Modded Black RPG Gameplay No I did not mod this weapon nor do I know how to get it. Some random guy came into my game and gave it to me.
View ArticleWeapon skins used on everyday items
So as most of you know there are unique skins for weapons in Borderlands 2. My idea is we use those skins on everyday items or any items in general. So my question for you is how creative can you get?...
View ArticleMechro weaponiser skill?
Hi guys, So I've recently introduced a friend to borderlands 2 and he's now hooked too then the other day while we were playing he said to me "wouldn't it be awesome if you could edit the guns". I had...
View Articleborderlands 2 mad moxxi painting i also have a tiny tina one, the mad moxxi one is almost completed
View ArticleThe Saboteur; Character Concept
For such a colorful cast of characters, it may be time to add some color by having a dark skinned female character, and thus, introducing Beatrice the Saboteur. Same format as my other character, will...
View ArticleProject zypher: earning a Sanctioned Bl2 sdk
I have been mulling over doing this for some time and have decided to take the leap. My goal in doing this is to clearly illustrate to gearbox that a the release of an official SDK is a worthwhile...
View ArticleFirefly's Idea Cache.
I have a running imagination for gameplay. Needless to say, I have ideas stacking in my head consistently. So, I'll just archive these ideas here... Character Ideas Quote: Alicia the Mecha Connosseur...
View ArticleClass Idea: Karmen the elementalist
so, first time thinking of a class, figured i'd give it a go, this will be updated as i think of more things, but for now, i have a background and action skill, thanks for any and all criticism, now,...
View ArticleHelp with signature
Hi to everyone, gonna make this short I suck doing sigs, so I was wondering if anyone here is willing to help me and make one for me.
View ArticlePearlescent Weapon Practicable Butcher Gameplay
View ArticleMidget Torgue the Itsy-Invincible!!!1!
Imagine if there was a new loot midget... raid boss. Meet Mr Torgue. Or at least his vertically challenged form. He's by no means verbally challenged though - imagine this as a constant stream while...
View ArticleBorderlands 1 Vendor Skins
using texmod i made these: Download here Install notes: 1. Youll need this (TexMod) 2. Run TexMod 3. In Target Application select your Borderlands2.exe 4. Click the little folder icon and select the...
View ArticleGreen Monster Sal
Download Here Install notes: Use Breaking Bald Head Skin (it works with the diablo and robot head too -Norra) 1. Youll need this (TexMod) 2. Run TexMod 3. In Target Application select your...
View ArticleThe Grenadier
The Grenadier Would be some sort of action movie hero wannabe who makes really awful one-liners all the time. His action skill would have him pull off a grenade launcher that is modeled after the M32...
View ArticleBorderlands Psycho Cosplay from KC Planet Comicon
Hey everyone I just wanted to share a few pictures that were taken of me at this years KC Planet Comicon. I went as a psycho bandit and the response was great (except for the 5 kids that cried)...
View ArticleNew character suggestion - Mal
Here's a small part of a new character idea! And I mean Mal against Bandits, Creatures, Crimson Raiders and Vault Hunters! But not against Hyperion Corporation! I'm not so good at this because of the...
View ArticleAn ode to Face McShooty...
A world named Pandora, a wondrous land Though most of it was covered in sand During my travels, I came to a place called Thousand Cuts A place filled with brutes, psychos and nuts Aside from the...
View ArticleFour Midgets, One Siren
(rhyming innuendo in iambic pentameter is horrible, so lower your expectations here a little bit, sorry!) FOUR MIDGETS, ONE SIREN a love sonnet A pearl in a wilderness preserve, a package tucked away...
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