Well here I am again with more ideas; Some New(ish) Classes!
And hey I posted in the right spot for once... Whoo! :dukeaffirmative:
Al as the Demolitionist
None yet.
A Character that focuses around using various bombs to decimate his enemies!
Al, or Allen at the time, original came to Pandora with Hyperion as an independent contractor with his own crew, to help build Opportunity for Handsome Jack. Though as time pasted, Al and Jack had "disagreements" over worker hours and time tables. One such disagreement lead to Al being buried alive at a work site. It took several days for him dig himself out, and when he did he found his whole crew dead. Al feared that if discovered he would soon join them, so he ran, but not before rigging the site with explosives. As the flames rose behind him, he vowed revenge for his fallen comrades; he would tear down Hyperion and kill Handsome Jack! Life on Pandora changes most people, and Al was no exception. He has become grim, and a little unhinged at time, but he will never forget his vow.
I see Al being a grizzled old man with a bone to pick. Explosions of all kinds delight him, as they remind him of his desire to blow the hell out of Hyperion! Beyond that though, he should be a rather personable guy.
Basic Melee Attack:
Al swings a rather large shovel.
Action Skill: The Big One:
Upon hitting the F key Al digi-structs a rather large homemade bomb and throws it a few feet in front of him. The bomb will explode after a duration, or if shot by Al will detonate immediately. The initial blast radius and damage will scale with level, but will be further modified by his various trees.
Skill Tree #1: Quality
This tree is about making better bombs, increasing blast radius and damage for explosions of all types (From Explosive weapons, Grenades, and most importantly his action skill).
T3 Game Changer: Got Mirv?
This ability change The Big One so that when it detonates it launches a few children bombs about that explode soon after. It works like a rather large Mirv grenade if you couldn't tell by the name!
Capstone: Megaton!
This ability vastly increases the blast radius and damage of The Big One! "Lets see you out run this!"
Skill Tree #2: Quantity
This tree is about more everything, more ammo, more grenades, more bombs!
T3 Game Changer: Two-for-One!
This ability allows Al to deploy a second The Big One after the initial one, it operates independently of the first and has its own count down and can be shot separately to detonate it.
Capstone: Not your Mines!
This ability splits The Big One into a mini minefield after being deployed. Individually each bomb does less than the original bomb, but collectively they add up to a much higher damage sum. "On second thought, you take'em!"
Tree #3: Molotovs
This tree is about improving Elemental damage and creating bombs that trigger other elemental effects.
T3 Game Changer: Ignition!
This ability changes The Big One's explosion type to match the element of the gun it is shot with.
Capstone: Radiation
This ability further alters The Big One so when it is shot with an element weapon it leaves behind an area of effect cloud matching the element that it was shot with, causing damage or slagging them respectively. "I'd give that a few minutes, if I were you..."
I wonder if he'd get Mr.Torgue approval? Seriously though, I think this guy came out the best of the three, mechanics-wise anyway. Story may need more work.
Dr.Ted as the Medic
None yet.
A Support type character that helps allies and herself in multiple ways.
Doctor Sara Ted (Dr.Ted for short) was a physician and surgeon on a far away planet, but all the with all the recent goings on, she couldn't help but over hear a little bit about what was happening on Pandora. Ever the humanitarian, Dr.Ted decided to travel to Pandora and help those in need! Though upon his arrival she was immediately captured by the local bandits. But before they could torture/defile and or dismember her, the bandit camp was cleared out by Hyperion forces. Dr.Ted was happy for her rescue, but not for long, because after all the bandits were killed she was immediately taken into custody by Hyperion and was forced to work for them at their experimentation facility know as the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve. It was here that she witnessed the true Horror of Hyperion and what they have done, and will continue to do, unless they are stopped. So Dr.Ted waited and planned, but before she could come up with anything, a little girl caused a massive explosion within the facility and attempting to escape! She knew the little girl wouldn't be able to do it on her own, so she followed close behind her on her exodus, opening doors she couldn't from nearby terminals and distracting Hyperion security when they got to close to her. When she escaped, so did the doctor, but after they did she lost sight of her, just for a moment and couldn't find her anywhere. Dr.Ted, was disheartened, but then sought out the less violent inhabitants of Pandora, who were able to fill her in on the rest of the happenings on Pandora. So with that knowledge in hand, she set out to Sanctuary to help the Crimson Raiders defeat Hyperion in anyway she could, all the while hoping the little girl who escaped was some where safe.
Think of her like a younger and much prettier female version of Dr.Zed (Maybe like Dr.Tannis? And yes, name pun!), but a lot more civil and a bit more niave. Although she doesn't share the former's lust to create genetic abominations and she actually has her Medical License...
Basic Melee Attack:
Dr.Ted swipes with a surgical scalpel.
Action Skill: Fix Ya Right Up!:
Upon hitting the F key Dr.Ted Digi-structs and deploys a large crate of medical supplies, which after landing opens and allows access to its contents. Initially it only contains Insta-Health Vials, but it can be altered to have other contents.
Skill Tree #1: Supplies
This tree is about replenishing dwindling supplies, including health, ammo, and even grenades!
T3 Game Changer: Restock
This ability changes Fix Ya Right Up! to have ammo inside it as well as health, the type is determined at random by the normal means.
T4 Game Changer: Resupply
This ability changes Fix Ya Right Up! to have a couple of grenades inside it as well as health.
Capstone: Replenish
This ability activates when Fix Ya Right Up! is used. A circular aura of green light emanates in a radius from Dr.Ted and a similar smaller aura emanates from the Supply Box. Anyone (including Dr.Ted) within this aura gains ammo regeneration as long as they stand within the aura. This ability ends after a duration. "Got your ammo right here!"
Skill Tree #2: Morphine
This tree is about healing and damage prevention.
T3 Game Changer: Clear!
This ability is a melee override that allows Dr.Ted to pull out a pair of defibrillators and shock a fallen ally out of fight for your life mode. Alternatively it can be used to cause moderate shock damage and knock back to enemies.
T4 Game Changer: Reactivate
This ability changes Fix Ya Right Up! to have a couple of shield boosters inside it as well as health.
Capstone: Field Dressings
This ability activates when Fix Ya Right Up! is used. A circular aura of blue light emanates in a radius from Dr.Ted and a similar smaller aura emanates from the Supply Box. Anyone (including Dr.Ted) within this aura gains health regeneration as long as they stand within the aura. This ability ends after a duration. "C'mere so I can heal ya!"
Tree #3: Surgery
This tree is about improving melee damage, damage reduction, improving max health, and regeneration.
T3 Game Changer: Roids!
This ability changes Fix Ya Right Up!'s insta-health vials to increase melee damage for a few seconds after using one, in addition to its normal effect.
T4 Game Changer: Anesthetics
This ability changes Fix Ya Right Up!'s insta-health vials to increase damage reduction for a few seconds after using one, in addition to its normal effect.
Capstone: Blood Lust
This ability activates when Fix Ya Right Up! is used. A circular aura of red light emanates in a radius from Dr.Ted and a similar smaller aura emanates from the Supply Box. Anyone (including Dr.Ted) within this aura gains health steal, melee damage, and damage reduction as long as they stand within the aura. This ability ends after a duration. "For blood transfusions when the donor is unwilling!"
Its worth noting most of her game changers and capstones are pretty much the same, besides the effects. Though I'm open for suggestions on how to change that.
Russel as the Bandit
None yet.
A Character that evolves and grows depending on what trees are gone down. Oh and hes a bandit!
Russel grew up like most bandits do on Pandora, killing, stealing and looting among other things. It was a good life, him and his bandit pals ruled over their turf, and didn't have a care in the world. Until Hyperion came. Russel was out patrolling one day, and was distracted by an some skags that he summarily shot after they saw him. After the skags were dead, his focus was drawn back to his camp, it sounded like a friggen warzone! He rushed back to camp only to find that Hyperion had killed all of his pals! In a rage he rushed at them, only to be roughly flung back by a loader! The loader turned and aimed its gun down to deliver the final shot, but before it could a voice called out, "Don't waste the bullets, we've killed enough bandits for one day!" it was Handsome Jack himself! Jack continued, "Gotta save those bullets for taken down a real threat, like a Vault hunter!" he laughed mockingly "Now go crawl back into what ever hole you came from before I change my mind!". Russel could only fall to his knees and whimper "Okay..." as the Jack and his forces left. After a while Russel finally was able to pick himself up, and his fear faded back to anger. "Not a threat huh!?" Russel yelled to himself, "I'll show you who's not a threat! I'll become the best friggen Vault Hunter ever! And then when I see him again I'm gonna shoot him in his damn face!" He then set off running towards Sanctuary to join the Crimson Raiders, if they didn't shoot him first, and to figure out how to be a vault hunter. But most importantly to kill the hell out of Jack!
I see Russel's Personality mirror the various bandit types he can become, but initially a personality that is a little less crazy than your standard bandit, so more like a citizen from Sanctuary that actually wants to kill stuff!
Basic Melee Attack:
Russel simply punches with his free hand.
Action Skill: Adrenaline Rush :
Upon hitting the F key Russel's fear and anger kick in triggering an adrenaline rush. This increases all his base stats by a small amount. This is altered by the abilities he picks gong down each tree.
Skill Tree #1: Bullets
This tree is all about guns, their stats, and Russel's ability to use them.
T3 Game Changer: Marauder
This ability changes Russel's outfit and upgrades his abilities to that of a Marauder, giving him passive accuracy and fire rate bonuses. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants a higher bonus to all gun related abilities.
Capstone: Bad Ass Marauder
This ability changes Russel's outfit and upgrades his abilities to that of a Bad Ass Marauder, giving him passive stability and magazine size bonuses. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants an even higher bonus to all gun related abilities! Lastly pressing F again once Adrenaline Rush is active to activate optics in his mask to give a large bonus to gun damage for a short duration. "Shotguuuuun rhinoplasty!"
Skill Tree #2: Burl
This tree is being a tough guy with lots of health and a big ass shield.
T3 Game Changer: Bruiser
This ability change changes Russel's outfit and upgrades his abilities to that of a Bruiser, giving him passive maximum health bonus. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants a higher bonus to all health related abilities!
T4 Game Changer: Shock Pack[/COLOR][/U][/COLOR]
This ability gives Russel a backpack like the ones that Shock-Nomadics have, giving him a passive boost to shield delay, shield capacity, and shock resistance. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants a higher bonus to all shield related abilities!
Capstone: Nomad
This ability change changes Russel's outfit and upgrades his abilities to that of a Nomad, giving him passive health regeneration and shield regeneration bonuses. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants an even higher bonus to all health and shield related abilities! Lastly pressing F again once Adrenaline Rush is active to instantly digi-struct a nomad shield providing cover and damage reduction for a short duration. "You can still run!"
Tree #3: Blood
This tree is about improving Melee Damage and movement speed.
T3 Game Changer: Psycho
This ability change changes Russel's outfit and upgrades his abilities to that of a Psycho, giving him passive melee damage and movement speed. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants a higher bonus to all melee and movement related abilities!
T4 Game Changer: Chuck it!
This ability equips Russel with a Buzzsaw (That Axe with the sawblade on it) granting him a passive bonus to melee damage and a melee override that allows to to throw it at an enemy for ranged melee damage.
Capstone: Goliath
This ability change changes Russel's outfit and upgrades his abilities to that of a Goliath, giving him a large passive melee damage bonus. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants an even higher bonus to all melee and movement related abilities! Lastly pressing F again once Adrenaline Rush is active to gain a large boost to melee damage and movement speed (Think Goliath enrage). Also if Chuck it! is used while Adrenaline Rush Russel instead leaps forward and smashes the ground causing AoE damage around the impact. "GONNA FLOSS WITH YOUR SPINE!"
I realize this guy may bring up some concerns, with how he changes and where we can reach in certain trees, so I kinda thought of it like this; Depending on what you unlock down certain trees you can change your body type to what ever you've unlocked at a New-You-Station. Otherwise hybrid forms would get pretty messy... Like bad messy, unless ya want to do that? Also story needs work.
End of Post
Okay, really sorry bout the giant wall of text there, but hey, if ya made it this far thanks for reading! You know as well as I do that these concepts are a bit shaky in more than one place, so I humbly look to you my fellow forum goers (Is that the correct term?) for your opinions, criticisms and advice! Any and all changes I make will be put up in the edits log for each character.
And hey I posted in the right spot for once... Whoo! :dukeaffirmative:
Al as the Demolitionist
None yet.
A Character that focuses around using various bombs to decimate his enemies!
Al, or Allen at the time, original came to Pandora with Hyperion as an independent contractor with his own crew, to help build Opportunity for Handsome Jack. Though as time pasted, Al and Jack had "disagreements" over worker hours and time tables. One such disagreement lead to Al being buried alive at a work site. It took several days for him dig himself out, and when he did he found his whole crew dead. Al feared that if discovered he would soon join them, so he ran, but not before rigging the site with explosives. As the flames rose behind him, he vowed revenge for his fallen comrades; he would tear down Hyperion and kill Handsome Jack! Life on Pandora changes most people, and Al was no exception. He has become grim, and a little unhinged at time, but he will never forget his vow.
I see Al being a grizzled old man with a bone to pick. Explosions of all kinds delight him, as they remind him of his desire to blow the hell out of Hyperion! Beyond that though, he should be a rather personable guy.
Basic Melee Attack:
Al swings a rather large shovel.
Action Skill: The Big One:
Upon hitting the F key Al digi-structs a rather large homemade bomb and throws it a few feet in front of him. The bomb will explode after a duration, or if shot by Al will detonate immediately. The initial blast radius and damage will scale with level, but will be further modified by his various trees.
Skill Tree #1: Quality
This tree is about making better bombs, increasing blast radius and damage for explosions of all types (From Explosive weapons, Grenades, and most importantly his action skill).
T3 Game Changer: Got Mirv?
This ability change The Big One so that when it detonates it launches a few children bombs about that explode soon after. It works like a rather large Mirv grenade if you couldn't tell by the name!
Capstone: Megaton!
This ability vastly increases the blast radius and damage of The Big One! "Lets see you out run this!"
Skill Tree #2: Quantity
This tree is about more everything, more ammo, more grenades, more bombs!
T3 Game Changer: Two-for-One!
This ability allows Al to deploy a second The Big One after the initial one, it operates independently of the first and has its own count down and can be shot separately to detonate it.
Capstone: Not your Mines!
This ability splits The Big One into a mini minefield after being deployed. Individually each bomb does less than the original bomb, but collectively they add up to a much higher damage sum. "On second thought, you take'em!"
Tree #3: Molotovs
This tree is about improving Elemental damage and creating bombs that trigger other elemental effects.
T3 Game Changer: Ignition!
This ability changes The Big One's explosion type to match the element of the gun it is shot with.
Capstone: Radiation
This ability further alters The Big One so when it is shot with an element weapon it leaves behind an area of effect cloud matching the element that it was shot with, causing damage or slagging them respectively. "I'd give that a few minutes, if I were you..."
I wonder if he'd get Mr.Torgue approval? Seriously though, I think this guy came out the best of the three, mechanics-wise anyway. Story may need more work.
Dr.Ted as the Medic
None yet.
A Support type character that helps allies and herself in multiple ways.
Doctor Sara Ted (Dr.Ted for short) was a physician and surgeon on a far away planet, but all the with all the recent goings on, she couldn't help but over hear a little bit about what was happening on Pandora. Ever the humanitarian, Dr.Ted decided to travel to Pandora and help those in need! Though upon his arrival she was immediately captured by the local bandits. But before they could torture/defile and or dismember her, the bandit camp was cleared out by Hyperion forces. Dr.Ted was happy for her rescue, but not for long, because after all the bandits were killed she was immediately taken into custody by Hyperion and was forced to work for them at their experimentation facility know as the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve. It was here that she witnessed the true Horror of Hyperion and what they have done, and will continue to do, unless they are stopped. So Dr.Ted waited and planned, but before she could come up with anything, a little girl caused a massive explosion within the facility and attempting to escape! She knew the little girl wouldn't be able to do it on her own, so she followed close behind her on her exodus, opening doors she couldn't from nearby terminals and distracting Hyperion security when they got to close to her. When she escaped, so did the doctor, but after they did she lost sight of her, just for a moment and couldn't find her anywhere. Dr.Ted, was disheartened, but then sought out the less violent inhabitants of Pandora, who were able to fill her in on the rest of the happenings on Pandora. So with that knowledge in hand, she set out to Sanctuary to help the Crimson Raiders defeat Hyperion in anyway she could, all the while hoping the little girl who escaped was some where safe.
Think of her like a younger and much prettier female version of Dr.Zed (Maybe like Dr.Tannis? And yes, name pun!), but a lot more civil and a bit more niave. Although she doesn't share the former's lust to create genetic abominations and she actually has her Medical License...
Basic Melee Attack:
Dr.Ted swipes with a surgical scalpel.
Action Skill: Fix Ya Right Up!:
Upon hitting the F key Dr.Ted Digi-structs and deploys a large crate of medical supplies, which after landing opens and allows access to its contents. Initially it only contains Insta-Health Vials, but it can be altered to have other contents.
Skill Tree #1: Supplies
This tree is about replenishing dwindling supplies, including health, ammo, and even grenades!
T3 Game Changer: Restock
This ability changes Fix Ya Right Up! to have ammo inside it as well as health, the type is determined at random by the normal means.
T4 Game Changer: Resupply
This ability changes Fix Ya Right Up! to have a couple of grenades inside it as well as health.
Capstone: Replenish
This ability activates when Fix Ya Right Up! is used. A circular aura of green light emanates in a radius from Dr.Ted and a similar smaller aura emanates from the Supply Box. Anyone (including Dr.Ted) within this aura gains ammo regeneration as long as they stand within the aura. This ability ends after a duration. "Got your ammo right here!"
Skill Tree #2: Morphine
This tree is about healing and damage prevention.
T3 Game Changer: Clear!
This ability is a melee override that allows Dr.Ted to pull out a pair of defibrillators and shock a fallen ally out of fight for your life mode. Alternatively it can be used to cause moderate shock damage and knock back to enemies.
T4 Game Changer: Reactivate
This ability changes Fix Ya Right Up! to have a couple of shield boosters inside it as well as health.
Capstone: Field Dressings
This ability activates when Fix Ya Right Up! is used. A circular aura of blue light emanates in a radius from Dr.Ted and a similar smaller aura emanates from the Supply Box. Anyone (including Dr.Ted) within this aura gains health regeneration as long as they stand within the aura. This ability ends after a duration. "C'mere so I can heal ya!"
Tree #3: Surgery
This tree is about improving melee damage, damage reduction, improving max health, and regeneration.
T3 Game Changer: Roids!
This ability changes Fix Ya Right Up!'s insta-health vials to increase melee damage for a few seconds after using one, in addition to its normal effect.
T4 Game Changer: Anesthetics
This ability changes Fix Ya Right Up!'s insta-health vials to increase damage reduction for a few seconds after using one, in addition to its normal effect.
Capstone: Blood Lust
This ability activates when Fix Ya Right Up! is used. A circular aura of red light emanates in a radius from Dr.Ted and a similar smaller aura emanates from the Supply Box. Anyone (including Dr.Ted) within this aura gains health steal, melee damage, and damage reduction as long as they stand within the aura. This ability ends after a duration. "For blood transfusions when the donor is unwilling!"
Its worth noting most of her game changers and capstones are pretty much the same, besides the effects. Though I'm open for suggestions on how to change that.
Russel as the Bandit
None yet.
A Character that evolves and grows depending on what trees are gone down. Oh and hes a bandit!
Russel grew up like most bandits do on Pandora, killing, stealing and looting among other things. It was a good life, him and his bandit pals ruled over their turf, and didn't have a care in the world. Until Hyperion came. Russel was out patrolling one day, and was distracted by an some skags that he summarily shot after they saw him. After the skags were dead, his focus was drawn back to his camp, it sounded like a friggen warzone! He rushed back to camp only to find that Hyperion had killed all of his pals! In a rage he rushed at them, only to be roughly flung back by a loader! The loader turned and aimed its gun down to deliver the final shot, but before it could a voice called out, "Don't waste the bullets, we've killed enough bandits for one day!" it was Handsome Jack himself! Jack continued, "Gotta save those bullets for taken down a real threat, like a Vault hunter!" he laughed mockingly "Now go crawl back into what ever hole you came from before I change my mind!". Russel could only fall to his knees and whimper "Okay..." as the Jack and his forces left. After a while Russel finally was able to pick himself up, and his fear faded back to anger. "Not a threat huh!?" Russel yelled to himself, "I'll show you who's not a threat! I'll become the best friggen Vault Hunter ever! And then when I see him again I'm gonna shoot him in his damn face!" He then set off running towards Sanctuary to join the Crimson Raiders, if they didn't shoot him first, and to figure out how to be a vault hunter. But most importantly to kill the hell out of Jack!
I see Russel's Personality mirror the various bandit types he can become, but initially a personality that is a little less crazy than your standard bandit, so more like a citizen from Sanctuary that actually wants to kill stuff!
Basic Melee Attack:
Russel simply punches with his free hand.
Action Skill: Adrenaline Rush :
Upon hitting the F key Russel's fear and anger kick in triggering an adrenaline rush. This increases all his base stats by a small amount. This is altered by the abilities he picks gong down each tree.
Skill Tree #1: Bullets
This tree is all about guns, their stats, and Russel's ability to use them.
T3 Game Changer: Marauder
This ability changes Russel's outfit and upgrades his abilities to that of a Marauder, giving him passive accuracy and fire rate bonuses. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants a higher bonus to all gun related abilities.
Capstone: Bad Ass Marauder
This ability changes Russel's outfit and upgrades his abilities to that of a Bad Ass Marauder, giving him passive stability and magazine size bonuses. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants an even higher bonus to all gun related abilities! Lastly pressing F again once Adrenaline Rush is active to activate optics in his mask to give a large bonus to gun damage for a short duration. "Shotguuuuun rhinoplasty!"
Skill Tree #2: Burl
This tree is being a tough guy with lots of health and a big ass shield.
T3 Game Changer: Bruiser
This ability change changes Russel's outfit and upgrades his abilities to that of a Bruiser, giving him passive maximum health bonus. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants a higher bonus to all health related abilities!
T4 Game Changer: Shock Pack[/COLOR][/U][/COLOR]
This ability gives Russel a backpack like the ones that Shock-Nomadics have, giving him a passive boost to shield delay, shield capacity, and shock resistance. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants a higher bonus to all shield related abilities!
Capstone: Nomad
This ability change changes Russel's outfit and upgrades his abilities to that of a Nomad, giving him passive health regeneration and shield regeneration bonuses. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants an even higher bonus to all health and shield related abilities! Lastly pressing F again once Adrenaline Rush is active to instantly digi-struct a nomad shield providing cover and damage reduction for a short duration. "You can still run!"
Tree #3: Blood
This tree is about improving Melee Damage and movement speed.
T3 Game Changer: Psycho
This ability change changes Russel's outfit and upgrades his abilities to that of a Psycho, giving him passive melee damage and movement speed. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants a higher bonus to all melee and movement related abilities!
T4 Game Changer: Chuck it!
This ability equips Russel with a Buzzsaw (That Axe with the sawblade on it) granting him a passive bonus to melee damage and a melee override that allows to to throw it at an enemy for ranged melee damage.
Capstone: Goliath
This ability change changes Russel's outfit and upgrades his abilities to that of a Goliath, giving him a large passive melee damage bonus. In addition, Adrenaline Rush now grants an even higher bonus to all melee and movement related abilities! Lastly pressing F again once Adrenaline Rush is active to gain a large boost to melee damage and movement speed (Think Goliath enrage). Also if Chuck it! is used while Adrenaline Rush Russel instead leaps forward and smashes the ground causing AoE damage around the impact. "GONNA FLOSS WITH YOUR SPINE!"
I realize this guy may bring up some concerns, with how he changes and where we can reach in certain trees, so I kinda thought of it like this; Depending on what you unlock down certain trees you can change your body type to what ever you've unlocked at a New-You-Station. Otherwise hybrid forms would get pretty messy... Like bad messy, unless ya want to do that? Also story needs work.
End of Post
Okay, really sorry bout the giant wall of text there, but hey, if ya made it this far thanks for reading! You know as well as I do that these concepts are a bit shaky in more than one place, so I humbly look to you my fellow forum goers (Is that the correct term?) for your opinions, criticisms and advice! Any and all changes I make will be put up in the edits log for each character.