Youtube playthrough!
I think you should make 6 more threads about this. Because the 5 you've made already, aren't enough.
View ArticleThe Gun Games - A BL inspired card game - WIP
I have made up a 2 player card game! I wondered if you can take Borderlands on the go (apart from the iOS/Andriod/PC version) and decided to make a card game based off of it (I also wondered if...
View ArticleDuels at Terramorphous Peak (art)
This is one of our silliest deaths so far, and I thought it deserved a comic. The artwork is big, I don't know if I can link it here, but you can find and download it from my deviantart page:...
View ArticleAck, oh no, it can't be... the Buccaneer!
That's right folks, I was hit with another wave of extreme boredom at work and have decided to go ahead and give my hand at another character concept! For those of you who haven't seen it (which...
View ArticleUnique Gun Concept - End
A Unique Gun... The End Manufacturer: Tediore Type: Pistol All the stats apply to level 50's Damage: 5000 - 7500 Accuracy: 90 - 95 Fire Rate: 5 Reload Speed: 2 Mag Size: 10 Red text: Look OUT! It's......
View ArticleGetting a fanfic moved
Hello mods. I got a fanfic in the off worlder section of the original borderlands forums and was wondering if it can be moved to the fan fiction forums of borderlands 2. Can it be done? Or must I...
View ArticleComplementary Krieg Sig
In honor of the newest Vault Hunter, I've thrown together a Krieg Signature image below. Feel free to use it as your own!
View ArticleBL2 deviantart droppings
Few self-gratifying comics thrown together. You might aswell give them few more views for my pleasure if not exactly yours.
View ArticleGun Concepts+Pictures
OH GOD I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT UPLOAD. I'M NOT DONE. DON'T LOOK YET. I think it would be super cool for Gearbox to release a DLC that allows for more farmable items (I believe that a large number of...
View ArticleCool character idea
Hey guys so this is my first post to this forum so bear with me, but I have a cool idea for a character, either bl2 dlc or bl3, doesn't matter, but let me know what you think, thanks! Name: Maggie (no...
View ArticleOkay
So i had this idea awhile back. "what if they made a malfunctioning Hyperion bot a Vault hunter?" while i think that its very unlikely that will ever happen i was thinking about his action skill. and...
View ArticleCharacter Concept: Alyce the Cyren [Unfinished]
Alyce the Cyren "Shhhhhh... sleep now." Idea: I like Alice in Wonderland, even more the one from Alice: Madness Returns. This class is a little bit based on that, even with the abilites are really...
View ArticleSigniture
Can somebody do me a signature If so message me ill let u no wat I would like Ty
View ArticleHark the Necromancer
I've seen a lot of new vault hunter ideas on this part of the forums. The thing that gets me is why the huge obsession with Handsome Jack? Why do so many people need to associate their character to a...
View ArticleTiny Tina / Psycho Midget mask
So my daughter wants to join in the fun, and her favourite character is Tiny Tina! She's 9, and my son is 7 - So I roughly sized my bandit mask sculpt to his face, thereby killing two birds with one...
View ArticleLegends of the Vault Hunters
Everyone wants to know more about the vault hunters of Pandora. So I propose an alternate game mode dlc, which features linear style gameplay which contrasts to the typical gameplay of borderlands....
View ArticleNew Class
I'm a person that will work with what he's been given but will always strive for something more. Case in point is the classes I've already maxed out Sora(nmechromancer) and Kenji(psycho) is progressing...
View Articleloader character class would be cool
How about mal or censorbot for vault hunter. or just a rebellious robot of some kind. Skill tree would involve the different types of loaders and their attack. (Jet loader would be sicccc) You could...
View ArticleWolf knights skill trees + action skill
Okay with Omegas story under wraps here is what everyone's interested in, I think, his action skill is called "Pack Runner" which he howls out a set of his fellow knights, who comes out to play is...
View ArticleSig Request?
Anyone like making signatures and is willing..? I mean, not going to sound rude and selfish but I don't want a bad one, hence why I'm asking others. Some ideas for the content if anyone wants to try...
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