Since I love borderlands, and had nothing better to do I wrote some class ideas:
Okay, first this characters are supposed to be part from my version of "Borderlands 3", So here it is:
After the rumors about more Vaults in the galaxy spread, a great number of Vault hunters arrived to pandora. Soon after the death of Handsome Jack, the Hyperion corporation started to fall apart, but was bought by Maliwan. The rumors of a small girl who aquired special powers, at the same time of Angel's death caught the attention of most corporations, that wanted to use her for personal gain as her powers were still developing. This made them send armies to look for her, causing a war in Pandora. Knowing the danger that would cause, the Crimson Raiders decided to form an army too, so they started recruiting Vault Hunters.
-Name: Randy
Class: Veteran (Replacing Commando)
Action Skill: Steeljaws. Summons Steeljaws (A skag) to aid you in combat until killed or after 30 seconds, cooldown 48 seconds, less if called back before (by pressing the action skill button again).
Originally from Pandora, Randy joined the Crimson Lance at a young age. 14 years later he deserted after the Crimson Lance killed his family. After that he spent several decades of his life hiding with Steeljaws, his only friend, a Skag he found laying in the highway after being hit by a vehicle. He raised him and trained him to aid him in battle. He decided to join the Crimson Raiders not only for the promise of several Vaults, but for the chance to be part of an army again.
Skill trees:
-Tamer: Focuses on improving Steeljaws and making it a killing machine, increases its HP, attack, duration, etc. It also has some skills that help Randy.
Tier 3 gamechanger turns it into an Alfa skag, greatly improving his attack and adding him an armor.
Tier 6 gamechanger adds a Badass Midget that rides Steeljaws.
-Mercenary: Focuses on improving weapons, gives special bonuses to combat rifles and shotguns, has some abilities that improve loot and money.
Tier 3 gamechanger makes Steeljaws stop attacking, instead he steals from enemies. Cooldown time is greatly reduced. Steeljaws will always steal health (like bloodwing) and money. It has a slight chance to steal a rare item from an enemy. After he steals from an enemy he has a 20% chance to go and steal from another enemy.
Tier 6 gamechanger: When you get money you get a damage boost for a few seconds for all weapons. The increase depends on how much money you got. This effect DO stack with itself, but the damage increase cant go higher tha 100%. Selling stuff or getting money from other players wont trigger this effect.
-Tactician: Focuses on using Steeljaw as support, increases Randy's survivability as well as elemental damage, specially explosive.
Tier 3 gamechanger: Steeljaws will summon 3 skag pups to aid him.
Tier 6 gamechanger: Shooting steeljaws or one of his pups with an element will change him to that element. Shooting one of them with an explosive weapon will create an explosion that deals great damage but will kill him. Damage dealt by the explosion depends on how much health the skag had left.
-Name: Viktor
Class: Gunner (Replacing Gunzerker/Berserker)
Action Skill: Bullet Storm. Viktor loses his ability to melee and use normal weapons, and instead he takes a big machine gun (Similar to the one in team fortress 2). This machine gun has a great rate of fire and damage but limited ammo. While on this mode, Viktor regenerates health and moves slower. This mode lasts for 30 seconds or until bullets run out. Cooldown 52 seconds, less if there was ammo left.
Bio:*Coming soon*
Skill trees:*Coming soon*
-Name: Camilla
Class: Siren
Action Skill: Phasemorph. Camilla morphs into a Guardian, which halves her health and recharges her shield. She cant use her normal weapons in this mode and her movement speed is increased. Her normal weapons are replaced by an Eridian gun that can be aimed with a scope (works like a sniper) and her melee attacks are replaced by energy blades. This mode lasts for 15 seconds. Cooldown 31 seconds.
Bio:*Coming soon*
Skill trees:
-Seraphin: Focuses on using the Action Skill defensively and sniping, improving shield capacity and regeneration rate, increasing shock resistance, movement speed while phasemorphing, etc. Also improves accuracy and favors long range attacks, such as snipers.
Tier 3 gamechanger: Landing a critical hit while in Phasemorph mode increases its duration.
Tier 6 gamechanger: If your health is at 33% or lower your Phasemorph ability becomes instantly available. Using phasemorph this way transforms you into a Seraph Guardian. While in Seraph Guardian mode you can press the action skill button to levitate. You cant melee while levitating, but your movement speed doubles. You must wait for full cooldown after using Phasemorph this way.
-Principality: Focuses on melee damage and stealth, as well as kill skills.
Tier 3 gamechanger: Pressing the Action skill button while on Phasemorph makes you invisible. Attacking while invisible ends phasemorph prematurely, but your next attack will do more damage.
Tier 6 gamechanger: Kill skill. Killing an enemy while invisible transforms you into a Principal Guardian, which adds another 10 seconds of duration. While you are in this form, you cant use your gun or become invisible, but you get a great melee boost, your melee attacks become faster, and you get an increased damage resistance.
-Archangel: Focuses on guns and Phasemorph, increases rate of fire, phasemorph duration, elemental attacks, etc.
Tier 3 gamechanger: Changing weapons while Phasemorphing lets you alternate between your Eridian gun and an energy needler, that shoots fast energy bullets that deal shock damage.
Tier 6 gamechanger: Pressing the action skill button transforms you into an Arch Guardian, while on this form your Eridian gun is replaced by an Eridian cannon, a slow weapon that causes splash damage on impact. Also your Eridian needler's bullets cause random elemental damage.
-Name: Nathan
Class: Gambler (Replaces Hunter, Assasin)
Action Skill: Coin of destiny *Comming soon, all I can say is that this character is a high risk high reward based on luck*
So please tell me what you think, Would you play them? if you like them I'll finish them soon, I'll also make full skill trees. Any feedback is welcome.
Okay, first this characters are supposed to be part from my version of "Borderlands 3", So here it is:
After the rumors about more Vaults in the galaxy spread, a great number of Vault hunters arrived to pandora. Soon after the death of Handsome Jack, the Hyperion corporation started to fall apart, but was bought by Maliwan. The rumors of a small girl who aquired special powers, at the same time of Angel's death caught the attention of most corporations, that wanted to use her for personal gain as her powers were still developing. This made them send armies to look for her, causing a war in Pandora. Knowing the danger that would cause, the Crimson Raiders decided to form an army too, so they started recruiting Vault Hunters.
-Name: Randy
Class: Veteran (Replacing Commando)
Action Skill: Steeljaws. Summons Steeljaws (A skag) to aid you in combat until killed or after 30 seconds, cooldown 48 seconds, less if called back before (by pressing the action skill button again).
Originally from Pandora, Randy joined the Crimson Lance at a young age. 14 years later he deserted after the Crimson Lance killed his family. After that he spent several decades of his life hiding with Steeljaws, his only friend, a Skag he found laying in the highway after being hit by a vehicle. He raised him and trained him to aid him in battle. He decided to join the Crimson Raiders not only for the promise of several Vaults, but for the chance to be part of an army again.
Skill trees:
-Tamer: Focuses on improving Steeljaws and making it a killing machine, increases its HP, attack, duration, etc. It also has some skills that help Randy.
Tier 3 gamechanger turns it into an Alfa skag, greatly improving his attack and adding him an armor.
Tier 6 gamechanger adds a Badass Midget that rides Steeljaws.
-Mercenary: Focuses on improving weapons, gives special bonuses to combat rifles and shotguns, has some abilities that improve loot and money.
Tier 3 gamechanger makes Steeljaws stop attacking, instead he steals from enemies. Cooldown time is greatly reduced. Steeljaws will always steal health (like bloodwing) and money. It has a slight chance to steal a rare item from an enemy. After he steals from an enemy he has a 20% chance to go and steal from another enemy.
Tier 6 gamechanger: When you get money you get a damage boost for a few seconds for all weapons. The increase depends on how much money you got. This effect DO stack with itself, but the damage increase cant go higher tha 100%. Selling stuff or getting money from other players wont trigger this effect.
-Tactician: Focuses on using Steeljaw as support, increases Randy's survivability as well as elemental damage, specially explosive.
Tier 3 gamechanger: Steeljaws will summon 3 skag pups to aid him.
Tier 6 gamechanger: Shooting steeljaws or one of his pups with an element will change him to that element. Shooting one of them with an explosive weapon will create an explosion that deals great damage but will kill him. Damage dealt by the explosion depends on how much health the skag had left.
-Name: Viktor
Class: Gunner (Replacing Gunzerker/Berserker)
Action Skill: Bullet Storm. Viktor loses his ability to melee and use normal weapons, and instead he takes a big machine gun (Similar to the one in team fortress 2). This machine gun has a great rate of fire and damage but limited ammo. While on this mode, Viktor regenerates health and moves slower. This mode lasts for 30 seconds or until bullets run out. Cooldown 52 seconds, less if there was ammo left.
Bio:*Coming soon*
Skill trees:*Coming soon*
-Name: Camilla
Class: Siren
Action Skill: Phasemorph. Camilla morphs into a Guardian, which halves her health and recharges her shield. She cant use her normal weapons in this mode and her movement speed is increased. Her normal weapons are replaced by an Eridian gun that can be aimed with a scope (works like a sniper) and her melee attacks are replaced by energy blades. This mode lasts for 15 seconds. Cooldown 31 seconds.
Bio:*Coming soon*
Skill trees:
-Seraphin: Focuses on using the Action Skill defensively and sniping, improving shield capacity and regeneration rate, increasing shock resistance, movement speed while phasemorphing, etc. Also improves accuracy and favors long range attacks, such as snipers.
Tier 3 gamechanger: Landing a critical hit while in Phasemorph mode increases its duration.
Tier 6 gamechanger: If your health is at 33% or lower your Phasemorph ability becomes instantly available. Using phasemorph this way transforms you into a Seraph Guardian. While in Seraph Guardian mode you can press the action skill button to levitate. You cant melee while levitating, but your movement speed doubles. You must wait for full cooldown after using Phasemorph this way.
-Principality: Focuses on melee damage and stealth, as well as kill skills.
Tier 3 gamechanger: Pressing the Action skill button while on Phasemorph makes you invisible. Attacking while invisible ends phasemorph prematurely, but your next attack will do more damage.
Tier 6 gamechanger: Kill skill. Killing an enemy while invisible transforms you into a Principal Guardian, which adds another 10 seconds of duration. While you are in this form, you cant use your gun or become invisible, but you get a great melee boost, your melee attacks become faster, and you get an increased damage resistance.
-Archangel: Focuses on guns and Phasemorph, increases rate of fire, phasemorph duration, elemental attacks, etc.
Tier 3 gamechanger: Changing weapons while Phasemorphing lets you alternate between your Eridian gun and an energy needler, that shoots fast energy bullets that deal shock damage.
Tier 6 gamechanger: Pressing the action skill button transforms you into an Arch Guardian, while on this form your Eridian gun is replaced by an Eridian cannon, a slow weapon that causes splash damage on impact. Also your Eridian needler's bullets cause random elemental damage.
-Name: Nathan
Class: Gambler (Replaces Hunter, Assasin)
Action Skill: Coin of destiny *Comming soon, all I can say is that this character is a high risk high reward based on luck*
So please tell me what you think, Would you play them? if you like them I'll finish them soon, I'll also make full skill trees. Any feedback is welcome.