More ideas for new elements BL3: Sound
Hello what's up I'am back with more elemental weopan ideas for borderlands 3. So this time I came up with sound and fear, I thought sound could be an advanced version of air in away because when the...
View ArticleSome BL2 Rainmeter Themes
So I got a bit bored and made a Zer0 (which I am currently using) I then made a Sal for a friend. IToTheMagine told me to post screenshots here. So, why not? If you want the folders, just ask. Zer0 -...
View ArticleNew Class idea: Pirate
Just a rough draft of a character idea that popped into my head. It's an idea for a pirate class, name Monte Introduction Backstory: An up-and-coming space pirate, Monte has been hired by the Maliwan...
View ArticleBadass Zer0 made from Bionicle! It ain't a work of art, but I think it's pretty cool. Tells what you guys think.
View ArticleBorderlands class, Kuro the savage, now with more backstory
Kuro the Savage Backstory: Kuro was a savage on the planet Aegrus who was captured by a group of game hunters; she was given a voice module that translates all of her inane grunts into (insert...
View ArticleCrimsonLance
i know.... its BL1... but.... well..... hell whit it! :D made a crimsonlance armour! :D what do you guys think?
View ArticleChristmas Head hunter boss idea
So seeing how the new head hunter pack 1 introduces a Halloween boss I have an idea for a Christmas boss it they continue holiday themed bosses. This boss would be a Nomad in a Santa costume as the...
View ArticleIntroducing November as the hacker
Introducing November as the hacker A class geared towards BL3, having a very heavy focus on drones, yet being a siren at the same time, mostly with the Spoiler: reincarnation of Angel and her...
View Articleone arena, thousands of varkids
thousands and thousands of varkids swarming at you, no end in sight ok sure that bug boss (not voracidous... the other hard to spawn one) will be really easy to get now, but actually i just wanna...
View ArticleNeed Help With Krieg Cospay!!!!!
I want to make a Krieg cosplay for the conventions I'm going to next year. Most of the outfit I can get easily but what's really stumping me is how to go about making the mask. I don't know where to...
View ArticleCharacter Creation: Now with skill trees!
In lieu of this thread I decided to make good on my promise to post my idea. You might've seen the basics of this idea in several threads, as I...
View ArticleThe Pistol of Scarlets Grandma...
The 1.Archaelogical Team of Wurmwater found it in an old Ship... ...and than i found Tiny Tina's first Bomb-Computer!...
View ArticleCharacter Concept- The Rebel
Name: Virgil Inferis Backstory: On the run from corrupt corporate police for refusing to follow their corrupt draconian laws, Virgil Inferis came to pandora looking for safety after his rebellion was...
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Crimson lance prop helmet
Hey guys! I thought I would post my crimson lance project over the gearbox forums. I posted a thread of my progress over at so check that out if you want....
View Articlekaine the executioner
Hello everyone and anyone who decides to read this post, you can call me Reaper . This is my original idea for a character for border lands 2 so if you would be willing to take a couple minutes of your...
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Handsome Jack Cosplay!
What up guys? HandsomeJackBoy here from Youtube! I made this Handsome Jack Costume for the Salt Lake Comic Con which was this weekend! It turned out awesome and quite a bit of people recognized me as...
View Articlekaine the executioner
Hello everyone and anyone who decides to read this post, you can call me Reaper . This is my original idea for a character for border lands 2 so if you would be willing to take a couple minutes of your...
View ArticleTexMod DDS artifacts
So, im trying to edit map pics (i.e. minimap) to add some info on them, and i use DDS file format, because Map files use Alpha channel for transparency. I've tried to use PNG, but that leads to outline...
View ArticleCharacter Concept: Julian, the Guardian
Julian, the Guardian Backstory (Note: Will most likely suck): On the planet Exaccus, there is an ancient order of religious zealots known as the Knights of Sun's Fury. The knights are stalwart...
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