so my four year old daughter wants a terra plush
Obviously I can't find this anywhere... But my daughter would love a terramorphous plush. Any of you talented people do that kind of work? Know of anybody? I'm sure it would be prohibitively expensive...
View ArticleLooking for assistance with Modding(PC)
Alright now I have been doing some searching and I know you can change varkids to evolve into Vermi or even Mordacai. What I am looking for though is a way to possible force spawn an enemy? Or even...
View ArticlePatriot's Anarchist Class Ideas
In this thread I'll be posting either links to other Class Ideas of mine or posting the ideas here. I'll probably post incomplete ideas here and refine them later also. I won't mind input into the...
View ArticleGaige discord avatar
Hey, really liking the mecromancer character and i'm looking to change my avatar on the board to reflect it. I want to get a picture of the unicorn or cats that float around on the screen when she uses...
View ArticleBorderShock (Borderlands/Bioshock mashup) Andrewn Ryan's epic speech but with Borderland footage instead.
View ArticleDLC Idea
I am a huge fan on Maliwan. Gearbox needs to create a DLC that goes into depth with that company, or is that too close to the Torgue DLC?
View ArticleSniper Skill Tree ideas
I'm currently working on making my own character class idea and ran into a few snags when making a sniper tree. I'd like it to be differnt from Zero's for obvious reasons. So just tell me what some of...
View ArticleNew Character Class Concept: The Enforcer
Name: Murphy The Enforcer Backstory: Hailing from Eden-5, Murphy joined the planet's Police force at age 21 and quickly became one of the academies best officers. The reason for joining being that...
View Articlemaking sig's
so, first off, lemme say im still a begginer at most of this photoshop stuff (ignore my sig it was supposed to be a whole binary text thing for zer0) but im learning rather fast and i think im getting...
View ArticleLarge Scale Clap Trap
I posted this in the general "fan art" forum for Gearbox, but thought you guys might want to see it in here: I have almost completed my large scale claptrap. I have to attach the hinged arm covers and...
View ArticleMaking prop weapons from 3D printers
I am seriously considering getting a 3D printer, and one of my part-time uses would be to make props for cosplays. And it can start with borderlands weapons. Here is an example of the 'slagga' I have...
View ArticleMoxxies long lost sister CHaracter idea
We know moxxi as the exotic women in borderlands two and one as well as a mother of characters in the game. But before all this moxxi lived with her younger sister and family with her mother naming...
View ArticleDLC Idea Tiny Tinas imaginary world
This Dlc describes its self. Tiny Tina one days pictures her own adventures with the vault hunters but in her own ways. This DLC will be explosive, destructive, cute at times, but above all else...
View ArticleStreaming Borderlands 2 Solo 4-Player Playthrough
Hey guys. Just a heads up, I'm doing a Solo 4-Player Playthrough of BL2 using Gaige (I realize someone else is doing this, but she's just so epic that I don't want to do this as anyone else). If you'd...
View ArticleCharacter Idea: The Volleybomber
My idea dates back to BL1, so if certain aspects seem outdated, thats probably why. His original name was Fuze the Grenadeir, Ive since changed it to Fuze the Volleybomber. Fuze's Action Skill is to...
View ArticleConcept Character: Xeno, The "Apache"
Character Background: Xeno was born and raised on the small planet of Galron-X. From a young age he was very patriotic, so when the chance came to go into the military at the age of 18 to protect his...
View ArticleKottabos Lees play Series
Yes you read the title right the series is a lees play rather then a lets play. The name is a bit of a fun little wine pun as this series is my attempt (for better or worse) to try and combine my two...
View ArticleDaydream Gear..
Hi guys first post. new here. but I have been thinking of stupid idea for a while and just need to share. I thought up two new legendary equivalents to the standard shields. this is just a daydream and...
View ArticleAbe The Mystic
Hello all I've been working on this class idea for about a week and half now and have most of it finished. The primary goal of this idea was to create a character I'd enjoy playing as. It's inspiration...
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