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Introducing November as the hacker

Introducing November as the hacker

A class geared towards BL3, having a very heavy focus on drones, yet being a siren at the same time, mostly with the Spoiler: reincarnation of Angel and her phaseshift power. This IS another pet class, but I’m hoping that it would go more in-depth allowing for more strategy in a build compared to standard pet class. Also, each skill tree will give November a new ability that fits within the lore of Angel. (Everything goes super in-depth)


Action skill: “Drone Combat”
Unlocking Drone Combat will give a permanent drone companion that will assist in combat with a more passive aggressive approach, waiting for you to engage first. Alternatively, activating Drone Combat will allow you to remotely control it at any time via Phaseshift, and activating again will deactivate Drone Combat. You can rigg up any gun to your drone (starts with no weapon by defalt) and the rigged gun will return to your inventory when respecking. After unlocking the action skill, you will chose a name for your turret buddy, and it will override anything with “Combat Drone” or “Drone Combat” in the skill tree including the action skill. The drone will have half the mag size, 30% more recoil, 30% less accuracy, and twice the reload speed, with its own separate smaller ammo pool with ammo regen, no rockets. While controlling the Drone, you will be able to ascend and descend, and have the rigged weapon equipped (no ADS), you will also have a limited range you can stray from your player before you lose frequency, the Drone will automatically warp back to the player after deactivating “Drone Combat”. Out of drone combat, your turret will still engage enemies that attack. If the turret is destroyed there is a 1min respawn timmer.

Skill trees:


Tier 1

Third Eye:
Increases frequency range for your combat drone.

Jazz Hands:
Increases the damage and reload speeds for all weapons.

Tier 2:

Decreases the reload speeds and accuracy for all rigged guns for Combat Drone.

While controlling the drone you can mark enemies with melee(button), marked targets will be highlighted red will have a red silhouette though walls for all players. They will also take an additional 20% damage from all sources. The drone will shoot out tracker darts to mark enemies, no cooldown, can tag enemies while cloaked.

Increases all non elemental and explosive damage

Tier 3

Cloaked: (really creative I know)
While controlling the drone, you can activate your cloaking fields by sprinting(button), cloaking lasts for 7 sec w/ a cooldown of 40sec, and firing weapons will cancel. Just enough time to poke your head around a corner.

Pro Rigged:
Increases the ammo pool sizes and ammo regen for your Combat Drone.

Tier 4

Decked out:
A rigged grenade launcher system now allows “Combat Drone” to equip and use grenade mods in and out of Drone Combat. Grenade count for your drone is 3 w/ a regen rate of 30sec, and if your drone launches any grenades outside from you using Drone Combat, you nor the drone will take friendly fire to avoid accidental griefing. You can still kill your self if you launch the grenades. Can use Decked while cloaked, launch grenades with grenade(button).

Rig up some propulsion systems to “Combat Drone” Increases the drone’s movement speed including ascending and descending.

Tier 5

Calculated Chaos:
All explosive damage does more damage and has an increased AoE.

Tier 6

Op Storm:
You now can rig up another gun to your drone to use inside and out of Drone Combat. The second gun has all the restrictions or the first gun, uses by AdS(button).


Tier 1

Nano Drone:
You got another turret buddy without the turret, unlocks a strictly passive drone that will provide healing and whatnots to you and your party, also you can name your new bot after unlocking this skill and the name becomes the name of this skill, and everything in the skill tree referring to “Nano Drone” becomes the drone’s name, because it would be cool :) . Your new Drone starts with an AoE buffer that can heal allies with more bonuses later as well as special abilities. Nano Drone will seek out the most injured player before administering its AoE buffs, cooldown of 20 seconds, and starts with a 30% heal.

Last Chance:
Increases your revive time when reviving allies, also gain movement speed while an ally is down.
_ /4: 25% revive speed and 15% movement speed per level.

Tier 2

Full Set:
Decreases the downed time for all bots.

Deck out Nano Drone by equipping shields (for the Drone).

Nano Drone’s healing buff will also restore shields as well as more health.

Tier 3

Shield Links:
When an ally’s shield is depleted, the Nano Drone will link a reflector shield around that character reflecting all bullet damage back at the attacker and protects against all explosive damage for 2 seconds. Shield link will also shield the Nano Drone for the duration as well and the link will jump to anyone within 15m of the affected player, the link has an infinite range, reaching players across the map. Cooldown of 40 seconds, only one can be active at a time.

Good Vibes:
Increases the AoE effect for the Nano Drone’s buffer.

“Nano Bots” AoE buff will provide a movement speed boost.

Tier 4

Your healing drone can now administer health hypos to wounded allies (50% health), giving them 3% health regen for 30sec, cooldown 30sec. Will use it on whoever is closer to death, buff will carry over from ffyl.

Constant health regen aura only for other players.
_ / 5: 0.4% per level.

Tier 5:

Trans Time:
Nano Drone will instantly warp where ever it’s needed.

Increases health for all Drones

Tier 6

From Ashes:
You can now rez a player if they had bled out. Instead of respawning at a new you station, you can chose to resurrect that player via option on screen. Rezed character will spawn next to the player after a cool cinematic seen w/ your character hovering with some cool cosmic digistruct textured phoenix wings, everything would go grey except for a blue bloom emanating from your character as you reconstruct your friend. During the cinematic everything else is frozen so essentially the respawn would be instantaneous, just because it would look so much cooler. Rezed players from From Ashes will respawn without a fee, w/ cooldown of 40 sec, and you can only save the most recently bled out character.


Tier 1:

Lets you open digital rifts on the field that will construct tech to help in combat. A quick select menu will pop up over your crosshair by pressing the next weapon button on consoles (/\ or Y), and on PC you could have different hotkey to chose which rift you want to open. After choosing a rift, it will immediately begin construction at your cross hair location, but the rift will be left vulnerable and can take damage while constructing, all damage would carry over after it’s constructed. Unlocking this skill gives you access to the basic field turret and sets your rift limit to 1. Every rift is limited to a cooldown, and all are limited to the max rift limit (the number of rifts allowed open at any one time). Some builds may have a duration that they will be active for before deconstructing, otherwise you can deconstruct anything by pointing your crosshair at it at any range and pressing /\ or Y or whatever.
_ / 1

Turret Schematics: (constructor required, unlocks tier 1)
Tier 1: Standard Turret
Constructs a little turret that does very little damage but at longer ranges, has low health. Cooldown 20 sec, construction time 10 sec. will deconstruct when out of ammo.
Tier 2: Sniper Turret
Increases its accuracy, adds a long barrel to the little turret.
Tier 3: Sentry
Doubles its rate of fire, increases ammo count.
Tier 4: Rail Turret
Further increases its accuracy and range, shots go through enemies and ricochet.

Refraction: (constructor required)
Increases your rift limit.
_ / 3

Tier 2

Mine Schematic:
Tier 1: Proximity Mines
A standard mine that will detonate after enemies are within range, doesn’t take up your rift limit, construction time 3 sec, cooldown 5 sec
Tier 2: Cluster Mines
The mine will leave behind several child grenades after detonating.
Tier 3: Spider Mines
The mine will chase after enemies after they are within range.
Tier 4: Hive Mines
The mine will jump onto enemies that get close enough to it.

Limit Breaker:
Can open 1 additional rift.

Barrier Schematic:
Tier 1: Barrier
Small cover that will absorb 10 hits from any source before, cooldown 30 sec, construction time instantaneous, duration of 10 sec.
Tier 2:
Increases the amount of hits it can absorb by 10
Tier 3:
Decreases cooldown and cover arcs 180 degrees. cooldown 20 sec
Tier 4: Bubble Barrier
Provides a bubble shield protecting from all angles, +5 extra hits
Tier 5: Fractured Barrier
Creates a barrier that will reflect hits instead of absorbing back at attackers

Tier 3

Ammo Marker:
Tier 1: Ammo Marker
Digistruct a crate full of ammo for your team. Cooldown 1min, duration 5 sec before it fizzles. Construction time 3 sec, can be easily destroyed.
Tier 2: Heavy Marker
Crate contains grenades and rockets
Tier 3: Portable Armory
Allies around the Portable Armory will regen 2% ammo per sec.

Rally Marker:
Tier 1: Rally Marker
Provides increases recharge rate for all allies around the Rally Marker
Tier 2: Ion Marker
The Marker will drop shield boosters
Tier 3: Com Marker
Allies around the Marker will immediately begin their shield recharge.

Aid Marker:
Tier 1: Aid Marker
Digistruct in a crate full of health hypos for your team. Cooldown 1min, duration 5 sec before it fizzles. Construction time 3 sec, can be easily destroyed.
Tier 2: Medi Marker
Crate contains regenerative hypos as well as health.
Tier 3: Vac Marker
Allies around the Vac Marker regen health, 7% health regen per sec
_ / 3: 1 Tier per level, that schematic then becomes the skill name.

Tier 4

Can open Rifts while controlling “Combat Drone”, even while cloaked

Flamer Schematic:
Tier 1: Flamer Turret
Small close quarters turret that spews flames, high DPS but very limited range, high health. Cooldown 50 sec, construction time 4 sec, will deconstruct when out of fuel.
Tier 2: Burst Turret
Increases fuel count
Tier 3: Napalm Turret
Flames will code the floor dealing additional damage to enemies walking in it.
Tier 4: Combustion Turret
Adds an additional barrel for twice the flames
Tier 5: Hellfire Turret
The turret deals shock damage as well as fire damage

Tesla Schematic:
Tier 1: Tesla Turret
Small energy turret that shoots energy orbs that stun enemies, no damage, moderate range and health, fires in bursts with very slow velocity. Cooldown 40 sec, construction time 5 sec, will deconstruct when out of energy.
Tier 2: Merger Turret
Slows affected enemies for 4 sec
Tier 3: Trans Turret
Debuffs enemies, enemies deal 20% less damage for 4 sec
Tier 4: Active Turret
Debuffs enemies, enemies take 20% additional damage for 4 sec.
Tier 5: Control Turret
All shots fired have a small AoE effect

Tier 5

Decoy schematic:
Tier 1:
Tier 2:
Tier 3:
Tier 4:
Tier 5:

Digital Glow:
Decreases cooldown for all the schematics
_ / 5: 6% per level

Volley schematic:
Tier 1: Volley Missile
A single missile that is called down as an airstrike, deals moderate damage over a large AoE, only works outside, no friendly fire so you could drop it on your head. Cooldown 1min 10sec, airstrike takes 3 seconds to contact.
Tier 2: Strike Missile
Airstrikes take 1.5 seconts to strike
Tier 3: Graviton bomb
Singularity effect on airstrike LZ
Tier 4: Devastator
Several homing missiles are released on impact
Tier 5: Tactical Nuke
Increases Damage and AoE

Tier 6

Can open 1 additional rift and rifts can’t be targeted by enemies while constructing, but can still be destroyed.

Theme song: Imagine Dragons – Radioactive
(Because this song is the most badass thing ever created ever)

Currently a WIP. Also, this was heavily inspired by shadowrun and starcraft.

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