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Yet another character class!!!

Hey everyone new to the community and I just skimmed through a few threads with some awesome character class ideas so I thought that I would go ahead and jump into the mix! Sorry but no photos as of yet.

Name: Griffin
Class: Enforcer
Skill type: Shield Deployment, Plant Shields for cover fire

Action Skill: Battlefield Shield
Think of the Enforcer as a defensive oriented character. We have plenty of characters that are reliant heavily on damage output with their skill (Commando, Mechro, Zerker) While Siren is versatile with support health bonuses and instant revives and Zero is just basically you Recon character. So think of Enforcer as someone who will be vital in many raid boss battles, where you can actually take cover in some very key moments of battle, ok on with the skill and how it works.

Griffin deploys a large shield that can protect him from any melee or bullet damage (similar to the shields from COD:MW and the Boom shield from Gears of War) while that sounds effective the skill does have it's cons. Your movement speed decreases dramatically and you can only use pistols in shield stance, however with the skill trees Enforcer will have skills and bonuses that negates those odds. You can melee while shield is deployed and even gain a melee increase and also a fire rate increase on any pistol you wield. Enforcer will unfortunatly have the slowest cool down rate in the game but stacking up on class mods and his skill tree that I will display will put that problem aside.

Skill Trees:

-Increase reload speed
-Increase gun damage and fire rate with any pistol type
-Increase shield capacity and recharge rate
-"Take Cover" action skill, you can now plant your shield enabling you to move freely, you can reclaim your shield at any time (think of commando's sentry), though your cool down will run out substantially. At least 2 characters can take cover behind the shield.
-"Shock Treatment" While shield is deployed, tap action skill command again and a electronic barrier will surround the shield, a great combination when shield is planted.
-"Focus" while in shield stance, you regenerate health.

-Can throw grenades while shield is deployed
-Increase mag size and overall health
-Increase cool down rate
-Increase in shield wear and tear
-"Kill skill" killing an enemy grants you increase in melee damage and shield capacity.
-"Victory" While shield is deployed you will be able to deflect grenades, and avoid any status effect damage.

Can think of anything right now, but this will basically be focused more on damage with the shield itself, while sacrificing some those delicious barrier bonuses. Here is one skill I do know that would be interesting that is similar to Zero's skill under the blood shed tree.
"Bulldozer" Action skill. While in shield stance, Griffin dashes at any enemy who he targets with his shield dealing massive damage. Shield can also inflict explosive damage.

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