MOD REQUEST : Gunzerking Visual Alterations
Simple request, if you can't do it could you point me to a modding tutorial so that I can learn to do it myself? FOV Change to like ~40 when beginning gunzerking Would be nice if instead of a straight...
View ArticleThe best weapon ever..."Baterangs CC" !
I have it: here the other pics...
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Vector Manufacturers Logos
Hi everyone, i was looking here for those, found a thread about it, downloaded the files and for some reason i cant open them. So ive made my own. Its a free download, use it if u feel like. Hope you...
View ArticleChange Maya model as Lilith
Can I change Maya models by Lilith from BL1? Its okey, event its only Client side.
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Screenshots
I don't know if I post them here or not, but anyways, here's some screenshots I got.
View ArticleBorderlands 1+2 Quiz
How well do YOU know your Borderlands. Let's find out. Below you will find a quiz I've put together with various elements from both games, DLC and non-dlc. Remember, don't allow others to see your...
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Vault Hunter Artwork
I made this sketch of the six vault hunters to celebrate hitting 300 hours of playtime in game. I'll prolly color it later in the week. http://davidstonecipher.deviantart.c...etch-372094553
View ArticleAnyone know a way to end this?
Hello all you handy people out there! Anyone of you happen to know a way to remove the screenflash from when nova shields explode? A way to maybe change the texture to transparent or maybe some ini...
View ArticleGunzerker Pixel Head Avatars
For all you Salvador fans, I have created some Pixel Head Avatars of everyone's favorite Gunzerker. Salvador: Breaking Bald: Pistolo: Zerker Bot: More to come soon. Enjoy!
View ArticleBorderlands 2 Manufacturer Squares
I decided to make a little square logo for each manufacturer (except Bandit cause I hate 'em) in Adobe Photoshop. They took a sorta long time to make, me not being a total Photoshop wizard. If anyone's...
View ArticleI need some HD pics
Hey, does anyone have any good pics of creatures in borderlands 2? preferably action shots, but it doesn't matter. I just need HD pics of the following creatures: -Sand worm -Scaylion -Skag -Rakk...
View ArticleCharacter Concept: Cynthia the Metalhead
Borderlands 2 New Character Concept: The Metalhead I actually got this idea from someone else on a different thread when he/she mentioned a Metal head character so i thought, "Hm, lets try that out...
View ArticleCharacter Concept: Empty Sheet
Since I wanted to make another class concept I emptied the character sheet I had made for The Agent and thought that maybe someone would like to have a empty character sheet to write down their idea...
View ArticleClapTrapsStash..Save Editor? Help!
I accidentally deleted the ClaptrapsStash Objective in game when I am doing the Krieg playthrough because I was trying to re-do it wuth Gibs Save Editor but in game when I talked to Claptrap and tried...
View ArticleClap Trap Dubstep.
So uhhmm, im by no way a professional musician, or anything like a profesional. But i like making music, especially dubstep. And i know the claptrap dubstep is rather tongue in cheek, but i thought it...
View ArticleReaching out.
does anyone have any renders of Krieg, Possible wearing more then just the first head? Or can anyone get me a render of Krieg with the LONG LIVE THE MEAT head and the MY PANTS ARE BEES skin? Thanks in...
View ArticleMore like a Gearbox request....
Could someone provide me with an image of Krieg's Buzz-Axe? The Bloodlust/Mania version, with the big blades and the dynamite.... I just cannot manage to crop it from a Krieg image, because his hands...
View ArticleKrieg the PYRO!
Hello guys, i started up Source Filmmaker and made a few posters,but when i got bored i decided to create a poster that mixed some BL2 with TF2. Krieg the pyro(charging)
View ArticleHandsome Jack Illustration
This is a Handsome Jack illustration I did. I hope you folks like it.
View ArticleNew Krieg Youtube Playthrough! Please take time to watch it, much appreciated! Please check out and leave a like, it help so much!
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