Hello all I've been working on this class idea for about a week and half now and have most of it finished. The primary goal of this idea was to create a character I'd enjoy playing as. It's inspiration comes from shaman classes of other games and I feel like the skill trees reflect that. But before all of those lets get into the back story.
Abe is an escaped slave from the planet 236-B. His people were enslaved years ago; by a rather large corporation at the time, and were forced to mne their own planet's resources. Planet 236-B has changed hands countless times. Being born into slavery and raised with the ideals of his forefathers Abe grew up to be very spiritual and also had a incredible intelect. As a boy he would often find hiding places and watch the guards shoot their rifles at targets.
Upon maturing he became apalled by the oppression of his people, so he devised a plan to escape. He had knocked out a guard with a rather large rock and had taken his rifle. He then proceded to the manager's office. The "Manager" was in charge of all mining operations in Abe's sector. When entering the office the manger sat calmly in his chair and stared at Abe. He then began to speak, "You don't know how to shoo". The manager was clearly a moron because Abe did know how to shoot the rifle, so much so in fact that his first shot was right between the eyes. Perhaps someone should have told him to be afraid of a man with a loaded gun.
Regardless, after the managers death Abe sniped every guard in the sector. He then returned to his family who convinced him to leave the planet, but before doing so his mother gifted him with his great great grandfather's tomahawk. Then Abe managed to sneak onto a freighter and escaped the planet. He hopes to return one day and free the rest of his people.
And yes he is a Native American type character.
Action Skill: Mystic's Call- Abe's voice repels enemies around him for a short time.
Level 1:
Tanned Hide- Increases shield capacity and recharge rate.
Downwind- Improves the AoE of Mystic's Call.
Level 2:
Strong Voice- Decreases cooldown rate of Mystic's call.
Scalp 'N'- Killing enemies with melee attacks releases a health orb.
Level 3:
Medicine Man- Increases shield recharge rate of any teammate in AoE of Mystic's call.
Wigwam Love- Any teamate in AoE of MC adds +5% to team health regen.
Hit Me Harder- Shooting allies adds points to their health.
Level 4:
Long Note- Increases duration of MC.
Level 5:
Native's Aura- Killing an enemy causes your shields to recharge.
Level 6:
Toma...RANG!- Melee overide Allows Abe's tomahawk to be thrown and is able to hit up to 3 targets.
Long Rifle
Level 1:
Red Tail-Improves gun accuracy and fire rate.
POW WOW!- Grants improved critical hit damage to any teammate in the AoE of MC.
Level 2:
Beyond the Trees- Increases scope zoom for all weapons and bullet velocity.
Steady Fire- Aim less disrupted and improved critical hit damage.
Level 3:
Empty Quiver- The last round in a sniper mag deals 2x critical hit damage.
Magic Bullets- Bullets gain the ability to richochet.
White Bison- Improves movement speed and critical hit damage.
Level 4:
Nature's Hitman- Improves damage, fire rate, accuracy, and reload speed with snipers.
Level 5:
Cherokee Strike- Shots from sniper rifles have chance to daze enemies.
Level 6:
Full Force- Holding down the trigger when using a sniper charges a powerful shot that deals massive damage this depletes ammo in the mag depending on charge length. Also adds critical hit damage.
Level 1:
Ancestor's Wrath-Improves all elemental status effects.
Keep on knocking- Improves reload speed and increases mag size for all guns.
Level 2:
Rain Dance- Improves elemental damage for teammates in AoE of MC.
Face Melter- Adds corrosive damage to MC.
Level 3:
Fury- Adds random elemental damage to melee attacks.
Stricken- Upon entering fight for your life all nearby enemies will be coated in slag
Guidance- Killing an enemy grants increased elemental damage/chance and fire rate for a short time.
Level 4:
Decay- Adds corrosive damage to any non elemental weapon in hand.
Level 5:
Injector- Any incoming elemental damage will be ignored and will increase any elemental damage dealt for a short time.
Level 6:
Crazy Horse- Adds slag, fire, and electrical damage to MC.
Tell me what you guys think I know it needs some work.
Abe is an escaped slave from the planet 236-B. His people were enslaved years ago; by a rather large corporation at the time, and were forced to mne their own planet's resources. Planet 236-B has changed hands countless times. Being born into slavery and raised with the ideals of his forefathers Abe grew up to be very spiritual and also had a incredible intelect. As a boy he would often find hiding places and watch the guards shoot their rifles at targets.
Upon maturing he became apalled by the oppression of his people, so he devised a plan to escape. He had knocked out a guard with a rather large rock and had taken his rifle. He then proceded to the manager's office. The "Manager" was in charge of all mining operations in Abe's sector. When entering the office the manger sat calmly in his chair and stared at Abe. He then began to speak, "You don't know how to shoo". The manager was clearly a moron because Abe did know how to shoot the rifle, so much so in fact that his first shot was right between the eyes. Perhaps someone should have told him to be afraid of a man with a loaded gun.
Regardless, after the managers death Abe sniped every guard in the sector. He then returned to his family who convinced him to leave the planet, but before doing so his mother gifted him with his great great grandfather's tomahawk. Then Abe managed to sneak onto a freighter and escaped the planet. He hopes to return one day and free the rest of his people.
And yes he is a Native American type character.
Mystic's Skill Trees
Action Skill: Mystic's Call- Abe's voice repels enemies around him for a short time.
Level 1:
Tanned Hide- Increases shield capacity and recharge rate.
Downwind- Improves the AoE of Mystic's Call.
Level 2:
Strong Voice- Decreases cooldown rate of Mystic's call.
Scalp 'N'- Killing enemies with melee attacks releases a health orb.
Level 3:
Medicine Man- Increases shield recharge rate of any teammate in AoE of Mystic's call.
Wigwam Love- Any teamate in AoE of MC adds +5% to team health regen.
Hit Me Harder- Shooting allies adds points to their health.
Level 4:
Long Note- Increases duration of MC.
Level 5:
Native's Aura- Killing an enemy causes your shields to recharge.
Level 6:
Toma...RANG!- Melee overide Allows Abe's tomahawk to be thrown and is able to hit up to 3 targets.
Long Rifle
Level 1:
Red Tail-Improves gun accuracy and fire rate.
POW WOW!- Grants improved critical hit damage to any teammate in the AoE of MC.
Level 2:
Beyond the Trees- Increases scope zoom for all weapons and bullet velocity.
Steady Fire- Aim less disrupted and improved critical hit damage.
Level 3:
Empty Quiver- The last round in a sniper mag deals 2x critical hit damage.
Magic Bullets- Bullets gain the ability to richochet.
White Bison- Improves movement speed and critical hit damage.
Level 4:
Nature's Hitman- Improves damage, fire rate, accuracy, and reload speed with snipers.
Level 5:
Cherokee Strike- Shots from sniper rifles have chance to daze enemies.
Level 6:
Full Force- Holding down the trigger when using a sniper charges a powerful shot that deals massive damage this depletes ammo in the mag depending on charge length. Also adds critical hit damage.
Level 1:
Ancestor's Wrath-Improves all elemental status effects.
Keep on knocking- Improves reload speed and increases mag size for all guns.
Level 2:
Rain Dance- Improves elemental damage for teammates in AoE of MC.
Face Melter- Adds corrosive damage to MC.
Level 3:
Fury- Adds random elemental damage to melee attacks.
Stricken- Upon entering fight for your life all nearby enemies will be coated in slag
Guidance- Killing an enemy grants increased elemental damage/chance and fire rate for a short time.
Level 4:
Decay- Adds corrosive damage to any non elemental weapon in hand.
Level 5:
Injector- Any incoming elemental damage will be ignored and will increase any elemental damage dealt for a short time.
Level 6:
Crazy Horse- Adds slag, fire, and electrical damage to MC.
Tell me what you guys think I know it needs some work.