Hello, hello, hello.
I would be so bold as to declare this a fix for the 'Necrosis' head and 'Chaos Reigns' skin combination.
If you need help with using the mods, check out this fantastic guide by TheAdipose.
Using these mods will not cause any problems with online play.
Edit: Added Low res version.
Without further ado, what have I done?
- Gaige Supremacy Fix
- Gaige Supremacy Fix - Low Res
Points of note:
>Fixed the misaligned neck issue
>Changed the hood from being weirdass purple to the uniform dusky black[*]
>Given the hood glowing magic circles
>Fixed the green glowing eyes from the 'Necrosis' head conflicting with the orange glowing eyes from the 'Chaos Reigns' skin
This is basically a full version of my Magic Circle replacer as it addresses all the issues with the head and skin combination. Alas it's completeness means the necrosis head doesn't fit with the other skins. Such is life.
How the things I fixed ever passed QA baffles me.
Behold, pictures!
The Small Print:
Well, not quite.
Firstly just a note to say that this mod is fairly large in comparison to some of my others and will take a markedly longer time to load. If you run BL2 with the texture quality setting at low or medium, then the high res textures in this mod won't be used by you. Let me know and I can strip away the irrelevant textures and markedly improve the load time. This actually applies to all the mods I make, I just figure this is one time it's quite so noticeable.
Secondly, if you wish to use this with the Cluttered version of my high res magic circles mod then use both this and the magic circle replacer. Make sure the magic circle mod is above this one on the load order. If enough people are interested in the Cluttered version, I will make a new version of this mod with cluttered hood circles too. The cluttered version is somewhat less popular than the other so I haven't bothered to make it yet.
[*]Actually, it's a really dark blue but don't tell anyone.
I would be so bold as to declare this a fix for the 'Necrosis' head and 'Chaos Reigns' skin combination.
If you need help with using the mods, check out this fantastic guide by TheAdipose.
Using these mods will not cause any problems with online play.
Edit: Added Low res version.
Without further ado, what have I done?
- Gaige Supremacy Fix
- Gaige Supremacy Fix - Low Res
Points of note:
>Fixed the misaligned neck issue
>Changed the hood from being weirdass purple to the uniform dusky black[*]
>Given the hood glowing magic circles
>Fixed the green glowing eyes from the 'Necrosis' head conflicting with the orange glowing eyes from the 'Chaos Reigns' skin
This is basically a full version of my Magic Circle replacer as it addresses all the issues with the head and skin combination. Alas it's completeness means the necrosis head doesn't fit with the other skins. Such is life.
How the things I fixed ever passed QA baffles me.
Behold, pictures!

The Small Print:
Well, not quite.
Firstly just a note to say that this mod is fairly large in comparison to some of my others and will take a markedly longer time to load. If you run BL2 with the texture quality setting at low or medium, then the high res textures in this mod won't be used by you. Let me know and I can strip away the irrelevant textures and markedly improve the load time. This actually applies to all the mods I make, I just figure this is one time it's quite so noticeable.
Secondly, if you wish to use this with the Cluttered version of my high res magic circles mod then use both this and the magic circle replacer. Make sure the magic circle mod is above this one on the load order. If enough people are interested in the Cluttered version, I will make a new version of this mod with cluttered hood circles too. The cluttered version is somewhat less popular than the other so I haven't bothered to make it yet.
[*]Actually, it's a really dark blue but don't tell anyone.