Jack and Hyperion made some mistakes while trying to make the super solider Wilhelm and the first Prototype, Omega, was created. Omega's original design was to infiltrate bandit groups and destroy them. He was considered a failure and was sent to be decommissioned, however, he was given to much sentient thought and managed to escape the hyperion base. Hating Jack for ordering his death he set out for revenge. His skill would be UnOrder. It would cause people around him to be temporally driven insane causing them to kill everyone around them. His three skill trees would be Chaos which would focus on his UnOrder skill, Hyperion Training which would focus on weapon building and damage against bandits, blood lust which would focus on critical hits and melee. His melee would be a hyperion looking combat knife.
I'm not a very good artist so ill try and describe my vision of him. He would look similar to Wilhelm except human size. Except instead of having all hyperion looking yellow robotics he will have some of his wiring exposed due to the fact that he wasn't fully finished.
I'm not a very good artist so ill try and describe my vision of him. He would look similar to Wilhelm except human size. Except instead of having all hyperion looking yellow robotics he will have some of his wiring exposed due to the fact that he wasn't fully finished.