A Brief History of Pandora
Vault Hunters
Daniel as the Specialist
"You can't just survive. You have to thrive."
-Bio: After exploring the vastness of his homeworld Eden-6, Daniel grew tired. A domesticated lifestyle was not enough for him. Especially when people recognized him merely because his sisters were two of the most well-known pop culture icons of his time. Gathering all of his resources, Daniel quietly left his homeworld to move to Pandora, where social status didn't matter, and experience was valued over credentials. And, despite complications in his travel, Daniel reached Pandora safely. With a rather large bounty over his head, but nonetheless, safely.
-Action Skill: Deadeye - Unstrap your bow and show your enemies the superiority of primitive technology! This skill has no duration, but rather, cooldown starts only when you have depleted your small quantity of 10 Jakobs-manufactured arrows.
Duration: N/A
Cooldown: 120 seconds
-Melee Weapon: Daniel punches his target with his left fist.
-Cumulative Bounty: $999,999,999,999.99
-Wanted For: Numerous counts of theft, murder, espionage, and possession of illegal technology.
Roxanne the Demolitionist
"Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, can't be solved without a little bit of dynamite."
-Bio: Vault Hunting was best left to Vault Hunters, Roxanne's adoptive parents always said. I'm gonna go hunt for Vaults, her boyfriend said. Without any hesitation, she joined him. And now, Roxanne can fulfill her lifelong dream: laying waste to an entire planet with homemade explosives. Alongside the love of her life, of course. And also share the bounty he's carrying over his head. Truly an amazing relationship.
-Action Skill: Explosive Entrance - Enter the fray with a BANG! Everything is explosive! Shooting enemies? EXPLODING BULLETS! Cutting enemies? EXPLODING KNIFE! Walking through the battlefield? EXPLODING FOOTSTEPS!
Duration: 25 seconds
Cooldown: 60 seconds
-Melee Weapon: Roxanne slashes her target with her knife.
-Cumulative Bounty: $999,999,999,999.99
-Wanted For: Numerous counts of theft, murder, espionage, and possession of illegal technology.
Juno as the Siren
"And now for my next song, 'You're All a Bunch of Bitches Who Need to Die'!"
-Bio: Daniel's younger sister. Singer. Siren. She abandoned her life of leisure as a teen pop idol at the behest of her parents, who suggested she look for her brother and his girlfriend. After discovering where they had gone, Juno decided to join them in their journey across the galaxy.
-Action Skill: Phaseshift - Juno initiates Phaseshift, which scrambles the digistruct settings of her currently equipped weapons. While Phaseshift is activated, Juno cannot switch weapons, but her currently equipped weapon's fire rate, reload speed, and damage are quadrupled. She also gains massive ammo and grenade regeneration while Phaseshift is activated.
Duration: 10 seconds
Cooldown: 50 seconds
-Melee Weapon: Juno slaps her target with the back of her left hand.
-Cumulative Bounty: $1,000,000.000
-Wanted For: Nothing, really. Just need her alive and well. Her fans miss her.
Phoebe as the Maniac
-Bio: The second-youngest child in Daniel's family. A mildly-psychotic 18-year-old with a penchant for unnecessary carnage. She joined her siblings' crew after she got tired of her life as the interplanetary ambassador of Eden-6. How she netted that job in the first place remains a mystery to the general public, but there are rumors that suggests murder was involved- Oh, who are we kidding, she killed the last ambassador to get the job.
-Action Skill: HAMMER OF DOOM!!! - Phoebe digistructs her massive hammer to devastate enemies dumb enough to get into the range of her attack. While wielding her hammer, Phoebe cannot use any other weapons.
Duration: 20 seconds
Cooldown: 50 seconds
-Melee Weapon: Phoebe hits her target with her totally-not-fake fairy princess wand.
-Cumulative Bounty: $88,888,888.00
-Wanted For: One count of assassination.
??? the Badass
"C'mon you guys, just... calm down."
??? the Wingman
"Icarus fell because his wings were made of wax."
??? the Pariah
"I can't help it if things die around me!"
??? the Renegade
"Does this disguise make my ass look big?"
??? the Warrior
[Incoming ECHOmessage from Lexxi]"Hit my brother up if ya need a quick hop to the next borderworld! Catch a ride, amiright? Anyway, just tell Segway I sent ya, and he shouldn't give you no ****."
[End of message]
- Aquator - "Up for sun, sand, and sexy ladies in swimsuits? Aquator's the place to be, my man!"
- Artemis - "Big trouble. Don't really see why you wanna go here, but hey, whatever, man."
- Athenas - "Bunch'a religious freaks. Pretty safe place as long as you're on the church's good side."
- Demophon - "BAD NEWS, man! BAD NEWS! Sum'n tried breakin' out recently and place is still shut down. Feel free to go, but just be real careful!"
- Dionysus - "Haha, party town, amiright? Yeah, 'mright."
- Eden-5 - "Bunch'a bigwigs who know a buncha big words."
- Eden-6 - "It's like the little boy who di'n't get enough attention from his mom when he was a kid. Not that I would know anything about that, whatchu talkin' 'bout?"
- Eunomia - "This place is teeming with bitches'a the law. Shouldn't be much of a challenge to you."
- Hephaestus - "Whoo! This place's got more guns and vendors than it's got people. And lemme tell ya, this place is FULL'a peeps. Someone's gotta make the guns, y'know."
- Hera - "The planet'a looooooove, they call it. But they call my momma's room out back that, too. So, pinch'a salt, you know."
- Hestias - "This place is filled with Dahl soldiers, weaponized up the wazoo. Better bring a lotta guns and bullets, dude."
- Hieronymous - "Ain't all y'all wanted in this planet? You sure you wanna go here?"
- Menoetius - "This place is ALMOST as bad as Pandora."
- Pandora - "Whoo! Home sweet home, bitches!"
- Promethea - "Who knows what's happened to this place after the Atlas Corporation got beat up by Roland's crew?"
- Tantalus - "The New-U stations get all their energy from here! Iunno how that works, but who gives a crap as long as you can shoot things, right?"
- Themis - "Ahh, Themis... 'msure you'll find some interesting characters here."
- Thrace - "Hestias's arch-nemesis. Filled to the brim with Tediore soldiers. Watch your step!"