Help with heads/skins combination images
One of my hobbies lately is doing some personal Borderlands themed photoshop work. Wallpapers, dashboard backgrounds, facebook covers, avatars and sigs, etc... The thing is, I'd really like to use...
View ArticleSHARING squishy feels!
Twas my hubby's birthday a while ago and I went and got him some drawn loves as a present :3 Our two favorite nutcases to be and to play on Pandora !! Twas drawn by the incredibly talented and awesome...
View ArticleTattoo Help!
Okay so I want to get a BL tattoo and have been thinking about what I want. I want to get the Vault symbol in red with a black outline to it. But I want it to have the yellow background to it. The...
View ArticleCharacter Idea
I'm not sure if this is where this would go, so if not sorry. I thought of a character idea for Borderlands 3 (if it's going to be a thing). The game will probably have to take place about 5 years...
View ArticleMy BL2 Fun-tassy
this is a work in progress. -train stops to pick up passengers, Maya gets in the first carriage, but moves to the next to find Axton. They stare at each other with puzzling looks for the next half...
View ArticleCharacter and Class Concept: Euclid the Gadgeteer [WIP]
Name: Euclid Floros (Original name was Bill Richardson) Gender: Male Race: Genetically-altered human Apperance: Euclid is small and skinny for a 15 year old. He's caucasian with ear-length, clean-cut...
View ArticleNew Character Idea - Roxanne the Specialist (NOT EVEN QUARTERS OF THE WAY...
Name: Roxanne Species: Human Planet of Origin: Eden-6 Class: Demolitionist Gender: Female Affiliation(s): Daniel (life partner and fellow Vault Hunter), Juno (friend and fellow Vault Hunter), Phoebe...
View ArticleBord3rlands: Beyond Pandora (UNFINISHED CONCEPTS UP THE WAZOO)
A Brief History of Pandora ??? Vault Hunters Daniel as the Specialist "You can't just survive. You have to thrive." -Bio: After exploring the vastness of his homeworld Eden-6, Daniel grew tired. A...
View ArticleBL2 Gaige T-shirt
This is something I have an idea for, a custom Borderlands 2 t-shirt showing elements of the character Gaige the Mechromancer. What do you guys think?
View ArticleBunkers and Badasses the Borderlands Tabletop
Now for those of you, unsure of what I am talking about, let me explain. I'm talking about a tabletop RPG (kinda like Dungeons and Dragons) but made specifically for Borderlands. Yes I am well aware...
View ArticleWay too many Weapon Ideas
Name Dropper. These have been sitting in my head for way too long, and I thought some of them would be at least mildly interesting. Like it, Hate it, Send me Anthrax, doesn't matter, as long as there's...
View ArticleCharacter and Class Concept: Ailith the Siren Brawler [WIP]
Name: Ailith Armstrong Gender: Female Race: Human Ethnicity: Jamaican Appearance: Ailith wears an olive drab jacket over an insulated, black shirt and khaki trousers tucked into a pair of tanker boots....
View ArticleM56 X BL2 v.1.2
Finally got the greenlight to post this here. here you go. cheers :D [SMALLSHOT][/SMALLSHOT]...
View ArticleIntros to BL2 Characters in BL3
Ex: Zer0's intro - Bandits suddenly surround the character you're playing as. They begin laughing at you and taunting you, telling you the various ways of how they're going to kill you. Then, you see a...
View ArticleHook a brother up, eh?
ALL: Does anyone have a cleaner grab of this image: In particular, a clean image (nevermind the format, as long as it's relatively common) of that poster from the game? I've searched the heck out of...
View ArticleBorderlands The Deck Building Game
Hey everyone! It's been a terribly long time since I've been around the forums but after several years of designing games for myself to play at the house, I figured I'd shed some light on a concept I'd...
View ArticleBorderlands: Space Adventures in Space - A Borderlands Themed Roleplaying Game
Something I've been working on since June and will work on for a while. I've got the progress I've made written in my composition book so I'm taking from there. Feel free to throw in some ideas and...
View ArticleFrom Hell - Axton Fic
Not mine! just a quick shout-out to a fic I'm enjoying. Thought I might as well share P:
View ArticleIconic Borderlands Psycho Quote
a bit of playing around with photoshop and here is what i came up with....
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