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The Vigilante (Fan-made class, includes full skill trees and action skill!)

Hi, everybody! I'm MisterGunpowder, and I'm here today to share a fan-made class with you. I've been working on this class for, oh, about three to four months now, just refining it to my liking. I want to make it known that I am not a professional game designer or a programmer. I have no idea if anything about this class or the skills for it are at all viable or at all possible to program. I only think that they're possible. I won't include commentary on each skill, as if I do that would probably take me far too long to type or I'd see something I didn't like and start working on it again, further delaying my posting it here. (A friend of mine has threatened me with Battlefield Earth if I do not post it. I'm quite certain I'd prefer him to murder me instead.)

This class was based around making a character with a proper Western motif, that would be armored, and would have a corrosion-focused tree. Why all that together? I don't honestly know. Maybe because I didn't want to make a separate class for any of those things.

Remember that constructive criticism, comments, and questions are requested and appreciated. So, without further ado, let's get these skills down.

Action Skill: Lock-On

Locks on to an enemy and creates a targeting reticule, causing bullets fired by you to curve towards the target and deal increased damage. This targeting reticule points you towards the target and can be seen by you no matter what.

In addition, your health is always treated as armor, whether or not you are locking on to an enemy.

Damage Bonus: 50% Weapon Damage
Lock-on Duration: 10 Seconds
Cooldown: 15 Seconds

Green Tree: Death Itself

Tier one:

The Good: +4% Corrode Chance per level, +4% Corrosion Damage per level.

Acidic West: +4% Corrosion resistance per level, +4% Maximum Health per level.

Tier two:

The Bad: +20% chance for critical hits to deal bonus corrosion damage per level, corrosion damage is 35% weapon damage.

I'm OK: When shields are depleted, regenerate 1% of your maximum health per level.
+0.5 Seconds Recharge Delay.

Tier three

The Ugly: Corrosion damage you cause has a 4% chance to cause enemies to become slagged per level.

True Grit: (Game Changer) Your shields are treated as armor. In addition, it maintains the resistance shields have to corrosive damage and explosive damage.

Acrid Gunsmoke: Shots you fire while locking on to an enemy have bonus corrosion damage equal to 5% weapon damage per level.
Shots you fire while locking on to an enemy have -5% chance of igniting or electrocuting enemies per level.

Tier four

One Tough Rooster: Gain 5% resistance to damage per level.

Tier five

Two Companions: Enemies you are locking on to lose 20% of their damage resistance per level.
+4% resistance to damage per level while locking on to an enemy.

Ain't No Grave...: Second Winds restore 15% extra health per level.
+10% Fight For Your Life Time per level.

Tier six

...Can Hold My Body Down: (Capstone) (Lock-On Modification) You can use Lock-On while in Fight For You Life mode. Also, after Second Winding, you gain 55% resistance to all damage for five seconds, or fifteen seconds if you Second Winded with a kill.
+100% Fight For Your Life time.

Blue Tree: Lone Ranger

Tier one

A Fistful Of Dollars: +2% magazine size per level.

I'm Taking You In: Locking on to an enemy regenerates 1% of your health per level.

Tier two

Going Somewhere?: (Lock-On Modification) Enemies you are locking on to suffer a 10% decrease in movement speed per level.

Last Train to Nowhere: +1 second of Lock-on duration per level

Tier three

Speedloader: (Lock-On Modification) Reload speed while locking on to an enemy increases by 10% per level. When outside of Lock-On, reload speed decreases by 5% per level.

Wanted Dead or Alive: (Game Changer) Ignore the shields of any enemy you are locked on to.

Hand On The Hammer: Kill skill. After killing an enemy, you deal 5% increased damage and have 10% increased reload speed per level.

Tier four

Lockdown: Cooldown speed increases by 12% per level.

Tier five

Tombstone for a Holliday: (Game Changer) If an enemy you are locking on to dies, all remaining time your Lock-On had goes towards your Cooldown speed.

Silver Bullets: (Lock-On Modification) While locking on to an enemy, they deal 10% less damage per level.

Ring-A-Ding-Dingin' Spurs: (Melee Override) Press R3 to perform a kick that dazes enemies and deals additional damage.
Additional damage: 200%
Daze duration: 4 seconds
Cooldown: 5 seconds

Tier six

You're All Under Arrest: (Capstone) When you use Lock-On, you can lock on to up to four additional enemies. Just hit your action skill button again and you'll lock on to another enemy. They are all subject to the effects of your Lock-On.
Lock-On Duration: +10 seconds
Lock-On Cooldown: +10 seconds

Red Tree: Wild Wild West

Tier one

Feeling Lucky: +5% critical hit damage and +6% fire rate per level.

Big Iron: +5% gun damage and accuracy per level.

Tier two

Make My Day: Increases damage, reload speed, and accuracy of pistols by 5% per level.
Decreases damage, reload speed, and accuracy of shotguns by 5% per level.

You're Mine: (Lock-On Modification) +10% damage per level while locking on to an enemy.

Shotgun!: Increases damage, reload speed, and accuracy of shotguns by 5% per level.
Decreases damage, reload speed, and accuracy of pistols by 5% per level.

Tier three

Pistol Whippin' Good: +10% melee damage per level while wielding a pistol,
+20% chance per level for a melee attack to be a critical hit while wielding a pistol.
-15% Shotgun ammo and a clip size per level.

For A Few Dollars More: (Game Changer) (Lock-On Modification) Shots that hit an enemy you are locking on to return the ammo used by the shot.

I Said Shotgun!: Pellet count of shotguns increases by 1 per level.
+5% Shotgun accuracy per level.
-10% Pistol accuracy per level.

Tier four

I Shot First: (Lock-On Modification) Shots fired within 5 seconds after using Lock-On have a 25% increase to damage per level.

Fastest Gun In The West: (Lock-On Modification) You gain a 10% fire rate increase per level while locked on to an enemy.

Tier five

.44 Ace: (Game Changer) Critical hits with a pistol restore health by 5%.
Critical hits with a shotgun reduce shields by 5%.

Between The Eyes: Critical hits have a 5% chance per level to refill 5% of your shields per level.

Shotgun, Dammit!: (Game Changer) Criticals hits with a shotgun cause additional damage that your enemy is most vulnerable to equal to 150% weapon damage.
Critical hits with a pistol gain no damage bonus.

Tier six

No Name: (Capstone) All shots on an enemy you are locking on to, whether by you or an ally, are criticals.
Increases cooldown time by 10 seconds.

And that's it, I hope to hear your thoughts.

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