borderlands trading card game
I am in the process of making a trading card game based off the game itself (of course not to sell as it would be copyright infringement) to play at home or with friends and the game itself is starting...
View ArticleCharacter Class Idea: Gunsmith
Hot on the heels of Krieg, the beautiful flaming bastard, I've decided to finally come to the forums with an idea for a character class I had a while back: Gunsmith "Once a slave in the hellish...
View ArticleMy character ideas
Since I love borderlands, and had nothing better to do I wrote some class ideas: Okay, first this characters are supposed to be part from my version of "Borderlands 3", So here it is: After the rumors...
View ArticlePsycho Bandit and Krieg Cosplay!!!!!
I just wanted to share some more of my cosplay props and pics. All props are made by me and are usually cast in resin and then hand painted. If you couldn't tell I love psychos!!! You can see more of...
View ArticleSiren "Best Friends" Complimentary Signature
Removed: The character stock used in the signature was created by fgambler. I assumed it was a public image released by GBX, and have removed the image after learning this! My mistake
View Articlegun concepts
Here are some pictures I drew, lemme know what you think. Bitch smg [IMG][/IMG] Unkempt harold [IMG][/IMG] Random torgue pistol [IMG][/IMG]
View ArticlePony in Borderlands!
You eather will hate me, find me awesome or be neutral, as any pony stuff related item make poeple feel now a days.However, I commision this pic afther Krieg came out since there 6 vault hunter I...
View ArticleCharacter Class Idea: Alastor the Scientist
Any and all feedback is welcome. This is my first shot at one of these. Name: Alastor the Scientist (and his artificial buddy, Hermes) Concept (what makes him different from the other Vault Hunters):...
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Skin Viewer
Hey Guys, I've put some effort and time together and created a Borderlands 2 Skin Viewer last week, featuring all currently available skins and heads for every character. It's some pretty simple code,...
View ArticleBorderlands 3 - Common Sense Concepts
This is a thread meant to gather the general "good ideas" for Borderlands 3, in the hopes that an amalgamation of rational thought on the subject might actually catch the eye of some key Gearbox...
View ArticleFor the lolz (Riding a Badass Goliath - game glitch)
So I was doing a recording session of Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode with Spunky when I learned to ride a Badass Goliath as Zer0. There's the link :3 I'm a goofy...
View ArticleCharacter class idea: The Company Man
Are you finding it difficult to advance your companies interests on dangerous borderworlds? Are you tired of tedious echo calls to bereaved families? Are you ready for the future? We at Tediore are...
View ArticleRPG time, Borderlands style
Hello! I am trying to start a borderlands based rpg. I need 3-6 people to make this happen if any are interested. I have a map but can't get it up and do not have individual maps for each area but I...
View ArticleA New Tank Character
New to the forums, hello everyone! I had this idea a while back and thought I should share it. A new character that can take whatever you can throw at it and return it. I worked on this for a bit and I...
View ArticleOoh Idea
though sirens are a race of women that have crazy ass powers mayby for bl3 the siren could be a guy Name:Gemini rather muscular has red tattoos instead of blue Action Skill: Phasedopple [creates a...
View ArticleCharacter Idea: Padre Baltazar, Combat Mortician
All right, check it -- my BL2 buddy and I were talking back and forth over headsets while playing the other day, and he was like 'What would a combat mortician be like?' He was wondering this because...
View ArticleCharacter Concepts
The Infector Special Ability: Poisonous Frenzy, sprays a cloud of poison that stuns enemies and causes poison damage (new form of damage that affects all enemies) Will also slash with corrosive claws....
View Articled20 Weapon mod inspired by DLC4
I made this for BL1, but I figured I'd repost it here since it's based on the theme of BL2's DLC4. This weapon has a different random effect depending on the number "rolled" when it is fired. The idea...
View ArticleCHARACTER PORTRAITS! Let's do ALL of them!
HIYOOO I really wanted to express some BL love and decided to paint character portraits of all the characters from the BL world. I thought it would be most fun to work through the list with everyone...
View ArticleGun-manufacturer belt buckles - any interest?
Hi all, My buddy made belt buckles for all the gun manufacturers in Borderlands 2, and he's thinking of making more if Gearbox gives him the go ahead. What do you guys think?...
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