I have a running imagination for gameplay. Needless to say, I have ideas stacking in my head consistently. So, I'll just archive these ideas here...
Character Ideas
Weapon Ideas
"To-Be" Ideas
Character Ideas
Alicia the Mecha Connosseur Ability and Description: Walking Armory Rigel; When activated, she undergoes a 5 second suit-up period where some heavy digistructed armor covers her body. She gains access to 4 weapons depending on her class mod. Each one fired with the Fire (Left Hand), Sight (Right Hand), Action Skill (Left Shoulder), and Melee (Right Shoulder) keys. Each weapon has only so much ammo. The armor leaves when ammo is completely depleted time is expended. Bio: Low tempered and tryhard majestic, Alicia was raised as a moderately proper young lady at the distant planet of Alkurah-12. On a day off, she secretly befriended a local gang. This gang went to raid an S&S science lab. She wasn't in for this idea, but a young girl is susceptible to peer pressure. The gang managed to steal an experimental S&S combat suit codenamed "Rigel." But, due to complications of escaping. The entire gang died or was captured except for Alicia, who managed to escape with the suit data. Driven by grief and shame, she fled to Pandora to bribe the authorities with the treasures that the Vault contained. Appearance: Long, white hair. Small frame. From closest to skin to outward, she wears long black gloves and socks, a light white dress, a chain-mail dress, a larger brown dress with holes and improvised patching, and some random plates of scrap armor on her thigh, midriff, forearm, and back of her dress. Rigel Weapons: Always random element, weapons chosen via class mod. Shoulder weapons carry grenade mods unless notified. Hand: Cannon: Default, semi-automatic and high damage and accuracy. Hand: Scattergun: Shotgun, semi-automatic and very high damage but poor accuracy. Hand: Gatling: Spinigun, automatic with good damage and accuracy. Hand: Minimissile: Missile, homing with good damage and very bad accuracy. Hand: Shield: An energy shield that absorbs all damage taken from the front at the cost of ammo. Shoulder: Missile: Default, homing with great damage and bad accuracy. Shoulder: Bomb: Grenade, low velocity but high damage and heavy. Shoulder: Rocket: Rocket, a simple rocket that carries grenade mods. Shoulder: Clone: A weapon that changes depending on what is in the respective side's hand. IE, Cannon. Can't use grenade mods. Shoulder: Passive Repair: Heals self and nearby allies automatically. Can't use grenade mods. Skill Trees 1. Scavenger: Built around Loot and Recovery. T1: Max 5: Lust: +(3*lv)% Money picked up and EXP per kill. T1: Max 5: Panic: Up to (-10*lv)% Shield Recharge Delay depending on how high your HP is. T2: Max 5: Dice: Increases damage from a random variable from 0 to +(15*lv)% T2: Max 1: Magnet: When an enemy is killed, all the ammo, health, and money drops comes flying to you. It also improves the pick-up radius by 50% T2: Max 5: Refund: Kill Skill: While active, there's a (10*lv)% chance that the enemy will drop 5% of your current money reserves. Lasts (2*lv) seconds. T3: Max 1: Robber: While Armored, you re-gain ammo for killing an enemy. Harder enemies = more ammo. T3: Max 5: Persistence: While in FFYL, you gain +(10*lv)% accuracy and -(lv) ammo consumption. T4: Max 5: Cocky: While shields are full, you gain +(7*lv)% movement speed and -(10*lv)% recoil reduction T5: Max 5: Subtly: Multiplies shield effects by +(15*lv)% and gives a (3*lv)% chance that shield effect works in situations where it shouldn't. (IE, Absorb while off, Roid when on, Nova without full recharge, etc,) T6: Max 1: Recycle: Any ammo picked up heals HP and charges shields a small amount. In addition, any white and green rarity weapons that are "hard picked up" (hold button, automatically equip) will be automatically dismantled into ammo of the weapon's respective type. 2. Powerhouse: Built around Rigel. T1: Max 5: Marksmanship: +(6*lv)% damage and +(10*lv)% accuracy. T1: Max 5: Reserves: +(20*lv)% ammo for Rigel weapons and +(3*lv) seconds to Rigel duration. T2: Max 5: Ease: Improves homing weapon's homing strength by (10*lv)%, also gives -(15*lv)% recoil. T2: Max 1: Syphon: Killing an enemy recharges Rigel duration by a random number between 1 and 5 seconds. T2: Max 5: Scare: Kill Skill: Enemies aiming at you get -(5*lv)% movement speed and -(15*lv)% accuracy. Lasts (2*lv) seconds. T3: Max 1: Ordeal: You may use Rigel while in FFYL, you also can get revived by allies faster. T3: Max 5: Personal: You do +(30*lv)% damage to an enemy who has hit you. T4: Max 5: Repetition: While shields are filled, you have a (15*lv)% chance of deflecting bullets back at enemies T5: Max 5: Reactive: +(25*lv)% explosion radius and +(5*lv)% explosive damage. T6: Max 1: Salvo: Melee Override Skill: While holding Melee and pressing Fire, you shoot a salvo of homing missiles from your left should. Number of missiles depend on how long you hold Melee and Fire. 3. Engineer: Built around Teamplay and CQC. T1: Max 5: Plug: +(10*lv)% shield recharge rate and -(5*lv)% shield recharge delay to self and nearby allies. T1: Max 5: Suppress: +(10*lv)% Rate of Fire to self and +(5*lv)% Rate of Fire to nearby allies. T2: Max 5: Confusion: (5*lv)% chance of ignoring ammo consumption to self and nearby allies. T2: Max 1: Caring: When health, ammo, and money is picked up, 20% of it is generated and given to nearby allies. T2: Max 5: Patriot: Kill Skill: While active, nearby allies get +(2*lv)% HP regen and +(5*lv)% damage. Lasts (3*lv) seconds. T3: Max 1: Endure: While Armored, you cannot fall under 1 HP. At 1 HP, you have -90% Accuracy, +80% Recoil, and -20% movement speed. This effect turns off as soon as 2 HP or 90% shields are hit. T3: Max 5: Savior: While in FFYL, nearby allies take -(15*lv)% damage. T4: Max 5: Runoff: While shields are full, (20*lv)% excess shield regen is distributed on nearby allies. T5: Max 5: Hormones: With allies nearby, you gain +(5*lv*people)% damage, +(2*lv*people)% HP regen, and -(10*lv*people)% recoil. T6: Max 1: Pilebunker: Melee Override Skill: While holding Melee and pressing Sight, you launch a powerful, close range nail from your right arm. Damage bonus goes from +100% to +1500% depending how long you hold Melee and Sight. |
Weapon Ideas
Weapon Class: Heavy Weapons Overview: Ever thought your AR wasn't accurate enough? Ever noticed that your Rocket was too specialized? Ever wondered why there's only 6 weapon types in teh game? Well, I present to you the Heavy Weapon. Gameplay: Heavy Weapons are 2-handed and reduces your movement speed just by having them in your hands. Their ammo comes in packs of 40s but the weapons whip around with their ammo consumption rate. The ammo is more common than rocket ammo but less common than regular ammo. You cannot scope with them. Sight is used for a secondary fire according to the sight placed upon the weapon. Their abilities are mainly reflects of their bodies and their barrels. As usual. The bodies just do the usual. Bandits have high magazine size, Hyperion gains accuracy while shooting, etc. Dahl always fires in bursts. Appearance: Held underhand. Large and long. Parts: BARREL: Bandit: "Burner" / Fires a short-range spray of chemicals. Always elemental. AMMO USE: 1 BARREL: Dahl: "Shotgun" / Basic shotgun. AMMO USE: 5 BARREL: Hyperion: "Short" / Basic SMG. AMMO USE: 2 BARREL: Jakobs: "Long" / Basic, uh, "Sniper." Typical stats from Jakobs barrels. Great Min Accuracy but poor Max Accuracy. Good for single shots like Sniping. AMMO USE: 4 BARREL: Maliwan: "E-Tech" / Reacts with the body to shoot different E-Tech rounds. From Darts to Rails. Always Elemental AMMO USE: Varies BARREL: Tediore: "Basic" / It's like a bloody AR okay? Something automatic and basic with good accuracy and good damage and all that jazz. AMMO USE: 3 BARREL: Torgue: "Rocket" / Interacts with the Body to shoot explosive projectiles. It can be elemental too. Think of the Torgue Barrel on ARs. AMMO USE: Varies BARREL: Vladof: "Gatling" / Great overall stats, starts off slow and then picks up to max, high rate of fire after about 5 seconds of constant fire. If used on Jakobs Body, then spamming fire will "spin up" the barrel and fire automatically. AMMO USE: 2 SIGHT: Bandit: "Booster" / While holding sight, a jet on the side of the gun ignites, increases forward momentum speed. AMMO USE: 2/s SIGHT: Dahl: "Shield" / While holding sight, an energy shield is erected in front of the gun, reducing 90% damage to take directly to your front. AMMO USE: 0, but each bullet absorbed hurts you by 1. A "lethal" bullet will eat 5. SIGHT: Hyperion: "Sights" / Opens a holographic display of what you're aiming at. Improves accuracy. AMMO USE: 0 SIGHT: Jakobs: "Double Barrel" / It's a clone of the first barrel, but on the side. Shares the same aspects of the main gun. AMMO USE: Varies SIGHT: Maliwan: "Charge" / Holding sight will charge the weapon, this multiplies the effect done by the accessory. It's only compatible with some accessories. Projectile+ and Damage+ is effected, while Reload+ and Magazine+ isn't. AMMO USE: When shot, up to +300% ammo consumption on the following shot. SIGHT: Tediore: "Auto Loading" / While holding sights, you automatically, though slowly, put rounds directly into the magazine. The time it takes to go from 1 to full is double that of the reload speed variable. AMMO USE: 0 SIGHT: Torgue: "Side Missile" / By pressing sight, a missile is shot from the side of the gun. This missile carries the element of the gun but has a fixed damage according to the level of the gun. Oh, this missile homes. AMMO USE: 50, something big. SIGHT: Vladof: "Overcharge" / While holding sight, the effects of the accessory is multiplied by a percentage and is effected by all the shots while sight is held down. AMMO USE: 2/s EXAMPLE: Dahl Body + Maliwan Barrel + Torgue Sight + "Light" Accessory. RESULT: A burst-fire E-tech weapon (perhaps shoots blaster shots) with a side mounted missile launcher and light weight (+Swap Speed, +Reload Speed, +Movement Speed (Heavy Weapons gimp movement speed)) EXAMPLE: Torgue Body + Vladof Barrel + Jakobs Sight + "Stabilized" accessory. RESULT: Double Gatling Barreled Explosive Shooting Gun with Decreased Recoil. Have fun. |
Weapon Manufacturer: S&S Munitions Overview: S&S Munitions. A manufacturer that was on Pandora before the opening of the Vault. They had to pull our of Pandora due to the freighting competition of weapons and had to station on other planets. However, weapon sales from the population on civilized areas like Sanctuary were going down. This let the S&S brothers to resume operations on Pandora. With the help of their newly acquired tech, their sales have skyrocketed like never before on the planet. Thus, begins a new era of their business. Gameplay: The S&S brothers noticed a problem with their high capacity magazines. You had to reload eventually. With some Public Domain data for Digistruction, they have created magazines that automatically fill themselves without any input from the user. The Reload Speed shows how fast the weapon goes from empty magazine to full magazine. Appearance: Near-future tech. Things like strange magazine locations and a "clean and rough" design. Something like the PP-19 or the FN F2000. Parts: Body: +Damage +MinAccuracy / -ReloadSpeed -SwapSpeed Grip: +MaxAccuracy -Recoil / -ReloadSpeed -MinAccuracy Barrel: +Damage +MaxAccuracy / -ReloadSpeed -RoF Sight: Low magnitude. Stock: +MaxAccuracy / -AccuracyImpulse |
All manufacturers to make all weapon types. We need more E-Tech! +1 E-Tech type to each weapon~. But I /want/ my weapons to look like the Hive! What's stopping me from coloring my Lyuda to that extent? How about we can color our weapons similar to like how we color ourselves? 7th DLC: Claptrap's Rival! The P4-Tr0.N! A robot designed by Handsome Jack made specifically to open doors; the doors to HELL! Help Claptrap teabag the Patron's factory with the use of his custom made weapons! Now coming NEVER. |