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Killer Character Concept (with pictures)


Action skill: Killer mode

When you activate killer mode you automaticly get extreme accuracy and damage increase when having you crosshairs on enemy.Default duraton 20 seconds.Cooldown 40 seconds.

This skill tree focuses on guns damage with higher focus on pistols and critical hits

Tier 1:
Killer Tools
Every point into this skill increases pistol damage by 6%

Dead Aim
Every point into this skill increases accuracy by 7%

Tier 2:
Look a Cool Effect!
+6% fire rate per point,shotguns have chance of firing extra pellets

Killing enemy with critical hit increases overall damage by 15% per rank.

Tier 3:
Get ready to die
Kill skill. Each point into this skill increases your damage againts enemies that were damaged in last 7 seconds by 9%

Make it Count
Game changer.When your gun ammo is below 50% you deal 70% more damage with that guntype

Sweet Spot
Each point into this skill increases your critical hit damage by 8%,but decreses non-critical damge by 2%

Tier 4:
Each point into this skill increases your magazine size by 5% and gives you 5% chance of skipping reload.

Tier 5:
Get ready to die!
Shooting an same enemy 10 times gives you up to 25% damage bonus.Each rank increases maximum damage bonus and decreases times you need to shoot an enemy by 20% and by 1 shot.You get lower effect when using higher fire rate weapons,and when fighting major bosses.Doesnt Decay on normal enemies

Tier 6:
Time Out
Press [action skill] button while using action skill to smoke a cigar and charge you weapon up.When charge is up you get 25% damage,fire rate reload speed,and magazine size.Charge last for 5 seconds.You can only charge your guns again after two action skill cooldowns

Focuses on almost everything: action skill boosts,explosive damage,granade damage,counter attacks,melee attacks,and loot

Tier 1:
How can ads not render?
Decreases cooldown rate by 7% each level.

Look at my Rollex!
Eveytime you use your action skill You have 7% chance to have double duration,each rank in this skill increases chance by 7%.

Tier 2:
Each rank in this skill increases granade and explosive damage by 4%

That actually hurt!
Kill Skill:You deal 10% more guns damage and 20% more melee damage againts 3 enemies that hit you last.

Tier 3:
Infinity and Beyond!
Decreases aim,weapon swap by 20% per rank and reload speed by 5% per rank

Stunned (*insert joke about unorginal skil name here*)
Game Changer:Shooting an enemy while in killer made has a chance of stunning them.

Good guy luck
Increase chance of getting ammo and health kits when it is below 30% by 25% per rank,in addition you also get 5% more loot per rank

Tier 4:
Your guns get auto reloaded when you start your killer mode.

Lethal Strike
Increases melee damage by 20% per rank,in addition to having 1,5% insta kill chance per rank to non boss enemy.

Tier 5:
Keep fighting
Each rank in this skill increase your ammo regeneration.

Tier 6:
I am not done yet
Game Changer. If you go into FFYL while in killer mode you drop 5 MIRV granades that do not damage you.Can only be activated again after two cooldowns.

Focuses on survival skills that are mostly based on luck and % increases

Tier 1:
Increase your movement speed by up to 15% per rank depending how low your health is.

Not dead yet
FFYL time is increased by 15% per rank,you get more health and full shields after getting out of it.

Tier 2:
You get attacked 5% less per rank

+4% more max health each level

Tier 3:
Boost the Power
+10% stronger shield special effect per level

Game-changer. You get chaotic health regeneration while in killer mode.

All armored up
Kill skill Each level of this skill increases damage reduction by 10% when you kill an enemy

Tier 4:
No camp fire allowed
-15% Dot duration per rank,10% elental damage resistance per rank

Roll the dice
When your shield become depleted you have 4% chance of getting full shields back per rank.

Tier 5:
3% chance of not taking tamage from hit per rank.Does not work when health gate triggers.

Tier 6:
Luckiest man alive
Game-changer,20% chance of insane health regeneration when your shield are depleted for 5 seconds.

Melee weapon: Knife.No,not kitchen one,killer one.I imagine it getting more bloody after every single kill.

Class mods:
James class mod is backpack

Explosive DMG +40%
That actually hurt
Infinity and beyond

Pistol ammo regen +12
Pistol fire rate 35%
Killer tools
Get ready to die

Health regen when taking damage
Not dead yet
All armored up

Mag size
Roll the dice
No camp fire allowed
Look at my rolex

Killer for hire
Critical hit damage
Look,a cool effect
Sweet Spot

Gun damage,cooldown rate
First tier skills

Slayer of Terramorphouos
Max health
Burn Chance
First tier skills with exeption of Runner

Melee damage
Melee attack speed
Lethal Strike
Boost the Power

Sniper DMG
Dead aim
Sweet Spot

Gun damage
Roll the dice

This week I am going to update this concept with story and quotes!

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