I tried drawing a spore
It's been a while since I tried drawing anything, let alone for this game. But I thought if I'm going to do anything, it might as well be for my favorite franchise, even if I haven't really been...
View ArticleRoll to play -- Aegrus shenanigans
I did one of these on another forum and it turned out to be hilarious, so I figured I'd try it here. This is an interactive story thread where you can do anything -- no, seriously, anything. How it...
View ArticleThree Class Ideas!
Well here I am again with more ideas; Some New(ish) Classes! And hey I posted in the right spot for once... Whoo! :dukeaffirmative: Al as the Demolitionist Edits: None yet. Concept: A Character that...
View ArticleBl2 fan art :]
Sup 'sucka ^-^ Anyways, I am pretty new to art in general, but I am sort of proud of this drawing of Gaige ^__^ I m a pretty big fan of fan art, and I'd love to see everyone's work ^_^ (p.s, Their...
View ArticleSaw this and thought wow
Saw this and figured everyone would get a kick out of it <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vshDh8OldZE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
View ArticleConcept Characters
All right, I know there is a lot of threads about new character ideas, but I'd like them all to be connected to this page. If you've made a thread, link it to hear, because I'm really tired of...
View ArticleShort Fan Video - Handsome Jack singing and Sheriff dancing
I have a quick test with some singing and dancing here hope you like it thanks!
View ArticleNew DLC idea -- Nightmare!
A DLC like this probably won't ever come to light or maybe its not even possible, but I just thought I'd put my ideas here. I love horror themed games, such as Silent Hill, and a concept like this to...
View ArticleCirque, the Jester(class idea)
Cirque, the Jester ability/skill: Pandemonium, creates a ring around Cirque making all enemies go insane, attacking everyone and everything. Duration 43 seconds, cool down 39 seconds. Melee: sickle...
View ArticleAn Original Techno(??) Song about Claptrap and an original Borderlands 1...
The Clap (in the) Trap Knows A Lot About That by Anophthalmia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WueFs_PJoIY Love and Loot In The Borderlands by Anophthalmia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yEZAn5thbI...
View ArticleNew support class Idea
So guys I had an Idea for a new support class for the game, I have not really given him a name, so for the sake of this post his name is Jeff. So the mechanics of his class would be to summon a little...
View ArticleIf you want your own Handsome Jack mask
My friend at Punished Props sells unfinished casts of them for a massively reasonable price. You just need to do the sanding priming and painting. Figured I'd put it here :)...
View ArticleMods in Multiplayer
Hello, As the title says, i am asking if it is legal and possible to play with mods like bigger inventory or texmods in multiplayer thanks for the answers mfg Prokyon
View Articledlc concept. focus eridum stocks and crafting
I have found that in playing borderlands we all end up with a stock pile of eridum. The fact that you keep finding it even after you have purchased all the upgrades makes sense(because of the mining),...
View ArticleKill Jack movie poster
I made this... I made one for each class, save Gaige, but I think Zero works the best.
View ArticleNEW CLASS (mine)
the great new class will be SERAPH CLASS "THEYR RETURN MUST BE FEAR" NO (RED) HP NO (BLUE) SHIELD GREEN life (corrosive transfusion grenades/ to be more alternative) PINK shield (eridium energy)/ a new...
View ArticleThe Many Words of Pandora: Borderlands 2 Typography
Hey guys, I semi-finished my project I told you about. I plan on filling the entire Vault logo in with words, but this is just a draft so I can show everyone [and turn it in] If everyone like it, ill...
View ArticleMy youtube lets play of borderlands 2
hey guys, Green Arrow so i started a lets play on my second channel i plan on getting people from around youtube and having people in for an episode or two to help expand your channel and mine, so if...
View ArticleNeed Feedback
Ok so I have been uploading some Borderlands 2 videos lately on my channel. Would you guys mind having a look and tell me what I need to improve. I want to make the best videos I can because I hate...
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