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[Fanfiction] Pandorian Dream

Hello Vault Hunters, with this OP, I begin to tell you the story of an immigrant from Earth, eager to rebuild a new life on Pandora:
the terrestrial Augusto De Sica (yes he is Italian)

Chapter 1: Hyperion CEO

Augusto De Sica: Hello my name is Augusto De Sica, and I chose to come to Pandora to work with the Hyperion Corporation, are graduate bibliography with a score of 100, an expert in the design and design and .... "

Hyperion Clerk: I really appreciate your interest in working with our company Mr. De Sica, but due to legal reasons and bureaucratic, the only place that we can assign to you on Pandora, it's just the checking officer for cleaning robot, all other jobs are currently not available. Our CEO Handsome Jack has expressly required that we can only accept personal for her safety, and / or hygiene and cleanliness for Opportunity, our head office on Pandora. And given the poor performance of health that we see on his chart, you are not eligible for other jobs.

Augusto De Sica: What do you mean? But I had to take the entrance exam, the selection of the program arrulamento for Hyperion, and fill his damn Modules Alpha and Gamma, in the archives of Hyperion for two days!

Hyperion Clerk: Sorry, but this is his last chance, take it or die.

Suddenly two turrets robot sprang from the clerk's desk
ADS: WHAT? Why I should die? I don't understand
HC: You are rejecting our contract for the job application. Since you have violated the following rules in paragraph 6-10 for job applications, we are forced to eliminate you for violating commercial secrets.
ADS: Violated what!? No hearing, there must be a mistake, I have not violated anything.
HC: You have 30 seconds before you die
ADS: WHAT!? No, you do not need, I accept. I agree to sevire the Hyperion Corporation. Where do I sign?
The Hyperion Clerk punched in a code on his desk, the two towers robot disappeared, and appeared a module of employment.
HC: a signature here, here and here. And two on the last page.
ADS is here ... it's all done.
HC: very good, a short should call it by its device ECHO. Good day, and thank you for choosing to work with the Hyperion Corporation.
ADS: Yes Good day to you too (bastard)

Just left the office of recruitment, Augusto passed through the main corridor of the Office for the regulation and regulatory recruitment Hyperion, and as he passed a thick line of people in front of the door to lay their applications for recruitment. His eye fell on a bulletin board and saw several posters and flyers, depicting six wanted criminals from Hyperion.
ADS: and who are these people? Let's see ... Gaige ... wanted for excessive adorability and development of unauthorized technology? We're doing well ... And here? Salvador ... Oh ****, never seen one with so many criminal record. Then here I see that there are only four people with only one previous, I wonder who they are ... Maya ... wanted because she is a Siren? What is this a joke? But please ... is ridiculous. And these other two ... Axton and Zero? At least their crimes seem much more decent of others ... And Krieg? If this is a property of Hyperion I have not the slightest intention of being in a face-to-face with him.
But wait a moment ... THEY ARE ON PANDORA! Oh ****. Just now I was hoping to find a new life out of this dead planet. Damn!
Well it's official: I'm f*cked for the thirteenth time! F*ck.

Chapter 2: Fear and Loathing in space

The next day Augusto prepared the bags and everything needed he needed to start with the Hyperion's flagship on Pandora.
ADS: Well, it seems to have taken everything. Very well, it's time to go "hopefully" to a land of promise and opportunity. Farewell planet of losers, I'm going to a better place with the company most powerful of the entire universe! **** you all! yay!
Barbone, but **** you asshole! There are people who want to sleep here!
ADS: i don't care! prrrrrrrr loser!
And as he closed for the last time, his small apartment, gave a last look at the old Surface, between the streets of Old London, still dreaming of the glorious past, before he was involved with the rest of the world by four nuclear winters, seven world wars and the rebellion of the robots, and then would look at the huge ceiling that separated the old World from the New Surface. stopped thinking for a moment. He called a taxi, I waited for five minutes, and went away forever from that place, he had called home for five years.
Quickly released from the underground, the taxi sped at full speed between the buildings and skyscrapers of intergalactic Hyperion Corporation, Augusto watched one last time the huge landscape that had always fascinated him, among the millions of flying cars whizzing at full speed in the the flows of their journey, the enormous high tech billboards, the neon lights and the towering skyscrapers, and then check his email from the device echo. Waiting to get to its destination.
There was a short ring, and began the announcement of the robo taxi.
Robo Taxi: Ding Dong! In a minute we will have reached its goal, please recover the vehicle from any object he has left in it. The direzzione assumes no responsibility in case of theft or loss of personal belongings.
Once you arrive at your destination, Augusto got out of the taxi, took his luggage, he closed the trunk of the taxi and ran over to the Spaceport.
Immediately the guards Hyperion identified him.
Hyperion Security Guard: Excuse me, are you Mr. De Sica?
ADS: Yes I am.
HSG: very well we were waiting for, come with us on this side.
Says the guard waving to Augustus the hangar A4.
Escorted by security guards Hyperion, Augusto was accompanied in front of the robot of corporate recognition.
RCR: Please show document.
ADS: here it is.
As Augusto pulled it out of his pocket, the robot began to scan it
RCR: Name: Augusto De Sica, Gender: Male, Place of Birth: Planet Earth. Welcome aboard Cleaner.
Once boarded the flagship HSS Terminus, was immediately sent by the Commander Billy O'Neil in his cabin there command, for his first assignment.
BON: You must be the new guy. Very well, then ... cleaner ... during your journey, you must check that the HSS Terminus is clean and spotless until the achievement of our goal: the planet Pandora. Understood?
ADS: Yes Sir.
BON: very good, now go, clean this lousy ship.

Once he left the ship. 5 weeks went by land, and in the end we just wanted to 2h land, before reaching the planet Pandora.
BON: very good crew, here is your commander O'Neil speaking to you, there are only two hours before our arrival to Opportunity. Prepare the special cargo, Handsome Jack doesn't want errors and ...
Suddenly, something attacked the HSSTerminus.
BON: Command bridge, Captain O'Neil here, Report.
Command Bridge: bridge here sir. We were attached to the left side of the ship, all our systems are damaged, we can not figure out who it was and ... Noooo! (sound of explosion)
BON: Commando Bridge answer now! ... Damn!
HSG: Sir, Red soldier here, we are under attack. A pirate ship is coming towards us, sent us a message. They want to talk to her.
BON: Put me in the link.
HSG: yes sir.
Captain Scarlett: Hyperion Hello, this is Captain Scarlett speaking to you, surrender immediately and Hand over all your booty. Oops, I mean Hand over everything you have, then that will be just my booty.
BON: Never!
CS: very well, and if you insist, it will mean that this means ... Ahoy!
Immediately the Terminus was attacked by Scarlett's spaceship and his pirates quickly made inroads into the ship. Killing every soldier who intralciasse them.
Augusto, scared, when she saw one of the pirates, unleashed his cleaning machines spraying acid and fire on the attackers, and Rifuggio in the hold, along with other crew members and the captain O'Neil.
He was sent by the captain an SOS hoping to get help from Opportunity, but received no response.
BON: Gentlemen, the Hyperion has abandoned us. I do not have much time before those pirates destroy our last barricade, therefore, I ask you only this: will fight to the end with me? Before their bullets to destroy our brains out once for all?
Everyone: Yes Sir!
BON: Excellent, take a weapon from the armory and fight for the honor!
everyone: yay!
Suddenly the door of the hold began to shake, he felt the violent blow of the pirates on it.
HSG: the doors are shutting down!
BON: Hold! Act only on my signal.
Suddenly there was silence, and then he heard the sound of a blowtorch. The pirates opened a gap on the huge circular door and began to invade the hold.
BON: attack!
In the hold, all hell broke loose, and Hyperion while the soldiers were being slaughtered one by one from the violent pirates, Augusto beat the retreat, while being chased by a psycho armed with a massive electric saw.
Augusto races as he could, until he tripped on a small glass column containing a strange object from the purple glow. And I saw Captain O'Neil now at the end of life, which was about to open the column.
BON: I will never win this war ... Argh ...
Scarlett's planted a bullet in his head, and laughed, saying:
CS: Who will lose this war you mean dumb. Haha. Now if you do not mind, you little servant, give me that thing, I saw it first.
Augusto quickly took the strange object, and just touched him latched on his arm, causing a violent purple light, then the nothing.

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