[TexMod] Gaige - Supremacy Pack Fix
Hello, hello, hello. I would be so bold as to declare this a fix for the 'Necrosis' head and 'Chaos Reigns' skin combination. If you need help with using the mods, check out this fantastic guide by...
View ArticleBL CAD/CAM project
CAD/CAM project I'm working on for school. Supposed to make some kind of award and since I'm not concerned with making a statement or anything like that so just went with what I care about, which is...
View ArticleMy 4-Player difficulty playthu:L.E.A.D.E.D. borderlands. Ep 2 up.
Hey There, this is a reply to Bahroo's 4 player playthu. He asked that I make my own thread, so here it is. I have episode 3 is ready, 4 is recorded.
View ArticleRitaGamer Livestream
Hello Everyone, Wanted to share with you my channels where upload videos and stream very often. Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/ritagamer2 Youtube:http://www.youtube.com/user/RitaGamer Find me also in......
View ArticleNew Raid Area - Fangspawn Caverns [v0]
Gearbox has taken a new approach to loot in Borderlands 2 with the introduction of a large multitude of Raid Bosses. This is a cool concept, certainly- but leaves players collecting gear and equipping...
View ArticleNew Character Concept - The Dracomancer
I am still Working on this, so bear with me, but the basis of this is a character that is half human half dragon(yup, half human, half dragon. purdy epic) that would be able to use elemental abilities...
View Article[TedMod] Gaige Heads Reskinned for 'Dahl Predator' Skin
Right, so here is the completed version of the 'Dahl Predator' reskins I've made for Gaige. Pick and mix the separate heads or use the all-in-one mod for all of them. The all-in-one low res version is...
View ArticleMechro classmods for my girlfriend's cosplay
So I and my girlfriend are planning BL2 cosplays for this year's Dragon*Con in Atlanta... And for her Xmas gift last year, I surprised her with her first prop. This is a modified metal lunchbox - I...
View ArticleBest Seraph Weapons
Decided to make a vid showing the Seraph Weapons that should definitely be added to your collection enjoy :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8nHmNhI5Uo
View Articleneed an avatar
I can draw but i suck with computers... anybody nice enough to create an avatar for me? I have a few ideas that i can run by you if you'd be so kind to do so. Also let me know if there's anything i can...
View ArticleNew Character Idea.
So here's the thing, I'm playing Borderlands 2, and like the most of you I want a new character. So after farting around a few ideas with CalmPenguin we've decided on this. Preface- this character is...
View ArticleGun Idea Thread
(I made a thread similar to this on the loot forums but I thought with all these creative gamers out there I thought I'd share them here. Who knows, maybe one of the artists here can draw concept...
View ArticleOMG Check out this tattoo!
This is not my personal picture or tattoo I found it on the PlayStation Blog: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/...nity-update-2/ Really impressive! :homealone
View ArticleWhat The Handsome One does with his spare time.
True Story. This is what he does when no one is looking.
View Articlenot a fan creation per say... but a few pics of my tattoo portfolio
Here's my tattoo portfolio. Been tattooing 13 years, from st.louis,mo. if you're ever in the area and want a borderlands tattoo or anything for that matter just hit me up....
View ArticleBorderlands 3 Class & Bio Ideas(WARNING: Borderlands 2 spoilers)
Hey, guys. I'm kinda new here, but I saw Borderlands 2, and it was awesome! I made this thread so anyone who played the game has some ideas for some new classes & bios for its potential sequel....
View ArticleHow To Kill Vermivorous Funny Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY9erhwqbu0 We have a youtube channel called ZombifiedNation and we just made a video in our new series "God Tier Tactics". I think it's pretty funny if you wanna check...
View ArticleMaya the Siren 3D Sketch - 24 Hours
3D sketch of a Maya the Siren concept. I recorded while doing it, and made a little breakdown video. http://vimeo.com/58917000 http://www.lassehansen.org
View ArticleFirehawk Cosplay
I guess I'll post this. Made in like 3 days, sorry it's a bit crappy but I had a ton of fun wearing it and doing the photoshoot. Here's the link to my costume page:...
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