(I made a thread similar to this on the loot forums but I thought with all these creative gamers out there I thought I'd share them here. Who knows, maybe one of the artists here can draw concept designs for these guns which I think would be cool)
We all know Gearbox is gonna make more DLCs (maybe a second season pass if we are lucky) and the level cap may increase but this idea has been stuck in my mind for a while, new gun types. What I mean is add new gun types to either a new or Pre-existing gun corporation and have it added into the loot drop system. For example, Gearbox can add Hyperion Assault Rifles, with the reverse recoil tech, overall high direct damage, medium to high fire rate, hell make the clip size like the Bandit LMGs and get the most accurate and most powerful rifles in the game. The Hyperion color scheme would look pretty boss and Imagine the E-tech variants of those guns, they might be better or equal to the Vladof Blasters and we all know how awesome those are am I right? Maybe add Vladof Auto Shotguns, make them like AA-12s with like a 24-30 magazine size, or Maliwan Assault rifles and Shotguns with high elemental damage (E-tech Variants of The Maliwan rifle could be awesome), maybe add Bandit Snipers with giant magazines but instead of the typical bandit gun it could be more like S&S munitions(The Orion was my favorite sniper in the original Borderlands), hell bring back Atlas guns just for the hell of it. So what do you think, should Gearbox add new gun types and corporations into the main game, if so leave your ideas of what they should add.
I got a few Ideas for some new legendaries including the new Gun types if gearbox ever thinks of it including some ideas for guns that should return
Name: Hyperion Apocalypse
Flavor text: The Horror! The Horror!
Type of gun: E-tech Assault Rifle
Special Ability: Increased overall weapon stats by 20% (Damage, elemental damage, elemental effect chance, reload, swap speed, magazine size ect.) but unlike most Hyperion or E-tech weapons after the first shot the gun has immediatly no recoil (kinda like the Bitch) and the Bullets speed is equal to that of regualr weapons meaning the energy bolt from the gun doesn't suffer from the slow bullet effect most e-tech guns suffer from, this gun can only come in 4 elements like Slag, Fire, Corrosion, and Shock, Does not come in regular or explosive. comes in the typical Hyperion gun color scheme except the gold is replaced with silver and a Valkyrie flying is seen on the side of the rifle
The Flavor Text and gun name is a Reference to Apocalypse Now when Kurtz Exclaims "The Horror! The Horror!" right before he dies from his wounds.
Name: Hyperion Jericho
Flavor Text: That's how Jack did it! That's how Hyperion does it! And it's worked out pretty well for us so far.
Type of Gun: Rocket Launcher
Special Effect: Fires a rocket that flies straight but then flies up, explodes into 32 mini rockets that home on nearby enemies, comes in any element including explosives. Gun is colored in gold and red like Iron Man
The Flavor Text and the name of the gun is based of a similar weapon in the Iron Man movie where Stark introduces it to U.S ccommanding officers in the middle east, credit goes to SidoRises for coming up with the idea.
Name: Hyperion Shotgun 8001
Flavor Text: Before you try to correct me, it IS over 8000
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Effect: Comes in Quad Barrel function and acts like the Conference Call shotgun but what makes it better is the fact that the bullets that exit the enemy you shoot homes on nearby targets hitting them causing half the damage. the Gun does 8001-8806x20 in the level 50 variants but can do 8001-8860x22 with a practicable prefix. Comes in a in typical Hyperion pattern but the gun has a blue line instead of a red and comes with a red scope that highlights crit points on enemies and caculates alien numbers on the top right hand corner when aiming at an enemy, comes in any element.
The name and Flavor Text of the gun is a reference to the OVER 9000 meme in the Ocean version of Dragonball Z when Vegeta tells Nappa what the scouter says about Goku's Power Level when he should have said over 8000 like the manga and the other translated versions of DBZ.
Name: Maliwan Plague
Flavor Text: I'm Not Dead!
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Abilty: Comes in the Quad Barrel Function, Corrosive Damage stacks like the Hellfire and Volcano's fire damage but unlike most corrosive weapons it does increased damage to flesh enemies instead of decreased. Gun has a shiny green and blue color with a toxic symbol on the side instead of the red and blue color in the design scheme of maliwan guns.
This gun is a call back to the Maliwan Crux originally supposed to be named the plague but like the Draco there was an error causing the gun to have a diffrent name. The Flavor text is a Reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail in the Plague scene when some one brings out his dead so he can be disposed of but the dead body isn't dead yet and he exclaims "I'm not Dead!"
Name: Maliwan Zeus
Flavor Text: Don't F*** with me or I'll shove a Lightning Bolt up your Ass!
Type of Gun: E-tech Assault Rifle.
Special Ability: Always comes in Shock. Functions similar to a regular maliwan/e-tech weapon but has increased electrocute damage, chance and the lightning from the electrocuted enemy jumps on 4 nearby enemies giving them similar shock damage basically electrocuting 5 enemies at the same time, effect lasts until the first enemy you electrocuted is dead, when you shoot someone else causing someone else to suffer this affect, or when the status effect wears off. Has a blue chrome color scheme with a Thunderbolt on the side.
This Gun is a reference to Zeus who is the god of thunder who rules on mount Olympus, the Flavor text is a reference to Samuel L. Jackson's Character Zeus from Die Hard With a Vengeance who says that after Mclane got his name wrong at the beginning of the movie and then proceeds to corrects him in typical Jackson fashion.
Name: Vladof Hammer
Flavor Text: Stop! Hammer Time!
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Ability: Fires pellets in a Hammer pattern and if the gun fires normal bullets they inflict explosive damage multiplying the damage by 2 like a torgue but bullets travel at normal speed instead of the gyro jet speed. if the gun comes in another element (Fire Corrosion, Slag, Shock) it cause explosive elemental damage equal to that element. comes in a brown/dark orange color scheme with the hammer and sickle insignia on it with the words "Fight for the Revolution" in Russian under it
This gun is a callback to the original Vladof Hammer from the first Borderlands and the flavor text is a reference to "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer.
Name: Vladof Lawgiver
Flavor Text: I am the Law.
Type of Gun: SMG
Special Ability: gun always appear with the slag element but bullets have a random chance to either slag, burn, electrocute, explode, or corrode the enemy hit by the bullet. Comes in a metal Grey, red, and blue color scheme with the name Lawgiver MK-7 and the Hall of Justice Insignia printed on the side
The Flavor Text and name of the gun is a reference to Judge Dredd and his signature firearm, the Lawgiver, which has multiple firing modes and various types of bullets.
Name:Dahl Green Beret
Flavor Text: Nothing is Over! Nothing!
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Effect: Comes in Quad Barrel Function but unlike most quads it fires 4 shells worth of Pellets for the price of one shell, Burst fires 5 shots when firing from the scope, comes in any element. Comes in army Camo green with a skull picture on the side holding 2 rifles forming an x and the skull wearing a green beret with a the USA flag on the front of the beret
Flavor text is a Reference from the Scene where Sylvester Stallone 's Character John Rambo in First Blood suffers a mental breakdown when Colonel
Trautman tells him that his little personal war is over and Rambo responds "Nothing is Over! Nothing!
Name: Dahl Jackal
Flavor Text: I'm Back When the sound goes Boom!
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Effect: Gun fires six grenades that explode on contact, when hip fired they act like normal Grenades but when fired from the scope, they burst fire 3 shells worth of pellets and the 18 grenades home on the target under the scope. Comes in all Elements including Explosive.
The Flavor Text is a reference to the name of the song "I'm Back" by the heavy metal band Dope. Gun was in the original Borderlands
Name: Bandit Deadshot
Flavor Text: I MiSed? i NeVr MiS!
Type of Gun: E-tech Sniper Rifle
Special Ability: increased magazine size and Bullet travels at instant speed, meaning the minute you fire the bullet hits your target in 0.0 seconds, also causes a small elemental explosion(depends on the element) that effects nearby targets. Comes with a unique, heavily modified scope and comes with a red and silver color scheme similar to Deadshot's costume with notches on the side and a big cirlcle around a rakk-like picture on it with words "NxT TARgiT" under it.
The Flavor Text is a Reference to Deadshot, a batman villian from DC comics who never misses a shot but when he missed Batman he screamed that line.
Name: Torgue Bastard
Type of gun: Assault Rifle
Special Ability: Functions Very much like the original Borderlands 1 variant with it's High Fire rate, increased magazine size, increased damage but now it comes in only explosive doubling the main damage but unlike most Torgue guns with Gyro jet tech it fires normal bullets meaning the bullets travel at normal speed instead of slow. Comes in classic Torgue Gun Metal black color scheme.
The Flavor Text is a reference to one of Mr. Torgue's quotes during the second DLC.
Name: Torgue Friendly Fire
Flavor Text: Kill'em Kindly.
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Effect: Functions like a typical Ravager, with the gun always being explosive but the explosion has a chance to light enemies on fire after it hits, also fires in a happy face pattern. Also comes in gun metal black but has a Happy face on the side of the gun which looks similar to the achievement picture from the first Borderlands when you hit 50.
The Flavor Text is a reference to Bioshock using the phrase Atlas always uses to subconciously control Jack Ryan, this is also a one of the original legendaries used in the First Borderlands.
Name: Atlas Ogre
Flavor Text: Don't Make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry!
Type of Gun: Assault Rifle
Special Effect: Comes in any element but with that said element the rifle can cause explosive damage as well as elemental damage. Comes in Pearly white.
The Flavor Text is a reference to Bruce Banner who says that before he changes into the hulk, the gun was in the original Borderlands.
Name: Atlas Apollo
Flavor Text: His rage and jealousy burned Like the sun.
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Ability: Always comes with fire element but unlike other fire weapons, The gun does Bonus damage against shields instead of the shield Resisting the fire damage. Comes in orange with the picture of the sun on the side of the Barrel.
The gun is named after the Greece god Apollo who was the god of the sun in greek mythology.
Name: Atlas Aries
Flavor Text: If your enemy isn't dead yet, you're not trying hard enough.
Type of gun: Pistol
Special ability: Always comes with an element except explosions and normal, you gain 2% health regeneration when the status effect from your gun is active, stacks depending on how many enemies are effected by said status effect. Comes in Blue and white with with the "God of War" sig on the side in Greek.
The name of the gun is based of Aries the God of Wars while the flavor text was inspired by fellow Borderlands gamer SidoRises which is his forum signature. Gun was part of the Original Borderlands.
Name: Atlas Medusa
Flavor Text: Her gaze petrified even the mightiest of warriors.
Type of Gun: SMG
Special Ability: Always comes in corrosive, when the status effect is active the gun heavily decreases the movement speed of your enemies, effects all enemies including Raid Bosses. Comes in serpent green with a multiple red-eyed snakes on both sides of the gun.
The Gun and flavor text are based of the Serpent Medusa who could turn men to stone if they ever looked at her.
Name: Atlas Cyclops
Flavor Text: Hold fire untill you see the white of his eye.
Type of Gun: Sniper Rifle
Special Ability: Increased zoom-in, no sway, recoil, and Increased critical hit damage. Comes in any element. Comes with a specialized scope, recoil compensators, and is colored in white.
The Flavor Text is a reference to George Washington who said a line similar to the text right before the battle of battle of bunker hill. Gun was Part of the original Borderlands.
Name: Atlas Gauss Cannon
Flavor Text: Whoever said "War Never Changes" is a friggin idiot!
Type of Gun: E-tech Shotgun.
Special Ability: Like the slow hand the Splat gun acts like a normal gun instead of a grenade launcher but unlike the slow hand it does not fire a glob of goo but rather a super charged energy cannonball with High velocity, impact/splash damage, has near perfect accuracy and can be used for long range battles making it a sniper in shotgun, uses 4 ammo per shot. Bullet explodes on contact and it always comes in shock form, colored in gun metal grey and cyan blue.
The Weapon is a reference to the Fallout series, based off a weapon with a similar function and name, the Flavor Text is a joke making fun of the Narrator(Ron Pearlman) who starts all the Fallout games with the line "War, War never changes".
Name: Tediore Avenger
Flavor Text: They have an Army but we have a Salvador.
Type of Gun: Assault Rifle
Special Ability: Functions like a regular rifle but instead of throwing it like a lobbed grenade it functions like a longbow and mirv grenades that explodes on contact with enemies or the surface exploding into 6 child grenades, comes in any elements and the element applies to the explosion. The gun is in a Tediore blue Color but has a S.H.I.E.L.D symbol on it.
Flavor text is a reference to the Avengers when Loki tells Stark that he had an army and Stark responded we have a Hulk. Gun was part of the original Borderlands.
This is just a side idea but maybe they should make special Seraph guns that gain awesome abilities depending on what class your are
Name: Bandit Blahdeed Bandito
Flavor Text: I am very good at killing!
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Effect: With other classes it functions like a typical quad barrel shotgun but in the hands of the Gunzerker it has a 50% chance of not wasting ammo when firing and up to 50% increased damage depending on how low your health is, does 400% damage on the last shot fired in the magazine stacking with money shot. While Guzerking with the Bandito both guns get a 25% increase in damage, fire rate, and reload speed, effects stack with abilities, class mods or when you wield two Banditos, comes with black and silver color scheme covered in blood stains, comes in any element.
Name: Dahl Freedom Fighter
Flavor Text: YOU get a bullet! And YOU get a bullet! EVERYBODY gets a bullet!
Type of Gun: Assault Rifles
Special Ability: Functions like a typical Dahl rifle but when you use it with the Commando class bullets bounce off one enemy to another doing the same amount of damage, can bounce off of 7 enemies. Also increases gun damage, fire rate, reload speed, and recoil reduction by 15% for 10 seconds when you kill some one with it and it increases Turret Duration by 3 seconds and restores 5% of the turret's health when it is out and when you kill an enemy, bonuses stack with skills and class mods, comes in winter camo and with the Sergeant Rank on the side and the Dahl Company motto on the other side, comes in any element.
Name: Maliwan Siren's Song
Flavor Text: So it goes.....
Type of Gun: SMG
Special Ability: Functions like a regular Maliwan SMG but in the hands of a Siren it has 100% Elemental chance and elemental damage is increased by 50%, the weapon does 40% more damage if the enemies are at less than half their health. When an enemy is Phaselocked you gain 3% of health everytime you kill an enemy while phaselock is active and if you kill Non-Phaselocked enemies. Phaselock duration time is fully recharged when you kill an enemy that isn't phaselocked(If you have subsequence then you get back duration time and health when you kill a phaselocked enemy), bonuses stack with skills and class mods. Colored in gold and silver with an angelic being on the side of it, comes in any element.
Name: Hyperion Silent Predat0r
Flavor Text: Sorry, did that hurt? / That "sorry" was sarcasm. / I am not sorry.
Type of gun: Sniper Rifle
Special Ability: Functions like a typical bladed Sniper but when used by the assassin, Melee and Critical hit damage is doubled and Deception now has a 30 second duration and you do not exit deception when shooting an enemy but 5 seconds are shaved off with every shot you take, bonuses stack with skills and class mods. Comes in pitch black with a big 0 on the side, comes in any element.
Name: Vladof Machinist's Repeater
Type of Gun: Pistol
Special Ability: Always comes in shock variant, acts like the infinity pistol but with the mechromancer class you gain immunity to electricity and you gain 50% electrocute damage and electrocute chance, bullets can bounce off multiple surfaces up to 5 times unless it hits a target and damage does not decrease with a richohet bullet even with close enough. Does not suffer the negatives effects of smaller lighter faster(meaning no smaller magazine size), While Deathtrap is out he can gains 4% health regen for 10 seconds when you kill an enemy, also decreases the cooldown time for Deathtrap everytime you kill something with the gun shaving off 5 seconds. Colored in Vladof White but has hearts, skulls with wings, and a Picture of Deathtrap.
These guns were thought up by you guys and these are the ones I thought were awesome.
And if Gearbox applies this the only way to get these seraph guns are from this GUY
We all know Gearbox is gonna make more DLCs (maybe a second season pass if we are lucky) and the level cap may increase but this idea has been stuck in my mind for a while, new gun types. What I mean is add new gun types to either a new or Pre-existing gun corporation and have it added into the loot drop system. For example, Gearbox can add Hyperion Assault Rifles, with the reverse recoil tech, overall high direct damage, medium to high fire rate, hell make the clip size like the Bandit LMGs and get the most accurate and most powerful rifles in the game. The Hyperion color scheme would look pretty boss and Imagine the E-tech variants of those guns, they might be better or equal to the Vladof Blasters and we all know how awesome those are am I right? Maybe add Vladof Auto Shotguns, make them like AA-12s with like a 24-30 magazine size, or Maliwan Assault rifles and Shotguns with high elemental damage (E-tech Variants of The Maliwan rifle could be awesome), maybe add Bandit Snipers with giant magazines but instead of the typical bandit gun it could be more like S&S munitions(The Orion was my favorite sniper in the original Borderlands), hell bring back Atlas guns just for the hell of it. So what do you think, should Gearbox add new gun types and corporations into the main game, if so leave your ideas of what they should add.
I got a few Ideas for some new legendaries including the new Gun types if gearbox ever thinks of it including some ideas for guns that should return
Name: Hyperion Apocalypse
Flavor text: The Horror! The Horror!
Type of gun: E-tech Assault Rifle
Special Ability: Increased overall weapon stats by 20% (Damage, elemental damage, elemental effect chance, reload, swap speed, magazine size ect.) but unlike most Hyperion or E-tech weapons after the first shot the gun has immediatly no recoil (kinda like the Bitch) and the Bullets speed is equal to that of regualr weapons meaning the energy bolt from the gun doesn't suffer from the slow bullet effect most e-tech guns suffer from, this gun can only come in 4 elements like Slag, Fire, Corrosion, and Shock, Does not come in regular or explosive. comes in the typical Hyperion gun color scheme except the gold is replaced with silver and a Valkyrie flying is seen on the side of the rifle
The Flavor Text and gun name is a Reference to Apocalypse Now when Kurtz Exclaims "The Horror! The Horror!" right before he dies from his wounds.
Name: Hyperion Jericho
Flavor Text: That's how Jack did it! That's how Hyperion does it! And it's worked out pretty well for us so far.
Type of Gun: Rocket Launcher
Special Effect: Fires a rocket that flies straight but then flies up, explodes into 32 mini rockets that home on nearby enemies, comes in any element including explosives. Gun is colored in gold and red like Iron Man
The Flavor Text and the name of the gun is based of a similar weapon in the Iron Man movie where Stark introduces it to U.S ccommanding officers in the middle east, credit goes to SidoRises for coming up with the idea.
Name: Hyperion Shotgun 8001
Flavor Text: Before you try to correct me, it IS over 8000
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Effect: Comes in Quad Barrel function and acts like the Conference Call shotgun but what makes it better is the fact that the bullets that exit the enemy you shoot homes on nearby targets hitting them causing half the damage. the Gun does 8001-8806x20 in the level 50 variants but can do 8001-8860x22 with a practicable prefix. Comes in a in typical Hyperion pattern but the gun has a blue line instead of a red and comes with a red scope that highlights crit points on enemies and caculates alien numbers on the top right hand corner when aiming at an enemy, comes in any element.
The name and Flavor Text of the gun is a reference to the OVER 9000 meme in the Ocean version of Dragonball Z when Vegeta tells Nappa what the scouter says about Goku's Power Level when he should have said over 8000 like the manga and the other translated versions of DBZ.
Name: Maliwan Plague
Flavor Text: I'm Not Dead!
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Abilty: Comes in the Quad Barrel Function, Corrosive Damage stacks like the Hellfire and Volcano's fire damage but unlike most corrosive weapons it does increased damage to flesh enemies instead of decreased. Gun has a shiny green and blue color with a toxic symbol on the side instead of the red and blue color in the design scheme of maliwan guns.
This gun is a call back to the Maliwan Crux originally supposed to be named the plague but like the Draco there was an error causing the gun to have a diffrent name. The Flavor text is a Reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail in the Plague scene when some one brings out his dead so he can be disposed of but the dead body isn't dead yet and he exclaims "I'm not Dead!"
Name: Maliwan Zeus
Flavor Text: Don't F*** with me or I'll shove a Lightning Bolt up your Ass!
Type of Gun: E-tech Assault Rifle.
Special Ability: Always comes in Shock. Functions similar to a regular maliwan/e-tech weapon but has increased electrocute damage, chance and the lightning from the electrocuted enemy jumps on 4 nearby enemies giving them similar shock damage basically electrocuting 5 enemies at the same time, effect lasts until the first enemy you electrocuted is dead, when you shoot someone else causing someone else to suffer this affect, or when the status effect wears off. Has a blue chrome color scheme with a Thunderbolt on the side.
This Gun is a reference to Zeus who is the god of thunder who rules on mount Olympus, the Flavor text is a reference to Samuel L. Jackson's Character Zeus from Die Hard With a Vengeance who says that after Mclane got his name wrong at the beginning of the movie and then proceeds to corrects him in typical Jackson fashion.
Name: Vladof Hammer
Flavor Text: Stop! Hammer Time!
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Ability: Fires pellets in a Hammer pattern and if the gun fires normal bullets they inflict explosive damage multiplying the damage by 2 like a torgue but bullets travel at normal speed instead of the gyro jet speed. if the gun comes in another element (Fire Corrosion, Slag, Shock) it cause explosive elemental damage equal to that element. comes in a brown/dark orange color scheme with the hammer and sickle insignia on it with the words "Fight for the Revolution" in Russian under it
This gun is a callback to the original Vladof Hammer from the first Borderlands and the flavor text is a reference to "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer.
Name: Vladof Lawgiver
Flavor Text: I am the Law.
Type of Gun: SMG
Special Ability: gun always appear with the slag element but bullets have a random chance to either slag, burn, electrocute, explode, or corrode the enemy hit by the bullet. Comes in a metal Grey, red, and blue color scheme with the name Lawgiver MK-7 and the Hall of Justice Insignia printed on the side
The Flavor Text and name of the gun is a reference to Judge Dredd and his signature firearm, the Lawgiver, which has multiple firing modes and various types of bullets.
Name:Dahl Green Beret
Flavor Text: Nothing is Over! Nothing!
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Effect: Comes in Quad Barrel Function but unlike most quads it fires 4 shells worth of Pellets for the price of one shell, Burst fires 5 shots when firing from the scope, comes in any element. Comes in army Camo green with a skull picture on the side holding 2 rifles forming an x and the skull wearing a green beret with a the USA flag on the front of the beret
Flavor text is a Reference from the Scene where Sylvester Stallone 's Character John Rambo in First Blood suffers a mental breakdown when Colonel
Trautman tells him that his little personal war is over and Rambo responds "Nothing is Over! Nothing!
Name: Dahl Jackal
Flavor Text: I'm Back When the sound goes Boom!
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Effect: Gun fires six grenades that explode on contact, when hip fired they act like normal Grenades but when fired from the scope, they burst fire 3 shells worth of pellets and the 18 grenades home on the target under the scope. Comes in all Elements including Explosive.
The Flavor Text is a reference to the name of the song "I'm Back" by the heavy metal band Dope. Gun was in the original Borderlands
Name: Bandit Deadshot
Flavor Text: I MiSed? i NeVr MiS!
Type of Gun: E-tech Sniper Rifle
Special Ability: increased magazine size and Bullet travels at instant speed, meaning the minute you fire the bullet hits your target in 0.0 seconds, also causes a small elemental explosion(depends on the element) that effects nearby targets. Comes with a unique, heavily modified scope and comes with a red and silver color scheme similar to Deadshot's costume with notches on the side and a big cirlcle around a rakk-like picture on it with words "NxT TARgiT" under it.
The Flavor Text is a Reference to Deadshot, a batman villian from DC comics who never misses a shot but when he missed Batman he screamed that line.
Name: Torgue Bastard
Type of gun: Assault Rifle
Special Ability: Functions Very much like the original Borderlands 1 variant with it's High Fire rate, increased magazine size, increased damage but now it comes in only explosive doubling the main damage but unlike most Torgue guns with Gyro jet tech it fires normal bullets meaning the bullets travel at normal speed instead of slow. Comes in classic Torgue Gun Metal black color scheme.
The Flavor Text is a reference to one of Mr. Torgue's quotes during the second DLC.
Name: Torgue Friendly Fire
Flavor Text: Kill'em Kindly.
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Effect: Functions like a typical Ravager, with the gun always being explosive but the explosion has a chance to light enemies on fire after it hits, also fires in a happy face pattern. Also comes in gun metal black but has a Happy face on the side of the gun which looks similar to the achievement picture from the first Borderlands when you hit 50.
The Flavor Text is a reference to Bioshock using the phrase Atlas always uses to subconciously control Jack Ryan, this is also a one of the original legendaries used in the First Borderlands.
Name: Atlas Ogre
Flavor Text: Don't Make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry!
Type of Gun: Assault Rifle
Special Effect: Comes in any element but with that said element the rifle can cause explosive damage as well as elemental damage. Comes in Pearly white.
The Flavor Text is a reference to Bruce Banner who says that before he changes into the hulk, the gun was in the original Borderlands.
Name: Atlas Apollo
Flavor Text: His rage and jealousy burned Like the sun.
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Ability: Always comes with fire element but unlike other fire weapons, The gun does Bonus damage against shields instead of the shield Resisting the fire damage. Comes in orange with the picture of the sun on the side of the Barrel.
The gun is named after the Greece god Apollo who was the god of the sun in greek mythology.
Name: Atlas Aries
Flavor Text: If your enemy isn't dead yet, you're not trying hard enough.
Type of gun: Pistol
Special ability: Always comes with an element except explosions and normal, you gain 2% health regeneration when the status effect from your gun is active, stacks depending on how many enemies are effected by said status effect. Comes in Blue and white with with the "God of War" sig on the side in Greek.
The name of the gun is based of Aries the God of Wars while the flavor text was inspired by fellow Borderlands gamer SidoRises which is his forum signature. Gun was part of the Original Borderlands.
Name: Atlas Medusa
Flavor Text: Her gaze petrified even the mightiest of warriors.
Type of Gun: SMG
Special Ability: Always comes in corrosive, when the status effect is active the gun heavily decreases the movement speed of your enemies, effects all enemies including Raid Bosses. Comes in serpent green with a multiple red-eyed snakes on both sides of the gun.
The Gun and flavor text are based of the Serpent Medusa who could turn men to stone if they ever looked at her.
Name: Atlas Cyclops
Flavor Text: Hold fire untill you see the white of his eye.
Type of Gun: Sniper Rifle
Special Ability: Increased zoom-in, no sway, recoil, and Increased critical hit damage. Comes in any element. Comes with a specialized scope, recoil compensators, and is colored in white.
The Flavor Text is a reference to George Washington who said a line similar to the text right before the battle of battle of bunker hill. Gun was Part of the original Borderlands.
Name: Atlas Gauss Cannon
Flavor Text: Whoever said "War Never Changes" is a friggin idiot!
Type of Gun: E-tech Shotgun.
Special Ability: Like the slow hand the Splat gun acts like a normal gun instead of a grenade launcher but unlike the slow hand it does not fire a glob of goo but rather a super charged energy cannonball with High velocity, impact/splash damage, has near perfect accuracy and can be used for long range battles making it a sniper in shotgun, uses 4 ammo per shot. Bullet explodes on contact and it always comes in shock form, colored in gun metal grey and cyan blue.
The Weapon is a reference to the Fallout series, based off a weapon with a similar function and name, the Flavor Text is a joke making fun of the Narrator(Ron Pearlman) who starts all the Fallout games with the line "War, War never changes".
Name: Tediore Avenger
Flavor Text: They have an Army but we have a Salvador.
Type of Gun: Assault Rifle
Special Ability: Functions like a regular rifle but instead of throwing it like a lobbed grenade it functions like a longbow and mirv grenades that explodes on contact with enemies or the surface exploding into 6 child grenades, comes in any elements and the element applies to the explosion. The gun is in a Tediore blue Color but has a S.H.I.E.L.D symbol on it.
Flavor text is a reference to the Avengers when Loki tells Stark that he had an army and Stark responded we have a Hulk. Gun was part of the original Borderlands.
This is just a side idea but maybe they should make special Seraph guns that gain awesome abilities depending on what class your are
Name: Bandit Blahdeed Bandito
Flavor Text: I am very good at killing!
Type of Gun: Shotgun
Special Effect: With other classes it functions like a typical quad barrel shotgun but in the hands of the Gunzerker it has a 50% chance of not wasting ammo when firing and up to 50% increased damage depending on how low your health is, does 400% damage on the last shot fired in the magazine stacking with money shot. While Guzerking with the Bandito both guns get a 25% increase in damage, fire rate, and reload speed, effects stack with abilities, class mods or when you wield two Banditos, comes with black and silver color scheme covered in blood stains, comes in any element.
Name: Dahl Freedom Fighter
Flavor Text: YOU get a bullet! And YOU get a bullet! EVERYBODY gets a bullet!
Type of Gun: Assault Rifles
Special Ability: Functions like a typical Dahl rifle but when you use it with the Commando class bullets bounce off one enemy to another doing the same amount of damage, can bounce off of 7 enemies. Also increases gun damage, fire rate, reload speed, and recoil reduction by 15% for 10 seconds when you kill some one with it and it increases Turret Duration by 3 seconds and restores 5% of the turret's health when it is out and when you kill an enemy, bonuses stack with skills and class mods, comes in winter camo and with the Sergeant Rank on the side and the Dahl Company motto on the other side, comes in any element.
Name: Maliwan Siren's Song
Flavor Text: So it goes.....
Type of Gun: SMG
Special Ability: Functions like a regular Maliwan SMG but in the hands of a Siren it has 100% Elemental chance and elemental damage is increased by 50%, the weapon does 40% more damage if the enemies are at less than half their health. When an enemy is Phaselocked you gain 3% of health everytime you kill an enemy while phaselock is active and if you kill Non-Phaselocked enemies. Phaselock duration time is fully recharged when you kill an enemy that isn't phaselocked(If you have subsequence then you get back duration time and health when you kill a phaselocked enemy), bonuses stack with skills and class mods. Colored in gold and silver with an angelic being on the side of it, comes in any element.
Name: Hyperion Silent Predat0r
Flavor Text: Sorry, did that hurt? / That "sorry" was sarcasm. / I am not sorry.
Type of gun: Sniper Rifle
Special Ability: Functions like a typical bladed Sniper but when used by the assassin, Melee and Critical hit damage is doubled and Deception now has a 30 second duration and you do not exit deception when shooting an enemy but 5 seconds are shaved off with every shot you take, bonuses stack with skills and class mods. Comes in pitch black with a big 0 on the side, comes in any element.
Name: Vladof Machinist's Repeater
Type of Gun: Pistol
Special Ability: Always comes in shock variant, acts like the infinity pistol but with the mechromancer class you gain immunity to electricity and you gain 50% electrocute damage and electrocute chance, bullets can bounce off multiple surfaces up to 5 times unless it hits a target and damage does not decrease with a richohet bullet even with close enough. Does not suffer the negatives effects of smaller lighter faster(meaning no smaller magazine size), While Deathtrap is out he can gains 4% health regen for 10 seconds when you kill an enemy, also decreases the cooldown time for Deathtrap everytime you kill something with the gun shaving off 5 seconds. Colored in Vladof White but has hearts, skulls with wings, and a Picture of Deathtrap.
These guns were thought up by you guys and these are the ones I thought were awesome.
And if Gearbox applies this the only way to get these seraph guns are from this GUY