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Character and Class Concept: Ailith the Siren Brawler [WIP]

Name: Ailith Armstrong

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Ethnicity: Jamaican

Appearance: Ailith wears an olive drab jacket over an insulated, black shirt and khaki trousers tucked into a pair of tanker boots. She has deep brown skin, shoulder-length black hair and blue eyes. From her left eyebrow to her right cheek, she has an old scar. Her class mod appears as a knuckle duster which she wears on her left hand, her shield is held onto her right shoulder via a strap and she carries her grenade mod on her right hip.

Background: A retired Pan-Galactic Olympic athlete of the Sparta-12, Ailith since has worked as a manager in a popular animal cafe to help support herself and her wife who worked on night shifts.

One day, when she was about to leave the house for a day at work, she was approached by a Hyperion representative, flanked by 3 guards. The representative offered a large sum of money for Ailith to come with them, but she was wary of them and refused. When the representative hinted that her wife would be involved, Ailith 'complied' and gave him a huge punch when they had their backs turned around. The punch created a directed shock wave which sealed her enemies, slowing time for them. Stunned for a moment, Ailith took the opportunity to get her shotgun and dispatch the representative and his guards.

In order to keep both herself and her wife safe, they took up a nomadic lifestyle, hopping from planet to planet to prevent Hyperion from keeping track of them. Eventually, they heard about a resistance growing on Pandora and seeking to end the wild goose chase, they headed there in hopes of ending it. Ailith used her remaining to buy a scout craft so that her wife could reach Sanctuary faster whilst she would meet her there on foot.

Personality: Ailith is a calm, composed and casual woman who usually prefers brawn over brains when it comes to dealing with situations, but has no qualms with thinking things over when brawn is ineffective or otherwise a bad idea. She's brutally honest and rarely gives praise without reason; she strongly values companionship and is honest like that to help others grow strong and able to stand on their own.

Class: Siren Brawler. The Siren Brawler is a CQC focused fighter who mixes in melee with shooting. Their combat revolves mainly around the Sealed debuff which reduces all of an enemies' movement speed (including actions like turning, attacking and reloading) by 50% and accuracy by 35%. Depending on what skills are taken, they can become offensively supportive tanks, virtually suicidal mad bombers or deadly rogues.

Proficiencies: Siren, Pet Class, Debuffer, Tank, DPS, Crowd Control.

Melee: A quick left hook.

Action Skill: Phaseseal. A powerful stomp which creates a directed shock wave with a range of 5 meters. All enemies hit by the shock wave are afflicted with the unique debuff, Sealed. Killing Sealed enemies restores 7.5% of your maximum health, killing them with a melee attack restores 15% of your maximum health. 20s cooldown. Sealed can affect any enemy, but bosses only receive half the effects.


This skill tree is focused on improving CQC abilities.

Rage Against The Enemies [Tier 1, 5 lvls]: Gun and melee damage increases, the longer you stay in combat, +5% maximum gun damage increase, +8% maximum melee damage increase.

Halls Of Hel [Tier 1, 5 lvls]: Killing a Sealed enemy increases recharge rate by +4% for 3s.

Eriddica [Tier 2, 5 lvls]: After using Phaseseal, the next melee attack has +10% range, +30% melee damage and hits all enemies in visible range. Can stack up to 10 melee attacks.

Armorist [Tier 2, 5 lvls]: +12% burst fire count, +15% pellet count, +10% extra shots.

High Road [Tier 3, 5 lvls]: Movement speed increases as shields are depleted, up to +20%.

Celestial Effigy [Tier 3, 5 lvls]: Sealed enemies have a +10% chance of being slagged and draw +10% aggro.[/B]

Down [Tier 3, 1 lvl]: Phaseseal launches enemies into the air, rag-dolls them and causes an explosive nova to occur when they land. Enemies which can't be launched or rag-dolled will be stunned for 5s instead.

My Punching Time [Tier 4, 1 lvl]: Melee override. Holding down the melee button adds 250% melee damage and inflicts Sealed on the enemy for 10s. +6s Cooldown per punch.

Arch Enemy [Tier 5, 5 lvls]: When attacked, the first enemy to attack you will take +40% more damage for 10s. When killed, +8% of your maximum health is instantly regenerated. Enemies under this condition are indicated on the GUI. Can only change targets if the duration ends or the marked enemy dies.

Behemoth [Tier 6, 1 lvl]: Game changer. When put into FFYL, you move normally, but with a 66% movement speed increase and limited to melee. Melee deals 500% extra damage and attacks 33% faster. Killing an enemy extends FFYL mode by 15%, 3 kills are required.


This skill tree is about improving the use of explosive weaponry and promoting suicidal tactics.

Controlled Detonation [Tier 1, 5 lvls]: +4% accuracy and +5% reload speed, +7% explosive weapon accuracy and +10% explosive weapon reload speed.

Up Close And Personal [Tier 1, 5 lvls]:Up to +25% gun damage and up to +15% explosive damage, the closer you are to enemies.

Dive Bomber [Tier 2, 1 lvl]: Explosive projectiles immediately fly down at 600% velocity when they fly over an enemy, 50% increased explosion radius, 15% increased explosive damage.

Used To It [Tier 2, 5 lvls]: +15% less self-damage from explosive weapons. +4% Maximum health regenerated when killing an enemy in melee range.

HEAT Rounds [Tier 3, 5 lvls]: +10% chance for explosive weapon shots to be considered shock against shields.

Death From Above [Tier 3, 1 lvs]: Skill enhancement. Upon using Phaseseal, Ailith is launched high into the air, pressing the action skill button again launches Ailith in the direction she's facing and creates a radial Phaseseal shock wave on impact. 40% Phaseseal range increase.

Crystallise [Tier 3, 5 lvls]: When enemies are inflicted with Sealed, they have up +15% chance of being Crystallised instead, the closer you are to them. Crystallised enemies take 300% extra melee damage, 150% extra explosive damage and 50% extra damage from any other source.

Natural Selection [Tier 4, 1 lvl]: All non-elemental weapons are converted to explosive element when held, regardless of manufacturer.

Explosive Vengeance [Tier 5, 5 lvls]: When shields are depleted, all live enemies who damaged the shield have a +12% chance of exploding in a wide radius, inflicting heavy damage to both themselves and others around them.

Surprised MOFO? [Tier 6, 1 lvl]: When slagged, 20% of your maximum health is regenerated per second, explosive weapons automatically slag on hit and rapidly regenerate ammo. Allies can slag you.


This skill tree is built around being incredibly hard to kill as well as providing offensive support.

Up And Running [Tier 1, 5 lvls]: Up to +0.5% health regenerated per second, depending on how far Ailith's moved.

Give A Bandit A FU [Tier 1, 5 lvls]: Up to +3% resistance to all forms of damage for +3s, depending on how many enemies are Sealed after using Phaseseal.

A Dead Man Is Good To Find [Tier 2, 5 lvls]: On death, enemies leave behind a bubble which heals you and allies for +0.75% per second. Bubble lasts 10s.

A Shield Is As Good As Health [Tier 2, 5 lvls]: Sealed enemies return +3.5% of the damage they take as Shield.

Accidentally On Purpose [Tier 3, 5 lvls]: When shot whilst shields are active, there's a +4% chance that a friendly surveyor spawns which draws 100% aggro. Surveyor durability increase with each skill level. Surveyor actively attempts to avoid attacks.

Below Board [Tier 3, 5 lvls]: +3% Maximum health. Being healed with full health creates a stack of Secondary Health. When damage is taken, stacks decay at a rate of +0.5 stacks per second; each stack heals 2% of your maximum health. +10 Stack cap.

Achilles' Shield [Tier 3, 1 lvls]: Grenade override. Holding down the grenade button generates a spherical shield around you which blocks enemy fire, but allows friendly fire to phase through. Can take a limited amount of damage before being destroyed. Costs a grenade; lasts 12s, only one can be deployed at a time.

As Dense As Two Planks [Tier 4, 5 lvls]: Take 20% less damage from all sources for 5s after using Phaseseal.

Booby Prize [Tier 5, 1 lvls]: When slagged, nothing deals extra damage, 50% shorter shield recharge delay, 75% faster shield recharge rate. Allies can slag you.

Let The Guardian Out Of the Sealed [Tier 6, 1 lvls]: When a Sealed enemy is killed, there's a 15% chance that an Eridian Guardian will spawn and fight for you. Eridian Guardians last for 20s before exploding in a slag nova or until killed. Multiple Eridian Guardians will spawn from a large Sealed enemy. At least one Sealed enemy is guaranteed to spawn an Eridian Guardian on death.

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