Hello! I am trying to start a borderlands based rpg. I need 3-6 people to make this happen if any are interested.
I have a map but can't get it up and do not have individual maps for each area but I will describe an area when players get there.
For story I have made one up in myself and has nothing to do with existing characters in the sires because players might kill Lilith or something making Borderlands 2 impossible. This game starts around the same time as Borderlands 2 so you can throw guns like grenades.
I want this to start June 23rd noon(12:00pm U.S. Central/Canada) so the latest people can join is June 22nd midnight(12:00am and I will update daily at noon from then on. If there are not three people by than this is abandoned.
Combat works by the numbers. Every time you attack you will have five seconds. Fire Rate is how you will determine the number of bullets shot in five seconds.( Example is fire rate 7 bps(We are not using decimals, unless they are lower than one, if they occur round up.) You with shoot 35 bullets.)( Melee is always 0.2 bps) Who deals their damage first is fire rate. Reload rate is always going to take one turn or being out of combat. Grenades use a turn to use. for total damage to enemy you have (Damage X (Accuracy-5%) + (Damage X 1.5) X 5%). I know how I will make the enemy melee so don't worry! Comment if I missed anything.
This is a first time attempt for me so I hope we have fun with this!
Please don't cause a disturbance or I will initiate plan 302-8 nine'r
What I need from you to play is
Name: (What is your characters name?(Fluffy Butt))
Age: (How old is your character?(3))
Description: (What is your characters physical appearance?(short, stuffed, pink princess outfit, fine as hell))
Background: (Where does your character come from? Why is he going to planet U-la? Does he/she have a job?(Made on a production line in Eden 5 and has been Tiny Tina's train hijacker))
Gun Type: (This is your fist gun type(Rocket Launcher))
Gun Manufacturer: (Your gun's creater(Tourge))
Gun Name: (Your gun's name(Badonkadonk))
I hope to hear from you!
I have a map but can't get it up and do not have individual maps for each area but I will describe an area when players get there.
For story I have made one up in myself and has nothing to do with existing characters in the sires because players might kill Lilith or something making Borderlands 2 impossible. This game starts around the same time as Borderlands 2 so you can throw guns like grenades.
I want this to start June 23rd noon(12:00pm U.S. Central/Canada) so the latest people can join is June 22nd midnight(12:00am and I will update daily at noon from then on. If there are not three people by than this is abandoned.
Combat works by the numbers. Every time you attack you will have five seconds. Fire Rate is how you will determine the number of bullets shot in five seconds.( Example is fire rate 7 bps(We are not using decimals, unless they are lower than one, if they occur round up.) You with shoot 35 bullets.)( Melee is always 0.2 bps) Who deals their damage first is fire rate. Reload rate is always going to take one turn or being out of combat. Grenades use a turn to use. for total damage to enemy you have (Damage X (Accuracy-5%) + (Damage X 1.5) X 5%). I know how I will make the enemy melee so don't worry! Comment if I missed anything.
This is a first time attempt for me so I hope we have fun with this!
Please don't cause a disturbance or I will initiate plan 302-8 nine'r
What I need from you to play is
Name: (What is your characters name?(Fluffy Butt))
Age: (How old is your character?(3))
Description: (What is your characters physical appearance?(short, stuffed, pink princess outfit, fine as hell))
Background: (Where does your character come from? Why is he going to planet U-la? Does he/she have a job?(Made on a production line in Eden 5 and has been Tiny Tina's train hijacker))
Gun Type: (This is your fist gun type(Rocket Launcher))
Gun Manufacturer: (Your gun's creater(Tourge))
Gun Name: (Your gun's name(Badonkadonk))
I hope to hear from you!