Name: Virgil Inferis
Backstory: On the run from corrupt corporate police for refusing to follow their corrupt draconian laws, Virgil Inferis came to pandora looking for safety after his rebellion was crushed and his sister killed. He still carries around the downloaded neural imprint of his sister, Verge, who assists him in combat and provides an ever-present companion.
Personality: They are both rebels, with the occasional stereotypical rebel line, especially when fighting hyperion.(Lines Like "Still not the most corrupt company that's tried to kill us.") He will often banter back and forth with Verge. Both of them have lines for standard actions like getting people up and running out of ammo.
Action skill- Phantom: Deploy a hologram of Verge, distracting enemies and drawing fire. like deathtrap, the hologram will hover near him until enemies are nearby, at which point the hologram will teleport in front of enemies and distract them.
Skill tree one: Paradise Lost: Focuses on incresing the effectiveness of weapons and elemental effects.
Tier 1: Reverb: On a critical kill, there is a chance to fully refill the current clip and reduce reload time by 20% per skill point. 10% chance to take effect per skill point
Eon: Dealing critical hit damage will heal you for 1% per skill point of the damage done
Tier 2: Smite: Increase elemental effect chance by 10% per skill point
Rise: Double elemental effect duration
Tier 3: Better to reign: Applying an elemental effect will gain one stack per skill point of Fall, which increases elemental effect chance, elemental effect duration, weapon damage, fire rate, clip size, and reload speed by .1% per stack
Fall from Grace: Gain a stack of Fall every [Starts at ten, goes down by 1 each point] seconds an enemy is afflicted with an elemental effect
Infernal Eternity: Gain a stack of Fall every time you land a critical hit.
Tier 4: Broken Eden: When you take damage, the enemy which dealt you that damage takes an equal amount.
Hell of Heaven: Verge Ability: The hologram will continuously release elemental novas while active, cycling through the four with lingering effects.
Tier 5: The Adversary: Taking health damage equal to 1% of your maximum health will apply stacks of heresy, increasing damage resistance by 1% per stack and increasing the chance to apply elemental effects. When a stack fades, you will regenerate 1% of you maximum health.
Tier 6: Light bearer: Critical hits will release an elemental nova, dealing damage to any enemies in the area. Non-elemental critical hits will release an explosive nova.
Skill tree two: Rampant Victory: Focuses on Phantom, making it last longer, and more distracting:
Tier 1: Alpha Trace: Verge Ability: The hologram will leave beacons on the enemies nearby, highlighting them through walls, ceilings, floors, and invisibility. Beacon duration increased by 5 seconds per skill point
Beta Rev: Verge Ability: When the hologram takes a hit, it regains a portion of it's timer. Timer regained increased by 1 second per skill point.
Tier 2: Delta Horizon: Verge ability: When the hologram deactivates, it drops a free grenade.
Gamma Blight: Verge Ability: When the hologram takes damage, you gain a stack of fury, increasing melee damage by 2% per point per stack.
Epsilon Storm: Dealing damage or reloading will increase the recharge speed of Phantasm. This cooldown increase is boosted when the damage is a critical hit or by the number of bullets expended from the magazine.
Tier 3: Zeta Sheath: Kill Skill: After killing an enemy while Phantom is active, you will cloak for the remainder of the time it is active
Theta Dynamo: 10% per skill point duration increase for Phantom.
Eta Iota: Damage increase by .1% Per skill point every second Phantom remains active.
Tier 4: Sigma Breaker: Upon killing an enemy while Phantom is active, it will increase in duration by 1 second per skill point.
Upsilon Hail: Verge Ability: When the hologram takes damage, will damage the attacker by 20% of the damage taken per skill point.
Tier 5: Phi Chi Psi: Verge Ability: If phantom is fully charged when you enter fight for your life, it will automatically trigger. It will not begin the timer to deactivation until you come out of fight for your life.
Tier 6: Meta-Omega: Verge Ability: The hologram loses the ability to hover, go through walls, ceilings, and floors, but in return it gains a copy of the weapon you have equipped when you activate Phantom and all effects that would apply when you damaged an enemy will also apply when the hologram damages an enemy.
Skill tree three: Faith: Focuses on support and healing. And releasing a LOT of life orbs
Tier 1: Truth: Taking damage will release a life orb that will heal for 5% per level of the amount of damage taken.
Justice: Dealing damage will release a life orb that will heal for 10% per level of the damage dealt
Tier 2: Exemplar: Kill Skill: Killing an enemy will grant health regeneration to the entire team for 5% of their maximum health per skill point.
Martyr: When you or your allies are in fight for your life mode, you will continuously spawn life orbs that heal for the damage taken that downed you. Time between spawns decreased by 1 second per skill point, Life orbs spawned each time increased by 1 per skill point.
Tier 3: Triage: Verge Skill: The hologram gains the ability to revive allies who are in fight for your life mode.
Bedside Manner: 10% damage reduction per skill point while reviving an ally in fight for your life mode
Conviction: Fight for your Life time is not reduced every subsequent time you or an ally is forced to Fight for their Lives
Tier 4: Malpractice: When an enemy takes damage from lingering status effects, spawn a life orb that heals for the amount of damage dealt by the status effect.
Tier 5: Asylum: Verge Skill: Allies within 1 meter per skill point of the hologram take 10% less damage per skill point.
Tier 6: Power to the People: Damage taken by enemies who are hit by two or more allies within 5 seconds is multiplied by the number of allies who damaged it. (The second person to attack an enemy within five seconds of the enemy taking damage would deal double damage on whatever hits they landed, the third would deal triple, and the fourth would have their damage quadrupled. If all four continued firing, they would ALL have their damage quadrupled.)
Well, that took... a long time to work out. I will continue working on it, any and all feedback is GREATLY appreciated.
Backstory: On the run from corrupt corporate police for refusing to follow their corrupt draconian laws, Virgil Inferis came to pandora looking for safety after his rebellion was crushed and his sister killed. He still carries around the downloaded neural imprint of his sister, Verge, who assists him in combat and provides an ever-present companion.
Personality: They are both rebels, with the occasional stereotypical rebel line, especially when fighting hyperion.(Lines Like "Still not the most corrupt company that's tried to kill us.") He will often banter back and forth with Verge. Both of them have lines for standard actions like getting people up and running out of ammo.
Action skill- Phantom: Deploy a hologram of Verge, distracting enemies and drawing fire. like deathtrap, the hologram will hover near him until enemies are nearby, at which point the hologram will teleport in front of enemies and distract them.
Skill tree one: Paradise Lost: Focuses on incresing the effectiveness of weapons and elemental effects.
Tier 1: Reverb: On a critical kill, there is a chance to fully refill the current clip and reduce reload time by 20% per skill point. 10% chance to take effect per skill point
Eon: Dealing critical hit damage will heal you for 1% per skill point of the damage done
Tier 2: Smite: Increase elemental effect chance by 10% per skill point
Rise: Double elemental effect duration
Tier 3: Better to reign: Applying an elemental effect will gain one stack per skill point of Fall, which increases elemental effect chance, elemental effect duration, weapon damage, fire rate, clip size, and reload speed by .1% per stack
Fall from Grace: Gain a stack of Fall every [Starts at ten, goes down by 1 each point] seconds an enemy is afflicted with an elemental effect
Infernal Eternity: Gain a stack of Fall every time you land a critical hit.
Tier 4: Broken Eden: When you take damage, the enemy which dealt you that damage takes an equal amount.
Hell of Heaven: Verge Ability: The hologram will continuously release elemental novas while active, cycling through the four with lingering effects.
Tier 5: The Adversary: Taking health damage equal to 1% of your maximum health will apply stacks of heresy, increasing damage resistance by 1% per stack and increasing the chance to apply elemental effects. When a stack fades, you will regenerate 1% of you maximum health.
Tier 6: Light bearer: Critical hits will release an elemental nova, dealing damage to any enemies in the area. Non-elemental critical hits will release an explosive nova.
Skill tree two: Rampant Victory: Focuses on Phantom, making it last longer, and more distracting:
Tier 1: Alpha Trace: Verge Ability: The hologram will leave beacons on the enemies nearby, highlighting them through walls, ceilings, floors, and invisibility. Beacon duration increased by 5 seconds per skill point
Beta Rev: Verge Ability: When the hologram takes a hit, it regains a portion of it's timer. Timer regained increased by 1 second per skill point.
Tier 2: Delta Horizon: Verge ability: When the hologram deactivates, it drops a free grenade.
Gamma Blight: Verge Ability: When the hologram takes damage, you gain a stack of fury, increasing melee damage by 2% per point per stack.
Epsilon Storm: Dealing damage or reloading will increase the recharge speed of Phantasm. This cooldown increase is boosted when the damage is a critical hit or by the number of bullets expended from the magazine.
Tier 3: Zeta Sheath: Kill Skill: After killing an enemy while Phantom is active, you will cloak for the remainder of the time it is active
Theta Dynamo: 10% per skill point duration increase for Phantom.
Eta Iota: Damage increase by .1% Per skill point every second Phantom remains active.
Tier 4: Sigma Breaker: Upon killing an enemy while Phantom is active, it will increase in duration by 1 second per skill point.
Upsilon Hail: Verge Ability: When the hologram takes damage, will damage the attacker by 20% of the damage taken per skill point.
Tier 5: Phi Chi Psi: Verge Ability: If phantom is fully charged when you enter fight for your life, it will automatically trigger. It will not begin the timer to deactivation until you come out of fight for your life.
Tier 6: Meta-Omega: Verge Ability: The hologram loses the ability to hover, go through walls, ceilings, and floors, but in return it gains a copy of the weapon you have equipped when you activate Phantom and all effects that would apply when you damaged an enemy will also apply when the hologram damages an enemy.
Skill tree three: Faith: Focuses on support and healing. And releasing a LOT of life orbs
Tier 1: Truth: Taking damage will release a life orb that will heal for 5% per level of the amount of damage taken.
Justice: Dealing damage will release a life orb that will heal for 10% per level of the damage dealt
Tier 2: Exemplar: Kill Skill: Killing an enemy will grant health regeneration to the entire team for 5% of their maximum health per skill point.
Martyr: When you or your allies are in fight for your life mode, you will continuously spawn life orbs that heal for the damage taken that downed you. Time between spawns decreased by 1 second per skill point, Life orbs spawned each time increased by 1 per skill point.
Tier 3: Triage: Verge Skill: The hologram gains the ability to revive allies who are in fight for your life mode.
Bedside Manner: 10% damage reduction per skill point while reviving an ally in fight for your life mode
Conviction: Fight for your Life time is not reduced every subsequent time you or an ally is forced to Fight for their Lives
Tier 4: Malpractice: When an enemy takes damage from lingering status effects, spawn a life orb that heals for the amount of damage dealt by the status effect.
Tier 5: Asylum: Verge Skill: Allies within 1 meter per skill point of the hologram take 10% less damage per skill point.
Tier 6: Power to the People: Damage taken by enemies who are hit by two or more allies within 5 seconds is multiplied by the number of allies who damaged it. (The second person to attack an enemy within five seconds of the enemy taking damage would deal double damage on whatever hits they landed, the third would deal triple, and the fourth would have their damage quadrupled. If all four continued firing, they would ALL have their damage quadrupled.)
Well, that took... a long time to work out. I will continue working on it, any and all feedback is GREATLY appreciated.