Feel free to give input! Wall-o-text, beware. (I tried to make it pretty)
Her playstyle is short-range and focuses on closing distances fast, providing incentives to equip rapid-fire weaponry.
She is expected to be taking frequent damage from multiple small sources, and dancing around heavy-hitters.
These are just samples/starters. It's really late at night but I want to get the feel of each tree written down. (Should she be from Maliwan or no?)
[Repulsors] Action Skill. The Vanguard activates a series of thrusters to hover with increased speed and gains boosted melee range.
+100% Movement Speed
+5 meters to Melee range
15 second duration
15 second cooldown
Her normal melee strike is a digi-dagger thrust. During Repulsors this is replaced with an energy blast from her palm, a-la Iron Man.
[Militia]. Tree that focuses the most on weapon usage and movement.
[0/5] [Handling] Improves weapon recoil by -50% and reload speed by +20%.
[0/5] [Spotted] A damaged shield boosts movement speed by 25%. Not active when shield is depleted or full.
[0/5] [Discipline] Receiving damage increases your weapon stability by 25%. An additional 25% is afforded if this damage is to your shields.
[0/5] [Homemade Luck] Action Skill Augmentation While using your Repulsors, bullets that would miss an enemy by less than 1.5 meters will curve to hit that enemy.
[0/1] [Descending Fire] Bullet speed is slowed by 40% and the initial bullet fired from a magazine deals 50% damage, but it always coats the enemy it hits in Slag.
[0/5] [High Ground] Kill Skill. Scoring a kill during Repulsors will reduce any area-of-effect damage you suffer by 40% and will regenerate one grenade every 5 seconds.
[0/5] [Whites Of Their Eyes] Movement speed while not aiming down your sights is increased by 10%. Bullet damage increased by 30% when you fire from the hip.
[0/5] [Extended Campaign] Kills during Repulsors will add 3 seconds to the duration.
[0/1] [Scramble] Action Skill Alteration. While using Repulsors, activate the Action Skill again to blast toward the targeted enemy and deal 300% melee damage. This terminates Repulsors.
[Glory]. Tree that focuses the most on sustained combat and defense.
[0/1] [Glory] Add one stack of Glory for each enemy or player within 10 meters. Glory reduces the damage you take by 2% per stack. Max 10 stacks.
[0/4] [Reputation] Increase your shield capacity by 20%. When you enter Repulsors your shield recharge will be initiated.
[0/5] [Spare Shield] There is a 25% chance that when your shields are depleted, your shields refill to 50%. This spare shield will attempt to decay at 5% per second but is influenced by other Skills. Must fully recharge between refill effects.
[0/1] [Legends Do Not Die] Entering Fight For Your Life offers you the option to refresh and activate Repulsors so that you may fight for your Second Wind. You cannot be Revived by a teammate if you trigger Legends Do Not Die.
[0/5] [Immortality Matrix] Kill Skill Refill your shields by 10% of the damage inflicted on enemies within 10 meters.
[0/5] [Contempt] Your shields recharge up to 3% per second for each stack of Glory.
[0/5] [Foretold] Kill Skill. Each stack of Glory adds a 2.5% chance that your current weapon's magazine will be automatically refilled upon landing a Critical Hit with a bullet.
[0/1] [Assurance] Restore your health by 5% of the amount that your shields are restored whenever a skill replenishes them.
[0/5] [Embellished Rendition] Max stacks of Glory increased by 10. When you Revive an ally or gain a Second Wind, you are afforded max stacks of Glory which decay 1 per second to the appropriate amount.
[0/1] [Consecration] Action Skill Augmentation. If you activate Repulsors when your shields are low (below 30%) you will generate an Electrocution Field around yourself. Enemies within the field are rooted in place or brought to the ground.
[Brutality]. Tree that maximizes burst damage and melee potential.
[0/5] [Horsemen] Elemental Status Effect damage is increased by 3% per stack of Cruelty. Elemental Weapon damage is reduced by 1% per stack of Cruelty. (Landing a critical hit grants a stack of Cruelty, max 20. Cruelty reduces your maximum health by 1.5% per stack)
[0/5] [Apathy] Kill Skill. Your melee damage is increased by 5% per stack of Cruelty when you kill an enemy. (Landing a critical hit grants a stack of Cruelty, max 20. Cruelty reduces your maximum health by 1.5% per stack)
[0/4] [No End In Sight] Heal yourself for 0.3% max health for each stack of Cruelty when you kill an enemy. This healing doubles if the enemy was killed by Melee.
[0/5] [Bloodletting] Receiving damage from an Elemental Status Effect has a 25% chance to terminate the status effect on you by removing 5% of your remaining health.
[0/1] [Chimera Point-Defense Rockets] Action Skill Augmentation. Consume one stack of Cruelty whenever you receive damage during Repulsors, as often as once every second. Each consumed stack fires one Chimera rocket at the enemy who damaged you, dealing melee damage as a random Elemental Damage type.
[0/5] [Certainty] Increase an enemy's chance to be inflicted with an Elemental Status Effect based on their health. Up to +60% chance if they are at full health.
[0/1] [You Cannot Escape] Melee Override. Yank a small enemy towards you with a digistructed chain, dealing 200% melee damage. Large enemies receive 400% melee damage if they cannot be pulled. Max range of 20 meters. Cooldown of 15 seconds.
[0/5] [Retaliation] Enemies who strike your shields in melee receive Rank 5 Corrosion damage based on your level. Each stack of Cruelty adds a 2% chance that this damage will inflict an Elemental Status Effect.
[0/5] [Red Comet] Add a Rank 5 Fire Aura during Repulsors. The last bullet in each magazine will be coated in Fire, dealing damage based on Cruelty.
[0/1] [Strike Them Down] Augmentation Scoring a critical hit on an enemy has a 5% chance per Cruelty to apply all remaining elemental status effect damage they are suffering at once, terminating the status effects.
The purpose of all the trees is to be dealing reliable damage in close range, hence the movement speed bonuses.
Militia is meant to capitalize on low-accuracy but hard-to-manage weapons, and offer utility so that the player is not afraid to spam grenades (potentially their best source of burst damage when needed). Very hit-and-run, with extremely frequent use of the Repulsors.
Glory is intended for tackling waves and waves of enemies, while affording some help during boss fights that might otherwise never allow the player to get kills when needed. Definitely a "rescuer" tree for when playing co-op.
Brutality is meant to toss in sporadic burst-damage to mix up the flow of combat, and give the player some real rewards for using a combination of elemental damage sources, which help keep consistent damage going when they might need to recoup.
Her playstyle is short-range and focuses on closing distances fast, providing incentives to equip rapid-fire weaponry.
She is expected to be taking frequent damage from multiple small sources, and dancing around heavy-hitters.
These are just samples/starters. It's really late at night but I want to get the feel of each tree written down. (Should she be from Maliwan or no?)
[Repulsors] Action Skill. The Vanguard activates a series of thrusters to hover with increased speed and gains boosted melee range.
+100% Movement Speed
+5 meters to Melee range
15 second duration
15 second cooldown
Her normal melee strike is a digi-dagger thrust. During Repulsors this is replaced with an energy blast from her palm, a-la Iron Man.
[Militia]. Tree that focuses the most on weapon usage and movement.
[0/5] [Handling] Improves weapon recoil by -50% and reload speed by +20%.
[0/5] [Spotted] A damaged shield boosts movement speed by 25%. Not active when shield is depleted or full.
[0/5] [Discipline] Receiving damage increases your weapon stability by 25%. An additional 25% is afforded if this damage is to your shields.
[0/5] [Homemade Luck] Action Skill Augmentation While using your Repulsors, bullets that would miss an enemy by less than 1.5 meters will curve to hit that enemy.
[0/1] [Descending Fire] Bullet speed is slowed by 40% and the initial bullet fired from a magazine deals 50% damage, but it always coats the enemy it hits in Slag.
[0/5] [High Ground] Kill Skill. Scoring a kill during Repulsors will reduce any area-of-effect damage you suffer by 40% and will regenerate one grenade every 5 seconds.
[0/5] [Whites Of Their Eyes] Movement speed while not aiming down your sights is increased by 10%. Bullet damage increased by 30% when you fire from the hip.
[0/5] [Extended Campaign] Kills during Repulsors will add 3 seconds to the duration.
[0/1] [Scramble] Action Skill Alteration. While using Repulsors, activate the Action Skill again to blast toward the targeted enemy and deal 300% melee damage. This terminates Repulsors.
[Glory]. Tree that focuses the most on sustained combat and defense.
[0/1] [Glory] Add one stack of Glory for each enemy or player within 10 meters. Glory reduces the damage you take by 2% per stack. Max 10 stacks.
[0/4] [Reputation] Increase your shield capacity by 20%. When you enter Repulsors your shield recharge will be initiated.
[0/5] [Spare Shield] There is a 25% chance that when your shields are depleted, your shields refill to 50%. This spare shield will attempt to decay at 5% per second but is influenced by other Skills. Must fully recharge between refill effects.
[0/1] [Legends Do Not Die] Entering Fight For Your Life offers you the option to refresh and activate Repulsors so that you may fight for your Second Wind. You cannot be Revived by a teammate if you trigger Legends Do Not Die.
[0/5] [Immortality Matrix] Kill Skill Refill your shields by 10% of the damage inflicted on enemies within 10 meters.
[0/5] [Contempt] Your shields recharge up to 3% per second for each stack of Glory.
[0/5] [Foretold] Kill Skill. Each stack of Glory adds a 2.5% chance that your current weapon's magazine will be automatically refilled upon landing a Critical Hit with a bullet.
[0/1] [Assurance] Restore your health by 5% of the amount that your shields are restored whenever a skill replenishes them.
[0/5] [Embellished Rendition] Max stacks of Glory increased by 10. When you Revive an ally or gain a Second Wind, you are afforded max stacks of Glory which decay 1 per second to the appropriate amount.
[0/1] [Consecration] Action Skill Augmentation. If you activate Repulsors when your shields are low (below 30%) you will generate an Electrocution Field around yourself. Enemies within the field are rooted in place or brought to the ground.
[Brutality]. Tree that maximizes burst damage and melee potential.
[0/5] [Horsemen] Elemental Status Effect damage is increased by 3% per stack of Cruelty. Elemental Weapon damage is reduced by 1% per stack of Cruelty. (Landing a critical hit grants a stack of Cruelty, max 20. Cruelty reduces your maximum health by 1.5% per stack)
[0/5] [Apathy] Kill Skill. Your melee damage is increased by 5% per stack of Cruelty when you kill an enemy. (Landing a critical hit grants a stack of Cruelty, max 20. Cruelty reduces your maximum health by 1.5% per stack)
[0/4] [No End In Sight] Heal yourself for 0.3% max health for each stack of Cruelty when you kill an enemy. This healing doubles if the enemy was killed by Melee.
[0/5] [Bloodletting] Receiving damage from an Elemental Status Effect has a 25% chance to terminate the status effect on you by removing 5% of your remaining health.
[0/1] [Chimera Point-Defense Rockets] Action Skill Augmentation. Consume one stack of Cruelty whenever you receive damage during Repulsors, as often as once every second. Each consumed stack fires one Chimera rocket at the enemy who damaged you, dealing melee damage as a random Elemental Damage type.
[0/5] [Certainty] Increase an enemy's chance to be inflicted with an Elemental Status Effect based on their health. Up to +60% chance if they are at full health.
[0/1] [You Cannot Escape] Melee Override. Yank a small enemy towards you with a digistructed chain, dealing 200% melee damage. Large enemies receive 400% melee damage if they cannot be pulled. Max range of 20 meters. Cooldown of 15 seconds.
[0/5] [Retaliation] Enemies who strike your shields in melee receive Rank 5 Corrosion damage based on your level. Each stack of Cruelty adds a 2% chance that this damage will inflict an Elemental Status Effect.
[0/5] [Red Comet] Add a Rank 5 Fire Aura during Repulsors. The last bullet in each magazine will be coated in Fire, dealing damage based on Cruelty.
[0/1] [Strike Them Down] Augmentation Scoring a critical hit on an enemy has a 5% chance per Cruelty to apply all remaining elemental status effect damage they are suffering at once, terminating the status effects.
The purpose of all the trees is to be dealing reliable damage in close range, hence the movement speed bonuses.
Militia is meant to capitalize on low-accuracy but hard-to-manage weapons, and offer utility so that the player is not afraid to spam grenades (potentially their best source of burst damage when needed). Very hit-and-run, with extremely frequent use of the Repulsors.
Glory is intended for tackling waves and waves of enemies, while affording some help during boss fights that might otherwise never allow the player to get kills when needed. Definitely a "rescuer" tree for when playing co-op.
Brutality is meant to toss in sporadic burst-damage to mix up the flow of combat, and give the player some real rewards for using a combination of elemental damage sources, which help keep consistent damage going when they might need to recoup.