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New Character Class Concept: The Enforcer

Name: Murphy The Enforcer

Backstory: Hailing from Eden-5, Murphy joined the planet's Police force at age 21 and quickly became one of the academies best officers. The reason for joining being that criminals were responsible for the death of his younger sister Ann and he wanted to make a difference so no one would ever have to experience such a loss. Over his 10 year long career in the force he single handedly took down kingpins, drug lords, psycho killers, and other forms of criminal scum off the streets of Eden-5. Although he did his best work alone he was even more succesful when he joined the S.W.A.T team code named Alpha strike where they would shoot first and ask questions never, dropping the crime rate nearly 95%. Murphy was happy with his work until famous Trillionare Playboy Philanthropist Mr. Holloway corrupted the the force with his bribery and deception.The once proud force was turned into Facist guns for hire. Murphy disagreed with this and tried to convince Eden-5's police to lock up Holloway but Holloway bribed the police into locking up Murphy. After he was sentenced with treason he was sent to the Eden-5 Cybernetics division where he would undergo heavy augmentation and memory wipe. After he was turned into a cyborg he was equipped with a full body armored Nanite Suit and equipped with an experimental AI named Ann who was coincidentally named after Murphy's Deceased sister. He would become Holloway's Lap dog and kill whoever opposed the trillionare for control of the planet. Over the years of servitude, both the AI and Murphy grew closer to one another and began to have a type of Brother/Sister relationship even after the memory wipe. After Holloway's Daughter Marcy was murdered by fellow student Gaige at the Eden-5 science fair, a bounty was placed on her head and Murphy was sent to find and kill her but the minute Holloway showed the picture of Gaige to his Cyborg assassin his memories resurfaced due to the fact that Gaige reminded him of his deceased sister. In a blind rage Murphy shot down Holloway and wiped out 50% of the Eden-5 Police Force, with the help of his AI Companion Ann who defied her programming, Murphy was able to escape the planet using a freighter heading to the planet Pandora. While on the frieghter he learned from the passengers that the Border world is controlled by a Facist leader, named Handsome Jack who was looking for one of the Eridian Vaults of Pandora to take control of the planet and wipe out its inhabitants. Hoping to make a difference on Pandora, Murphy decided to hunt down the Vault, open it up and use the Erdian Technology to defeat Hyperion and Handsome Jack once and for all. Before Murphy could even make it to Pandora the ship he boarded was shot down by a Hyperion Goon named Wilhelm who was ordered to kill any refugees or Vault Hunters trying to reach the planet. Murphy and Ann survived the crash, waking up in Windshear waste surronded by 5 individuals(including a familiar young student from his home planet) gifted with unique skills and powers and a very annoying Hyperion robot digging up dead bodies. With new allies in his fight against Handsome Jack, Murphy's journey begins.

Echo Recording, Arrival:
Murphy: We are just 2 minutes away from landing on Pandora. My Plan was to hide out on this hellhole and lay low until Eden-5's Police would leave me be but that has changed. After hearing what Hyperion has done to the locals and why they are doing there, I decided to do what I was born for, was made for, and end Handsome Jack.
Ann: Murph, I don't think it's worth risking your life for, Pandora was a crime infested hellhole even before Jack, killing him won't change that.
Murphy: So you rather watch innocent people die so one man can abuse the power of the Vault in whichever way he chooses, I'm sorry Ann but this is all I can do. I lost my home, my friends, and everything that was important to me and I can't.... I WON'T let anyone else go through that kind of pain. But before I do this, I need to know if you are still with me on this.
Ann: I stood by you through all these haven't I? Just make sure we get out of this alive ok?
Murphy: Don't worry, we'll make it out of this and we will stop that bastard, I promise.
Ann: Don't make a girl a promise if you know you can't keep it..........(Missle Hit's Freighter)
Murphy: What the... (Message cuts off)

Echo Recording 1:
Angel: Jack, I believe I might have found a new canidate, he's a police officer from Eden-5 heading toward Pandora on a Freighter
Jack: You lost me at "Police officer from Eden-5", there's nothing special about those assholes, they are your typical guns for hire and probably shoot themselves in the foot if they were payed enough, Next.
Angel: This one is different Jack. I have footage of his Cybernetic augmentation from 10 years ago, do you want to see the footage?
Jack: Augmentation? That sounds kinda cool actually, roll it Angel.
Murphy: You bastards, how could you sell yourselfs out for cash! Have you forgotten what we stood f....(Gets hit with a baton)
Dirty Cop: Shut it Murph, all that justice crap isn't gonna fly with us anymore. Holloway is giving us a good thing here and we don't want that ruined because of your damn morals.
Holloway: That's enough lieutenant, we need him intact for the operation.
Dirty Cop: Yes Sir, Mr. Holloway
Surgeon: Cybernetic Augmentation Procedure and Memory Wipe are ready to commence Mr. Holloway, Shall we Proceed.
Holloway: Yes but no anesthetic , I want him to suffer.
Surgeon: Understood.
Holloway: You should have just followed my orders and played ball Murphy, but no, you had to play the hero. Well here's your reward hero.
Murphy: (Surgery commencing) Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!
Jack: That was interesting, Find out more about this guy.

Echo Recording 2:
Angel: Apparently before the force's corruption, Murphy was one of the finest officers in the academy, he spent 10 years arresting and killing all forms of criminals on Eden-5, He even led a very succeful S.W.A.T. Unit called Alpha Strike.
Jack: Yeah, but that doesn't exactly explain how he ended up getting chopped open like a meat cabob
Angel: After the Force sold out and joined Holloway, The Officer attempted to stop this from happening but he failed. He was tried with treason, sent to the Cybernetic Division of Eden-5, underwent heavy cybernetic augmentation, had his memory wiped, had his skin grafted with a highly advanced, and highly illegal, Nanite Combat suit built with a highly advanced Combat AI. He would become Holloway's lap dog, killing anything that opposed him for control of the planet.
Jack: Any family?
Angel: No, His Parents were killed in a car Accident, and his Younger sister was murdered by a Junkie when He was 12.
Jack: Can you Explain to me why would he come to Pandora, Did Holloway send him here to look for vault and kill me, not that he even has a chance against me to begin with.
Angel: I'll investigate further.

Echo Recording 3:
Angel: Jack, I think I found out about why he might have came to Pandora
Jack: Roll it Angel
Murphy: You called us sir.
Holloway: Yes as you know (Trying to hold back tears) My daughter Marcy is dead, Murdered by some nobody and her Hunk of junk Robot.
Ann: Yeah we heard about, their still cleaning up the mess that "Hunk Of Junk" Robot left in the Auditorium
Holloway: Why you insobordenate little.... As I was saying, She escaped the Planet before My Police force could lock her up and execute her. Our intel says she heading to Pandora, I'm sending you two to kill her.
Ann: Don't you think it's a waste of our talents to hunt some High School kid? Can't you send one of your other lackeys to take care of this?
Holloway: You two always get the job done right and you are the only two who can survive that the horrors Pandora has in store. Plus I want her head served to me on a silver platter and I don't want some Bandit to deny me of my vengeance.
Murphy: What does the Target look like?
Holloway: Heres a picture of that crazy bitch.
Murphy: (Remembering who he is) That... Girl..... Looks just like.......
Ann: Murph, whats wrong?
Holloway: What are you doing, stop wasting time and kill...... (Gets gunned downed by Murphy)
Ann: Murph, what are you doing?
Murphy: Taking back control.
Dirty Cop: Mister Holloway, are your alright, I heard gunshots.
Ann: Murph we gotta go, if they catch us we might get....
Murphy: Don't worry, just find a way off this planet and I'll get us there
Ann: ok.

Echo Recording 4:
Angel: After Holloway's Death, the officer wiped out 50% of the police force and Hitched a ride on a Freighter heading to Pandora. I have footage of him conversing with the passengers
Jack: Let's hear it.
Passenger: Hey robot-guy, why are you on this crappy ship?
Murphy: Just looking for a place to lay low for awhile and Pandora seemed like the Perfect place to hide out.
Passenger: Yeah Maybe a couple of years ago but not anymore.
Murphy: How come?
Passenger: Handsome Jack. Ever since he found out about Eridum and the Vaults he's taken control of the planet, mined the crap out of it, and killed anyone who has gotten in his way, not exactly the best [lace to lay low.
Murphy: Then why are all these people going to Pandora?
Passengeer: Jack is Paying a huge reward to the Vault Hunters who can help him find the Vault and open it for him, we're going because we're gonna find that vault and get rich and famous.
Murphy: interesting, excuse me for a minute. Ann you got any Intel on this "Handsome Jack"
Ann: Not much but from what I can gather he's even worse than Holloway, I'm reading several accounts of murder, bribery, and blackmail but I can't find out anything about his past and who he really is.
Murphy: Ann, I can't let Jack find that Vault, if he opens it who knows what he could do with it.
Ann: How do you plan on doing that hero?
Murphy: We find the Vault and use it to stop that bastard.
Jack: Angel, How long will it take for that Freighter to land on Pandora.
Angel: Approximately 30 Minutes.
Jack: Send In Wilhelm, tell him to roll out the welcome mat for our guest.
Angel: Sending Wilhelm now Jack.

Class: Enforcer. The Enforcer is a powerful assault class that focuses on team work, damage, and defense while using crowd control.

Melee: Iron fist, a quick jab with his armored hand.

Action Skill: Riot Mode, when activated Murphy's Shield capacity doubles and he gains 30% damage/elemental resistance and 30% increase for Weapons damage, Critical hit damage, Grenade damage, Movement Speed, Accuracy, Fire Rate, Reload Speed, and Recoil Reduction, 100% Melee Damage when active. Ann will give you Radar sense and combat advice giving you tactical superiority in the battlefield and maintains other functions your Nanite suit could have after you gain the levels. The effect lasts for about 25 seconds and the Cooldown rate is 42 seconds.

Skill Trees

Increases all of Murphy's offensive capabilities and Riot Mode time

Tier 1 skills.

At Arms 5/5: Increases damage and Reload Speed with pistols, shotguns, and smgs by 20%

External Battery Pack 5/5: Increases Riot Mode Duration time by 15 Seconds

Tier 2 Skills.

Speed 5/5: Kill Skill, Killing an enemy increases your Movement Speed, Bullet Speed, Reload Speed, and Fire Rate by 30%, also increases Riot Mode cooldown rate by 15%

Bomb Squad 5/5: Increases Grenade, rocket, and explosive damage by 30%

The Gauntlet 1/1: Gives Melee attacks electric damage that increases damage towards shields and while in Riot Mode he can launch 3 grenades with his Gauntlet launching system for the price of 1

Tier 3 skills.

Battering Ram 5/5: Increases Melee Damage by 30% and Critical Hit Damage by 20%

Tesla Coil 1/1: "Nikola would be proud" Melee Overide, when in Riot Mode your melee is replaced with an electricly charge fists that he lifts in the air and zaps nearby enemies with tesla energy for 5 seconds and drains enemy shields while refilling yours by 10% depending on the number of enemies that were hit by Tesla Coil had shields, melee recharge time is 15 seconds.

Heavy Metal 5/5: Increases magazine size for all weapons by 50% and ammo carrying space by 25%. All two handed weapons(excluding smgs and Pistols) get a damage boost of 25%

Tier 4 skills.

Stay in the Game 5/5: Increases Riot Mode duration time by 3 seconds per kill, also increases Radar Range

Back in The Game 5/5: Killing an enemy shaves off 3 seconds from action skill cooldown time, also gives 40% overall damage toward enemies who are at and under 50% health.

Die Hard 1/1: "With a Vengeance" You can activate Riot Mode in FFYL, you can also Aim down your sights in FFYL

Tier 5 skill.

Target Practice 5/5: Enemies take 15% increased Normal damage and Critical hit Damagewhen shot or melee'd in the chest and the head, Increased Bullet speed by 50%, In Riot Mode, enemy chests and crit spots are Highlighted and take 15% bonus Normal and Critical damage

Tier 6 skill.

Up your Arsenal 1/1: "Time to rip you a new one" While in Riot Mode, you get another 30% increase in overall damage and when you kill an enemy your magazine is fully reloaded with the gun in your hand using the ammo in your pack so the only time you'll stop firing and waste time reloading is never.

Increases Murphy's team support, ammo and Health regeneration, and elemental damage.

Tier 1 Skills.

Rollout 5/5: While in Riot Mode you and your team get bullet regeneration and health regeneration, 3 bullets a second and 2% health per second when skill is maxed out.

Hot Shot 5/5: You gain 30% elemental chance, elemental duration, and elemental damage with all elemental weapons.

Tier 2 Skills

Bubble Shield 1/1: "Don't worry, I did this in a videogame" suit emmits a huge bubble shield while in Riot Mode that large enough to fit the entire team, enemies take 15% damage while in the the shield and you and your alies take 30% damage reduction while in the shield

First Aid 5/5: shooting your friends gives them health based off 15% of your guns damage. Also regens your health when you kill an enemy for a short time with 2% health regen per second, healing effect can stack up to 5 times when you kill someone.

Radioactive 5/5: Once Riot Mode is active, you do are covered in Electricity and Corrosion, when an enemy is near you they end up getting zapped and corroded for a short time, damage varies depending on Murphy's level and the amount of points invested in Radioactive

Tier 3 skills

Burning Sensation 5/5: Melee attacks have a chance to burn enemies, damage depends on Murphy's Level and the amount of points in Burning Sensation

Law Giver1/1: "I am the Law" Shooting someone causes a small slag explosion to happen effecting nearby enemies(like Maya's Cloud Kill) covering enemies in slag and Boosting Damage, recharge rate is about 15 seconds.

Booster Pack 5/5: Activating Riot Mode causes you to regen 50% for both you and your friends shields and giving 25% damage reduction for you and your friends for a short while.

Tier 4 Skills.

Laze 1/1: "I Aim, you Shoot" When aiming at an enemy down your sight a target symbol floats over its head causing it to take 15% more damage from all outside sources.

Get Up! 5/5: Decreases the amount of time it takes to revive your allies and increases your FFYL time by 40%

Tier 5 skill

Surplus 5/5: Killing an enemy gives 30 bullets back in you and your allies pack, does not apply to rockets, also 20% chance to get a grenade back to you and your team per kill.

Tier 6 skill

One for the Team 1/1: "Someone's got to do it" When Riot Mode is Active you gain Max Health and Shield regeneration and 70% damage reduction for 20 seconds but all nearby enemies will be shooting at you for those 20 seconds giving allies breathing room and a chance to take out enemies faster. While One for the Team is active All enemies that land a hit on you are Laze'd for a short time. All Laze'd enemies now appear as yellow dots on the Radar letting you know who on the Battlefield is Laze'd

Focuses on Murphy's defensive abilities, Crowd Control and Trick Shots.

Tier 1 Skills

Maximum Armor 4/4: You get a 30% increase in Shields and Health, gives 20% Damage Reduction as well as 1% Health Regen per second.

Riot Shield 1/1: When Riot Mode is active and when you are holding a Pistol or smg you digistruct a powerful shield immune to all frontal assault, AoEs do not count. While the Riot Shield is on you cannot aim down your sight but you gain 100% Recoil Reduction and you gain 25% Melee Damage while the Riot Shield is up, bullets can bounce and hit enemies if you miss.

Tier 2 Skills

Just a Flesh Wound 5/5: When health is 50% low your shield recharge delay is decreased by 75%, gun damage And Melee Damage is increased by 40%

Walk it off 5/5: Increases elemental damage reduction, Explosive damage reduction, and elemental effect duration by 50%.

Tazer 1/1: "In the Face!" Melee Override, When you melee someone with the Riot Shield you cause a small chain lightning effect that hits 5 enemies stunning them for 8 seconds, Melee recharge takes 10 seconds.

Tier 3 Skills

Make it Count 5/5: The First shot of the Magazine does a 100% more damage.

Charge 1/1: "Mess with the Bull" When you use the aim button while the Riot shield is up you do a charge attack that temporarily knocks your enemies out for a short time, melee has 15 second recharge rate.

Adamantium Skeleton 5/5: When you shoot an enemy you get 10% damage reduction as long as you keep shooting enemies, stacks up to 5 times. Acts similar to Zero's Rising Shot

Tier 4 Skills

Bullet Sponge 5/5: Everytime you are hit you gain 25% damage reduction from all sources, you also have a 30% chance to absorb enemy bullets and putting it into your inventory instead of taking damage when bullet sponge is active.

Ready for Action 5/5: You gain 25% more damage with guns after you reload your gun for a short time. Increases Reload speed for all guns by 30%

Tier 5 Skills

Man of Steel 5/5: Melee damage with your Riot Shield on is increased by 50%. You also have a 30% chance of fully restoring your shields when hit.

Tier 6 Skills

When the sound goes Boom! 1/1: "Whatcha gonna do?" Press the action skill while Riot Mode is active and you will do an electrically charged explosion that fries enemies and the ones who survive are slagged and lose their shields while you get 50% damage reduction from all sources for a short while after the explosion goes off.

If any of you guys could draw some concept art for him that would be awesome cause I'm not that good of an artist.

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