Character Concepting: Marcie Halloway "The Princess"
I'm mostly here for this one post. I'm doing concept work for Marcie Halloway (yes, after she exploded) as a playable character, mostly for fun, but I need more input to complete her gameplay design....
View ArticleDoes this look good?
[IMG][ /IMG] yeah i've been trying to get my Photoshop skillz back but i'm relearning so does this look good or is it missing something?
View ArticleBorderlands 2: Mr Torgue's Campaign of Carnage - Part 6 Is Freaking Hilarious
Motor Momma and racing and stuff!
View ArticleCampaign of Carnage DLC #13 : The Last but one episode
View ArticleMy Borderlands Inspired Personal Shooting Range
This is my Borderlands/Zombie themed personal shooting range and camp site. I have gobs of land and probably an unhealthy lust for Borderlands and zombies. So when I decided to build my own personal...
View ArticleYet another character class!!!
Hey everyone new to the community and I just skimmed through a few threads with some awesome character class ideas so I thought that I would go ahead and jump into the mix! Sorry but no photos as of...
View ArticleYet another new 6th class idea!
I had accidentally posted this idea in the general forum, so I moved it over here as directed; Hi there everyone! Totally new to the forums here, but after browsing through a couple of posts here and...
View ArticleNew Character Class - Prototype
Jack and Hyperion made some mistakes while trying to make the super solider Wilhelm and the first Prototype, Omega, was created. Omega's original design was to infiltrate bandit groups and destroy...
View ArticleNew Vehicle - Heavy Runner
The heavy runner is pretty much just the slower and more armored brother of the light runner. The design is similar just larger with a lot more plating. It will feature the driver in the front with a...
View ArticleJack's Grandma
So we know that Jack hired some Bandits to go kill his Grandmother. What we don't know is that she was not home when they arrived. All that blood and stuff was from the skag she had just skinned with...
View ArticleCampaign of Carnage DLC #14 : The Final Episode!!! that was the final episode I hope you enjoyed it :dukecheese:
View ArticleThe Bandit, a Character Concept
This is one of my first threads on this forum and stuff, so not sure how many bandit character threads there have been, didn't really check, but here is my idea: Action Skill: Overkill (Increases clip...
View ArticleQueasy the Mutant
I haven't finished off all of his skills yet, so think of this a preview of sorts. Action Skill: Vomit (If you folks can think of a cooler name I'd love to hear it =P) Holding the action button causes...
View ArticleFull Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Let's Play :) Fed-back please :) so I finished my Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Let's Play yesterday :dukeparty: and I was wondering what your thought's were? 1. on the DLC its...
View ArticleBorderlands: The "Red Haven" Story and more
Borderlands: The "Red Haven" Story Sexy Gamebabes inkl. Moxxi youtube channel
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