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Character Creation: Now with skill trees!

In lieu of this thread http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/sh...d.php?t=324260 I decided to make good on my promise to post my idea. You might've seen the basics of this idea in several threads, as I have posted the idea before. This is what I came up with for the full picture, after about ten hours of actual dedicated effort.

Feel free to post your thoughts, opinions, and criticisms. But know that I am not fully aware of game mechanics, as some here are, and these are mainly just ideas and will probably not be viable in some cases.

Frag Frenzy: For 20 seconds Tiny Tina has an unlimited pool of grenades and is immune to her own grenade damage. Delay between grenade tosses are reduced by 30%. Cool down: 55 seconds.

Tree #1: Op-shuns

Tier 1:

Ellie-Mental: Your guns and grenades receive the following:
Elemental Effect Damage: +3% per level.
Elemental Effect Duration: +8% per level.

Sue-aside Bomma: Your grenade damage is increased when your health and shields are low. This effect does activate when using “Thaz Just a Flesh Woond”.
Up to +10% grenade damage per level.

Tier 2:

Bombtastic: After causing grenade damage to an enemy, your gun damage and rate of fire is increased for seven seconds.
Gun Damage: +3% per level
Fire Rate: +4% per level

Fun Size: Kill Skill. After killing an enemy with a gun, your grenade damage is increased for seven seconds.
Grenade Damage: +10% per level.

Tier 3:

Emp-Tea Pockets: The lower percentage of grenades you have in comparison to your maximum capacity, the faster your reload speed.
Reload Speed: Up to +10% per level

All Tha Kullas Of Tha Rainbo': Game changer. During Frag Frenzy, the elemental damage type of each grenade thrown is randomly altered. Slag has a slightly higher chance of being used.

Fool Pockets: The higher percentage of grenades you have in comparison to your maximum capacity, the better your critical hit and melee damage.
Critical Damage: Up to 5% per level.
Melee Damage: Up to 10% per level.

Tier 4:

Thaz Jus' a Flesh Woond: You can activate Frag Frenzy while in Fight For Your Life and increases Fight For Your Life time by 50%. If you are revived, Frag Frenzy ends.

Pro-teen Melkshake: Applying elemental effects to enemies restores 1% health per second per level, for the duration of the effect.

Grand Fun-Ally: Your grenade damage is increased for every bullet currently in your magazine. Your gun damage increases for each bullet fired, until you reload or switch weapons.
Gun Damage: +1% for each bullet fired.
Grenade Damage: +1% for each bullet left in your magazine.

Tier 5:

OOH I Like Dis Gun: Guns that have the explosive element or shoot grenades gain the following:
Magazine size: +8% per level.
Bullet Velocity: +5% per level.
Gun Damage: +2% per level.
Recoil Reduction: -2% per level.

Tier 6:

Make It RAAAIIINNN: Capstone. During Frag Frenzy, your grenade mod randomly changes every two seconds. Mods adjust to your level and are of blue quality or higher.

Tree #2: A-fish-in-sea

Tier 1:

Cooduh Been A Cuntendah: Increases the rate in which you can throw grenades and Melee Strike.
Melee Strike: +10% per level.
Grenade Toss: +5% per level.

Tuff Stuff: Increases your shield capacity and regeneration rate.
Shield Capacity: +8% per level.
Shield Regeneration Rate: +5% per level.

Tier 2:

I Gotz Endur-ants: Increases the duration of Frag Frenzy.
Frag Frenzy Duration: +2 seconds per level. +1 additional second for killing an enemy.

Snip da Tip: The fuse time for your grenades is reduced. Bladed weapons receive a damage bonus.
Fuse time: -18% per level
Melee Weapon Damage: +20% per level.

Tier 3:

Hasty Is Tasty: Kill Skill. Killing an enemy reduces the cool down of your action skill and increases your movement speed for several seconds.
Action skill cooldown : -.6 seconds per level.
Movement Speed: +10% per level.

Droppa Deuce: Game Changer. After a grenade detonates, there is a 20% chance of a second grenade of the same element and type dropping. The second grenade receives a huge damage bonus.
Second Grenade Damage Bonus: +100%

Child's Play: Increases the blast radius of your grenades and rocket launcher explosions.
Blast range: +5% per level.

Tier 4:

Heavy Hittah: Huge damage boost for rocket launchers at the cost of fire rate and recoil reduction.
Damage bonus: +15% per level.
Recoil Reduction: -5% per level.
Rate of Fire: -5% per level.

Demolishins Expert: Increases the effectiveness of certain grenade mods.
Area of Effect Mods: +5% duration per level.
Bouncing Betty Mods: +5% duration per level.
Singularity Mods: +5% range per level.
Transfusion Mods: +5% to health returns per level.
MIRV Grenades: +5% damage per level.

Tier 5:

Deeeep Pockets: You regenerate grenades and rocket ammo...Yay!
Grenades: +1 grenade per 8 seconds (At rank 5).
Rockets: +1 rocket per 10 seconds (At rank 5).

Tier 6:

Leap Frag: Melee Override. Depletes your current shield to do massive grenade damage. Damage dealt is based on the amount of shield you have at the time of use and is added onto the original damage total.
Initial Grenade Damage Bonus: What was depleted x 300%.
Cooldown: 15 seconds

Tree #3: Cun-troll

Tier 1:

I Got Dis: Improves your accuracy and recoil with Pistols, SMGs, and Assault Rifles.
Accuracy: +3% per level.
Recoil Reduction: +5% per level

Skwishy Skwishy: You receive reduced elemental effect damage and duration.
Elemental Effect Damage: -7% per level.
Elemental Effect Duration: -7% per level.

Tier 2:

Booty Like Pow!: You receive reduced melee damage.
Enemy Melee Damage: -7% per level.

Badonkadonks: Increased the damage of Melee attacks and has a chance to stun.
Melee Damage: +2% per level.
Chance to Stun: 10% per level.

Tier 3:

Polka DOTs: Elemental effects caused by grenades have a chance spread to other nearby enemies.
Chance to infect other targets: 15% per level
Range of effect: +.5 meters per level.

Back Up Suckah:Game Changer. During Frag Frenzy, your grenade delivery method is changed to Longbow. Enemies that are struck with your grenade tosses are knocked back several meters and can be stunned. Larger or stationary enemies are not effected.
Stun chance: 10%

Tier 4:

Best Day Evahh: Making contact with an enemy grenade or rocket prevents the explosion and absorbs it.
Chance to absorb grenades: 90%
Chance to absorb rockets: 75%

Good Playun, Great Playun: During Frag Frenzy, your grenades heal effected teammates.
Health returned: 2% of the damage is converted to health, per level.

Tier 5:

Per-Cussin' Grenades: Enemies effected by your grenades receive slowed movement speed and have a small chance to be stunned for three seconds.
Enemy Movement Speed: -5% per level.
Chance of Stun: 2% per level.

Tier 6:

Purpo Jewz: Capstone. During Frag Frenzy, all grenades thrown have the slag element in addition to any other elements, and cause decreased gun accuracy to applied targets.[/FONT]

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