Hey Everyone, just came up with an idea for a new character.
I wasn't quite sure 'bout the class name, but i guess 'Biospectre' might do it for now.
'Cerberus' might be good as well, other names would be Kerberus or Seth.
Its just a working title.
If you have questions how i mean things, ask me, since english is not my first language.
Here are some facts, skill ideas and stuff:
Bend Time (shoots and orb that flies in the aimed direction till it hits and enemy or an obstacle. Upon impact it casts a bigger orb that slows down enemies and bullets (grenades, rockets) that passes through it. This should look a bit like this one skill from Diablo III, look here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sid1dllGt8w
Though the Skill i have in mind won't slow down your own Bullets, and it won't be as big as the one in the Diablo video.
The orb will last for about 5-8 seconds (else it would be overpowered??), the cooldown could be about, let's say, 20 seconds...or less, i don't know.
Skill Trees:
Caustic Mayhem
This Skill Tree concentrates on damage over time, mainly on corrosion.
It will make Cerberus a Hit-and-Run style class.
I won't allocate the skills to the skill trees for now, since i'm still not sure how to balance them. Will list the skills later.
Stick to it
This one concentrates on melee and skills that cause more damage the closer you are to your enemy. It makes Cerberus be more offensive, Bend Time will be rather used for escape tactics.
Melee for this character will be different to Zer0s, though there might be some similarities.
Btw., the pun is intended - i figured you Gearbox-guys LOVE puns!
Time Bender
So this one, guess you figured it out, concentrates on the better use of the Action Skill.
Wait a second...are these DUKE NUKEM SMILEYS?? :dukeking::dukegoof::dukelol:
HA! Great stuff xDDD
So lets move on to the skills i invented so far.
- Sphere of Disgust (while in the area of an active time orb, ALL your weapons get the chimera effect, meaning random elemental effects.
When i say 'an orb', i indeed mean that it could be another players orb as well. Otherwise i will say 'your orb'.)
- Allergic Reaction (Causes corrosion to spread, similar to the Teapot gun.)
- Toxidermist (when receiving corrosion damage, your shield will recharge completely. This effect can only occur every 15 seconds.)
- Hands like Snakes (While you're inside an orb, your melee attack is changed to a fast punch combo)
- Stings like a Bee, Hurts like a Hornet (Is this proper english anyway?
Melee damage has the change to cause corrosion effect, though the attack itself doesn't do that much damage. Maybe better combine this one with 'Hands like Snakes'.)
- Do a Barrel Roll! (Yes, another cheap pun, HELLYEAH! Causes Barrel explosions to do more damage to nearby enemies.)
- Man or Mouse (The closer you are to an enemy that is slowed down, the more gun damage you do [yeah, GUN damage! melee would be overpowered i guess]. Anyway, you might expose yourself to the enemy as you get closer, so its kinda risky.
- Frozen in Time (When your orb successfully slows down an enemy, the effect has the chance to spread to nearby foes. There won't be another orb then, just the slow down effect. Still the other bonus effects mentioned above will work.
- Plaguemire (Adds the change to add slag effect to slowed down enemies.)
Aaaaight, guess that's it for now. Tell me what you thing, comment and stuff, and/or leave me some of these hilarious Duke-moticons.
I wasn't quite sure 'bout the class name, but i guess 'Biospectre' might do it for now.
'Cerberus' might be good as well, other names would be Kerberus or Seth.
Its just a working title.
If you have questions how i mean things, ask me, since english is not my first language.
Here are some facts, skill ideas and stuff:
Bend Time (shoots and orb that flies in the aimed direction till it hits and enemy or an obstacle. Upon impact it casts a bigger orb that slows down enemies and bullets (grenades, rockets) that passes through it. This should look a bit like this one skill from Diablo III, look here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sid1dllGt8w
Though the Skill i have in mind won't slow down your own Bullets, and it won't be as big as the one in the Diablo video.
The orb will last for about 5-8 seconds (else it would be overpowered??), the cooldown could be about, let's say, 20 seconds...or less, i don't know.
Skill Trees:
Caustic Mayhem
This Skill Tree concentrates on damage over time, mainly on corrosion.
It will make Cerberus a Hit-and-Run style class.
I won't allocate the skills to the skill trees for now, since i'm still not sure how to balance them. Will list the skills later.
Stick to it
This one concentrates on melee and skills that cause more damage the closer you are to your enemy. It makes Cerberus be more offensive, Bend Time will be rather used for escape tactics.
Melee for this character will be different to Zer0s, though there might be some similarities.
Btw., the pun is intended - i figured you Gearbox-guys LOVE puns!
Time Bender
So this one, guess you figured it out, concentrates on the better use of the Action Skill.
Wait a second...are these DUKE NUKEM SMILEYS?? :dukeking::dukegoof::dukelol:
HA! Great stuff xDDD
So lets move on to the skills i invented so far.
- Sphere of Disgust (while in the area of an active time orb, ALL your weapons get the chimera effect, meaning random elemental effects.
When i say 'an orb', i indeed mean that it could be another players orb as well. Otherwise i will say 'your orb'.)
- Allergic Reaction (Causes corrosion to spread, similar to the Teapot gun.)
- Toxidermist (when receiving corrosion damage, your shield will recharge completely. This effect can only occur every 15 seconds.)
- Hands like Snakes (While you're inside an orb, your melee attack is changed to a fast punch combo)
- Stings like a Bee, Hurts like a Hornet (Is this proper english anyway?
Melee damage has the change to cause corrosion effect, though the attack itself doesn't do that much damage. Maybe better combine this one with 'Hands like Snakes'.)
- Do a Barrel Roll! (Yes, another cheap pun, HELLYEAH! Causes Barrel explosions to do more damage to nearby enemies.)
- Man or Mouse (The closer you are to an enemy that is slowed down, the more gun damage you do [yeah, GUN damage! melee would be overpowered i guess]. Anyway, you might expose yourself to the enemy as you get closer, so its kinda risky.
- Frozen in Time (When your orb successfully slows down an enemy, the effect has the chance to spread to nearby foes. There won't be another orb then, just the slow down effect. Still the other bonus effects mentioned above will work.
- Plaguemire (Adds the change to add slag effect to slowed down enemies.)
Aaaaight, guess that's it for now. Tell me what you thing, comment and stuff, and/or leave me some of these hilarious Duke-moticons.