Ezeekio as The Outlander
Table of Contents:
An ex-Hyperion human resources executive with inate persuasive abilities,Jack assigned him to Pandora to use his suavey to "motivate" the miners to keeping working and work harder instead of killing a few to "promote better work ethic".Shortly after getting there he stumpled apon a high concentration of eridium that not only started to mutate him,but with the aid of stories of the vault from the mining crew,drove him into madness.Hyperian guards were sent to kill him but thanks to the eridium amping his powers on persuation to levels he couldnt believe(and his savage mutations) he was able to flee to the outlands and was taken in by a monestary of Bandit Monks.He then leanred to control his new powers and his powers of self control to hold back his mutant alter ego(caused by high stress situations).After feeling likes leanred all he can Zeke set off to persue the vault,to open it and end his madness/oppsenion of it.
(Coming Soon)
The Outlander's mutations have given him perticularly deadly powers.Specific the ability to manipulate enemy minds,driving them to insanity and becoming his meat puppets.
Action Skill: Psychosis
Transfroms you in a psychotic mutant.While psycho,press [aim button] to effect the mind of an enemy,causing them to attack randomly,reduces their accuracy,and causes them to run around crazy.These can be altered and changed depending on skills.While active,you can only hip fire.Stuns Bosses,but doesnt control them. Duration:15 seconds, Cooldown:35 seconds.
His action skill Psychosis allows him to transform into a mutant form and then infulence enemy behavior.This action skill is a little complex.When Zeke transfrom it doesnt begin the skill,He just mutates,which changes up the gameplay drastically depending on your skill investment.The AS takes effect when you hit the [aim button],which causes an enemy to become insane and depending on your skills behave different.
Zeke would provide a type of role of enemy commander/manager.He can shift the agro and focus of enemies,manipulate them to fight eachother,or debuff them in general combat.Main playstyle:Let enemies do all the work for you.
Skill Trees:
The Outlander has three different skill trees.Each with a tier one gamechanger which affects the rest of the tree and how the class can be played.
Dominator- The Dominator skill tree focuses on the skill "Enslave" which controls enemies turing them to allies.Think Thoughtlock on steroids.Changes the tide of battle,making sure your not alone in the fight.It deals with elemental effects/weakening enemies,getting enemies to assit you,minor gun buffs.
Positive Reinforcement -Shooting allies increases their gun damage by 4%,causes their health to start regenerating,and increases their movement speed by 3%.Increases effect by 4% and 3% per level. [0/4]
Enslave - Action Skill Augmentation.When an enemy is under psychosis,they become allies and fight for you. [0/1]
Salt the Wounds! - Increases elemental effect chance 4% per level.This doubles when you transform. [0/5]
Get Over Here! - Melee Overide.While psychotic,pressing [melee] causes your mutant arm to stretch and lash out,damaging,briefly stunning,and pulling enemies in your crosshair towards you.Range up to 25 feet.Cooldown 5 seconds. [0/1]
Never Ending Insanity - Increases the duration of Psyschosis by 1 seconds per level. [0/5]
Chimera - Afflicting an enemy with one elemental damage type gives you a chance to afflict them with another element regardless of weapon elemental chance by 5% per level. [0/5](Btw,didnt steal this skill from Zylo, I sugested it to Zylo,and felt It would work for my character as well as the his badass wereskag.Just to clearify)
Dirty Mind - Putting an enemy under psychosis afflicts them with Slag. [0/1]
Mental Illness - Putting an enemy under psychosis causes them to be afflicted with a random elemental affect.Upon death,enemy with run towards near by enemies and spread elemental damage.Also whenever you take damage,causes you to release burst of random elemental damage nova.Increases Nova damage per rank. [0/5]
All Eyes On Me - Pressing [AS button] lets you go in and out of mutant form.Mutating causes near by enemies to pay attention to you,taking heat off of allies,and causing a rapid shield regeneration to kick in.Unmutating causes you to loose all agro and if any enemy is under your control,cause them to take all agro. [0/1]
So Whipped - Enslaved enemies deal bonus damage and every kill they get increases the duration of Pyschosis by 3 seconds. Damge increased by 3% per level. [0/5]
Oppressed Rebellion - While an enemy is Enslaved they create a stack of Oppressed Rebellion every 2 seconds.Every stack of Oppressed Rebellion causes the enslaved enemy to deal 5% increased damage.Up to 3 stacks.Stack cap increased by 1 per level. [0/5]
Dazed and Confused - Upon enslaving an enemy,that enemy lets out a AoE blast that stuns enemies briefly and confuses them afterwards lowering their accuracy. [0/1]
Mind Over Matter - The Mind of Matter skill tree focuses on the skill called "Disturbia" which basically amplifies the base effects of Pyschosis.The tree focusses on the buddhist like monk side of the oiutlnader,meaning not more defense than offense,getting benefits from controlled enemies,and also explosions.Lots of explosions.
Mental Training - Increases the Cooldown rate of Pyschosis by 6% per level. [0/4]
Disturbia - Action Skill Augmentation.Causes enemies to go even more insane,making them run around crazily and thier accuracy is greatly reduced but their bullets richochet off objects and hit other enemies. [0/1]
Right Back Atch' Ya! - When a enemy damages you,a percentage of that damage dealt to you is mirrored back on to that enemy.Enemies who hit you with melee recieve more damage than those who hit you with bullets or explosioves. 10% reflective damage per level. [0/5]
Danger Close - When your shields get dropped you release an explosive AoE blast,damaging surrounding enemies as well as knocking them back.Also recieving self damage from explosions causes your shields to release a blast of damage. [0/1]
Ground Zero - Increases splash damage of explosives by 12% and radius of explosions by 10%.Damage increased by 4% Radius increased by 4% per level. [0/5]
Voodoo - While an enemy is under Disturbia,Voodoo becomes active.While active,damaging that enemy causes damage to near by enemies as well.Critical hits amplify this damage.Increases critical hit damage by 5% per level and Damage dependent on damage dealt to that enemy. [0/5]
Life Preserve - While an enemy is being controlled, you constantly regenrate health and shields.This effect last so long as psychosis is active. [0/1]
Catch-A-Bullet! - Increases damage enemy ricochet bullets deal.Increases your own bullet velocity.Ricochet damage increased by 5% and Bullet Speed increased by 2.5% per level. [0/5]
Depression - Enemies under Disurbia who are low on health have a chance to comit suicide,in the form of an AoE dmaging explosion.Also while an enemy is under disurbia,him along with all other near by enemies recieve a decrease in moral and fighting spirit,lowering their accuacry,damage,and shields slowly. [0/1]
Bipolar Yin-Yang - When your shields are depleted you regen health,vice-versa when your health is low you regenerate shields much faster.Health regen and Shield regen increased by 8% per level. [0/5]
Passive Aggression - Not attacking while in combat activates Passive Agrresion.While Active,your reload speed and movement speed increased by 5% and 2.5% and you build up kinetic damage.Attacking again releases a burst of kinetic energy,which damages and bounces from enemy to enemy,dealing less damage with each hit.Damage dependent on time spent passive.Reload speed and Movement speed increased by 5% and 2.5% per level and number of targets kinetic energy can hit increased by 1 per rank. [0/5]
Spreading Maddness - When you put an enemy under psyschosis,they release a kinetic energy blast that puts all nearby enemies hit under psychosis,but for only half the duration. [0/1]
Gun Crazy - The Gun Crazy Skill tree focuses on fire power and skill called "Bloody Rage",which basically turns an enemy into an aggro drawing,crazy,goliath.The tree deals with increasing your damage aswell as some health buffs.
Use More Gun - Increases Gun Damage by 4% and Fire rate by 3% per level. [0/4]
Bloody Rage - Action Skill Augmentation.When an enemy is under psychosis they go into a enraged state,dealing icreased damage,drawing all enemy agro,and attacking the nearest target. [0/1]
Pack Rat - Increases your ammo carrying capasity for all weapon types by 5% and number of grenades carried by 1 per level. [0/5]
Bring Down the Hammer! - Melee Overide.While in human form,pressing [melee button] digistructs a large brutal hammer swinging in an arc,in a large slam.Slam damages enemies and has great AoE knockback.Cooldown 15 seconds. [0/1]
All I Need Is My Right Hand - Increases gun accuracy by 5% and reload speed by 4% when mutated per level. [0/5]
Cannibal - Hitting an enemy with melee kicks in a health regeneration,while killing an enemy with gun damage instantly restores a portion of your health.0.5% of max health regen from melee and 0.6% of max health restored by gun kill per level. [0/5]
Death Scream - When put in Fight For Your Life you release an electric sound wave and scream,instantly dropping enemy shields and stunning all near by enemies by a few seconds. [0/1]
I'll Take You To Hell! - While in Fight For Your Life,the closer to death you are,the more gun damage you deal for a second wind.Damage increased by 10% per rank,but FFYL time decreased by 0.5 seconds per level. [0/5]
Jackle and Hyde Complex - While in your human form,you reaload faster and have improved accuracy.While in mutant form you move faster and deal increased damage. [0/1]
Thrill Of The Kill - While an enemy is enraged,every time they kill another enemy they resore a portion of their health,deal increased damage,and move faster,letting them go on a ramage.Enemy damage,speed,and health increased by 5%,3%,and 2% per level. [0/5]
I Like The Way You Die - Whenever a controlled enemy kills another enemy,you deal increased gun damage,everytime you take damage you deal even more damage,and whenever your controlled enemy is killed you deal the equivilant percentage of damage to however many enemies they killed.Damage from assist +3% per level,damage from pain 2% per level,and damage from slain minion equivialnt to how many enmies they killed. [0/5]
Bloody Unhappy Ending - Makes enraged enemies become living time bombs.When that controlled enemy is killed they explode in a large violent explosion,damaging near by enemies and buffing the damage of you and your allies by 10%. [0/1]
Class Mods:
A little voodoo doll,dressed/painted to look like a bandit.Attached to his belt hangs on his hip.
Pyschopath class mod:
Shield Recharge Rate,+ Accuracy.Skills Affected: Right Back Atcha Ya!,All I Need Is My Right Hand, Oppressed Rebllion
Mutant class mod:
Elemental effect Chance,Elemental Damage.Skills Affected: Chimera,Salt the Wounds,Mental Illness
Motivator class mod:
Team Health Regneration,Reload Speed.Skills Affected: Positive Reinforcement,Thrill Of The Kill,Catch-A-Bullet!
Sadist class mod:
+ Gun Damage,+ Melee Damage.Skills Affected: Canibal,I Like The Way You Die,Voodoo
Murader class mod:.
+ Magizne Size,+ Assult Rifle Damage.Skills Affected: Use More Gun,Pack Rat,Ground Zero
Asylum Patient class mod:
Cooldown Rate.Skills Affected: Mental Training,So Whipped, Never Ending Insanity
Monk class mod:
Shield Capacity,+Reload Speed.Skills Affected: Life Preserve, Passive Aggression, Bipolar Yin-Yang
Zeke's Normal Melee in human form is a swing/overhead chop with his Chainchete,a bloody bandit-made-looking chainsaw and machete mix.
While Mutated,he swings with his large mutant arm
With Get Over Here! mutant stretches out
With Bring Down The Hammer! he digistructs a large brutal sledge hammer.Think Sledge's Hammer/Brick's Hammer but with a Smiley face on it.
Ezeekio is average in height,about the same as a bandit's.Hes built pretty well,not ripped but a lil more bult up top. wears a straight jacket like jacket with straps and buckels unloosend as an undershirt.The left arm sleeve is ripped off with fabic and torn parts sticking out and the right arm sleeve has various straps tightened on it.He then has a leather hyperion blact vest,unzipped all the way.Has a smiley face pin with blood on it,pinned to the vest along with a hyperion insignia.Some tears in the jacket.Vault Symbol painted on the back of the jacket.On his left shoulder,he has a shoulder pad similar to that worn by psychos,but his has spike/ridged painted design on it and has various screws,nails,spikes prodding from it.
He wears a sash,slightly torn,around his waist karate belt style.On top of that slanted downward across his waist is his belt,which has his degistruction device attachted to it in the front(its slim) and his class mod doll is attached to it on his hip.Wears slightly baggy pants,torn,with tape wrapped around his left knee.Wheres sandals too becuase he felt like thats what monks do. Right Hand gloved.Wears a necks made up of monk prayer beads,with the Padoran cross(the "T") at the end of it.Also has a claw,a bullet,a sharp tooth,and a ear attached throughout the necklace.And finally he is balled/has a monk face,wheres a mask similar to the one worn by murader's,also accompined by the vault symbol painted on it.His eyes are visible,and are closest to Lab rat eyes.
When he mutates he looks the same,but his left arm becomes longer and larger and nails turn to claws.He becomes slightly larger,slightly hunched,bulkier but up top.
Also the most important part of his apperance,his left arm recieves various tattoos and symbols with every 1-point wonder he invests in.They vary and come in red,blue,or green depending on the skill tree their in.Once mutated the tats glow.Mutant arm and gun arm visible in perspective when you mutate.
(coming soon)
(Coming soon/Open to Suggestions)
Table of Contents:
- Backstroy
- Echos (coming soon)
- Description/What he brings
- Skill Trees
- Class Mods
- Melee
- Appearance
- Quotes(Work in progress...)
- Customization(Work in progress...)
An ex-Hyperion human resources executive with inate persuasive abilities,Jack assigned him to Pandora to use his suavey to "motivate" the miners to keeping working and work harder instead of killing a few to "promote better work ethic".Shortly after getting there he stumpled apon a high concentration of eridium that not only started to mutate him,but with the aid of stories of the vault from the mining crew,drove him into madness.Hyperian guards were sent to kill him but thanks to the eridium amping his powers on persuation to levels he couldnt believe(and his savage mutations) he was able to flee to the outlands and was taken in by a monestary of Bandit Monks.He then leanred to control his new powers and his powers of self control to hold back his mutant alter ego(caused by high stress situations).After feeling likes leanred all he can Zeke set off to persue the vault,to open it and end his madness/oppsenion of it.
(Coming Soon)
The Outlander's mutations have given him perticularly deadly powers.Specific the ability to manipulate enemy minds,driving them to insanity and becoming his meat puppets.
Action Skill: Psychosis
Transfroms you in a psychotic mutant.While psycho,press [aim button] to effect the mind of an enemy,causing them to attack randomly,reduces their accuracy,and causes them to run around crazy.These can be altered and changed depending on skills.While active,you can only hip fire.Stuns Bosses,but doesnt control them. Duration:15 seconds, Cooldown:35 seconds.
His action skill Psychosis allows him to transform into a mutant form and then infulence enemy behavior.This action skill is a little complex.When Zeke transfrom it doesnt begin the skill,He just mutates,which changes up the gameplay drastically depending on your skill investment.The AS takes effect when you hit the [aim button],which causes an enemy to become insane and depending on your skills behave different.
Zeke would provide a type of role of enemy commander/manager.He can shift the agro and focus of enemies,manipulate them to fight eachother,or debuff them in general combat.Main playstyle:Let enemies do all the work for you.
Skill Trees:
The Outlander has three different skill trees.Each with a tier one gamechanger which affects the rest of the tree and how the class can be played.
Dominator- The Dominator skill tree focuses on the skill "Enslave" which controls enemies turing them to allies.Think Thoughtlock on steroids.Changes the tide of battle,making sure your not alone in the fight.It deals with elemental effects/weakening enemies,getting enemies to assit you,minor gun buffs.
Positive Reinforcement -Shooting allies increases their gun damage by 4%,causes their health to start regenerating,and increases their movement speed by 3%.Increases effect by 4% and 3% per level. [0/4]
Enslave - Action Skill Augmentation.When an enemy is under psychosis,they become allies and fight for you. [0/1]
Salt the Wounds! - Increases elemental effect chance 4% per level.This doubles when you transform. [0/5]
Get Over Here! - Melee Overide.While psychotic,pressing [melee] causes your mutant arm to stretch and lash out,damaging,briefly stunning,and pulling enemies in your crosshair towards you.Range up to 25 feet.Cooldown 5 seconds. [0/1]
Never Ending Insanity - Increases the duration of Psyschosis by 1 seconds per level. [0/5]
Chimera - Afflicting an enemy with one elemental damage type gives you a chance to afflict them with another element regardless of weapon elemental chance by 5% per level. [0/5](Btw,didnt steal this skill from Zylo, I sugested it to Zylo,and felt It would work for my character as well as the his badass wereskag.Just to clearify)
Dirty Mind - Putting an enemy under psychosis afflicts them with Slag. [0/1]
Mental Illness - Putting an enemy under psychosis causes them to be afflicted with a random elemental affect.Upon death,enemy with run towards near by enemies and spread elemental damage.Also whenever you take damage,causes you to release burst of random elemental damage nova.Increases Nova damage per rank. [0/5]
All Eyes On Me - Pressing [AS button] lets you go in and out of mutant form.Mutating causes near by enemies to pay attention to you,taking heat off of allies,and causing a rapid shield regeneration to kick in.Unmutating causes you to loose all agro and if any enemy is under your control,cause them to take all agro. [0/1]
So Whipped - Enslaved enemies deal bonus damage and every kill they get increases the duration of Pyschosis by 3 seconds. Damge increased by 3% per level. [0/5]
Oppressed Rebellion - While an enemy is Enslaved they create a stack of Oppressed Rebellion every 2 seconds.Every stack of Oppressed Rebellion causes the enslaved enemy to deal 5% increased damage.Up to 3 stacks.Stack cap increased by 1 per level. [0/5]
Dazed and Confused - Upon enslaving an enemy,that enemy lets out a AoE blast that stuns enemies briefly and confuses them afterwards lowering their accuracy. [0/1]
Mind Over Matter - The Mind of Matter skill tree focuses on the skill called "Disturbia" which basically amplifies the base effects of Pyschosis.The tree focusses on the buddhist like monk side of the oiutlnader,meaning not more defense than offense,getting benefits from controlled enemies,and also explosions.Lots of explosions.
Mental Training - Increases the Cooldown rate of Pyschosis by 6% per level. [0/4]
Disturbia - Action Skill Augmentation.Causes enemies to go even more insane,making them run around crazily and thier accuracy is greatly reduced but their bullets richochet off objects and hit other enemies. [0/1]
Right Back Atch' Ya! - When a enemy damages you,a percentage of that damage dealt to you is mirrored back on to that enemy.Enemies who hit you with melee recieve more damage than those who hit you with bullets or explosioves. 10% reflective damage per level. [0/5]
Danger Close - When your shields get dropped you release an explosive AoE blast,damaging surrounding enemies as well as knocking them back.Also recieving self damage from explosions causes your shields to release a blast of damage. [0/1]
Ground Zero - Increases splash damage of explosives by 12% and radius of explosions by 10%.Damage increased by 4% Radius increased by 4% per level. [0/5]
Voodoo - While an enemy is under Disturbia,Voodoo becomes active.While active,damaging that enemy causes damage to near by enemies as well.Critical hits amplify this damage.Increases critical hit damage by 5% per level and Damage dependent on damage dealt to that enemy. [0/5]
Life Preserve - While an enemy is being controlled, you constantly regenrate health and shields.This effect last so long as psychosis is active. [0/1]
Catch-A-Bullet! - Increases damage enemy ricochet bullets deal.Increases your own bullet velocity.Ricochet damage increased by 5% and Bullet Speed increased by 2.5% per level. [0/5]
Depression - Enemies under Disurbia who are low on health have a chance to comit suicide,in the form of an AoE dmaging explosion.Also while an enemy is under disurbia,him along with all other near by enemies recieve a decrease in moral and fighting spirit,lowering their accuacry,damage,and shields slowly. [0/1]
Bipolar Yin-Yang - When your shields are depleted you regen health,vice-versa when your health is low you regenerate shields much faster.Health regen and Shield regen increased by 8% per level. [0/5]
Passive Aggression - Not attacking while in combat activates Passive Agrresion.While Active,your reload speed and movement speed increased by 5% and 2.5% and you build up kinetic damage.Attacking again releases a burst of kinetic energy,which damages and bounces from enemy to enemy,dealing less damage with each hit.Damage dependent on time spent passive.Reload speed and Movement speed increased by 5% and 2.5% per level and number of targets kinetic energy can hit increased by 1 per rank. [0/5]
Spreading Maddness - When you put an enemy under psyschosis,they release a kinetic energy blast that puts all nearby enemies hit under psychosis,but for only half the duration. [0/1]
Gun Crazy - The Gun Crazy Skill tree focuses on fire power and skill called "Bloody Rage",which basically turns an enemy into an aggro drawing,crazy,goliath.The tree deals with increasing your damage aswell as some health buffs.
Use More Gun - Increases Gun Damage by 4% and Fire rate by 3% per level. [0/4]
Bloody Rage - Action Skill Augmentation.When an enemy is under psychosis they go into a enraged state,dealing icreased damage,drawing all enemy agro,and attacking the nearest target. [0/1]
Pack Rat - Increases your ammo carrying capasity for all weapon types by 5% and number of grenades carried by 1 per level. [0/5]
Bring Down the Hammer! - Melee Overide.While in human form,pressing [melee button] digistructs a large brutal hammer swinging in an arc,in a large slam.Slam damages enemies and has great AoE knockback.Cooldown 15 seconds. [0/1]
All I Need Is My Right Hand - Increases gun accuracy by 5% and reload speed by 4% when mutated per level. [0/5]
Cannibal - Hitting an enemy with melee kicks in a health regeneration,while killing an enemy with gun damage instantly restores a portion of your health.0.5% of max health regen from melee and 0.6% of max health restored by gun kill per level. [0/5]
Death Scream - When put in Fight For Your Life you release an electric sound wave and scream,instantly dropping enemy shields and stunning all near by enemies by a few seconds. [0/1]
I'll Take You To Hell! - While in Fight For Your Life,the closer to death you are,the more gun damage you deal for a second wind.Damage increased by 10% per rank,but FFYL time decreased by 0.5 seconds per level. [0/5]
Jackle and Hyde Complex - While in your human form,you reaload faster and have improved accuracy.While in mutant form you move faster and deal increased damage. [0/1]
Thrill Of The Kill - While an enemy is enraged,every time they kill another enemy they resore a portion of their health,deal increased damage,and move faster,letting them go on a ramage.Enemy damage,speed,and health increased by 5%,3%,and 2% per level. [0/5]
I Like The Way You Die - Whenever a controlled enemy kills another enemy,you deal increased gun damage,everytime you take damage you deal even more damage,and whenever your controlled enemy is killed you deal the equivilant percentage of damage to however many enemies they killed.Damage from assist +3% per level,damage from pain 2% per level,and damage from slain minion equivialnt to how many enmies they killed. [0/5]
Bloody Unhappy Ending - Makes enraged enemies become living time bombs.When that controlled enemy is killed they explode in a large violent explosion,damaging near by enemies and buffing the damage of you and your allies by 10%. [0/1]
Class Mods:
A little voodoo doll,dressed/painted to look like a bandit.Attached to his belt hangs on his hip.
Pyschopath class mod:
Shield Recharge Rate,+ Accuracy.Skills Affected: Right Back Atcha Ya!,All I Need Is My Right Hand, Oppressed Rebllion
Mutant class mod:
Elemental effect Chance,Elemental Damage.Skills Affected: Chimera,Salt the Wounds,Mental Illness
Motivator class mod:
Team Health Regneration,Reload Speed.Skills Affected: Positive Reinforcement,Thrill Of The Kill,Catch-A-Bullet!
Sadist class mod:
+ Gun Damage,+ Melee Damage.Skills Affected: Canibal,I Like The Way You Die,Voodoo
Murader class mod:.
+ Magizne Size,+ Assult Rifle Damage.Skills Affected: Use More Gun,Pack Rat,Ground Zero
Asylum Patient class mod:
Cooldown Rate.Skills Affected: Mental Training,So Whipped, Never Ending Insanity
Monk class mod:
Shield Capacity,+Reload Speed.Skills Affected: Life Preserve, Passive Aggression, Bipolar Yin-Yang
Zeke's Normal Melee in human form is a swing/overhead chop with his Chainchete,a bloody bandit-made-looking chainsaw and machete mix.
While Mutated,he swings with his large mutant arm
With Get Over Here! mutant stretches out
With Bring Down The Hammer! he digistructs a large brutal sledge hammer.Think Sledge's Hammer/Brick's Hammer but with a Smiley face on it.
Ezeekio is average in height,about the same as a bandit's.Hes built pretty well,not ripped but a lil more bult up top. wears a straight jacket like jacket with straps and buckels unloosend as an undershirt.The left arm sleeve is ripped off with fabic and torn parts sticking out and the right arm sleeve has various straps tightened on it.He then has a leather hyperion blact vest,unzipped all the way.Has a smiley face pin with blood on it,pinned to the vest along with a hyperion insignia.Some tears in the jacket.Vault Symbol painted on the back of the jacket.On his left shoulder,he has a shoulder pad similar to that worn by psychos,but his has spike/ridged painted design on it and has various screws,nails,spikes prodding from it.
He wears a sash,slightly torn,around his waist karate belt style.On top of that slanted downward across his waist is his belt,which has his degistruction device attachted to it in the front(its slim) and his class mod doll is attached to it on his hip.Wears slightly baggy pants,torn,with tape wrapped around his left knee.Wheres sandals too becuase he felt like thats what monks do. Right Hand gloved.Wears a necks made up of monk prayer beads,with the Padoran cross(the "T") at the end of it.Also has a claw,a bullet,a sharp tooth,and a ear attached throughout the necklace.And finally he is balled/has a monk face,wheres a mask similar to the one worn by murader's,also accompined by the vault symbol painted on it.His eyes are visible,and are closest to Lab rat eyes.
When he mutates he looks the same,but his left arm becomes longer and larger and nails turn to claws.He becomes slightly larger,slightly hunched,bulkier but up top.
Also the most important part of his apperance,his left arm recieves various tattoos and symbols with every 1-point wonder he invests in.They vary and come in red,blue,or green depending on the skill tree their in.Once mutated the tats glow.Mutant arm and gun arm visible in perspective when you mutate.
(coming soon)
(Coming soon/Open to Suggestions)