Julian, the Guardian
Backstory (Note: Will most likely suck): On the planet Exaccus, there is an ancient order of religious zealots known as the Knights of Sun's Fury. The knights are stalwart protectors of whoever they come across, extremely vengeful, and skilled warriors who fight for the greater good. While the lesser knights of the order remain on Exaccus, the Guardians, the elite faction of the Knights of Sun's Fury are sent on pilgrimages to spread the glory of the order. Julian was sent to Pandora with a band of knights, who after many years settled down in a settlement near New Haven. After Wilhelm destroyed New Haven, he soon came across the settlement. Julian and his comrades tried to defend their new home, however they failed, and all of them except Julian died in the process. Thus started his quest to avenge his friends.
Appearance: A middle aged, battle-scarred knight. Most of his armor was replaced with leather and scrap metal, however, his armguards are still from his original tempered steel armor. He has a broadsword attached to his side that he uses to melee attack.
Action Skill: Digistructed Defender.
When used, creates a shield in front of you that protects you from harm. You can still aim while the shield is up. Lasts for 20 seconds. (30 second cooldown)
Shield Strength: 350% Equipped Shield Capacity. If you don't have a shield equipped, the Defender is immediately destroyed. This can be useful BTW.
Skill Trees:
Swordplay: Based around melee and dueling opponents.Sample skills:
Deft Duelist: Grants 3% per level melee damage and 6% per level increased melee attack speed per level.
Disarm: After meleeing an enemy, all damage that enemy deals to you is reduced by 1.5% per rank. This amount is doubled while Digistructed Defender is active.
Shield Bash: While Digistructed Defender is active, once every 7 seconds, your next melee attack will deal 50% increased damage and stun an enemy.
Techcalibur: While Digistructed Defender is active, a flying sword is also Digistructed. This sword will attack enemies, dealing damage equal to your melee damage, applying all of your melee buffs, BAR, and Roid effects (If your shields are down). The sword has the same resistance as Digistructed Defender.
Sentinel: Make your Digistruct Defender as strong as possible to defend yourself and others. Basically, tank that nuke with your face.
Sample Skills:
Reinforce: 5% Shield Capacity per level (Note that this works with Digistruct Defender).
Digistruct Defender gets 1% Damage Reduction per level.
Stand Your Ground: While Digistruct Defender is active, you and your allies gain 2% increased damage per rank from all sources. This bonus is doubled for you while you hold the Defender up (You do this by aiming down sights).
Guardian Angel: Reactivating Digistruct Defender while targeting an ally teleports you in front of that ally, shielding him/her from harm with your shield.
Aegis: Both your shield and Digistruct Defender are now Inflammable, Alkaline, Grounded, and Blast Proof.
Judgement: Smite evil. Do it.
Sample Skills:
Justice: +5% fire rate per rank, +3% gun damage per rank. This bonus is doubled while you or an ally are in FFYL.
Holy Light: You regain .3% of your health per rank per second. Enemies near you that you are in combat with take that much damage.
The Purge: Your bullets move 15% slower, however they now deal 20% more damage and explode in an AoE upon hitting an enemy. The AoE damage is treated like gunshots, and not an explosion.
Arclight: When your shield or Digistruct Defender breaks, it shoots out several homing spikes. The homing spikes are all Fire, Slag, or Non-elemental (randomly).
Shield Spike Count: 8
Digistruct Defender Spike Count: 28
And yes, the damage scaling won't suck in UVHM
Backstory (Note: Will most likely suck): On the planet Exaccus, there is an ancient order of religious zealots known as the Knights of Sun's Fury. The knights are stalwart protectors of whoever they come across, extremely vengeful, and skilled warriors who fight for the greater good. While the lesser knights of the order remain on Exaccus, the Guardians, the elite faction of the Knights of Sun's Fury are sent on pilgrimages to spread the glory of the order. Julian was sent to Pandora with a band of knights, who after many years settled down in a settlement near New Haven. After Wilhelm destroyed New Haven, he soon came across the settlement. Julian and his comrades tried to defend their new home, however they failed, and all of them except Julian died in the process. Thus started his quest to avenge his friends.
Appearance: A middle aged, battle-scarred knight. Most of his armor was replaced with leather and scrap metal, however, his armguards are still from his original tempered steel armor. He has a broadsword attached to his side that he uses to melee attack.
Action Skill: Digistructed Defender.
When used, creates a shield in front of you that protects you from harm. You can still aim while the shield is up. Lasts for 20 seconds. (30 second cooldown)
Shield Strength: 350% Equipped Shield Capacity. If you don't have a shield equipped, the Defender is immediately destroyed. This can be useful BTW.
Skill Trees:
Swordplay: Based around melee and dueling opponents.Sample skills:
Deft Duelist: Grants 3% per level melee damage and 6% per level increased melee attack speed per level.
Disarm: After meleeing an enemy, all damage that enemy deals to you is reduced by 1.5% per rank. This amount is doubled while Digistructed Defender is active.
Shield Bash: While Digistructed Defender is active, once every 7 seconds, your next melee attack will deal 50% increased damage and stun an enemy.
Techcalibur: While Digistructed Defender is active, a flying sword is also Digistructed. This sword will attack enemies, dealing damage equal to your melee damage, applying all of your melee buffs, BAR, and Roid effects (If your shields are down). The sword has the same resistance as Digistructed Defender.
Sentinel: Make your Digistruct Defender as strong as possible to defend yourself and others. Basically, tank that nuke with your face.
Sample Skills:
Reinforce: 5% Shield Capacity per level (Note that this works with Digistruct Defender).
Digistruct Defender gets 1% Damage Reduction per level.
Stand Your Ground: While Digistruct Defender is active, you and your allies gain 2% increased damage per rank from all sources. This bonus is doubled for you while you hold the Defender up (You do this by aiming down sights).
Guardian Angel: Reactivating Digistruct Defender while targeting an ally teleports you in front of that ally, shielding him/her from harm with your shield.
Aegis: Both your shield and Digistruct Defender are now Inflammable, Alkaline, Grounded, and Blast Proof.
Judgement: Smite evil. Do it.
Sample Skills:
Justice: +5% fire rate per rank, +3% gun damage per rank. This bonus is doubled while you or an ally are in FFYL.
Holy Light: You regain .3% of your health per rank per second. Enemies near you that you are in combat with take that much damage.
The Purge: Your bullets move 15% slower, however they now deal 20% more damage and explode in an AoE upon hitting an enemy. The AoE damage is treated like gunshots, and not an explosion.
Arclight: When your shield or Digistruct Defender breaks, it shoots out several homing spikes. The homing spikes are all Fire, Slag, or Non-elemental (randomly).
Shield Spike Count: 8
Digistruct Defender Spike Count: 28
And yes, the damage scaling won't suck in UVHM