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Scrooze, The Rodent Scourge

Hi everyone. As we know all, Krieg comes from a typical well-known enemy: the psycho. I love playing that juggernaut (that Buzz Axe is so wonderful). But, as for me, there is also another class of enemies which deserve my attention: the rats. The f*ckin rats.

Fast, hard to aim, deadly, stealer. These words come to my mind when I know I’ll meet rats. So, how about creating a 7th playable class, focused on a vicious gameplay mixing speed, corrosive effect, dodge, hit’n’run, cannibalism and robbery? Please welcome Scrooze, the Rodent Scourge.


Bloodwing wasn’t the first specimen which benefits from Hyperion’s experiments in the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve. Long before, engineers worked hard to combine elemental powers and creatures to reinforce them…

Scrooze prospered well in the sewers of Pandora. His life only consists of hunting clueless and chubby travelers, stealing money & stuff and especially discovering new unexplored ruins. Find a whole new landscape, full of fat mouth-watering midgets running everywhere. The daydream.

But unlike other rats, Scrooze prefers to travel alone. He was different in his conception of hunting: while a rat chase for survival, he considered the quarry as an art in its own right, a show demonstrating the hunter’s superiority on his prey. The sensations were almost more exciting than the taste of the meat on his tongue.

The preparation of his meals was also unique. Scrooze tried to mix different meat with spices and sauces in order to create the perfect meal.

One day, he found out a skag that was like no other: bigger, giving off purple fumes and his eyes shone with violence & badassitude. He was so excited he did not notice the huge electric fences that contained the beast.

What he did not know either was that he was observed for many days by his unusual solitary behavior and impressive hunting technique.

Very bothered by this cage which wasn’t good when touched, doors suddenly opened, making a way from outside to the skag.

The engineers expected the obvious slaughter of the rodent, with a bet of 100 to 1.

But Scrooze knew to anticipate the movements of the animal. He knew he had to first master the environment of the creature before mastering the creature itself. Then trap the place where the beast thinks safe.

What he didn’t expect, was that the skag would throw him a volley of Slag balls without moving a f*ckin’ leg.

“- What’s this sh*t? It's gooey, sticky and filthy! “ were the last words pronounced by Scrooze before severely smashed by the skag…

Well.. huh.. in fact it wasn’t exactly his last words because he also say something like “Aaarrgghhlll f*cking bitch” but not sure about it.

Miraculously, he survived the blow. No sooner had he awakened the Skag was already on him, opening his gaping maw, stinking decomposed flesh and Skaggies’ kibble. In what appears to be a last ditch effort, he puts his gun in the skag’s mouth and makes it look like a loin sawed.

He recovered several days after the incident, and had obviously taken the place of Skag. But something had changed in him. He remembered some dark images of men around him and a lot of pain. Tremendous pain.

It’s only a few days later he finally realizes that the stinky and sticky thing that he had discovered the existence on the Skag ran through his whole withered body.

“- I smell ill carrion. I'm not even good to eat! THEY WILL PAY FOR THAT!!!”
His captivity lasted several months. Months spent thinking about a way to escape and kill those who had rendered unfit for consumption. He would eat everyone that would cross on his way. He had promised.

One day, when he woke up, he felt a familiar scent he had not smelled for a long time: meat! He raced towards the source of this delicious odor and found with delight that it was that damn asshole who watched him for months behind the glass. He paid no attention to the state of the reserve, ruin, or the fact that he was out of his detention cell. Many other aromas excited his nostrils, and he began to visit his new environment full of piece of flesh, blood and other unknown liquids.

He did not stay alone for long. Claws, head butt full of teeth, purple smoke. He had also survived. The beast was standing before him, foaming with rage (Scrooze also drooled but it was less impressive). She gave him one more time its spores Slag. Surprisingly, the rat did not move. Completely immune to the effect, he laughed so hard he did not see the monster charging him. Smashed against a wall, he marveled at his ability to regenerate faster without eating.

A stunning blast tore the sky and the Skag too. The thing screamed once more and agonized quickly. Once again, Scrooze had been f*cked up by one of those bastards who watched him. He stood against a wall, pissing blood through an open wound on his stomach, the hand holding the gun still trembling.

“-Injection of beta-corroding V1R-5 substrate done. The subject will soon…” He did not have time to finish his sentence. The rat had snatched the vocal cords. He ate a lot of the Hyperion’s man, then he honor his tradition by eating the carcass of the beast to take his strength. His body had a green tint now but who cares, he was dead and his power would disappear quickly. Hardly he bit into the flesh the product reacts to the Slag’s presence and merged with it. The rat’s mutation wasn’t long and screams echoed throughout the building.

He stinked no more, neither he sticked. The purple lines running through his body now glowed a sickly green glow and had dug pits in the skin, resulting in a liquid capable of melting the strongest metals. It became a weapon of destruction.

After opening large holes in the walls, he fled from the complex and went to find new enemies linked to Hyperion.

To the bend of a bandit camp that he sacked (he had a little hungry), one of his oldest fantasy passed in front of his eyes: a huge dwarf, full of muscles stood at 200 meters. His beard intrigued him at first, but the urge was too strong and he raced to devour this gift from the gods.

His urge immediately calmed down when his head was smashed by Salvador’s big fist.

“- This rat looks strange. He should be dead, he should bathe in his blood after such blow.”
“- OOoohh he’s so cute, said Gaige, can we keep it?”
“- Well, Axton said, we’re chasing Hyperion guys too. How about coming with us?”
“- Can I bite the big dwarf if I come with you?”
“- Listen, huh… Gooz, where we go, there will have lot of other big dwarves like our friend, even more muscular and tasty. And also some badasses from Hyperion. And we go to kick both of their asses. I think you have your place in our team only if you don’t try to bite us, or we will shot you down, ok ?”
“- Bargain !”


Scrooze looks like other rats: small and thin body, claws, same posture and movement.

He should be a little more muscular than other rats but I also like the idea that he might look gaunt and ravaged by corrosion, a bit like Raziel in Soul Reaver.

For his head, he should look like Nomak’s head from Blade II (mouth shut obviously). Or, again for the funny part, a fusion between Nomak & Mr. Burns (can’t imagine the result honestly ^^)

If we want to make him serious, we can take Nomak’s voice too. But In the world of Pandora, with this sick humor, it should be funny to give him a kind of Smeagol or Dr. Zoidberg’s voice, mixed with the original tunnel or lab rat voice :-) .

For the quotes, we can be inspired by those from basics rats, with some unique features : he’s more interested in Hyperion personnel’s flesh; he feels stronger than any other rats (he’s still a rat though); he likes food very spicy (or downright corroded).
Go here for rats' quotes : http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Rat

There are a lot of crevices full of corrosion who run through his body, a bit like some scarification. He got bright green eyes. He’s dressed like other rats, with rags and strips all over his body, but there are tears in his clothing that let corrupted areas on his body apparent.
His class mod is his Backpack.

Action Skill : P4rc3l B0mb

I have two ideas for the AS. The first one is a trap you put on the ground that create a circular zone around it. Any enemy who stay in this zone will loose his life over time.
Another idea is to "stack" traps over time. Traps act like mines and inflict direct damage to any nearby enemy.

Skill Trees

All the skill trees are focused on rats gameplay :

The first tree is called "Brat Grime Scum" and is focused more on the tunnel and field rats gameplay. I have found some skills which could be interesting like:
- bonus damage for the next shot depending on the distance traveled before
- increase dramatically movement speed but decrease max health
- Every Nth shot inflicted, the next shot Scrooze will take has a 100% dodge chance. After a dodged shot, Scrooze will have a bonus gun damage for the next shot
- Kill Skill. Movement & Reload speed increased
- The last shot before a reload push away the target. The bigger the magazine size, the stronger the knockback
- damage & movement speed increased after dodging a shot

The second tree, "Toxic Plague", is based on corrosive damage and plague rats. Some ideas for skills:
- The corrosive statutes can spread to other nearby enemies (only once per infected enemy, can only target non-corroded enemy)
- Melee attacks can corrode enemies & elemental damage reduction for Scrooze
- Corpses don't disappear anymore and continue to ooze corrosion
- Corrosive status last longer & increased chance to inflict status effect to ennemies
- Not taking damage for a while, Scrooze will began to stack "Plague" charge. At "N" charges, plague is ready. Any melee attack inflicted to Scrooze while Plague is ready will remove all charges and create a corrosive nova around Scrooze.

The third tree, "Viscious Cannibalistic", focus the special lab rat gameplay and the ability to regen health by devouring corpses:
- health regen & non-elemental damage reduction while in movement
- going through a corpse allow to recover a percentage of max health and stack a "Feast" charge. Feast charges are lost over time but stay kept, even if we die or put in Fight For Your Life
- increase max Feast cap and increase duration before being lost
- melee near an enemy to fire laser beam which inflict bonus damage per Feast stack
- increase other stats related to the number of Feast stacked on Scrooze...

I need help for the details of the skills and how to arrange the skill trees. New ideas are welcomed ^^

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