Class idea: Trapper
First of all, I'm a big fan of the Borderlands games. (Like I suppose everyone on these forums is.) One of the biggest disappointments of BL2 for me was the discontinuation of the Proximity Mine...
View ArticleCharacter Idea - Melee Siren
Yeah, Melee Siren :dukewhistle: Would use "Phasespikes" that grow from beneath her skin for sequential melee attacks. Just a rough idea for looks :S I was trying to go for tall and lanky.. I traced a...
View ArticleCosplayers...
So, I have been thinking of doing up some cosplay outfits, i've been told i resemble Maya abit, so might give her a go first.... but my questions to you guys are.... 1) Is there anywhere on the net...
View ArticleCreative input requested - Skills for new Siren class
Right, after the enormous success of my sweet Iona Siren (not) I decided to start writing another Siren class, one specialized in summoning (her action skill is summoning up a frigging Chimaera called...
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Ideas
What's some of your ideas about making Borderlands 2 better? I'm talking loot, content, dlc, story etc. If you have ideas about story or any big thing, say how it could be implemented. Try to be specific
View ArticleClass Concept:The Outlander
Ezeekio as The Outlander Table of Contents:Backstroy Echos (coming soon) Description/What he brings Skill Trees Class Mods Melee Appearance Quotes(Work in progress...) Customization(Work in...
View ArticleWeapon Ideas - Legendaries / Uniques
Ive seen a lot of concepts for new character classes, but not very many for the tools that they use. Yes, we have a s**tload of guns in borderlands 2 but I believe in the next DLC / Update or even in...
View Article3rd person mod - video tutorial
hey guys I made a video tutorial this morning showing how to get the 3rd person 'work around' for borderlands 2 working. Thanks so much to the mod makers Cielos and Lebensgefahr.
View ArticleIntroducing... The Soul-Harvester!
Name: Zak. Age: 33 Gender: Male Height: 6ā4ā Weight: 165 lbs Eye Color: Icy blue. Hair Coloration: Pale spiky blonde (Like Roxas from Kingdom Hearts). Skin Color: Very pale Body type: Slim and tall....
View ArticleBorderlands Tabletop RPG - Let's Make One!
I know there's been a couple of threads about a Borderlands RPG, saying people mod one system or another, but this isn't one of those. This is a call for a concerted effort to make a Borderlands...
View ArticleNew planets... new beasts!
<SPOILER ALERT>IF YOU HAVE NOT COMPLETED THE GAME AND WANT NO SPOILERS THEN GO BACK AND DO NOT PROCEED ANY FURTHER So hey there. As you all know at the end of BL2 the vault key showed many more...
View ArticleNew Class Idea-The Fly(tentative)
Like many of you here I've been thinking about how a new character could be added to the game. I have quite a few ideas but I want to share my strongest one. Since I don't have a really good name for...
View ArticleThe Broken Sanity of Mr Atlas. (DLC Concept)
<Please Note I have not played the original Borderlands so the facts may not be accurate, and I unsure if the manufacturer founders are men or women so I guessed. If you see something wrong correct...
View Articleideas for new characters
so we have gaige released for the time being and i was just what other ideas people could come up with for new characters and just go into as much or as a little detail as you want really :) the only...
View ArticleShort story: The other vault hunters
Well I am writing some fan fiction I am welcome to hear feed back whether it's good or bad, just be honest. Note this is just chapter one so I will write more if well...any of you want more....
View ArticleCharacter Idea: The Guardian
So I originally posted this as a response, but after some thought, I really wanted to post it to get more ideas flowing. So my character idea was this... a former Badass Lance Warden turned Vault...
View ArticleBorderlands Rap by Adam Warrock
I thought a lot of people might enjoy this. I've seen this guy live and he's really good, rapping mostly about comics.
View ArticleRead fan fics!!!
My people!!!:duketease: Please support the awesome persons who write super cool fics. You donĀ“t need to sing in just read and then comment as an anom. or...
View Articlethis may or may not work?
but what about a create your own character. as in you can pick your own action skill from all action skills that they have available from all characters and be able to make your own skill trees from...
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