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Character and Class Concept: Euclid the Gadgeteer [WIP]

Name: Euclid Floros (Original name was Bill Richardson)

Gender: Male

Race: Genetically-altered human

Apperance: Euclid is small and skinny for a 15 year old. He's caucasian with ear-length, clean-cut dark brown hair and green eyes. He wears a lab-coat over a white dress shirt and plain black trousers along with a green tie and lab gloves. On top of this is a military grade ammo belt where he carries his grenade mod and shield. Over his forehead, he's always wearing a pair of safety goggles. Class Mods appear as a small pouch attached on his right hip. Mounted on his right wrist is a short-ranged energy gun, heavily resembling the barrel of a Tediore shotgun.

S.O.C.R.A.T strongly resembles a smaller version of the BNK-3R, recoloured predominantly in white with green highlights and optics. The missile launchers which pop out of the sides are replaced with retractable tendrils which carry its gun.

Background (WIP): Born on Aurora VI, Euclid was heavily genetically engineered from birth to be extremely smart as his parents desired. At the cost of stunted growth, high calorie needs and overall reduced musculature, but his parents were bazillionaires and could deal with those later.

As he grew up, he was given whatever he wanted. Except materials and tools to experiment with because it was considered too dangerous and unchild-like for him. As a result, he was extremely bored and grew to be apathetic and stoic. And polite as a self-imposed challenge to not be a little b*stard like his 'friends'.

By the time he became fifteen, his parents finely did notice his boredom and came to the conclusion that it was because he never had a holiday, not because he was smothered in everything he didn't want. Euclid initially had a near nonexistent moment of excitement before realizing that he would be going to the tourist section of the Hyperion Moon Base, not Planetoid Research Facility, Omega-5 as he dreamed of visiting.

As he predicted, he got quickly bored of the tour since it was mostly propaganda and praise for Handsome Jack. One part intrigued him though. At one point, the tour group got a glimpse at the robotics research and manufacture sector. He couldn't help but get a bit starry eyed at the sight of all the wires, mechanical joints and high-tech weaponry he's only read about on the ECHOnet. Using the excuse of needing to use a toilet, he sneaked back into the robotics facility. None of the employees really cared since they thought he was another stupid rich kid who got lost.

Personality: Euclid is largely apathetic, stoic and mostly intrusted in personal gain and self-entertainment. He also very logical and generally does not act without reason. Despite his apathy and stoicism, he is capable of other emotions, including gratitude and happiness.

He speaks clearly and politely in a leveled tone, with occasional slip ups of slang and less-than mature language.

Class: Gadgeteer. The Gadgeteer is at base, a medium ranged tank and offensive support which utilizes numerous devices to give themselves an edge in combat. Their method of being a tank is by deploying an RC drone which draws 100% aggro. Depending on what skill tree is taken, they can be long-ranged cannons, efficient and resilient tanks or unseen terrors behind remote-controlled weapons of mass destruction.

Proficiencies: Miscellaneous Tank, Support, DPS, Grenade-oriented

Melee: A quick blast with a wrist mounted energy shotgun, does not use any form of ammunition.

Unique Mechanic: Fuel. Instead of a timer, using S.O.C.R.A.T depletes your Fuel percentage. Other skills will use Fuel in order to function. By default, Fuel replenishes at 3.4% per second. When revived from FFYL, Fuel is replenished by 50%.

Action Skill: S.O.C.R.A.T Deploys an RC drone which you control instead of Euclid. Jump and crouch buttons become ascend and descend respectively. The drone only uses the weapon Euclid was holding when deployed. It has 66% higher health than Euclid and is considered armored. Deploying S.O.C.R.A.T has an initial Fuel cost of 15% and consumes fuel at 4.25% per second. When playing as S.O.C.R.A.T, you draw 100% aggro. S.O.C.R.A.T moves 33% faster than base movement speed. Pressing and holding down the action skill button will cause S.O.C.R.A.T to explode with a 5 meter radius and cause heavy damage to all enemies caught. S.O.C.R.A.T will automatically explode on destruction or if there's no fuel left. 50s Cooldown.


This skill tree is focused on improving medium-ranged combat and general staying power. (Skill names are based around military slang).

Force Projection Denial [Tier 1, 5 Lvls]: +10% Shield recharge rate and +5% shorter recharge delay for 5s after being hit.

Delivery Bird [Tier 1, 5 Lvls]: Self-destructing S.O.C.R.A.T on self or allies replenishes +12% of all their ammo and their shield capacity.

Charlie Foxtrot Maneuver [Tier 2, 1 Lvl]: No actions can interrupt each other (e.g. throwing a grenade doesn't interrupt reloading, melee doesn't interrupt reloading, etc).

Successful Bullsh*t Bombing [Tier 2, 5 Lvls]:
+8% Reload speed, +4% gun damage and +5% fire rate buff is applied to yourself and all allies in a 4 meter radius while S.O.C.R.A.T is active and 8s after destruction

Groundhog Day Reversal [Tier 3, 5 Lvls]: +15% Of all damage to health is automatically regenerated after 8s.

Gun to Grenade Cannibalization [Tier 3, 1 Lvl]: On reload, the magazine (or speed loader) is thrown as a grenade which functions identically to your grenade mod, inflicts 33% less damage. 34% Increased damage and blast radius of Tediore weapon reload.

Kinetic Improvement [Tier 3, 5 Lvls]: Taking damage increases gun damage by up to +8% and recoil reduction by up to +12%.

Long-Ranged Flaming *sshole [Tier 4, 1 Lvl]: Melee Override. Fires an arcing, 4.5 meter-long incendiary and corrosive stream which has low base damage, but guaranteed to inflict high DoT. Leaves a trail of burning acid with the same the effect which last 3s. Uses 8% Fuel per second of use.

No GOFO [Tier 5, 5 Lvls]: +7% Less non-shock damage taken against shields, +8% less shock and corrosive damage taken against health and +20% reduction to Slag duration while shields are online.

Not A Blue Falcon [Tier 6, 1 Lvl]: Game changer. When put into FFYL mode, S.O.C.R.A.T is automatically deployed, but can't explode in any way or use Fuel when deployed this way. S.O.C.R.A.T is also completely indestructible when deployed this way. S.O.C.R.A.T is on the same timer as FFYL.


Artillery This skill tree is focused on dealing pure damage and supporting allies from a long distance away as well as a few skills to help escape less than ideal situations.


Sniper Everything [Tier 1, 5 Lvls]: Up to +30% damage, the more distance a projectile has covered.

Healing Cleaver[Tier 1, 5 Lvls]: All attacks from S.O.C.R.A.T heal allies for +5% of the attack damage.

Short Distance Long Distance Blast[Tier 2, 1 Lvl]: Melee attacks deal 34% less damage, but inflict heavy knock-back.

Wham Shot [Tier 2, 5 Lvls]: Long-ranged attacks deal +50% more damage against enemies with 34% or less health. +12% Bullet speed.

Our Explosives Are Different [Tier 3, 1 Lvl]: All explosive projectiles have a longbow effect. Explosives which explode after a certain amount of time will teleport to the distance they would reach with their projectile speed before exploding.

Improbable Gun Skills [Tier 3, 5 Lvls]: +10% Accuracy, +20% bullet speed, +12% zoom on ADS.

The Dreadful [Tier 3, 5 Lvl]: Kill skill. On kill, every enemy in a 7 meter radius around them inflicts +5% less damage overall and become +7.5% less accurate for 10s. Timer resets when another enemy in vicinity of the afflicted is killed.

AI Is Reliable [Tier 4, 1 Lvls]:
Game changer. Tapping the action skill button now switches control between Euclid and S.O.C.R.A.T. When S.O.C.R.A.T isn't controlled, it gets an AI.

Tele-Frag Grenade [Tier 5, 1 Lvls]: Grenade override. Holding down the grenade button throws a special longbow grenade which teleports you to where it lands or the ground beneath it if it touched a wall or ceiling.

Kinetic Overclocking [Tier 6, 5 Lvls]: Game changer. Semiautomatic weapons can be charged up by holding down the fire button for up to +80% higher damage. The higher the base damage is in relation to the weapon's level, the slower it takes to reach maximum damage.


This skill tree is focused solely on improving S.O.C.R.A.T.


Immovable Flying Object [Tier 1, 5 Lvls]: +7% Maximum health on S.O.C.R.A.T and +0.6% health regeneration.

Hell On Boosters [Tier 1, 1 Lvl]: Sprint override. Pressing the sprint button does a short ranged dash, uses 6% Fuel. 20% Movement speed increase.

Infinite Arsenal Of Four Weapons [Tier 2, 1 Lvl]: Action skill augment. Allows S.O.C.R.A.T to switch between all weapons Euclid was in his loadout. 30% Reload speed increase.

Smart*ss Polymer Coating [Tier 2, 5 Lvls]: S.O.C.R.A.T regenerates +0.4% Fuel from being hit, +1% Fuel from being hit with corrosive and shock weapons and +6% resistance to corrosive damage.

Omnidirectional Bomber [Tier 3, 1 Lvl]: Game changer. All weapons explode in a wide blast radius on impact, explosion isn't considered explosive element and doesn't add extra damage. Explosive weapons have the blast radius added onto their existing one.

Nuclear Reactive Armor [Tier 3, 1 Lvl]: S.O.C.R.A.T uses the same shield as Euclid and can use grenades.

Death Causing Life Preserver [Tier 3, 5 Lvls]: +10% Less Fuel consumed per second, +1% ammo regenerated per second, +8% reload speed.

Thunderhead Stickleback [Tier 4, 5 Lvls]: Upon losing 50% of health, S.O.C.R.A.T explodes in a shock nova every two seconds. Shock damage increase per level.

Jack-In-A Near Indestructible Safe [Tier 5, 5 Lvls]: Explosion on death copies the effects of the grenade mod wielded, but with damage matching the normal explosion. +20% Explosion radius and other explosion effects (e.g. number of child explosives).

1Km Wingspan Plane [Tier 6, 1 Lvl]: Game Changer. Holding down the action skill button with 50% or less Fuel will deploy a Super Badass S.O.C.R.A.T. Super Badass S.O.C.R.A.T has 50% higher health, 60% slower movement speed, regenerates 10% ammo per second, 100% wider blast radius, 100% higher explosion damage and is immune to DoTs. In this state, S.O.C.R.A.T wields 4 copies of the weapon it's holding. Doing this consumes all Fuel for a fixed duration of 12s.

Class Mods

Technician: +Team ammo capacity, +team gun damage. Lying (Successful Bullsh*t Bombing), Terrifying (The Dreadful), Lasting (Death Causing Life Preserver)

Steel: +Maximum health, +health regeneration. Resilient (Groundhog Day Reversal, Adaptive (Kinetic Improvement), Protected (Force Projection Denial)

Bombardier: +General explosive damage, +explosion radius. Terrifying (The Dreadful), Precise (Improbable Gun Skills), Surprising (Jack-In-A Near Indestructible Safe)

Saboteur: +Elemental damage, +elemental chance. Terrifying (The Dreadful), Shocking (Thunderhead Stickleback), Surprising (Jack-In-A Near Indestructible Safe)

Medic: +Lifesteal on hit. Resilient (Groundhog Day Reversal, Air Support (Healing Cleaver), Lying (Successful Bullsh*t Bombing)

Artillery: +Bullet speed, +Bullet velocity. Precise (Improbable Gun Skills), Assassinating (Wham Shot), Overkill (Kinetic Overclocking)

Logistics: +Team shield capacity, +team action skill duration. Resilient (Groundhog Day Reversal, Lying (Successful Bullsh*t Bombing), Air Support (Healing Cleaver)

Flying Fortress: +Action skill cooldown rate, +Fuel regeneration rate. Lasting (Death Causing Life Preserver), Alloyed (Immovable Flying Object), Smart (Smart*ss Polymer Coating)

Missile Massacre: +Rocket regeneration, +reload speed, +explosion radius. Overkill (Kinetic Overclocking), Long-Ranged (Sniper Everything), Precise (Improbable Gun Skills)

Vulcan: +Fire rate, +reload speed. Lying (Successful Bullsh*t Bombing), Adaptive (Kinetic Improvement), Regenerative (No GOFO)

Legendary Steel: (Nothing will sell. NOTHING.) +Maximum health, +health regeneration, +shield capacity. Groundhog Day Reversal, Kinetic Improvement, Force Projection Denial, No GOFO, Immovable Flying Object

Legendary Nuke: (Fire, fire, baby.) +Rocket and grenade regeneration, +reload speed, +explosion radius, +explosive damage. Kinetic Overclocking, Improbable Gun Skills, The Dreadful, Jack-In-A Near Indestructible Safe, Sniper Everything

Legendary Artillery: (Who needs more dakka when you've got overkill?) +Bullet speed, +accuracy, +reload speed. Improbable Gun Skills, Wham Shot, Kinetic Overclocking, Sniper Everything, The Dreadful, Jack-In-A Near Indestructible Safe,

Legendary Flying Fortress: (*Cue Ride of the Valkyries*) +Action skill cooldown rate, +Fuel regeneration rate, -Fuel used. Death Causing Life Preserver, Immovable Flying Object, Smart*ss Polymer Coating, Thunderhead Stickleback, The Dreadful

Slayer of Terramorphous: +Burn damage, +burn chance, +maximum health. The Dreadful, Thunderhead Stickleback, Jack-In-A Near Indestructible Safe, Kinetic Improvement, Improbable Gun Skills


Joining a game
  • Greetings friends.
  • So, who's 'kicked the bucket' today?
  • I heard there was technology to be had.
  • It feels just like home. Boring.
  • It may dull, but at least my parents aren't here.
  • For a planet described as a 'hellhole', it's awfully uninteresting. How droll.
  • I miss the maid. I could have actual, intelligent conversations with her.
  • At this point, I may as well listen to what plants have to say.
Killing enemies
  • Ah, the satisfaction of killing mooks.
  • Thank you for dieing.
  • My apologies for any pain and suffering I caused!
  • It's clear to me. Being a child was uninteresting.
  • You were the weakest link. Goodbye.
Killing several enemies in rapid succession
  • Is this what they refer to as a 'bloodbath'?
  • It's astounds me how you all like being shot at.
  • I advise that you all leave the vicinity. Immediately.
  • My finger is twitching towards the trigger. Peculiar.
Sighting a badass or boss
  • *yawn*
  • Using expletives for emphasis leaves a bad impression.
  • A 'badass' has been identified.
  • (Sarcastically) Very much scary.
  • Let's go. Again.
Killed a badass or boss
  • Wasn't worth my time.
  • Looks don't translate to capability.
  • Word of advice. Train yourself.
  • At least there's loot.
Critical Hit
  • Satisfying.
  • Efficient, yet fun. I like it.
  • Critical hit! Always wanted to say that.
  • I need to program an announcer AI, just for this.
Taking Elemental Damage
  • I feel... tingly.
  • What's that smell?
  • Oh, that's going to leave scars, isn't it?
  • (sigh) Not again.
  • Slag?!
  • That's... that's just plain foul!
  • I. Hate. You.
  • Do me a favor and kill yourself.
  • Slag. The worst, bloody thing ever loaded into a gun.
Thrown a grenade
  • Why are they called mashers?
  • Enjoy this.
  • Consume this explosive device please?
  • I heard you enjoy explosives.
  • Throwing a grenade.
Killed an enemy by running over them
  • Beep beep.
  • Weeeeeee!
  • Word of advice. Look both ways.
  • Sorry! Still not giving my credit card information.
Deploying S.O.C.R.A.T
  • Shoot this, it's larger.
  • Deploying super-heavy ordnance carrier robot and terminator.
  • Take cover!
  • Meet 10 tons of flying steel and high-level mathematics.
  • It costs four hundred thousand liters of fuel to fly this robot. For twenty seconds.
  • I considered naming it Bonker at one point. Then I decided that sounded asinine.
  • I feel... tired.
  • You're not getting the satisfaction of my death.
  • I don't welcome die.
  • I'm not dieing that easily.
Got a Second Wind
  • That. Was a good wake-up call.
  • Never should have gotten close.
  • Not ready to die. Never will be.
  • I've came out of hell to raise hell. Always wanted to say that.
  • Hades will require a bigger net to catch me.
  • I would have respawned anyway.
  • Sorry, but I won't die at my age. Because morality.
Revived/Being Revived
  • Much appreciated.
  • Thank you!
  • Next meal's on you... I'm joking.
  • Never felt better!
  • I'm not as a innocent as I look, but much appreciated regardless.
Reviving a crippled team mate
  • We've still got mooks to shoot and valuables to collect.
  • To return the favor, be my meat shield.
  • On your feet, friend.
  • Steady.
  • I refuse to let you go!
  • We're not done. Not in a thousand millenniums.
Spotted items
  • Science marches on.
  • Up to date implements are always welcome.
  • There's a ninety-percent chance that it's only useful for being sold off.
  • It won't explode on contact, right?
  • Please be useful, please be useful.
  • Loooot, glorious loot!
Comparing items in menu
  • Maths, what a wonderful subject.
  • If I carry over the five and divide by eleven...
  • What are the cons and pros?
  • Green arrows are good and red arrows are bad. Remember that.
Out of ammunition
  • I don't like the sound of that...
  • As a great general once said, nuts.
  • Urge to use expletives, rising.
  • Should have restocked while I could.
  • Not good.
Leveling up
  • I feel minutely better.
  • As they say, practice makes improvement.
  • All it took was killing four million bandits and a skag pup.
Issuing a duel challenge
  • A spar sounds like a good idea.
  • I now possess your nose! Duel me for it.
  • You, me, seven paces and one non-rocket launcher of choice.
Accepting a duel
  • Sounds interesting to me.
  • I accept the spar.
  • A test of skill and combat capabilities, sounds both entertaining and useful.
  • I'm ready for it. Are YOU though?
Won the duel
  • Here's your imaginary nose back anyway.
  • Don't dwell on it, there's always room for improvement.
  • Another victory under my belt.
  • That my friend, is how you really fight.
Lost the duel
  • I never possessed your nose to begin with.
  • Looks I've got flaws that need resolving.
  • I admit defeat.
  • Not my favored outcome, but fair enough.
Tied the duel
  • Not what I expected. Or hoped.
  • This was not on the list of possible outcomes.
  • I don't like this. At all.
  • I'm disappointed. Or as some people would say, it's 'lame'.
Hitting a teammate with a vehicle
  • My condolences to you!
  • My non-existent apologies.
  • Here lies friend, it was a... oh wait, you're still alive?
  • That was not intentional. It was still humorous.
  • That's for taking the last cookie!"
Tele-Frag Grenade activates
  • Goodbye.
  • See you soon.
  • Au revoir!
  • Psyche! As they say.
Long-Ranged Burning *sshole activates
  • Incinerate all the infants!
  • Come out, come out, wherever you are.
  • I heard you love barbecues.
  • Flame time is fun time.
Not A Blue Falcon activates
  • You're my last hope, S.O.C.R.A.T.
  • I have faith in you.
  • Make it count.
Kinetic Overclocking activates
  • This WILL hurt.
  • I see you, but not for long...
  • The damage will be many times over nine thousand.
  • If this doesn't leave a mark, I don't know what will.
  • Cue the flashy effects.
AI Is Reliable activates
  • Keep them distracted for me!
  • Activating S.O.C.R.A.T AI.
  • Please don't glitch.
  • Wait, did I install the friend or foe recognition software?.
Note: Right now, I'm not really sure how to finish up the background, so I'd definitely like help with that.

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