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Classes from other Franchises in BL2

Today's game: Team Fortress 2

The Medic.
No active action skill, instead he'll always use the most efficient element type. This balances out by only doing 75% of any given weapons damage, reduced by another 25% if his talent is actively adjusting the elemental dmg type.
Talent trees:
-I miss my friend: Recreates the Heavy as a minion
-Like Nitzsche: All about the self improvement
-Does this hurt: Enhances criticals and elemental effects

In addition med packs work better for the Medic.

The Pyro
Action Skill: Burn Baby Burn. Burn damage either doubles or ignores resistance
-I said burn: Enhance and improves everything fire, last talent adds chance to cause burns wth any weapon
-ABC specialist: Slag your way to victory
-H2Cl showers: Acid baths for everyone
All trees provide resistance middling in the tree.

The demoman
Action skill: Grenade launcher with unlimited ammo for the duration
-EXPLOSIONS: Sponsored by Torque, is all about blowing things up
-Just like momma used to make: Demoman branches out into the wonderful world of non-explosive damage types.
-Highlander: Along with some grenade related talents for better cover this all about sticking the family heirloom into things, also chopping down foes with Ma's zweihander.

The Soldier
Action Skill: Ammusplosion. Soldier empties magazine & ammo stockpile of first weapon (or grenade) fired once skill is activated into all hostile targets randomly. Feature increased fire rate and no reload.
While skill is on cooldown can't benefit form bullet regeneration.
-A Spade & His Gun: Melee + shotgun tree, movement speed included.
-Rockets Red Glare: Launcher focused, also rocket jumping without injury deep in the tree.
A Soldiers best friend: Major focus on assault rifles with side focus buffing bajoneted weapons.

The Spy
Action skill: It was him, me swear. Causes hostiles to attack a chosen patsy, patsy retaliates. Spy gets boosted XP for every mob killed during this.

Spy damage suffers when not using pistols but has far easier time being forgotten by mobs.
Bang: Boosts pistol performance.
Boom: Gives presents when stealthed. Presents only Mr Torque could love.
Woosh: Stealth. Spy goes from being attacked meters out to being able to walk right up a mob, loot the chest behind it and leave after after handing it live grenade.

The Sniper
Easier time being forgotten when attacking from range.
Action skill: Ka-Boom. Much like B0re this allows the Sniper to target crit spots, except ge 'sees' where to shoot in order to set off grenades or such the mobs might carry. Unreliable against critter mobs - they might not have anything to explode.
The Art Of Not Being Seen: All about making sure the sniper doesn't get chased down by melee mobs or has to compensate for dodging range mobs.
Practical Anatomy: All about the Crit, also sports a passive that records crit location and tells the sniper where they are while using scopes/sights
Hit it just right: Enhances action skill and barrel shooting, would also reveal extra 'barrels' to hit.

The Heavy:
I want my Sasha: As long as Heavy uses only Assaultrifles in his active weapon slots he fire them all at once. He's also slowed by 15% per extra active assaultrifle, while accuracy suffers 10% per. Reloading takes 50% longer.
Action Skill: Sandwich. Either eat it for a heal and damage boost or throw it as bait... bait so stuffed full of 'nutritional supplements' that lesser men than the Heavy just explode. Can also be used to feed other Heavies in need.

Sasha's hungry: Deals with the relentless ammo consumption an Heavy firing 4 assault rifles has. Also some ways of dealing with also not so great accuracy and slowing.
Life after Sasha: Heavy tries to find new love (Buffs other weapons types to make them even with Heavy's 4 assault rifle combo.)
Healy man: Heavy totally doesn't kidnap Dr. Zed and forces him to act as Medic replacement, no siree.

The Scout
Action Skill: Whack-a-fool. Scout teleports from each engaged mob, delivering one melee blow to the critspot each. Any mobs killed by this buffs him for a one time on next melee assault buff.

Speedy: Movement speed.
Doublejawed: Shotguns in your face, yo.
Right in the jewels: Melee enhancements.


Now obviously there is almost no chance that something like would actually be implemented so it isn't in the suggestion thread. But what other classes/characters from other games could you see in Pandora and how would you think they'd be implemented ?

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