Name Dropper.
These have been sitting in my head for way too long, and I thought some of them would be at least mildly interesting. Like it, Hate it, Send me Anthrax, doesn't matter, as long as there's some response.
So, here we go.
Manufacturer: Hyperion / Pistols / Vision (Hyperion barrel)
Ain't it a cute little gun? - Decreased damage. Increased fire rate. Minimal accuracy. Upon hitting a surface, it spawns 2 additional projectiles and ricochets at nearest enemy.
Manufacturer: Jakobs / Pistols / Longarm (Hyperion barrel)
Does it ever end? - Decreased damage. Fixed magazine size of 2. Upon hitting an enemy, a bullet is moved from reserve directly to the clip. The gun itself also receives a small damage buff and small accuracy debuff each time it hits. These buffs stack and disappear when the gun is reloaded.
Manufacturer: Maliwan / Pistols / Aegis (Maliwan barrel)
Then shoot them in the dark! - Always corrosive. Each hit creates a huge corrosive explosion with 100% elemental effect chance. Increased damage. Decreased fire rate. Consumes 3 ammo per shot.
Sewing Machine
Manufacturer: Dahl / Pistols / Repeater (Dahl barrel)
Nail'em to the ceiling. - 4-round burst. Bullets pierce the enemies up to 2 times, getting +600% multiplicative damage bonus each time. Slightly increased stats overall. Killing an enemy gives the next burst explosive splash damage.
Short Notice
Manufacturer: Vladof / Pistols / Anarchist (Vladof barrel)
Went faster than expected - Slightly decreased damage. Massively increased fire rate (around 14-15). Decreased magazine size. Increased reload speed. Shoots 3 projectiles at the cost of 2 ammo.
Manufacturer: Bandit / Pistols / Magamum! (Torgue barrel)
Nuke it from orbit - Fires actual white bandit normal longbow grenades with 0.0 fuse time and slightly decreased damage. Decreased fire rate. Consumes 7 ammo per shot.
Comment: I have totally no idea whether this is balanced.
Manufacturer: Tediore / Pistols / Handgun (Tediore barrel)
Second one's free! - Slightly decreased stats overall. Upon reloading, the gun-grenade always deals damage as if its magazine was full.
Manufacturer: Torgue / Pistols / Rod (Jakobs barrel)
So loud, so flashy, so useless. - Slightly decreased damage. Creates 3 additional pellets with -50% damage upon hit, which aim at nearby enemies.
Manufacturer: Maliwan / SMGs / SubMalevolent Grace (Non-Elemental Maliwan barrel)
It isn't cheating when you don't get caught. - Slightly decreased damage. Upon hitting a target, changes its element to the one the target's weak to.
Straight Edge
Manufacturer: Hyperion / SMGs / Projectile Convergence (Non-elemental Maliwan barrel)
In defence of traditional frags. - Always incendiary. Decreased stats overall. Upon killing an enemy, gets a temporary boost that sharply boosts its damage and fire rate, as well as changing its element to corrosive.
Meat Bicycle
Manufacturer: Bandit / SMGs / smig (Bandit barrel)
Drown 'em in lead. - Increased magazine size. Decreased fire rate. Each kill without reloading grants a fire rate and damage bonus.
Ampersand One
Manufacturer: Tediore / SMGs / Ace (Hyperion barrel)
If you cannot dazzle them with briliance, baffle them with bullshit. - Sharply decreased damage. (around 40% of comparable purple Ace) Each shoot has a chance to fire up to 7 projectiles at once at the cost of 1 ammo. Decreased accuracy.
Manufacturer: Dahl / SMGs / Fox (Dahl barrel)
If fishes were wishes... - Slightly decreased accuracy. Decreased damage. Each bullet spawns up to 3 additional projectiles as it flies.
Manufacturer: Vladof / ARs / Spinigun (Spinigun Vladof barrel)
Son, you look tasty. - Increased clip size. Each shoot, hit and crit gives a slight damage bonus which can stack indefinetely, and disappears when the gun stops firing. Each stack of the bonus also gives an increased chance to consume 2 ammo per shot.
Crawl Device
Manufacturer: Bandit / ARs / Mashine Gun (Rapid-Fire Vladof barrel)
You can't run, and you can't hide! - Always incendiary. Increased accuracy. Hits apply a debuff which temporarily decreases target's movement speed, attack speed and fire rate.
Storm Drain
Manufacturer: Dahl / ARs / Carbine (Dahl barrel)
It hurts so right - Taking elemental damage gives temporary splash effect on bullets, element of which matching the damage taken. Slightly increased stats overall.
Manufacturer: Torgue / ARs / Torpedo (Torgue barrel)
Gotta go fast! - Deals cryo direct damage and incendiary splash damage. Increased accuracy and damage. Vastly increased projectile velocity.
Rubbered Glue
Manufacturer: Jakobs / ARs / Cannon (Torgue barrel)
...and sticks to you. - Increased projectile velocity. Projectiles bounce directly at the enemy. Slightly decreased damage. Consumes 1 ammo per shot.
Manufacturer: Vladof / ARs / Blaster (Vladof barrel)
Semper Fry. - Always incendiary. Decreased damage. Vastly decreased projectile velocity and range. Vastly increased projectile size and splash range. Shoots 3 projectiles at the cost of 2 ammo.
Pain Train
Manufacturer: Jakobs / Shotguns / Coach Gun (Jakobs barrel)
Whoot-Whoot! - Slightly decreased damage. Increased recoil reduction and accuracy. Massively increased clip size (16-18). Consumes 2 ammo per shoot.
Manufacturer: Torgue / Shotguns / Ravager (Torgue barrel)
Frag the World (how original) - Massively increased accuracy. Fires a single low-velocity pellet affected by gravity, which explodes into 7 extremely high-powered pellets which bounce off walls at the enemies upon touching anything. Consumes 4 ammo per shot.
Short Circuit
Manufacturer: Hyperion / Shotguns / Thinking (Hyperion barrel)
anti-rocket - Always shock. Slightly decreased pellet count. Pellets bounce between enemies up to 5 times.
Wrecking Ball
Manufacturer: Tediore / Shotguns / Home Security (Tediore barrel)
Bring 'em down to their level. - Slightly decreased damage. Slightly increased fire rate. Fires explosive pellets which deal splash damage. Both fired pellets and gun-grenade have massively increased knockback.
Pa's Fishing Aid
Manufacturer: Bandit / Shotguns / oberkil! (Torgue barrel)
Nah killa... - Heavily increased pellet count, equivalent of a 6-barreled shotgun. Slightly increased accuracy and fire rate. Consumes 4 ammo per shot.
Sniper Rifles
Manufacturer: Hyperion / Sniper Rifles / Policy (Jakobs barrel)
Don't tell me you don't know it. - Always explosive elemental. Slightly increased damage. Increased recoil reduction. Direct hit damage ignores shields, splash does not.
Manufacturer: Jakobs / Sniper Rifles / Muckamuck (Jakobs barrel)
And he never woke up. - Massively increased damage and critical hit damage. Massively reduced fire rate. Increased accuracy. (99.0+) Projectiles pierce the enemies unlimited amount of times, getting +750% damage bonus on each pierce.
Manufacturer: Maliwan / Sniper Rifles / Snider (Maliwan barrel)
Ride the Electric Phenomena Closely Associated With Storm! - Always shock. Slightly decreased damage. Massively increased splash range (~6 feet). Increased splash damage. Critical hits spawn an additional splash of damage.
Manufacturer: Dahl / Sniper Rifles / Sniper (Dahl barrel)
Bow. - Massively increased burst fire rate. (14-15) Fixed burst count of 2. Decreased recoil. Slightly decreased damage. Slightly increased fire rate. Every kill and critical hit add 1 bullet (not from reserve) to the current clip.
Manufacturer: Vladof / Sniper Rifles / Droog (Vladof barrel)
Prepare for trouble... - Slightly decreased damage. Heavily decreased accuracy. (75-80) Heavily increased clip size. Consumes 3 Assault Rifle ammo per shot.
Manufacturer: Maliwan / Sniper Rifles / Railer (Maliwan barrel)
Syckyr. - Decreased stats overall. Heavily decreased accuracy. (60-65) Always spawns bladed. Regenerates 33% of the damage dealt. Consumes 2 ammo per shot.
Rocket Launchers
Manufacturer: Bandit / Rocket Launchers / Bombabarbardeer (Vladof barrel)
I got bored. - Heavily increased initial accuracy. Each shot consumes 1 ammo and fires a very quick 7-rocket burst, each rocket being less and less accurate.
Hometown Hero
Manufacturer: Maliwan / Rocket Launchers / Punishment (Torgue barrel)
God bless 'Murica - Half of damage dealt is incendiary, other half is corrosive. Increased damage. Explosion has a shape of a mushrom cloud. Explosion spawns 3-6 grenades, with equal probability of being either incendiary or corrosive, and throws them around.
Manufacturer: Torgue / Rocket Launchers / Duuurp! (Torgue barrel)
UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL! - Minimal Accuracy. Massively reduced self-damage (-95%). Heavily increased damage. Increased movement speed while active. 1% of damage dealt is returned to the user as health.
Production Means
Manufacturer: Vladof / Rocket Launchers / Vanquisher (Vladof barrel)
It won't take 5 years this time, I promise. - Slightly reduced damage, fire rate and accuracy. Full auto. 66% chance not to consume ammo. No decreased ammo consumption. Increased clip size.
Manufacturer: Tediore / Rocket Launchers / Spread (Maliwan barrel)
Will make small pain grow. - Consumes 2 ammo per shot. Fixed clip size of 2. Upon firing, launches an invisible rocket that deals no damage and 2 normal rockets, one of them Incendiary and other one Cryo, which orbit the invisible one. Upon reloading, reload-rocket will home at the invisible rocket as well. Increased damage. Heavily increased accuracy.
Common Cold
Manufacturer: Bandit / MIRV Grenade
SNEEZE! - Always Cryo. Initial explosion has low damage but very high range and elemental damage. Child grenades are corrosive and homing. Increased amount of child grenades, usually 12 or 13.
Manufacturer: Maliwan / Transfusion Grenade
Suck on this. - Always homing sticky. Massively increased fuse time (6-7 seconds). Upon sticking to an enemy, starts constantly dealing elemental damage and healing the user for 5% of damage dealt. If the initial target is killed before the grenade explodes, it starts seeking another target.
Neutron Star
Manufacturer: Hyperion / Singularity Grenade
I guess you could say it's attractive. - Decreased damage. Increased range. Heavily increased fuse time (4-5 seconds). Always non-sticky lobbed. Creates an implosion effect every half-second since its thrown to the moment of explosion. Always Cryo.
The Rust
Manufacturer: Vladof / AoE Grenade
Domino day! - Decreased damage. Increased area of effect. Half the damage dealt is incendiary, half is corrosive. Damage ignores shields.
Rubber Fist
Manufacturer: Tediore / Normal Grenade
Ohh yeah. - Increased damage. Always longbow. Fixed fuse time of 0.0. Massive knockback.
Double Rainbow
Manufacturer: Dahl / Bouncing Betty Grenade
What does it mean? - Fires rockets with randomly assigned element and +120% damage bonus instead of bullets.
Manufacturer: Vladof / AoE Grenade
This. - Always shock, homing and sticky. Only creates electrical field while attached to an enemy. Increased damage. Heavily increased range. Decreased effect duration.
Manufacturer: Vladof / Absorb Shield
We will be avenged! - Mix of absorb and elemental spike shields. Increased absorb chance (50 - 55%). Instead of absorbing the bullet, reflects it at the attacker with triple the damage. When attacked in melee, returns a spike with the element of initial attack and x1.5 the damage. Decreased capacity.
Manufacturer: Anshin / Adaptive Shield
Setting up some side bets won't hurt. - Slightly increased stats overall. Gives a buff dependent on what is the current resist of the shield.
Fire - +20% Damage
Shock - -20% Shield Recharge Delay
Corrosive - +15% Damage Resistance
Cryo - +20% Movement Speed
Non-Elemental - +30% Reload Speed
Focus Sash
Manufacturer: Tediore / Shield
Don't sweat it, it wasn't THAT close. - Normal stats comparable to shields of other producents (Increased capacity, decreased recharge rate, heavily increased recharge delay). When taking damage that would otherwise knock shields or health out, player hangs on with 1 shield/health and gets 1 second invincibility. Effect cannot be activated again until the shields/health are full.
Manufacturer: Torgue / Explosive Nova Shield
Take it all back! - Increased shield recharge delay (7-8). Massively decreased shield recharge delay when shield is not depleted (0.4-0.5). Damage dealt by nova is equal to damage taken since the last full shield times 1.5.
Manufacturer: Pangolin / Turtle Shield
My life for Urai. - Always sets max health to 1. Turns 80% of reduced health into max shield capacity. Slightly increased stats overall.
Manufacturer: Dahl / Booster Shield
Don't let it be tarnished. - Boosters can't be picked up, but instead create energy domes that reduce shield recharge delay to 0.0 and grant health regen to everyone inside. Decreased booster drop chance. Decreased shield recharge delay.
Manufacturer: Maliwan / Elemental Nova Shield
Not your casual supernova! - Mix of elemental spike and elemental nova shields. Heavily decreased nova damage. Taking a melee hit spawns a nova. Depleting the shield spawns 3 novas in very quick succession. Heavily decreased shield capacity. Always incediary.
The Beast
Manufacturer: Bandit / Maylay Shield
Release the Criken - Massively reduced shield capacity (-90%). Heavily increased melee damage bonus. Roid buff gives movement speed bonus as well as 20% damage reduction while active.
Manufacturer: Hyperion / Amplify Shield
Speed kills! - Heavily decreased amp damage bonus (-70%). Massively decreased amp shield consumption (-90%). Can amp without full shields. Restores 20% capacity on kill. The lower the current capacity, the bigger the damage bonus.
And that would be the end of this wall of text. Awaiting reception. Over and Out.
These have been sitting in my head for way too long, and I thought some of them would be at least mildly interesting. Like it, Hate it, Send me Anthrax, doesn't matter, as long as there's some response.
So, here we go.
Manufacturer: Hyperion / Pistols / Vision (Hyperion barrel)
Ain't it a cute little gun? - Decreased damage. Increased fire rate. Minimal accuracy. Upon hitting a surface, it spawns 2 additional projectiles and ricochets at nearest enemy.
Manufacturer: Jakobs / Pistols / Longarm (Hyperion barrel)
Does it ever end? - Decreased damage. Fixed magazine size of 2. Upon hitting an enemy, a bullet is moved from reserve directly to the clip. The gun itself also receives a small damage buff and small accuracy debuff each time it hits. These buffs stack and disappear when the gun is reloaded.
Manufacturer: Maliwan / Pistols / Aegis (Maliwan barrel)
Then shoot them in the dark! - Always corrosive. Each hit creates a huge corrosive explosion with 100% elemental effect chance. Increased damage. Decreased fire rate. Consumes 3 ammo per shot.
Sewing Machine
Manufacturer: Dahl / Pistols / Repeater (Dahl barrel)
Nail'em to the ceiling. - 4-round burst. Bullets pierce the enemies up to 2 times, getting +600% multiplicative damage bonus each time. Slightly increased stats overall. Killing an enemy gives the next burst explosive splash damage.
Short Notice
Manufacturer: Vladof / Pistols / Anarchist (Vladof barrel)
Went faster than expected - Slightly decreased damage. Massively increased fire rate (around 14-15). Decreased magazine size. Increased reload speed. Shoots 3 projectiles at the cost of 2 ammo.
Manufacturer: Bandit / Pistols / Magamum! (Torgue barrel)
Nuke it from orbit - Fires actual white bandit normal longbow grenades with 0.0 fuse time and slightly decreased damage. Decreased fire rate. Consumes 7 ammo per shot.
Comment: I have totally no idea whether this is balanced.
Manufacturer: Tediore / Pistols / Handgun (Tediore barrel)
Second one's free! - Slightly decreased stats overall. Upon reloading, the gun-grenade always deals damage as if its magazine was full.
Manufacturer: Torgue / Pistols / Rod (Jakobs barrel)
So loud, so flashy, so useless. - Slightly decreased damage. Creates 3 additional pellets with -50% damage upon hit, which aim at nearby enemies.
Manufacturer: Maliwan / SMGs / SubMalevolent Grace (Non-Elemental Maliwan barrel)
It isn't cheating when you don't get caught. - Slightly decreased damage. Upon hitting a target, changes its element to the one the target's weak to.
Straight Edge
Manufacturer: Hyperion / SMGs / Projectile Convergence (Non-elemental Maliwan barrel)
In defence of traditional frags. - Always incendiary. Decreased stats overall. Upon killing an enemy, gets a temporary boost that sharply boosts its damage and fire rate, as well as changing its element to corrosive.
Meat Bicycle
Manufacturer: Bandit / SMGs / smig (Bandit barrel)
Drown 'em in lead. - Increased magazine size. Decreased fire rate. Each kill without reloading grants a fire rate and damage bonus.
Ampersand One
Manufacturer: Tediore / SMGs / Ace (Hyperion barrel)
If you cannot dazzle them with briliance, baffle them with bullshit. - Sharply decreased damage. (around 40% of comparable purple Ace) Each shoot has a chance to fire up to 7 projectiles at once at the cost of 1 ammo. Decreased accuracy.
Manufacturer: Dahl / SMGs / Fox (Dahl barrel)
If fishes were wishes... - Slightly decreased accuracy. Decreased damage. Each bullet spawns up to 3 additional projectiles as it flies.
Manufacturer: Vladof / ARs / Spinigun (Spinigun Vladof barrel)
Son, you look tasty. - Increased clip size. Each shoot, hit and crit gives a slight damage bonus which can stack indefinetely, and disappears when the gun stops firing. Each stack of the bonus also gives an increased chance to consume 2 ammo per shot.
Crawl Device
Manufacturer: Bandit / ARs / Mashine Gun (Rapid-Fire Vladof barrel)
You can't run, and you can't hide! - Always incendiary. Increased accuracy. Hits apply a debuff which temporarily decreases target's movement speed, attack speed and fire rate.
Storm Drain
Manufacturer: Dahl / ARs / Carbine (Dahl barrel)
It hurts so right - Taking elemental damage gives temporary splash effect on bullets, element of which matching the damage taken. Slightly increased stats overall.
Manufacturer: Torgue / ARs / Torpedo (Torgue barrel)
Gotta go fast! - Deals cryo direct damage and incendiary splash damage. Increased accuracy and damage. Vastly increased projectile velocity.
Rubbered Glue
Manufacturer: Jakobs / ARs / Cannon (Torgue barrel)
...and sticks to you. - Increased projectile velocity. Projectiles bounce directly at the enemy. Slightly decreased damage. Consumes 1 ammo per shot.
Manufacturer: Vladof / ARs / Blaster (Vladof barrel)
Semper Fry. - Always incendiary. Decreased damage. Vastly decreased projectile velocity and range. Vastly increased projectile size and splash range. Shoots 3 projectiles at the cost of 2 ammo.
Pain Train
Manufacturer: Jakobs / Shotguns / Coach Gun (Jakobs barrel)
Whoot-Whoot! - Slightly decreased damage. Increased recoil reduction and accuracy. Massively increased clip size (16-18). Consumes 2 ammo per shoot.
Manufacturer: Torgue / Shotguns / Ravager (Torgue barrel)
Frag the World (how original) - Massively increased accuracy. Fires a single low-velocity pellet affected by gravity, which explodes into 7 extremely high-powered pellets which bounce off walls at the enemies upon touching anything. Consumes 4 ammo per shot.
Short Circuit
Manufacturer: Hyperion / Shotguns / Thinking (Hyperion barrel)
anti-rocket - Always shock. Slightly decreased pellet count. Pellets bounce between enemies up to 5 times.
Wrecking Ball
Manufacturer: Tediore / Shotguns / Home Security (Tediore barrel)
Bring 'em down to their level. - Slightly decreased damage. Slightly increased fire rate. Fires explosive pellets which deal splash damage. Both fired pellets and gun-grenade have massively increased knockback.
Pa's Fishing Aid
Manufacturer: Bandit / Shotguns / oberkil! (Torgue barrel)
Nah killa... - Heavily increased pellet count, equivalent of a 6-barreled shotgun. Slightly increased accuracy and fire rate. Consumes 4 ammo per shot.
Sniper Rifles
Manufacturer: Hyperion / Sniper Rifles / Policy (Jakobs barrel)
Don't tell me you don't know it. - Always explosive elemental. Slightly increased damage. Increased recoil reduction. Direct hit damage ignores shields, splash does not.
Manufacturer: Jakobs / Sniper Rifles / Muckamuck (Jakobs barrel)
And he never woke up. - Massively increased damage and critical hit damage. Massively reduced fire rate. Increased accuracy. (99.0+) Projectiles pierce the enemies unlimited amount of times, getting +750% damage bonus on each pierce.
Manufacturer: Maliwan / Sniper Rifles / Snider (Maliwan barrel)
Ride the Electric Phenomena Closely Associated With Storm! - Always shock. Slightly decreased damage. Massively increased splash range (~6 feet). Increased splash damage. Critical hits spawn an additional splash of damage.
Manufacturer: Dahl / Sniper Rifles / Sniper (Dahl barrel)
Bow. - Massively increased burst fire rate. (14-15) Fixed burst count of 2. Decreased recoil. Slightly decreased damage. Slightly increased fire rate. Every kill and critical hit add 1 bullet (not from reserve) to the current clip.
Manufacturer: Vladof / Sniper Rifles / Droog (Vladof barrel)
Prepare for trouble... - Slightly decreased damage. Heavily decreased accuracy. (75-80) Heavily increased clip size. Consumes 3 Assault Rifle ammo per shot.
Manufacturer: Maliwan / Sniper Rifles / Railer (Maliwan barrel)
Syckyr. - Decreased stats overall. Heavily decreased accuracy. (60-65) Always spawns bladed. Regenerates 33% of the damage dealt. Consumes 2 ammo per shot.
Rocket Launchers
Manufacturer: Bandit / Rocket Launchers / Bombabarbardeer (Vladof barrel)
I got bored. - Heavily increased initial accuracy. Each shot consumes 1 ammo and fires a very quick 7-rocket burst, each rocket being less and less accurate.
Hometown Hero
Manufacturer: Maliwan / Rocket Launchers / Punishment (Torgue barrel)
God bless 'Murica - Half of damage dealt is incendiary, other half is corrosive. Increased damage. Explosion has a shape of a mushrom cloud. Explosion spawns 3-6 grenades, with equal probability of being either incendiary or corrosive, and throws them around.
Manufacturer: Torgue / Rocket Launchers / Duuurp! (Torgue barrel)
UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL! - Minimal Accuracy. Massively reduced self-damage (-95%). Heavily increased damage. Increased movement speed while active. 1% of damage dealt is returned to the user as health.
Production Means
Manufacturer: Vladof / Rocket Launchers / Vanquisher (Vladof barrel)
It won't take 5 years this time, I promise. - Slightly reduced damage, fire rate and accuracy. Full auto. 66% chance not to consume ammo. No decreased ammo consumption. Increased clip size.
Manufacturer: Tediore / Rocket Launchers / Spread (Maliwan barrel)
Will make small pain grow. - Consumes 2 ammo per shot. Fixed clip size of 2. Upon firing, launches an invisible rocket that deals no damage and 2 normal rockets, one of them Incendiary and other one Cryo, which orbit the invisible one. Upon reloading, reload-rocket will home at the invisible rocket as well. Increased damage. Heavily increased accuracy.
Common Cold
Manufacturer: Bandit / MIRV Grenade
SNEEZE! - Always Cryo. Initial explosion has low damage but very high range and elemental damage. Child grenades are corrosive and homing. Increased amount of child grenades, usually 12 or 13.
Manufacturer: Maliwan / Transfusion Grenade
Suck on this. - Always homing sticky. Massively increased fuse time (6-7 seconds). Upon sticking to an enemy, starts constantly dealing elemental damage and healing the user for 5% of damage dealt. If the initial target is killed before the grenade explodes, it starts seeking another target.
Neutron Star
Manufacturer: Hyperion / Singularity Grenade
I guess you could say it's attractive. - Decreased damage. Increased range. Heavily increased fuse time (4-5 seconds). Always non-sticky lobbed. Creates an implosion effect every half-second since its thrown to the moment of explosion. Always Cryo.
The Rust
Manufacturer: Vladof / AoE Grenade
Domino day! - Decreased damage. Increased area of effect. Half the damage dealt is incendiary, half is corrosive. Damage ignores shields.
Rubber Fist
Manufacturer: Tediore / Normal Grenade
Ohh yeah. - Increased damage. Always longbow. Fixed fuse time of 0.0. Massive knockback.
Double Rainbow
Manufacturer: Dahl / Bouncing Betty Grenade
What does it mean? - Fires rockets with randomly assigned element and +120% damage bonus instead of bullets.
Manufacturer: Vladof / AoE Grenade
This. - Always shock, homing and sticky. Only creates electrical field while attached to an enemy. Increased damage. Heavily increased range. Decreased effect duration.
Manufacturer: Vladof / Absorb Shield
We will be avenged! - Mix of absorb and elemental spike shields. Increased absorb chance (50 - 55%). Instead of absorbing the bullet, reflects it at the attacker with triple the damage. When attacked in melee, returns a spike with the element of initial attack and x1.5 the damage. Decreased capacity.
Manufacturer: Anshin / Adaptive Shield
Setting up some side bets won't hurt. - Slightly increased stats overall. Gives a buff dependent on what is the current resist of the shield.
Fire - +20% Damage
Shock - -20% Shield Recharge Delay
Corrosive - +15% Damage Resistance
Cryo - +20% Movement Speed
Non-Elemental - +30% Reload Speed
Focus Sash
Manufacturer: Tediore / Shield
Don't sweat it, it wasn't THAT close. - Normal stats comparable to shields of other producents (Increased capacity, decreased recharge rate, heavily increased recharge delay). When taking damage that would otherwise knock shields or health out, player hangs on with 1 shield/health and gets 1 second invincibility. Effect cannot be activated again until the shields/health are full.
Manufacturer: Torgue / Explosive Nova Shield
Take it all back! - Increased shield recharge delay (7-8). Massively decreased shield recharge delay when shield is not depleted (0.4-0.5). Damage dealt by nova is equal to damage taken since the last full shield times 1.5.
Manufacturer: Pangolin / Turtle Shield
My life for Urai. - Always sets max health to 1. Turns 80% of reduced health into max shield capacity. Slightly increased stats overall.
Manufacturer: Dahl / Booster Shield
Don't let it be tarnished. - Boosters can't be picked up, but instead create energy domes that reduce shield recharge delay to 0.0 and grant health regen to everyone inside. Decreased booster drop chance. Decreased shield recharge delay.
Manufacturer: Maliwan / Elemental Nova Shield
Not your casual supernova! - Mix of elemental spike and elemental nova shields. Heavily decreased nova damage. Taking a melee hit spawns a nova. Depleting the shield spawns 3 novas in very quick succession. Heavily decreased shield capacity. Always incediary.
The Beast
Manufacturer: Bandit / Maylay Shield
Release the Criken - Massively reduced shield capacity (-90%). Heavily increased melee damage bonus. Roid buff gives movement speed bonus as well as 20% damage reduction while active.
Manufacturer: Hyperion / Amplify Shield
Speed kills! - Heavily decreased amp damage bonus (-70%). Massively decreased amp shield consumption (-90%). Can amp without full shields. Restores 20% capacity on kill. The lower the current capacity, the bigger the damage bonus.
And that would be the end of this wall of text. Awaiting reception. Over and Out.