Hey, guys. I'm kinda new here, but I saw Borderlands 2, and it was awesome! I made this thread so anyone who played the game has some ideas for some new classes & bios for its potential sequel. Also, no comments bashing on others' ideas. This is supposed to be where people express their character ideas. Nevertheless, feedback is definitely appreciated. Well, as I said that, here's some class ideas of my own:
Sarah the Patriot
Sarah was born and raised on Themis as a pure soldier. She followed her orders from her surperiors, and carried them out to the "T". She was so good that she up to the ranks of Sergeant Major. That was when she met Axton, and after a mission together, they were married. However, during his time as a segeant, Axton was too reckless with his missions, that Sarah had to discharge him, but suggested for to go AWOL, not before giving him her wedding ring. After some time later after that incident, the Themis military were keeping something top secret, and Sarah wanted to know what it was. Her General obliged her curiosity, and showed her what it was: a Vault in the Themis planet. Sarah was shocked to see this with her own eyes. But then, a civilian has stumbled across the military site. Sarah offered to escort the civilian out, but her general ordered her to shoot him. Sarah was distraught by the order, and tries to refuse,but her superior officer forced her by telling that he'll send soldiers to kill Axton, but not before killing her. So, with no choice in mind she shot the civilian in the chest. She was so traumatized by her action that she was in rage and shot the General's body, until he was full of holes. She went to a nearby freighter and escaped from Themis, seeing she is wanted now. Now, she's going to Pandora, looking for Axton, because she wanted to know if he knew that something was wrong with the military to begin with. That, and she also wants to know about the mystery of the Vaults.
Cain The Slasher
The older brother of Roland, Cain never liked using guns. He is always seen using throwing knives as his projectile weapons, and dual-wields swords for his melee. It's a hard life for Cain and Roland's childhood. Pretty much, it's kill or be killed, survival of the fittest and all that jazz. When they were in the military, Cain's actions were worse than he was in the streets. The way he killed his enemies was merciless, and how he interrogated was classified beyond torture, even for the Crimson Lance. This continued until Roland thought that he had gone too far, and had no choice but to beat his brother in combat. Cain left with a slash on his face from Roland's army knife that day, and swore that he'll repay his brother ten-fold. After that day, Cain was a mercenary, never leaves a job incomplete. Until one day, he heard a rumor that his brother, Roland, was dead. Cain felt empty. He was preparing for that day when he can finally kill his brother with his own hands, all to find out that he had missed his chance. A few days later, he heard another rumor about the Vaults, that it has extraordinary properties. Cain had a thought that maybe, one of them had something that could revive Roland. Henceforth, Cain is now on a journey to each of the Vaults, to revive Roland... And, to kill him.
Sarah the Patriot
Sarah was born and raised on Themis as a pure soldier. She followed her orders from her surperiors, and carried them out to the "T". She was so good that she up to the ranks of Sergeant Major. That was when she met Axton, and after a mission together, they were married. However, during his time as a segeant, Axton was too reckless with his missions, that Sarah had to discharge him, but suggested for to go AWOL, not before giving him her wedding ring. After some time later after that incident, the Themis military were keeping something top secret, and Sarah wanted to know what it was. Her General obliged her curiosity, and showed her what it was: a Vault in the Themis planet. Sarah was shocked to see this with her own eyes. But then, a civilian has stumbled across the military site. Sarah offered to escort the civilian out, but her general ordered her to shoot him. Sarah was distraught by the order, and tries to refuse,but her superior officer forced her by telling that he'll send soldiers to kill Axton, but not before killing her. So, with no choice in mind she shot the civilian in the chest. She was so traumatized by her action that she was in rage and shot the General's body, until he was full of holes. She went to a nearby freighter and escaped from Themis, seeing she is wanted now. Now, she's going to Pandora, looking for Axton, because she wanted to know if he knew that something was wrong with the military to begin with. That, and she also wants to know about the mystery of the Vaults.
Cain The Slasher
The older brother of Roland, Cain never liked using guns. He is always seen using throwing knives as his projectile weapons, and dual-wields swords for his melee. It's a hard life for Cain and Roland's childhood. Pretty much, it's kill or be killed, survival of the fittest and all that jazz. When they were in the military, Cain's actions were worse than he was in the streets. The way he killed his enemies was merciless, and how he interrogated was classified beyond torture, even for the Crimson Lance. This continued until Roland thought that he had gone too far, and had no choice but to beat his brother in combat. Cain left with a slash on his face from Roland's army knife that day, and swore that he'll repay his brother ten-fold. After that day, Cain was a mercenary, never leaves a job incomplete. Until one day, he heard a rumor that his brother, Roland, was dead. Cain felt empty. He was preparing for that day when he can finally kill his brother with his own hands, all to find out that he had missed his chance. A few days later, he heard another rumor about the Vaults, that it has extraordinary properties. Cain had a thought that maybe, one of them had something that could revive Roland. Henceforth, Cain is now on a journey to each of the Vaults, to revive Roland... And, to kill him.