More
Gamble Candy
Gamble Candy
Cash Prizes
No Refunds!
Variables (Up to)
Blue Rarity+ Weapon Damage 33%
Backpack Space 22%
Cash Drop Rate 22%
Prefix Bonuses
Not a Commoner
Bandit Chick
Every Shot Counts
Reflective Person
Not a Commoner
Variables (Up to)
Blue/Purple/Orange/Pearlescent Drop Rates 8%
Backpack Space 22%
Cash/Eridium Drop Rate 22%
Prefix Bonuses
Always Room for More
Not a Commoner
Bandit Chick
Always Room for More
Painful Slash
Variables (Up to)
Damage 25%
Health 30%
Prefix Bonuses
This is my rifle...
In Memoriam
Bandit Chick
Reflective Personality
Variables (Up to)
SMG Damage 22%
Accuracy 20%
Shield 30%
Prefix Bonuses
This is my gun...
Storm of Bullets
Bandit Chick
Storm of Bullets
This is my gun...
Variables (Up to)
Damage 33%
Damage Reduction 20%
Prefix Bonuses
Affinity for the Rare
Bandit Chick
This is my rifle...
This is my gun....
In Memoriam
Variables (Up to)
Sniper Rifle Damage 30%
Sniper Rifle Accuracy 40%
Critical Hit Damage 15%
Prefix Bonuses
Every Shot Counts
Its not how big it is...
...Its how you use it.
Death Favours Me
Painful Slash
Variables (Up to)
Pistol Damage 30%
Accuracy 40%
Reload Speed 35%
Prefix Bonuses
...Its how you use it.
A Days Work
Death Favours Me
Painful Slash
Every Shot Counts
...Its how you use it.
A Days Work
Every Shot Counts
Variables (Up to)
Damage 30%
Health 30%
Critical Hit Damage 20%
Prefix Bonuses
Its not how big it is...
...Its how you use it.
Every Shot Counts
Death Favours Me
In Memoriam
Affinity for the Rare
Death Favours Me
Legendary Treasure Hunter
And so I said, kneel and bath in awe, as perfection stands before you.
If I can dodge this, I can dodge rain.
Variables (Up to)
Damage Reduction 50%
Damage 45%
Orange/Pearlescent Drop Rate 16%
Skill Bonuses
+5 Ghost
+5 Death Favours Me
+5 Expert
+5 Reflective Personality
+5 Affinity for the Rare
+5 OCH