New to the forums, hello everyone! I had this idea a while back and thought I should share it.
A new character that can take whatever you can throw at it and return it. I worked on this for a bit and I think this would be an awesome addition to the Vault Hunters.
Rikers the Mechawarrior
Action Skill: Become Mechawarrior
You deploy a modified hardsuit and begin piloting it, raining destruction on your foes
The Mech is armored, resisting most incoming damage but taking extra damage from Corrosion
The Mech has massive health, but no shields
Your arsenal includes a Right Arm mounted Machine Gun with a Bottomless Clip (Does overheat) and Shoulder Mounted Rocket Pods (Reloads every four shots, each shot shoots 4 Rockets per Volley)
The Mech is heavy, so it runs at about 75% of your normal speed and can't Sprint or Jump
Pilots inside the Mech are tossed out into Fight for your Life if the Mech is destroyed
Pilots keep their Health and Shields from before they enter the Mech to when they leave the Mech
Skill Tree: Recon
HUD Optics (Lv1 - 5 Ranks)
+Increases Zoom for all Scoped Weapons by 2.5% per Rank
+While Piloting the Mechwarrior, Pressing the Action Button again causes you to zoom in at the FoV of a Sniper Rifle and is affected by the increased Zoom from this advantage, your Accuracy improves 50% but the Mech's Fire Rate is decreased 33% while in this Zoom. Pressing the Action Button again takes you out of the Zoom.
+Increases Critical Damage by 2% per Rank
Scout (Lv1 - 5 Ranks)
+When your Action Skill is Active, you and the Mech's Movement Speed increases 5%
Eagle Eye (Lv2 - 1 Rank)
+Highlights enemy Crit Locations when Zoomed in
+Your Critical Damage increases 10%
Gotta go fast (Lv2 - 5 Ranks)
+The Mech will gain 10% Movement Speed per Rank
First Blood (Lv2 - 5 Ranks)
+When you kill an enemy, you regenerate 1% Health per Rank every Second for 5 Seconds
+Allies receive half of this healing for the same duration if you are in your Mech
Atlas-T-A Movement Booster (Lv3 - 1 Rank)
+Attempting to Sprint while inside the Mech causes you to rush forward knocking back any who are unfortunate to be in your way
Medical Mechanics (Lv3 - 5 Ranks)
+Any Healing you receive while your Action Skill is Active heals the Mech (and its pilot if its not you) for the an amount based on healing received (20% per Rank)
Drop Dead (Lv4 - 5 Ranks)
+Instead of instantly becoming the Mech, you drop a homing beacon on the ground where you aim (Up to 25 Meters away or something) for the mech to drop or phase into, enemies unfortunate to be in the area make a nice big splat. Larger enemies take damage instead. (Damage based on Rank)
+Other players can now enter the mech themselves if they so wish
+If you are not the pilot of the Mech, you gain 2.5% Movement Speed per Rank of this advantage when the Action Skill is active
+Action Skill timer will not be active until there is a Pilot, but the Mech will time out after 15 seconds if nobody gets in it. The Mech can be damaged even if there is no pilot
Exploit (Lv5 - 5 Ranks)
+When you Critically hit, your overall damage increases 10% for your next Non-Critical Hit. You can gain up to 25 stacks of this Buff.
+Stacks are lost over time if you haven't done any Critical Hits, but are not affected by missing and stay longer if you are in combat
I've got a present! (Lv6 - 1 Rank)
+Deploys a timed explosive where you aim, most enemies like to go see what's inside... (What they don't know is that it's nuclear)
+Overrides Melee inside the Mech and is only deployable from the Mech, once triggered you must deploy another Mech to use this again.
Skill Tree: Mechanized Menace
The bigger they are... (Lv1 - 5 Ranks)
+You gain 5% Max Health per Rank, your Mech gains 10% Max Health per Rank
Shocking Discovery (Lv1 - 5 Ranks)
+You have a 10% Chance to return Electricity Damage to Melee Attackers per Rank
+Each Rank increases the amount of Electricity Damage this effect does
... the harder they fall (Lv2 - 5 Ranks)
+Your Mech constantly regenerates .8% of its Max Health per Rank every Second that it is being Piloted
+Increases Cooldown Rate by 4% per Rank
Mecha Storm (Lv2 - 5 Ranks)
+Killing an enemy while inside the Mech causes the Mech to pulse with Electricity, dealing damage to anything nearby
+Killing an enemy increases the duration the Mech can remain active
Float like the butterfly, land like a boulder. (Lv3 - 1 Rank)
+Holding Jump while inside the Mech activates its jumpjets, has Limited Fuel and you gain more Fuel by killing an enemy while inside the Mech.
+Now it can crush whatever it lands on!
Repair Drones (Lv3 - 5 Ranks)
+Your mech will spit out a Repair Drone which will try to stay behind your Camera and heal the Mech, repair amount is based on the amount of Ranks invested
+These drones will also try to heal Other Mechwarriors, Axton's Turrets, and Gaige's Deathtrap if they are nearby
Thick Skull, Thicker Armor (Lv4 - 5 Ranks)
+The Mech's Armor absorbs 5% more damage per Rank
+Your shields become 2.5% stronger per Rank
The Man from Shield (Lv5 - 1 Rank)
+The Mech gains a Copy of the Pilot's Shield
+If you own Repair Drones, they will pulse every two seconds repairing 5% of every nearby ally's Shields
Doomsday Clock Ticking (Lv6 - 5 Ranks)
+If your Mech falls in combat, it will enter Doomsday Clock Ticking instead of the Pilot being tossed out of the Mech into Fight for your Life. While in this mode, the Pilot is still piloting the Mech. The Mech cannot be Revived.
+If the Mech Kills an enemy, the Doomsday Clock will be refilled. The Timer starts with normal Fight for your Life amount of time and is Extended 5 Seconds per Rank.
+When the Mech runs out of time, it explodes violently, dealing massive Explosive Damage to anyone nearby.
+The Mech will be dealing constant Electricity Damage to enemies near it, damage based on amount of Ranks.
+The Mech will deal 10% more damage with its weapons during Doomsday Clock Ticking for each Rank invested.
Skill Tree: Munitions
Extended Magazines (Lv1 - 5 Ranks)
+Clipsize is increased 5% per Rank
+The Mech can fire one more Volley of Rocket Pods per Rank before Reloading
Do not waste... (Lv1 - 5 Ranks)
+Picked up ammunition provides 15% more per Rank
+Increases the max amount of ammo you can carry by 5% per Rank
Special Delivery (Lv2 - 5 Ranks)
+Your chance to cause Elemental Status Effects increases 2.5% per Rank
+Your Elemental Status Effect Damage increases by 5% per Rank
Extra POW! (Lv2 - 5 Ranks)
+You deal 10% more Explosive Damage per Rank
+Bullets travel faster per Rank
+Bullets that hit Critically will sometimes stun an enemy, the Stun will happen more often with each Rank
+Bullets that kill on Criticals will Explode dealing damage to anyone nearby
Micro-munitions (Lv3 - 5 Ranks)
+Your Mech's Rocket Pods will fire one more Rocket per Volley per Rank
+You deal 1.5% more Explosive Damage per Rank
Boom baby! (Lv3 - 5 Ranks)
+Increases All Explosive Damage by 10% per Rank, 25% if inside the Mech.
+Grenades and Rockets will gain a 5% Damage boost if they don't deal Explosive Damage
Adapt to Kill (Lv4 - 1 Rank)
+The Mech will start dealing elemental damage with its main gun based on the weapon the pilot was using
+When the Mech's target Resist's a type of damage, the Mech will switch Elemental Damage Types until the target no longer Resists it.
Well-oiled Machine (Lv4 - 5 Ranks)
+Increases firing rate of the Mech's Machinegun and Rocket Pods by 5% per Rank
+Reload Speed increases by 5% per Rank
+Increases Gun Damage by 2.5% per Rank
+The Mech's Machinegun will overheat 10% less per Rank
Laced with Death (Lv5 - 5 Ranks)
+The Mech's Main Gun will sometimes Slag an enemy, this will happen more often per Rank
+The Mech's Rocket Pods sometimes deal random Elemental Damages, but will not Slag
Clusterf**k (Lv6 - 1 Rank)
+Throwing a Grenade in the Mech will cause the Mech to fire a Special Volley out of its Rocket Pods. This volley acts very much like an artillery strike, flying upwards and landing in the location you were looking at. This consumes one Grenade Ammo and one Rocket Pod Volley
+The rockets will try to avoid any barriers like Ceilings and Walls, but ram right into a bad guy if they so happen to be in the way.
+When the Rockets Explode, each one drops a Grenade that acts based on the Pilot's Grenade Mod
A new character that can take whatever you can throw at it and return it. I worked on this for a bit and I think this would be an awesome addition to the Vault Hunters.
Rikers the Mechawarrior
Action Skill: Become Mechawarrior
You deploy a modified hardsuit and begin piloting it, raining destruction on your foes
The Mech is armored, resisting most incoming damage but taking extra damage from Corrosion
The Mech has massive health, but no shields
Your arsenal includes a Right Arm mounted Machine Gun with a Bottomless Clip (Does overheat) and Shoulder Mounted Rocket Pods (Reloads every four shots, each shot shoots 4 Rockets per Volley)
The Mech is heavy, so it runs at about 75% of your normal speed and can't Sprint or Jump
Pilots inside the Mech are tossed out into Fight for your Life if the Mech is destroyed
Pilots keep their Health and Shields from before they enter the Mech to when they leave the Mech
Skill Tree: Recon
HUD Optics (Lv1 - 5 Ranks)
+Increases Zoom for all Scoped Weapons by 2.5% per Rank
+While Piloting the Mechwarrior, Pressing the Action Button again causes you to zoom in at the FoV of a Sniper Rifle and is affected by the increased Zoom from this advantage, your Accuracy improves 50% but the Mech's Fire Rate is decreased 33% while in this Zoom. Pressing the Action Button again takes you out of the Zoom.
+Increases Critical Damage by 2% per Rank
Scout (Lv1 - 5 Ranks)
+When your Action Skill is Active, you and the Mech's Movement Speed increases 5%
Eagle Eye (Lv2 - 1 Rank)
+Highlights enemy Crit Locations when Zoomed in
+Your Critical Damage increases 10%
Gotta go fast (Lv2 - 5 Ranks)
+The Mech will gain 10% Movement Speed per Rank
First Blood (Lv2 - 5 Ranks)
+When you kill an enemy, you regenerate 1% Health per Rank every Second for 5 Seconds
+Allies receive half of this healing for the same duration if you are in your Mech
Atlas-T-A Movement Booster (Lv3 - 1 Rank)
+Attempting to Sprint while inside the Mech causes you to rush forward knocking back any who are unfortunate to be in your way
Medical Mechanics (Lv3 - 5 Ranks)
+Any Healing you receive while your Action Skill is Active heals the Mech (and its pilot if its not you) for the an amount based on healing received (20% per Rank)
Drop Dead (Lv4 - 5 Ranks)
+Instead of instantly becoming the Mech, you drop a homing beacon on the ground where you aim (Up to 25 Meters away or something) for the mech to drop or phase into, enemies unfortunate to be in the area make a nice big splat. Larger enemies take damage instead. (Damage based on Rank)
+Other players can now enter the mech themselves if they so wish
+If you are not the pilot of the Mech, you gain 2.5% Movement Speed per Rank of this advantage when the Action Skill is active
+Action Skill timer will not be active until there is a Pilot, but the Mech will time out after 15 seconds if nobody gets in it. The Mech can be damaged even if there is no pilot
Exploit (Lv5 - 5 Ranks)
+When you Critically hit, your overall damage increases 10% for your next Non-Critical Hit. You can gain up to 25 stacks of this Buff.
+Stacks are lost over time if you haven't done any Critical Hits, but are not affected by missing and stay longer if you are in combat
I've got a present! (Lv6 - 1 Rank)
+Deploys a timed explosive where you aim, most enemies like to go see what's inside... (What they don't know is that it's nuclear)
+Overrides Melee inside the Mech and is only deployable from the Mech, once triggered you must deploy another Mech to use this again.
Skill Tree: Mechanized Menace
The bigger they are... (Lv1 - 5 Ranks)
+You gain 5% Max Health per Rank, your Mech gains 10% Max Health per Rank
Shocking Discovery (Lv1 - 5 Ranks)
+You have a 10% Chance to return Electricity Damage to Melee Attackers per Rank
+Each Rank increases the amount of Electricity Damage this effect does
... the harder they fall (Lv2 - 5 Ranks)
+Your Mech constantly regenerates .8% of its Max Health per Rank every Second that it is being Piloted
+Increases Cooldown Rate by 4% per Rank
Mecha Storm (Lv2 - 5 Ranks)
+Killing an enemy while inside the Mech causes the Mech to pulse with Electricity, dealing damage to anything nearby
+Killing an enemy increases the duration the Mech can remain active
Float like the butterfly, land like a boulder. (Lv3 - 1 Rank)
+Holding Jump while inside the Mech activates its jumpjets, has Limited Fuel and you gain more Fuel by killing an enemy while inside the Mech.
+Now it can crush whatever it lands on!
Repair Drones (Lv3 - 5 Ranks)
+Your mech will spit out a Repair Drone which will try to stay behind your Camera and heal the Mech, repair amount is based on the amount of Ranks invested
+These drones will also try to heal Other Mechwarriors, Axton's Turrets, and Gaige's Deathtrap if they are nearby
Thick Skull, Thicker Armor (Lv4 - 5 Ranks)
+The Mech's Armor absorbs 5% more damage per Rank
+Your shields become 2.5% stronger per Rank
The Man from Shield (Lv5 - 1 Rank)
+The Mech gains a Copy of the Pilot's Shield
+If you own Repair Drones, they will pulse every two seconds repairing 5% of every nearby ally's Shields
Doomsday Clock Ticking (Lv6 - 5 Ranks)
+If your Mech falls in combat, it will enter Doomsday Clock Ticking instead of the Pilot being tossed out of the Mech into Fight for your Life. While in this mode, the Pilot is still piloting the Mech. The Mech cannot be Revived.
+If the Mech Kills an enemy, the Doomsday Clock will be refilled. The Timer starts with normal Fight for your Life amount of time and is Extended 5 Seconds per Rank.
+When the Mech runs out of time, it explodes violently, dealing massive Explosive Damage to anyone nearby.
+The Mech will be dealing constant Electricity Damage to enemies near it, damage based on amount of Ranks.
+The Mech will deal 10% more damage with its weapons during Doomsday Clock Ticking for each Rank invested.
Skill Tree: Munitions
Extended Magazines (Lv1 - 5 Ranks)
+Clipsize is increased 5% per Rank
+The Mech can fire one more Volley of Rocket Pods per Rank before Reloading
Do not waste... (Lv1 - 5 Ranks)
+Picked up ammunition provides 15% more per Rank
+Increases the max amount of ammo you can carry by 5% per Rank
Special Delivery (Lv2 - 5 Ranks)
+Your chance to cause Elemental Status Effects increases 2.5% per Rank
+Your Elemental Status Effect Damage increases by 5% per Rank
Extra POW! (Lv2 - 5 Ranks)
+You deal 10% more Explosive Damage per Rank
+Bullets travel faster per Rank
+Bullets that hit Critically will sometimes stun an enemy, the Stun will happen more often with each Rank
+Bullets that kill on Criticals will Explode dealing damage to anyone nearby
Micro-munitions (Lv3 - 5 Ranks)
+Your Mech's Rocket Pods will fire one more Rocket per Volley per Rank
+You deal 1.5% more Explosive Damage per Rank
Boom baby! (Lv3 - 5 Ranks)
+Increases All Explosive Damage by 10% per Rank, 25% if inside the Mech.
+Grenades and Rockets will gain a 5% Damage boost if they don't deal Explosive Damage
Adapt to Kill (Lv4 - 1 Rank)
+The Mech will start dealing elemental damage with its main gun based on the weapon the pilot was using
+When the Mech's target Resist's a type of damage, the Mech will switch Elemental Damage Types until the target no longer Resists it.
Well-oiled Machine (Lv4 - 5 Ranks)
+Increases firing rate of the Mech's Machinegun and Rocket Pods by 5% per Rank
+Reload Speed increases by 5% per Rank
+Increases Gun Damage by 2.5% per Rank
+The Mech's Machinegun will overheat 10% less per Rank
Laced with Death (Lv5 - 5 Ranks)
+The Mech's Main Gun will sometimes Slag an enemy, this will happen more often per Rank
+The Mech's Rocket Pods sometimes deal random Elemental Damages, but will not Slag
Clusterf**k (Lv6 - 1 Rank)
+Throwing a Grenade in the Mech will cause the Mech to fire a Special Volley out of its Rocket Pods. This volley acts very much like an artillery strike, flying upwards and landing in the location you were looking at. This consumes one Grenade Ammo and one Rocket Pod Volley
+The rockets will try to avoid any barriers like Ceilings and Walls, but ram right into a bad guy if they so happen to be in the way.
+When the Rockets Explode, each one drops a Grenade that acts based on the Pilot's Grenade Mod