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Bl3 Gun concept

Well, that's pretty much it.

First off,



Dreadnought Heavy Munitions Co. has no legacy.


We hope that Dreadnought's legacy will be one enemies driven before our customers, in order to accomplish this, we utilize high-power, magnetic mass accelerators, against which no cover, no armor, and no speed can protect anyone staring down a Dreadnought's barrel. Overwhelming odds just got a little less so, Purchase a Dreadnought and be your own army today.
Dreadnought weapons are high-damage, medium-high RoF, fast projectiles with a large magazine and great accuracy.

Hold on you say, what's the drawback.

Yeaaaah about that.

A dreadnought needs you to reload the slugs, just like any other gun, but also replace batteries and in some larger weapons, heat sinks.

This takes up to 5-7 seconds.

Dreadnought produces Pistols, Rifles of both kinds, and Rocket Launchers.

Dreadnought Unique Trait: Railguns All Dreadnought weapons are armor-piercing railguns, shooting through enemies, Dreadnoughts with Dreadnought barrels even ignore cover, to make full advantage, their scopes are partially thermal vision, letting them see enemies behind cover. They also fire fast, and their rockets aren't actually rockets, they're cannons, high-speed cannons.

As the name implies, Dreadnoughts look like naval pieces, heck the rocket luancher's main body looks like a battleship cannon, others are less blatant but still have a "Naval gunmetal" look.

Pistols: (Named after "Light" escort type ships)
Dreadnought/Dreadnought: Zumwalt
Jakobs/Dreadnought: Daring
Torque/Dreadnought: Ticonderoga
Vladof/Dreadnought: Udaloy
Hyperion/Dreadnought: Kongo
Etc/Dreadnought Kidd

Snipers: (Named after Submarines)
Dreadnought/Dreadnought: Seawolf
Jakobs/Dreadnought: Holand
Vladof/Dreadnought: Akula
Hyperion/Dreadnought: Trafalgar
Dahl/Dreadnought: Sturgeon

Assault Rifles (Named after the secondary but still powerful ship classes)
Dreadnought/Dreadnought: Iowa
Torque/Dreadnought: Montana
Vladof/Dreadnought: Stalingrad
Dahl/Dreadnought: Hood
Bandit/Dreadnought: Bismarck

Rocket Launchers (Named after "Flagship/Capital Ships"
Dreadnought/Dreadnought Nimitz
Torgue/Dreadnought: Yamato
Vladof/Dreadnought: Kirov
Maliwan/Dreadnought: Deutchsland
Bandit/Dreadnought: Bulwark

Prefixes are things like "Broadside, Capital, and other naval terms"

I also have a few less fleshed out ones

"Clankworks" a Pistol, SMG, Assault Rifle, and Shotgun manufacturer that fire multiple rounds per shot.
"Anvil" a Pistol shotgun sniper and rocket producer firing large spikes, industrial look, and individual round reloads (Think tf2 shotguns). freakishly fast fire rates and low recoil, meant for sitting behind cover, launching a wall of medium-speed spikes then getting back in to reload again.

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