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Yay; More class ideas..

Hello there, I've seen that bazzilions of members posted character ideas, I was too lazy to cycle through them, so here are some of mine (I'm sure some of them have been suggested before, I'm sorry for being too lazy to read through more threads than Borderlands and Borderlands 2 has guns.)

First off, I'm kinda tired of the, Tank, DPS, Healer, Stealth type of characters, so I'll TRY something new.

Lets start with something every Borderlands game needs, a siren.

Name: Kyra
Favored Weapons: Assault Rifles (it goes well with a military haircut)
Class: Siren
Action Skill: kamehameha Phaseblast/Phasebeam (still unsure about the name)
Description of the Action Skill: Releases a blast of pure, slaggy Eridium fueled energy through the hand of the Siren. Enemies struck by it get either killed, or knocked back and cloaked in Slag.
Description of the Character: ~Who said Sirens had to be female? Or stay female. Let's make this one a, uhm.. how do you call it.. Ladyboy? But if that's too much, then let's make her short haired and tomboyish at least.
-HAAAAAAAAAA, I'm super! I'm just sayin'
-I didn't paint my nails in ages, but they look good in red, blood red.

The next one is, a character that already appeared in Borderlands 2.

Name: Granadiose Tina (please notice the "GRANAdiose")
Favored Weapons: Grenade Launchers RPGs, Shotguns
Class: Demolitionist
Actions Skill: Boom Shakalaka!
Action Skill description: Tina spins in a circle and throws landmines and grenades all around her. And equips a Grenade Launcher, which shoots explosive slag, it needs to refill itself, ergo the action skill needs recharge, so, No ammo needed.
Character Description: Tina all grown up.
-Ah, indeed. Nothing better than a good.. EXPLOSION HAHA!

This one was inspired by a Borderlands 1 DLC.
(I'm not sure whether to make it a female or male character.)
Name Lucas/Lucia the Wereskag
Favored Weapons: Pistols, SMGS
Class: Wereskag
Actions Skill: Shapeshifting
Action Skill description: Lucas/Lucia turns into a Wereskag (obviously.)
Lucas/Lucia recovers 30% of his/her health and gains greater damage threshold, speed, and melee damage.
Character Description: A gunslinger that has another "skill" besides "Wereskagging", which is dual wielding pistols, while not especially strong without the action skill, he/she turns into a beast tank with it.
~only if female -Aww, but I just shaved my legs!

The last(?) one is inspired by Mordechai's Bloodwing.
Name Steven the Tamer
Favored Weapons: Shotgun, Sniper rifle
Class: Beast Tamer
Actions Skill: Release the kraken beast!
Action Skill description: Steven releases his pet Skagg from it's leash. While the skag goes nuts on Steven's enemies, Steven himself fights with the chain and leash of his Skag. Fighting with it counts as melee damage, but the reach of the attacks is far greater than any melee attack before. Also, if holding RMB + LMB Steven can throw the chain like a lasso on an enemy which immobilizes it and gives a signal to his pet skag to attack this specific enemy, doing this makes Steven use guns again, but it doesn't end the action skill.
-Who is a hungry boy?

That's all, for now. Please don't hate me.

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