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Cirque, the Jester(class idea)

Cirque, the Jester
ability/skill: Pandemonium, creates a ring around Cirque making all enemies go insane, attacking everyone and everything. Duration 43 seconds, cool down 39 seconds.
Melee: sickle swung sideways

I know that some of the skills are op but thats why I need your help for suggestions, better names for skills and just overall help. I pictured Cirque as a combination of a rat(enemy) combined with a circus ring leader. Also I think making him a glass cannon might balance it out, but alas I need help.

Hilarity-focus on guns, adding gimmicks elements and more silly things
H1-Procing: Increases chances of elemental chance by 1%. /5

H2-0-60:Kill skill, on kill movement speed and fire rate increase by 3% for 15 seconds. /5

H3-First strike: The first bullet in the magazine does 7% more damage. /5

H4-LOOT: Increases loot pickup range by 3%. /5

H5-Headhunter: Head shots do 7% more damage, but body shots do -4% damage. /5

H6-:????: Melee override, You release a flaming skag that on contact explodes into a massive fire nova

H7-:The Indie: Melee override, Your whip is released stunning and slaging the target

H8-STOP RIGHT THERE!: Guns have 5% chance to daze enemies(of equal or lower level). /5

H9-Chimera: non-elemental guns have 50% chance of procing a random element. /1

H10-Anarchy MK II: Bullet's have 15% a chance of splitting in 4. /1

Insanity-focus on skill Pandemonium





I6-Reaper: Melee override, You throw your sickle in a boomerang fashion doing a minimal amount damage from all elements. /1

I7-GOH: Melee override, You throw your sickle at a target if hit it drags enemy into pandemonium range doing minimal damage. /1


I9-Vampire: Enemy’s inside of pandemonium constantly loose health and you and your allies inside pandemonium gain 10% of the damage done inside pandemonium


Dexterity-Not too sure!!???








D9-Glass Cannon: Increases damage of all kinds by 50% But decreases health and damage resistance by 35%. /1

D10-Brick wall: Increases health and shield capacity by 50% But decreases damage by 35%. /1

What do you think???

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