What's up, forums. I'm SuperJavelin, a long-time lurker of these forums and Borderlands enthusiast. Thought I'd drop some concepts down for your perusal. The concept here is that there is another rarity of gun past Pearls, which I would bet large sums of money has been done here already (though I couldn't find any through the Fan Creation Dictionary, so maybe not). Regardless, you've probably heard or thought of it all before - "You have like a one in bazillionty chance of finding these suckers, and to complement the fact that they are functionally impossible to find, they're all crazy powerful and blah blah blah." Cool. HOWEVER. I would also bet that you haven't seen these concepts specifically, and you might find them mildy entertaining. So, below are the nine guns of Mythical rarity.
Weapons of Myth
To begin, you must first understand that these guns do not drop. Like, they actually cannot drop from any loot source, enemy or chest. Which would normally make them pretty hard to find. What you can find, however, is the Myth Scroll. The Myth Scroll is an item with an incredibly rare drop rate. Since I'm not as down with the maths of Borderlands as some on these forums, I will simply BS my way out of the situation by saying offhand, and ballparking, that the scroll is to Pearlescent weapons as Pearlescents are to Legendaries.
The scroll can drop from any loot source, be it enemies, chests, ammo crates, or piles of refuse, with no increase from LLMs or specific bosses. It is a pick-uppable but un-equippable and un-usable item. The thing that makes it special is that you can accept a mission from it - "Weapons of Myth." When the scroll is on the ground, you may press [E] to pick it up or [V] to view, and subsequently accept, the mission. The scroll takes up no inventory space, and a character can only have one scroll at a time, between all its inventory, bank, and stash.
When "Weapons of Myth" is accepted, the scroll is added to your inventory as a mission item, and cannot be dropped. Marcus echos you and is amazed at your find, telling you that the scroll contains information regarding ancient, legendary weapons which defined their eras, weapons so powerful that men quaked with fear in their presence, weapons which could be yours for a low, low price of-
At this point Tannis cuts in and explains that while certainly mysterious (and strangely arousing), the scroll is an Eridian artifact. After bringing it to her, she fashions a device that can read the strange alien energies the scroll presumably emits. As it turns out, the scroll is capable of turning souls (or life-force, bioelectric energy or whatever) into power. As such, you must kill lots of specific things for the mission. Generally, these things will be mass amounts of generic enemies (ex. 5,000 bandits) or smaller amounts of stronger enemies (ex. Kill Assassin Rouf, Scorch, and King Mong five times each). These will tend to take a while. At the end of these quests, the scroll will be almost fully charged, and will require you to defeat a raid boss selected from your available DLCs (ex. Kill Dexiduous the Invincible).
When the scroll is charged, it will become droppable, and the final piece of the mission will be to equip a specific White-rarity gun in your main hand (ex. White Bandit Assault Rifle) and drop the scroll on the ground. When you turn the mission in to the Myth Scroll, you will be treated to some sweet VFX wherein the power in the scroll transforms your crappy white gun into a crazy powerful Mythical Weapon. Booyah!
The Guns
Mythical rarity weapons are shown in-game with Red text, card backgrounds, and loot-beacons (like Legendaries are orange and Pearls are Cyan). In addition, since you will likely find only one or two throughout your entire career, if any at all, the guns are spawned at your level and level up along with your character, including Overpower levels.
Which white rarity gun you will be instructed to find, and which Mythical gun it will transform into, is determined by the class you are playing. Each Class has access to three of the nine Myths, and has an equal chance of getting any of those three from the quest. Because of this, the scroll gives you some control over which Myth you want, as it is stashable, and you can start the quest on whichever character you wish. The Mythical weapons each class has access to are as follows:
Salvador: Phoenix, Pointer, Unkiler
Axton: Ambush, Sexplosion, Unkiler
Maya: Pointer, Sippy Cup, Apokalypse
Zero: Singularity, Ambush, Boone
Gaige: Sippy Cup, Apokalypse, Singularity
Krieg: Sexplosion, Boone, Phoenix
Keep in mind that these weapons are meant to be hilariously overpowered. Like, DPUH Nozzle, Beemolate, or Offhand Pimp - levels of overpowered. Only with class/skill synergy instead of exploits. So, without further ado, here are the Mythical rarity guns:
Flavor Text:
Weapon Type:
Notable Weapon Specs (i.e. those which differ from expected):
Special Abilities:
-Weapons of multiple types will consume ammo of all listed types upon firing, and also count as all listed types.
-"Applicable skills" means skills that multiple points can be put into, that points have been put into.
Name: Apokalypse
Flavor: "The end is neigh"
Manufacturer: Vladof
Type: Assault Rifle, SMG
Specs: High fire rate, great accuracy recovery
Each shot cycles between fire, shock, corrosive, and slag with high chance of elemental effect.
Last shot in each magazine fires an explosive rocket for massive damage.
When in main hand, gives a melee override that summons 4 elemental horsemen, one of each element, to fight for you for 30 seconds. CD 100 seconds.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Maya's "Cataclysm" tree and Gaige's "Little Big Trouble" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Singularity
Flavor: "Oh yeah. It's all coming together."
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Type: Sniper Rifle, Shotgun
Specs: Mag size always 2. Pellet count always 7. Perfect accuracy.
The spread is always the exact same. On the first shot, one pellet is dead center while the others have a hexagonal shape around the edges, after which every pellet is dead center.
Killing an enemy or landing a critical hit will immediately reload the gun (counts as a reload) and freeze the timer on any active action skill for 6 seconds.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Zero's "Sniping" tree and Gaige's "Ordered Chaos" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Boone
Flavor: "Pull yourself up by your leatherstockings."
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Type: Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle
Specs: 400% Melee damage. Mag size always 1. Bad accuracy, massive reload speed.
The gun is a musket with a large bayonet.
Killing an enemy will remove 1/4 your action skill's cooldown (even when active) and will taunt enemies, forcing them to attempt meleeing you for 10 seconds (this includes flying enemies and those that have no melee attack).
Your action skill can be activated while it is active, refilling its timer (and health for summons.)
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Zero's "Ninja" tree and Krieg's "Mania" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Unkiler
Manufacturer: Bandit
Type: Assault Rifle
Specs: Massive mag size, all else similar to most Bandit ARs.
Each bullet that hits an enemy gives 5% max health and shields back.
50% passive damage reduction
If in main hand, Fight for your life starts out with half of the timer bar already drained. Every bullet from the Unkiler that hits an enemy in fight for your life adds meter to the timer. If you fill the timer in this way, you get second wind.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Salvador's "Brawn" tree and Axton's "Survival" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Ambush
Flavor: "I see a little sihouetto of a gun..."
Manufacturer: Dahl
Type: Pistol
Specs: +123% melee damage, small mag size, very high damage
Three-round burst while aiming down sight is almost instant and fires as fast as you pull the trigger.
When your shield is full, you become invisible until you shoot your gun or get within ~3 meters of an enemy (faint range indicator around you). CD 10 seconds upon leaving invisibility.
Move at normal speed while aiming down sight.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Zero's "Cunning" tree and Axton's "Guerrilla" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Sexplosion
Flavor: "Self-Explanatory"
- Has a listed "8008135% Melee damage," which is false.
Manufacturer: Torgue
Type: Rocket Launcher, Assult Rifle
Specs: 100% melee damage. Very High fire rate and mag size for a rocket rifle.
Always spawns with the prefix "Badass."
Grenades can be used while shooting and meleeing.
When main hand, Melee Override - an explosive nova for the user's melee stat in explosive damage, counting as both explosion and melee damage. CD 10 seconds.
Killing an enemy with an explosion causes the next Rocket Launcher ammo and Grenade used in the next 3 seconds to each be free (does not stack).
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Axton's "Gunpowder" tree and Krieg's "Bloodlust" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Phoenix
Flavor: "Nevermind, I totally want to."
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Type: SMG, Pistol
Specs: Incredibly high elemental effect damage, 100% effect chance.
Always fire element.
Enemies set on fire with the Phoenix stay on fire until they die.
Whenever an enemy dies to fire damage, the Phoenix reloads itself and shoots fire grenades for the next 5 shots which explode on contact with a surface, dealing fire and explosive damage. These explosions leave lasting fire in the area they detonated for 5 seconds. The last bullet in each magazine also has this effect.
In fight for your life, the Phoenix has a mag size of 1 and does not consume ammunition.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Salvador's "Gunlust" tree and Krieg's "Hellborn" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Sippy Cup
Flavor: "Don't spill a drop."
Manufacturer: Tediore
Type: SMG, Shotgun
Specs: Large mag size (~50)
20% passive Life Steal
If bullets are left in the gun, reloading costs twice as much ammo as is currently left in the clip, but restores % max health equal to half the percentage of bullets left in the gun. This does not discard the gun, but consumes it.
Empty guns are discarded and explode on surfaces, but stick to enemies, draining health every second for 5 seconds (ala Leech). Sticking a gun to an enemy refreshes the timer on all other stuck guns. Reloading prematurely detonates all stuck guns.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Maya's "Harmony" tree and Gaige's "Best Friends Forever" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Pointer
Flavor: "Now, if we examine fig. 5b..."
Manufacturer: E-Tech
Type: Pistol
Instead of bullets, rapidly consumes ammo to continuously fire a laser that deals damage over time to whatever it touches.
While the laser is damaging an enemy, the timer on your action skill fills proportional to the speed of the damage dealt.
The laser has perfect accuracy, massive range, and stops at the first surface encountered, which it reaches instantly.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Maya's "Motion" tree and Salvador's "Rampage" Tree by 5 points.
Hope you enjoyed the concept! Thanks to everyone on the forums for being awesome and letting lurkers like me in on a wealth of information!
What's up, forums. I'm SuperJavelin, a long-time lurker of these forums and Borderlands enthusiast. Thought I'd drop some concepts down for your perusal. The concept here is that there is another rarity of gun past Pearls, which I would bet large sums of money has been done here already (though I couldn't find any through the Fan Creation Dictionary, so maybe not). Regardless, you've probably heard or thought of it all before - "You have like a one in bazillionty chance of finding these suckers, and to complement the fact that they are functionally impossible to find, they're all crazy powerful and blah blah blah." Cool. HOWEVER. I would also bet that you haven't seen these concepts specifically, and you might find them mildy entertaining. So, below are the nine guns of Mythical rarity.
Weapons of Myth
To begin, you must first understand that these guns do not drop. Like, they actually cannot drop from any loot source, enemy or chest. Which would normally make them pretty hard to find. What you can find, however, is the Myth Scroll. The Myth Scroll is an item with an incredibly rare drop rate. Since I'm not as down with the maths of Borderlands as some on these forums, I will simply BS my way out of the situation by saying offhand, and ballparking, that the scroll is to Pearlescent weapons as Pearlescents are to Legendaries.
The scroll can drop from any loot source, be it enemies, chests, ammo crates, or piles of refuse, with no increase from LLMs or specific bosses. It is a pick-uppable but un-equippable and un-usable item. The thing that makes it special is that you can accept a mission from it - "Weapons of Myth." When the scroll is on the ground, you may press [E] to pick it up or [V] to view, and subsequently accept, the mission. The scroll takes up no inventory space, and a character can only have one scroll at a time, between all its inventory, bank, and stash.
When "Weapons of Myth" is accepted, the scroll is added to your inventory as a mission item, and cannot be dropped. Marcus echos you and is amazed at your find, telling you that the scroll contains information regarding ancient, legendary weapons which defined their eras, weapons so powerful that men quaked with fear in their presence, weapons which could be yours for a low, low price of-
At this point Tannis cuts in and explains that while certainly mysterious (and strangely arousing), the scroll is an Eridian artifact. After bringing it to her, she fashions a device that can read the strange alien energies the scroll presumably emits. As it turns out, the scroll is capable of turning souls (or life-force, bioelectric energy or whatever) into power. As such, you must kill lots of specific things for the mission. Generally, these things will be mass amounts of generic enemies (ex. 5,000 bandits) or smaller amounts of stronger enemies (ex. Kill Assassin Rouf, Scorch, and King Mong five times each). These will tend to take a while. At the end of these quests, the scroll will be almost fully charged, and will require you to defeat a raid boss selected from your available DLCs (ex. Kill Dexiduous the Invincible).
When the scroll is charged, it will become droppable, and the final piece of the mission will be to equip a specific White-rarity gun in your main hand (ex. White Bandit Assault Rifle) and drop the scroll on the ground. When you turn the mission in to the Myth Scroll, you will be treated to some sweet VFX wherein the power in the scroll transforms your crappy white gun into a crazy powerful Mythical Weapon. Booyah!
The Guns
Mythical rarity weapons are shown in-game with Red text, card backgrounds, and loot-beacons (like Legendaries are orange and Pearls are Cyan). In addition, since you will likely find only one or two throughout your entire career, if any at all, the guns are spawned at your level and level up along with your character, including Overpower levels.
Which white rarity gun you will be instructed to find, and which Mythical gun it will transform into, is determined by the class you are playing. Each Class has access to three of the nine Myths, and has an equal chance of getting any of those three from the quest. Because of this, the scroll gives you some control over which Myth you want, as it is stashable, and you can start the quest on whichever character you wish. The Mythical weapons each class has access to are as follows:
Salvador: Phoenix, Pointer, Unkiler
Axton: Ambush, Sexplosion, Unkiler
Maya: Pointer, Sippy Cup, Apokalypse
Zero: Singularity, Ambush, Boone
Gaige: Sippy Cup, Apokalypse, Singularity
Krieg: Sexplosion, Boone, Phoenix
Keep in mind that these weapons are meant to be hilariously overpowered. Like, DPUH Nozzle, Beemolate, or Offhand Pimp - levels of overpowered. Only with class/skill synergy instead of exploits. So, without further ado, here are the Mythical rarity guns:
Flavor Text:
Weapon Type:
Notable Weapon Specs (i.e. those which differ from expected):
Special Abilities:
-Weapons of multiple types will consume ammo of all listed types upon firing, and also count as all listed types.
-"Applicable skills" means skills that multiple points can be put into, that points have been put into.
Name: Apokalypse
Flavor: "The end is neigh"
Manufacturer: Vladof
Type: Assault Rifle, SMG
Specs: High fire rate, great accuracy recovery
Each shot cycles between fire, shock, corrosive, and slag with high chance of elemental effect.
Last shot in each magazine fires an explosive rocket for massive damage.
When in main hand, gives a melee override that summons 4 elemental horsemen, one of each element, to fight for you for 30 seconds. CD 100 seconds.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Maya's "Cataclysm" tree and Gaige's "Little Big Trouble" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Singularity
Flavor: "Oh yeah. It's all coming together."
Manufacturer: Hyperion
Type: Sniper Rifle, Shotgun
Specs: Mag size always 2. Pellet count always 7. Perfect accuracy.
The spread is always the exact same. On the first shot, one pellet is dead center while the others have a hexagonal shape around the edges, after which every pellet is dead center.
Killing an enemy or landing a critical hit will immediately reload the gun (counts as a reload) and freeze the timer on any active action skill for 6 seconds.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Zero's "Sniping" tree and Gaige's "Ordered Chaos" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Boone
Flavor: "Pull yourself up by your leatherstockings."
Manufacturer: Jakobs
Type: Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle
Specs: 400% Melee damage. Mag size always 1. Bad accuracy, massive reload speed.
The gun is a musket with a large bayonet.
Killing an enemy will remove 1/4 your action skill's cooldown (even when active) and will taunt enemies, forcing them to attempt meleeing you for 10 seconds (this includes flying enemies and those that have no melee attack).
Your action skill can be activated while it is active, refilling its timer (and health for summons.)
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Zero's "Ninja" tree and Krieg's "Mania" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Unkiler
Manufacturer: Bandit
Type: Assault Rifle
Specs: Massive mag size, all else similar to most Bandit ARs.
Each bullet that hits an enemy gives 5% max health and shields back.
50% passive damage reduction
If in main hand, Fight for your life starts out with half of the timer bar already drained. Every bullet from the Unkiler that hits an enemy in fight for your life adds meter to the timer. If you fill the timer in this way, you get second wind.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Salvador's "Brawn" tree and Axton's "Survival" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Ambush
Flavor: "I see a little sihouetto of a gun..."
Manufacturer: Dahl
Type: Pistol
Specs: +123% melee damage, small mag size, very high damage
Three-round burst while aiming down sight is almost instant and fires as fast as you pull the trigger.
When your shield is full, you become invisible until you shoot your gun or get within ~3 meters of an enemy (faint range indicator around you). CD 10 seconds upon leaving invisibility.
Move at normal speed while aiming down sight.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Zero's "Cunning" tree and Axton's "Guerrilla" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Sexplosion
Flavor: "Self-Explanatory"
- Has a listed "8008135% Melee damage," which is false.
Manufacturer: Torgue
Type: Rocket Launcher, Assult Rifle
Specs: 100% melee damage. Very High fire rate and mag size for a rocket rifle.
Always spawns with the prefix "Badass."
Grenades can be used while shooting and meleeing.
When main hand, Melee Override - an explosive nova for the user's melee stat in explosive damage, counting as both explosion and melee damage. CD 10 seconds.
Killing an enemy with an explosion causes the next Rocket Launcher ammo and Grenade used in the next 3 seconds to each be free (does not stack).
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Axton's "Gunpowder" tree and Krieg's "Bloodlust" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Phoenix
Flavor: "Nevermind, I totally want to."
Manufacturer: Maliwan
Type: SMG, Pistol
Specs: Incredibly high elemental effect damage, 100% effect chance.
Always fire element.
Enemies set on fire with the Phoenix stay on fire until they die.
Whenever an enemy dies to fire damage, the Phoenix reloads itself and shoots fire grenades for the next 5 shots which explode on contact with a surface, dealing fire and explosive damage. These explosions leave lasting fire in the area they detonated for 5 seconds. The last bullet in each magazine also has this effect.
In fight for your life, the Phoenix has a mag size of 1 and does not consume ammunition.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Salvador's "Gunlust" tree and Krieg's "Hellborn" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Sippy Cup
Flavor: "Don't spill a drop."
Manufacturer: Tediore
Type: SMG, Shotgun
Specs: Large mag size (~50)
20% passive Life Steal
If bullets are left in the gun, reloading costs twice as much ammo as is currently left in the clip, but restores % max health equal to half the percentage of bullets left in the gun. This does not discard the gun, but consumes it.
Empty guns are discarded and explode on surfaces, but stick to enemies, draining health every second for 5 seconds (ala Leech). Sticking a gun to an enemy refreshes the timer on all other stuck guns. Reloading prematurely detonates all stuck guns.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Maya's "Harmony" tree and Gaige's "Best Friends Forever" Tree by 5 points.
Name: Pointer
Flavor: "Now, if we examine fig. 5b..."
Manufacturer: E-Tech
Type: Pistol
Instead of bullets, rapidly consumes ammo to continuously fire a laser that deals damage over time to whatever it touches.
While the laser is damaging an enemy, the timer on your action skill fills proportional to the speed of the damage dealt.
The laser has perfect accuracy, massive range, and stops at the first surface encountered, which it reaches instantly.
When in any equip slot, boosts all applicable skills in Maya's "Motion" tree and Salvador's "Rampage" Tree by 5 points.
Hope you enjoyed the concept! Thanks to everyone on the forums for being awesome and letting lurkers like me in on a wealth of information!