The Vigilante (Fan-made class, includes full skill trees and action skill!)
Hi, everybody! I'm MisterGunpowder, and I'm here today to share a fan-made class with you. I've been working on this class for, oh, about three to four months now, just refining it to my liking. I want...
View ArticleBorderlands Comics
I was curious if there was any borderlands comics out there/ informative books on the world of borderlands/ websites that have info. Just been wanting to find out more about the borderlands universe.
View ArticleWeapon Ideas
Post your ideas for new weapons here. Maliwan Chernobyl Class:Legendary Sniper Red Text:Extra Limbs not included Effect:Would consume 2 ammo per shot. Deals slightly less direct damage than other...
View ArticleTop Hat Spiderpants
[smallshot][/smallshot] Are you ready, Vault Hunters? -Aye, aye Tina! I can't hear you! -Aye, aye Tina! Oooooooo... Who lives in the...
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Epic Gameplay
Come Check out The Extremely Epic Borderlands 2 Vid
View ArticleVault Symbol earrings
So I made some vault hunter gauged earrings (they are roughly an 8 guage.) This is first run. going to make a second attempt with eridian carvings in it and then use a purple opalescent paint to...
View ArticleKiller Character Concept (with pictures)
Action skill: Killer mode When you activate killer mode you automaticly get extreme accuracy and damage increase when having you crosshairs on enemy.Default duraton 20 seconds.Cooldown 40 seconds....
View ArticleSpirit Guard Udyr Comics In Borderlands 2 Style Not perfect but still :dukeego:
View ArticleNew Class Idea: Grace the Engineer
Description: A Rogue Hyperion Employee who abandoned Hyperion and has been in hiding ever since. She is absolutely beautiful, smart, and badass. The triple threat. She wants to take Hyperion down...
View ArticleBaterangs Infinity
Hi you all. I had some green Led's in my Box. So,what should i do with it ? I make an Infinity with corrosion. That's it: Thanks for looking !...
View Articlemy new vault hunter idea
Ok what if you could buy a vault hunter that uses ki, magic, and martial art hand-to-hand combat. now i got the idea from seeing kreig and maya in action first hand, and also playing the new dlc, and...
View ArticleConcept Character : Furio The Marauding Hero
Greetings! my first post here. This is one of my character concept for Borderlands 2. Furio is a melee based character, can be said as a combination of Krieg and Zer0. Able to brawl but can build up...
View ArticleNew Character - Cerberus, the Biospectre
Hey Everyone, just came up with an idea for a new character. I wasn't quite sure 'bout the class name, but i guess 'Biospectre' might do it for now. 'Cerberus' might be good as well, other names would...
View ArticlePlanetary Bosses
Battled Saturn today and cant help remember the original game videos for borderlands showing another planetary named boss in oppurtunity. This got me thinking about having Planetary Raid bosses added...
View ArticleI just made this sig.. but the picture came out huge!!!!! help
well... see here.. how the hell is it so big?
View ArticleFirst ever siggy, advice?
Hey guys, wasn't really sure where to put this so I thought it'd fit in here. As you can tell from the title this is my first attempt at making a signature so I'm looking for any constructive criticism...
View ArticleThe Employee Class
All comments are appreciated, but if you hate this just leave. I don't expect this to be a real thing anyway. Warning: may have plot holes and what not. This really started out as a joke. The Employee:...
View Article[Fanfiction] Pandorian Dream
Hello Vault Hunters, with this OP, I begin to tell you the story of an immigrant from Earth, eager to rebuild a new life on Pandora: the terrestrial Augusto De Sica (yes he is Italian) Chapter 1:...
View Articleclaptrap plush
So I made a claptrap plush for my 9 year old son to bring to PAXeast 2013. My son has a mohawk and we both love seeing claptrap with his mohawk after "bad hair day". So I found a couple reference pics...
View ArticleDAHL Speakers
Was Inspired by CrazyLefty ( Great Work btw, congrats on your skills ) And decided to mod my speakers a bit : A lot of Fun :-D
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