Class Idea: Blud-Scythe
The Blud-Scythe, are death harbingers that live in graveyards each one equipped with their own unique gun-scythe. They wear bones of their victims like armor and they bathe in their blood. Torment /...
View ArticleClass Idea: Fury
The Furies, are siren hunters at one point in their lives they were sirens who grew thirsty for greed, lust and power. Furies are somewhat disfigured some with scaly skin, wings, fur and tails. Piepur...
View ArticleClass Idea: Whyspur
The Whyspurs, are eye glowing teleporters all marked or tattooed with a symbol of their first teleport. Graves / Ability: Coming Soon!!!!!
View ArticleA New Class Idea
So I had an idea for a new character to play - Class: A Mechazerker - So like the next version of Brick and Salvador but this guy would be a Hyperion Robot. Name: Not entirely sure but it could be some...
View ArticleCharacter Concept: Saybur The Siren
SAYBUR [FONT="Impact"]Class / SIREN[/FONT Action Skill: Phaseblades [COLOR="rgb(245, 222, 179)"]Melee: Phaseslash[/COLOR] Skill Tree Vendetta[/LIST][/LIST] Vindiction Kill Skill After killing an enemy...
View ArticleYay; More class ideas..
Hello there, I've seen that bazzilions of members posted character ideas, I was too lazy to cycle through them, so here are some of mine (I'm sure some of them have been suggested before, I'm sorry for...
View ArticleCharacter Concept: Chase The Female Bandit
Chase Class / Bandit Action Skill: Weaponize - when she is battling an enemy or ally with a gun she can switch weapons with them temporarily. When they are killed they drop 2 of that same weapon "will...
View ArticleTwo Elemental Types: Frost and Vertigo
Frost Which I'm sure by now has been come up with but just in case it hasn't here u go. Now frost would work to slow the enemies movement speed and accuracy, when an enemy surrounded in frost clouds...
View ArticleBl3 Gun concept
Well, that's pretty much it. First off, DREADNOUGHT: Quote: Dreadnought Heavy Munitions Co. has no legacy. Yet We hope that Dreadnought's legacy will be one enemies driven before our customers, in...
View ArticleNew Character Idea - Daniel the Specialist (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Name: Daniel Species: Human Planet of Origin: Eden-6 Class: Specialist Gender: Male Affiliation(s): Roxanne (life partner and fellow Vault Hunter), Juno (sister and fellow Vault Hunter), Atlas (sister...
View ArticleAir Jordan Easter Egg
I was in Southern Shelf - Bay, and I saw this Outlaw Marauder jumping across from a building. He froze in mid-air and damn if it wasn't the symbol from Nike's Air Jordan shoes!! Bet nobody else caught...
View ArticleJILL VALENTINE Battlesuit Mod
SOMEONE GET THAT THING OFF HER CHEST! MAYA KEEPS SHOUTING SOME CRAP ABOUT BEING A RESIDENT EVIL BOSS OR SOMETHING?!-- Just a preview for now folks. Sorry, not quite finished modding it yet. This mod...
View ArticleCharacter/Class Concept: Joseph the Warden
Here's a character concept I've been working on for a couple of days. I got the idea after watching beta gameplay of Titanfall. So here goes. Joseph the Warden Joseph is an ex-Hyperion soldier that...
View ArticleAnimated series: inspired by the Borderlands
Hello to all! This is the first chapter of my animated series! The visual design was inspired by the Borderlands (the contour shader and texture maps painted freely), see and please comment! thank you!...
View ArticleEridian Gun mods
Gearbox has made clear there will be absolutely no gun crafting, so how about gun mods similar to class mods but change the aspect of the guns abilities. These mods would be equipped just like a class...
View ArticleGun Concepts - Mythical
Intro --------------------- What's up, forums. I'm SuperJavelin, a long-time lurker of these forums and Borderlands enthusiast. Thought I'd drop some concepts down for your perusal. The concept here is...
View ArticleMaya the Risen
I uh, posted this in a different forum, but as I've began to look around a bit, I think it'd fit in better here, since it does involve BL2. Whoops. I'm ranking up all kinds of newb points. Anyway, my...
View ArticleNew Character Class Idea
Was encouraged to post this on the forum, so here it is. The Houndmaster. It's an idea for a character class that uses for their special ability to release trained scags to randomly attack enemy...
View ArticleClasses from other Franchises in BL2
Today's game: Team Fortress 2 The Medic. No active action skill, instead he'll always use the most efficient element type. This balances out by only doing 75% of any given weapons damage, reduced by...
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