Now for those of you, unsure of what I am talking about, let me explain. I'm talking about a tabletop RPG (kinda like Dungeons and Dragons) but made specifically for Borderlands.
Yes I am well aware that there are multiple systems like this already out in the general public. I am also aware that some of them are much farther along than my scanty idea I have been working on, but most of the systems are relying on WotC's d20 system or on SJ's GURPS. Mine I'm making custom to fit the "feel" of Borderlands and Borderlands 2. So far, the only real thing I have is the Character "System" but I intend to fix that really quickly.
So without further ado, my idea...
There are a couple things required for each character to function correctly.
L (Level)
BHP (Base HP per level): Pretty self-explanatory. If his hit points equal zero, his movement drops to 1, he gets minuses to hit and he has 5 turns to kill something or be revived before he dies. If he dies, he loses 10% of his cash.
BM (Base Melee per level): You roll a d6 to hit. On a 1 you fail, on a 6 you deal double melee damage and on anything else, you deal normal melee damage.
S (Size): Increases BHP and BM but makes it easier to hit, the bigger the number. A normal sized person is a 0. You can go negative as well. To hit a normal sized person within 4 with a gun, you need to roll a 10 or more on a d20. On any other size, you subtract the number from 10 (e.g. to hit a character with size 1, you need to roll a 9 but they get 1 more BHP and BM per level, to hit a character with size -1, you need to roll an 11 but they get 1 less BHM and BM per level.)
SP (Speed): The number of squares the character can move.
AB (Ability): Unique to each character or class. Each ability has its own RR (Recharge Rate). And AT (Activation Time).
Example: Brick
L 5
BHP 35
BM 5
S 2
SP 5
AB Rage
So with everything, Brick has
185 HP
35 Melee Damage
And 5 Speed
To hit him at point blank, you’d need to roll an 8 or more.
Right now it's super simple and I intend to keep it pretty simple. The loot system is what's gonna take the cake. Instead of rolling for damage on things though, your weapon would have a high, mid, and low damage output (crit, normal hit, a hit in the foot or something like that). What do you think?
Yes I am well aware that there are multiple systems like this already out in the general public. I am also aware that some of them are much farther along than my scanty idea I have been working on, but most of the systems are relying on WotC's d20 system or on SJ's GURPS. Mine I'm making custom to fit the "feel" of Borderlands and Borderlands 2. So far, the only real thing I have is the Character "System" but I intend to fix that really quickly.
So without further ado, my idea...
There are a couple things required for each character to function correctly.
L (Level)
BHP (Base HP per level): Pretty self-explanatory. If his hit points equal zero, his movement drops to 1, he gets minuses to hit and he has 5 turns to kill something or be revived before he dies. If he dies, he loses 10% of his cash.
BM (Base Melee per level): You roll a d6 to hit. On a 1 you fail, on a 6 you deal double melee damage and on anything else, you deal normal melee damage.
S (Size): Increases BHP and BM but makes it easier to hit, the bigger the number. A normal sized person is a 0. You can go negative as well. To hit a normal sized person within 4 with a gun, you need to roll a 10 or more on a d20. On any other size, you subtract the number from 10 (e.g. to hit a character with size 1, you need to roll a 9 but they get 1 more BHP and BM per level, to hit a character with size -1, you need to roll an 11 but they get 1 less BHM and BM per level.)
SP (Speed): The number of squares the character can move.
AB (Ability): Unique to each character or class. Each ability has its own RR (Recharge Rate). And AT (Activation Time).
Example: Brick
L 5
BHP 35
BM 5
S 2
SP 5
AB Rage
So with everything, Brick has
185 HP
35 Melee Damage
And 5 Speed
To hit him at point blank, you’d need to roll an 8 or more.
Right now it's super simple and I intend to keep it pretty simple. The loot system is what's gonna take the cake. Instead of rolling for damage on things though, your weapon would have a high, mid, and low damage output (crit, normal hit, a hit in the foot or something like that). What do you think?